Hi folks,
With the Two Sessions kicking off today. I’ll try and cover as much as I can manage over the course of the week. To begin with, I presume most of you have already heard that we’re not going to get a premier’s press conference this year. This had become a tradition, which is now falling by the wayside. To me, this is a reflection of the changed internal power dynamics within the Party in terms of Xi’s control.
Anyway, Li Qiang will be delivering his first Government Work Report tomorrow. If you are interested in the NPC schedule and pre-session press briefing, I recommend going through this post by Ginger River Review.
Now, in this edition today, I’m doing a breakdown of Wang Huning’s speech at the CPPCC meeting today. A few things to note as you read through. This stuff can be really dense and boring, but it is useful to get a glimpse at the policy priorities that were focussed on during the last year and are on the agenda for 2024. For instance, I did not identify any reference to the idea of common prosperity, which was referenced last year. Also, there was very little in there about boosting the confidence of the private sector. I guess we should wait for Li Qiang to say something substantial about this in his speech. The CPPCC is a key United Front organization, so it’s also useful to go through to understand the focus of ideological and political work, along with whether there’s anything related to ethnic minorities, Taiwan, and religious groups too. Finally, there’s a lot in Wang’s speech about continuing to emphasize theoretical arming of the Party. So, there’s a lot of learning and implementation of Xi Thought still to be done.
Wang Huning’s began his speech by talking about the CPPCC’s major work in 2023. Reviewing the year, he said that among other things, “we have achieved the targets for economic and social development, while maintaining social stability. Solid steps have been taken in the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern nation, greatly enhancing the confidence and determination of the people of all ethnic groups.” ...经济社会发展主要预期目标圆满完成,社会大局保持稳定,全面建设社会主义现代化国家迈出坚实步伐,极大增强了全国各族人民信心和底气.
“Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the National Committee of the CPPCC and its Standing Committee have persistently adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee. We have deeply understood the decisive significance of the Two Establishments, enhanced the four consciousness, and Four Confidences and ensured the two safeguards….” 在以习近平同志为核心的中共中央坚强领导下,政协全国委员会及其常务委员会坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻中共二十大和二十届二中全会精神,深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,坚持团结和民主两大主题,坚持人民政协性质定位,坚持在党和国家工作大局中谋划推进政协工作,守正创新、团结奋进,在历届全国政协打下的良好基础上,各项工作取得新成效,服务党和国家事业发展作出新贡献.
He then highlighted four areas which have been the focus areas of the 14th CPPCC National Committee
First, adhering to the overall leadership of the CPC over the work of the CPPCC and ensuring the correct political direction in performing duties. We deeply understand that the CPPCC is a political organization led by the CPC and conscientiously integrate the commitment to the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China and the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee into all the work of the CPPCC. We must maintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of thought, politics and actions. We have made a reporting list from the CPC Party Group and the CPPCC agencies Party Group to the CPC Central Committee and strictly execute the major events reporting system. We have also formulated the ‘first issue’ mechanism and studied and executed 182 instructions by General Secretary Xi Jinping 19 times. We have improved the execution mechanism and work log and investigation mechanism since the 18th Party Congress; the major instructions by General Secretary Xi Jinping related to the CPPCC work have been reviewed. We studied and understood the spirit of important conferences such as the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference, the Central Financial Work Conference, the Central Economic Work Conference, and the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference, as well as the important deployments of the Central Committee. The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, CPPCC organs, and special committees formulated and implemented 64 work plans. 一是坚持中国共产党对人民政协工作的全面领导,把牢履职正确政治方向。我们深刻认识人民政协是中国共产党领导的政治组织,自觉把坚持中国共产党全面领导和党中央集中统一领导贯穿到人民政协全部工作之中,在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的中共中央保持高度一致。制定全国政协党组、机关党组向中共中央请示报告事项清单,严格执行重大事项请示报告制度。建立“第一议题”制度,全国政协党组会议、主席会议传达学习贯彻习近平总书记最新重要讲话和重要指示批示精神19次、182篇。健全习近平总书记重要指示批示精神和中共中央决策部署贯彻落实制度、工作台账、督查机制。对中共十八大以来习近平总书记关于人民政协工作重要批示和中共中央关于人民政协工作重要文件落实情况开展“回头看”。学习领会全国生态环境保护大会、中央金融工作会议、中央经济工作会议、中央外事工作会议等重要会议精神和中共中央重要部署,全国政协及政协机关、各专门委员会制定实施落实工作方案64份.
Second, strengthening political training and improving political capabilities and ability to perform duties…Focussed on the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC, we organized study seminars for new members, meetings and study seminars of directors of special committees, special study seminars for members, special training courses for CPPCC cadres at all levels. In total, 8740 people attended these sessions. Members of the National Committee of the CPPCC Chairperson's Meeting actively participated in and took the lead in the lectures, guiding members and cadres to persist in using the Party’s innovative theory to enhance cohesion and forge souls, strengthen their foundation, improve their political judgment, understanding, and execution…” 二是强化政治培训,提高政治能力和履职本领...围绕学习贯彻习近平总书记关于加强和改进人民政协工作的重要思想等,举办新任委员学习研讨班、专门委员会主任会议暨学习研讨班、委员专题学习研讨班、各级政协干部专题培训班等,8740人次参加学习培训,全国政协主席会议成员参加并带头授课,引导广大委员和机关干部坚持用党的创新理论凝心铸魂、强基固本,提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力,更好为国履职、为民尽责.
Third, improving the work system and laying a solid foundation for the performance of duties.
Fourth, adhering to a problem-oriented approach and improving the quality of research and consultation.
Then, Wang outlined the primary tasks performed last year.
First, solidly carrying out the Xi Thought education campaign and “consolidating the common ideological and political foundation for unity and struggle.” He added: “We regard Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the general guideline for governing the work of the CPPCC.” In this bit, Wang provides a lot of detail about the different reading and discussion sessions that were held to study Xi’s thought, and the publications that were studied. “The study discussion groups on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era have held 35 study sessions, with 619 committee members participating, covering 34 different sectors. The National Committee of the CPPCC has formulated working methods for the reading activities of its members and established 12 thematic reading groups, including on ‘Studying and Implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era’. Guidelines have been issued to strengthen and improve theoretical research efforts, guiding committee members to conduct research centered around significant theoretical and practical issues in their performance of duties and to promote learning through research.” Another key activity he talks about is the publication of theory columns “in newspapers and periodicals of the CPPCC NC, with 516 theoretical study articles being published by members of the NC members, party group secretaries of various special committees, main responsible comrades of local CPPCC committees, and CPPCC members.” (一)扎实开展学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,巩固团结奋斗的共同思想政治基础。我们把习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为统揽政协工作的总纲,坚持学思用贯通、知信行统一,推动各党派团体和各族各界人士实现思想上共同进步、行动上步调一致。统筹开展政协党组和机关党组、各专门委员会分党组等主题教育,聚焦学思想、强党性、重实践、建新功总要求,在以学铸魂、以学增智、以学正风、以学促干上取得实效。围绕学习领会《习近平著作选读》、《习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想专题摘编》、中共二十大报告等,举办5次全国政协党组理论学习中心组集体学习、2期专题读书班、4次主席会议集体学习、3次常委会学习讲座。坚持把学习阐释习近平总书记相关重要论述和中共中央重大决策部署贯穿于协商议政活动之中,增强建言资政针对性和思想引领有效性。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习座谈小组共举办学习座谈会35次,委员参加619人次,覆盖34个界别。制定全国政协委员读书活动工作办法,开设“学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想”等12个主题读书群。出台加强和改进理论研究工作意见,引导委员结合履职围绕重大理论和实践问题开展研究、以研促学。支持中国人民政协理论研究会举办“发挥人民政协在发展全过程人民民主中的重要作用”理论研讨会。在全国政协机关报刊开设理论学习专栏,刊登全国政协党组成员、各专门委员会分党组书记、地方政协主要负责同志、政协委员理论学习文章516篇。通过学习和研究,广大委员和机关干部更加深刻感悟习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的真理力量和实践伟力。坚持边学边查边改边建,广泛征求往届全国政协领导同志、各专门委员会负责同志、政协委员、政协机关干部、各省级和副省级市政协意见和建议,结合全国政协党组主题教育专题民主生活会查摆的问题,明确69条整改举措,按计划全部落实.
Second, carrying out consultations around major deployments of the 20th Party Congress and to serve the central tasks of the Party and the country. It’s worth highlighting the policy areas he mentions in this. He mentions “building a new development pattern”, “promoting Chinese-style modernization”, “improving the scientific and technological innovation system”, “building a modern industrial system”, “improving the resilience and security level of industrial and supply chains”, “strengthening the development of key core technologies and establishing a new nationwide system for tackling them”, “optimizing the development environment for private enterprises”, “consultations on new urbanization construction and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market”, “ecological environmental protection and promoting the construction of a Beautiful China”, etc. He also says that a “special consultation meeting on ‘Enhancing the Spread and Influence of Chinese Civilization’ was held to provide research and suggestions on the protection, inheritance and promotion of China's excellent traditional culture, the construction of an all-media communication system, the development of the digital cultural industry, and strengthening the integration of culture and tourism to serve the construction of a cultural power.” 召开“增强中华文明传播力影响力”专题协商会,就保护传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化、全媒体传播体系建设、数字文化产业发展、加强文旅融合等调研建言,服务文化强国建设。
Third, practicing the people-centered development philosophy and helping protect and improve people's livelihood. In this, he references the “integrated development of urban and rural areas”, “rural revitalization”, employment, education, poverty alleviation, healthcare, tackling the challenges related to fertility and an aging population, etc.
The fourth point deals with research and reporting work; the fifth point covers Tibet and Xinjiang, among other things. It says: “The CPPCC sought to give full play to the organizational function of the United Front and promote harmonious relations among political parties, ethnic groups, religions, classes, and compatriots at home and abroad.” 发挥统一战线组织功能,促进政党关系、民族关系、宗教关系、阶层关系、海内外同胞关系和谐. He adds that over the year, “nine joint consultative activities with the central committees of various democratic parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce were held. Various democratic parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and non-party individuals submitted 563 proposals and delivered 144 speeches.” 发挥人民政协作为实行中国新型政党制度重要政治形式和组织形式作用,有关专门委员会同各民主党派中央、全国工商联开展联合调研5次、联办协商活动9次,各民主党派、全国工商联和无党派人士提交提案563件、大会发言144篇. He also says that over the year, “10 research inspections were conducted in Tibet, Xinjiang, and Tibetan-inhabited areas of Sichuan to advance the sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism and Islam in Xinjiang. In-depth research was carried out on enhancing historical interpretation, propaganda education on strengthening interactions and exchanges among various ethnic groups, and promoting education in universities to strengthen the consciousness of the Chinese national community.” 学习贯彻新时代党的治藏方略、新时代党的治疆方略,就推进藏传佛教中国化、推进新疆伊斯兰教中国化等赴西藏、新疆、四川涉藏州县开展10次调研视察,就加强各民族交往交流交融历史阐释和宣传教育、加强高校铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育等深入研究.
The sixth and final point is on foreign-related work. Wang says that the “CPPCC NC and its affiliated institutions organized 23 delegations for overseas visits, engaging in exchanges and interactions with over 200 institutions from 50 countries. They established new connections with 41 foreign think tanks and 12 non-governmental organizations…” 全国政协及所属机构组织出访23批次,同50个国家的200多个机构交流互动,新建立同41家国外智库和12个民间组织的联系...Also, “the China-Africa Friendship Group of the 14th CPPCC NC was established to carry out friendly exchanges with Africa.” 组建十四届全国政协中非友好小组,开展对非友好交往. He ends this by saying that members were guided “to actively speak out and present a credible, lovable and respectable image of China.” 引导委员对外积极发声,展现可信、可爱、可敬的中国形象.
Before talking about the tasks for this year, Wang attributes the success of 2023 as being “fundamentally due to the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era…” In terms of the shortcomings of the work of the CPPCC, he says that these are “mainly related to the insufficient systematic research and deliberation on major issues, a lack of depth in consultative discussions, inadequate innovation in consultative supervision measures, insufficient richness in activities and platforms that leverage the role of committee members, and weaknesses in the implementation of the system…”
Then for 2024, he outlines main tasks:
He begins by saying that 2024 “marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and is a critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It is also the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Political Consultative Conference. The CPPCC must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply understand the decisive significance of the ‘two establishments’, strengthen the four consciousnesses and four self-confidences, achieve the two safeguards, and comprehensively Implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, uphold the organic combination of the Party's leadership, the united front, and consultative democracy, closely focus on promoting Chinese-style modernization, promote ideological and political guidance, actively provide advice and suggestions, widely gather consensus, enhance self-construction, and contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the annual economic and social development goals.” 2024年是中华人民共和国成立75周年,是实现“十四五”规划目标任务的关键一年,也是人民政协成立75周年。人民政协要坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,全面贯彻中共二十大和二十届二中全会精神,坚持党的领导、统一战线、协商民主有机结合,紧紧围绕推进中国式现代化履职尽责,推进思想政治引领,积极建言资政,广泛凝聚共识,加强自身建设,为实现全年经济社会发展目标任务汇聚智慧和力量.
Then Wang lists key tasks:
Uphold the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China over the work of the CPPCC.
Unremittingly strengthen arming the Party through its innovative theories. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the guiding ideology that the Party and the country must adhere to in the long term. To study and implement this ideology, it is essential to continuously grasp and apply it in practice with genuine understanding and sincerity. We need to consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education, carry out effective deepening, internalization, and transformation. Carry out reading, theoretical study and political training for members on a regular basis, so as to better transform the learning outcomes into enhanced capabilities of political consultation, democratic supervision, participation in and deliberation of politics, thereby contributing to high-level performance in serving high-quality development practices. It is necessary to strengthen theoretical research, conduct discussions and exchanges around the scientific system, rich connotation, and practical requirements of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and use theoretical learning to improve political capabilities and performance of duties. It is necessary to prepare for relevant activities to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the CPPCC, guide parties, organizations and people from all walks of life participating in the CPPCC to deeply understand the advantages of the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics, and continuously push forward the cause of the CPPCC.” ——坚持不懈加强党的创新理论武装。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是党和国家必须长期坚持的指导思想,学习贯彻这一思想要常抓常进、真信真用。我们要巩固拓展主题教育成果,做好深化、内化、转化工作,常态化开展委员读书和理论学习及政治培训,更好把学习成效转化为政治协商、民主监督、参政议政能力,转化为以高水平履职服务高质量发展实践。要加强理论研究,围绕习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的科学体系、丰富内涵、实践要求开展研讨交流,以理论学习带动政治能力和履职水平提升。要筹备好庆祝人民政协成立75周年相关活动,引导参加人民政协的各党派团体和各族各界人士深刻认识中国特色社会主义政治制度优势,不断把人民政协事业推向前进。
Focus on the goals and tasks of Chinese-style modernization (in the CPPCC’s work) in order to make contributions.
Give full play to the role of the CPPCC as the broadest patriotic united front organization…assist the Party and the government in effectively publicizing policies, dispelling doubts, providing explanations, fostering cohesion, and promoting solidarity. It is necessary to strengthen ideological and political guidance, and be good at using the grand blueprint of Chinese-style modernization and vibrant practices to boost people’s morale, motivate them, and inspire them to action. Constantly enhance consensus, expand unity, and promote the close solidarity of all Chinese sons and daughters. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the CPPCC in foreign exchanges, promote the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, tell China's story well, and disseminate China's voice well.” ——致力于画好最大同心圆。我们要发挥人民政协作为最广泛的爱国统一战线组织作用,把握新形势下群众工作特点和规律,增强团结联谊、谈心交流等工作实效,深入开展委员联系界别群众工作和委员履职“服务为民”活动,协助党和政府做好宣传政策、解疑释惑、凝心聚力、促进团结的工作。要加强思想政治引领,善于用中国式现代化宏伟蓝图和生动实践鼓舞人、激励人、感召人,不断提升共识度、拓展团结面,促进全体中华儿女紧密团结起来。要发挥人民政协在对外交往中的作用,宣介构建人类命运共同体理念,讲好中国故事、传播好中国声音.