Breakdown of Xi's 6th Plenum Speech
Hi folks,
I hope everyone’s had a good start to 2022. It’s just two days in the year and I am already backed up on my reading. So I decided to spend the morning going through the speech that Xi Jinping delivered on November 11th, 2021, i.e., the last day of the 6th Plenum. This speech was published in Qiushi on January 1, 2022.
Here’s my breakdown.
Xi says that he wants to talk about the importance of studying and implementing the spirit of the 6th plenum. The goal is to learn from history in creating a new future. He says that the decision to sum up the Party’s historic achievements and experiences was a “strategic” one. He calls the history resolution a “Marxist programmatic document.” He hopes that like the earlier two history resolutions, this one too will have a “significant and far-reaching impact on promoting the unity of thought, will and action of the whole Party.”
In the first part of the speech, Xi calls on Party committees at all levels to focus on “studying, publicising and implementing the spirit of the plenary session as a major political task.” He wants them to ensure that everyone accurately grasps “the main theme and mainstream essence of the Party’s historical development.”
Xi then provides some key points of principle that everyone must understand.
First, he says it is important to grasp the rationale behind the third history resolution. He then identifies three needs that were the drivers behind the third history resolution:
the need to embark on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects and to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
the need to strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’, the four self-confidences’, achieve the ‘two safeguards’ and ensure that the whole Party moves forward in unison.
to promote the Party’s self-revolution, enhance the Party’s ability to struggle and respond to risks and challenges, preserve the Party’s vitality, and unite and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in continuing to strive to realise the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation.
Xi also wants education to underscore to the whole Party and the masses “why the CPC can and why Marxism works and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good.”
Second, Xi says that it is important to understand while the Party may have different goals and objectives from time to time, the strategic goal has always been the “original mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.” This is the “fundamental reason” for the Party’s ability to survive and thrive. Today, when the Party more “confident and capable of realising the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history,” keeping in mind this original mission is critical. At this new starting point, the whole Party “must maintain strategic focus, anchor its strategic goals, bear in mind 国之大者,” in doing well the historical tasks handed over/inherited to this generation. The terminology used is of a historical baton being passed from one generation to another.
Third, Xi talks about the importance of understanding the 13 achievements in the new era outlined in this history resolution and the 十个明确 shí gè míngquè - 10 clarifications, which must be steadfastly adhered to. Fourth, he talks about drawing from the Party’s historical experience as a guide for future action; to enhance “determination, courage, and ability to take the initiative…”; use it as “an important basis in differentiating major political rights and wrongs”; as an “important guide for improving Party spirit…firm our ideals and beliefs, and constantly raise the political awareness, ideological and moral levels of Party members and officials, especially leading cadres.” Fifth, he says that the aim of summarising history is to:
enable the whole Party to gain insights into the laws of historical development and the general trend of the times drawing from historical processes
improve the level of understanding and ability to discern
enhance their courage and strengthen their ability to set goals and move forward with confidence
improve their ability to manage affairs with determination and firmness.
He emphasises the need to maintain close ties with the people, address issues of unbalanced and inadequate development, respond to and safeguard the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and unswervingly advance common prosperity. 要保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,站稳人民立场,着力解决发展不平衡不充分问题和人民群众急难愁盼问题,不断实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益,坚定不移推进共同富裕. He also talks about being mindful of potential dangers and threats, while calling for advancing Party building.
In the next section, Xi talks about the importance of learning from the Party’s history and the history study and education campaign. He makes a few key points:
First, “strengthen historical confidence and consciously stick to ideals and beliefs.” China Media Project has a good piece on 历史自信 - historical confidence potentially becoming the fifth confidence. Anyway, in the paragraphs that follow, Xi talks about the unique experience of the CPC — its history of survival amid tumult and its successes. “In the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilisation, no other political force has promoted the development of the Chinese nation as profoundly and historically as the Communist Party of China,” he says. 放眼中华文明五千多年历史,没有哪一种政治力量能像中国共产党这样深刻地、历史性地推动中华民族发展进程. He adds that history “shows that without the CPC there would have been no new China, no happy life for the Chinese people, and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. History and the people have chosen the CPC, and the CPC has not failed to live up to the choice of history and the people.” 历史雄辩地说明,没有中国共产党就没有新中国,就没有中国人民的幸福生活,就没有中华民族的伟大复兴。历史和人民选择了中国共产党,中国共产党也没有辜负历史和人民的选择.
In the next paragraph, he talks about international appreciation for the CPC and the global impact of China’s development. He says that “around July 1, the Party received 1,500 congratulatory telegrams and letters from over 600 political parties and organizations across 170 countries. The Summit between the CPC and World Political Parties in July was attended by leaders of more than 500 political parties and organizations from more than 160 countries and more than 10,000 representatives of political parties and various social sectors. Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have not only created the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability rarely seen in the world, but also successfully embarked on a path of Chinese-style modernisation and created a new form of human civilisation. These unprecedented, pioneering initiatives have solved many problems in the development of human society, abandoned the old path of Western capital-centered modernisation, polarised modernisation, modernisation based on materialistic expansion, and modernisation of foreign expansion and plunder; instead it has expanded the pathways of modernisation for developing countries, and provided Chinese solutions for mankind’s exploration of better social systems.” 中国共产党的成就和贡献,不仅是历史性的,也是世界性的。今年“七一”前后,我们收到170多个国家的600多个政党和政治组织发来的1500多封贺电贺信。7月份举办的中国共产党与世界政党领导人峰会,有160多个国家的500多个政党和政治组织的领导人、逾万名政党和各界代表参会。我们党领导人民不仅创造了世所罕见的经济快速发展和社会长期稳定两大奇迹,而且成功走出了中国式现代化道路,创造了人类文明新形态。这些前无古人的创举,破解了人类社会发展的诸多难题,摒弃了西方以资本为中心的现代化、两极分化的现代化、物质主义膨胀的现代化、对外扩张掠夺的现代化老路,拓展了发展中国家走向现代化的途径,为人类对更好社会制度的探索提供了中国方案.
In the next paragraph, Xi says that the Party’s historical confidence is not merely about its achievements but also a product of its spirit of struggle. In making this point he talks about Wang Ming’s left errors and the Cultural Revolution. The latter, he says, unleashed “ten years of civil strife,” and “the Party, the country, the people suffered the most serious setbacks and losses since the founding of New China.”
Second, uphold the Party’s political building and maintain its solidarity and unity. In this context, Xi emphasises the importance of unity and solidarity within the Party. In this regard, he says that there must be “no ambiguity or vacillation at any time and under any circumstances.” He says that steps have been taken to address issues related to the weakening, dilution and marginalisation of the Party’s leadership. The history resolution emphasises the importance of strengthening the centralised and unified leadership of the Party. This requires the entire Party to unswervingly align itself with the Central Committee, unite under the Party’s banner to become ‘a piece of hard steel’ and move forward in unison.” 这次全会《决议》特别强调了加强党的集中统一领导的重要性,就是要求全党坚定不移向党中央看齐,在党的旗帜下团结成“一块坚硬的钢铁”,步调一致向前进. Xi then talks about the importance of loyalty, which is says is “concrete and practical, not an empty slogan. It cannot just remain in oral statements, but should be reflected in the actions of implementing the decision-making and deployment of the Central Committee, in the performance of their duties and responsibilities, the effectiveness of one’s work, and reflected in daily words and deeds.” It is important to “resolutely comply with the decisions of the Party Central Committee, and resolutely refuse to do what the Party Central Committee prohibits — without talking about conditions and accommodations and without falling behind and deviating — in order to ensure that the whole Party is twisted together as a rope, unified in thinking and effort.” 对党忠诚是具体的、实践的,不是空洞的口号,不能只停留在口头表态上,要体现在贯彻党中央决策部署的行动上,体现在履职尽责、做好本职工作的实效上,体现在日常言行上,自觉做到党中央提倡的坚决响应、不讲条件、不搞变通,不掉队、不走偏,保证全党上下拧成一股绳,心往一处想、劲往一处使.
Third, firmly shoulder responsibilities and strengthen the will and ability to carry out great struggles. Here, Xi talks about maintaining strategic determination despite the challenges and not being afraid of challenges. He talks about fighting the Kuomintang forces, and later the decision to enter the Korean War. He talks about the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Communist bloc. The latter bit is interesting because he says that he was also of the view that if the CCP had been among the dominoes that collapsed at the time, then the practice of socialism would have been relegated to the dark for a long time and national rejuvenation would have been interrupted. Xi then says that in recent years, steps have been taken to address the “major risks and challenges that threatened the ruling position of the Party, the stability of state power, the core interests of the country and the fundamental interests of the people.” He adds that “we have solved many difficult problems that we wanted to address for a long time but had not resolved, and accomplished many great things that we wanted to do but had failed to do in the past.”
That said, Xi warns that “on our new journey, the risks and tests we face will only become more complex, and we may even encounter unimaginable waves. The various struggles we are facing are not short-term but long-term, and will accompany the whole process of achieving the Second Centenary Goal.” 新的征程上,我们面临的风险考验只会越来越复杂,甚至会遇到难以想象的惊涛骇浪。我们面临的各种斗争不是短期的而是长期的,将伴随实现第二个百年奋斗目标全过程. Given this, it is unrealistic to imagine a peaceful life, Xi warns. It’s pointless to suffer from rickets and phobias. He then quotes Sun Tzu: 善战者,立于不败之地,而不失敌之败也. Roughly, this is “skilful fighters first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then does not miss/awaits an opportunity to defeat the enemy.” Xi adds that only by taking the initiative and fighting resolutely will it be possible to find a way out, ensure dignity and development. Evading, retreating, compromising and making concessions will only lead to defeat and humiliation, and will only lead to a dead end…唯有主动迎战、坚决斗争才有生路出路,才能赢得尊严、求得发展,逃避退缩、妥协退让只会招致失败和屈辱,只能是死路一条.
Fourth, persist in self-revolution to ensure that the Party does not deteriorate, change colour or flavour. Xi says that during the Yan’an period, Mao had given the first answer to the question of the dynastic cycle problem, i.e., “the only way for the government to not slack off is for the people to oversee the government.” Since the 18th Party Congress, “self-revolution” has emerged as the second piece of this answer to the question of the dynastic cycle. He talks about self-revolution being a key feature that distinguishes the CPC from other political parties. Also what distinguishes the Party, as per Xi, is that it does not represent “special interests.” He further says that the Party’s strength does not lie in not making mistakes, but rather in never being afraid of taking corrective action. Some of the examples of this corrective action that he gives are worth noting:
Chen Duxiu’s right opportunism
Left adventurism during the Agrarian Revolutionary War
Wang Ming’s ‘left’ dogmatist mistakes during the Yan’an period
The repudiation of the Cultural Revolution after the third plenum of the 11th Central Committee
The Yan’an rectification movement
The three antis (anti-waste, anti-corruption and anti-bureaucracy) campaign
The trials of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan
Xi then says that since the 18th Party Congress, a set of systems and norms have been put in place to ensure the Party’s “self-purification, self-perfection, self-innovation, and self-improvement.” He says that work has been done to strengthen oversight and discipline enforcement and hold the key minority accountable. Xi adds that the Party has maintained determination to cure “chronic diseases” and has displayed courage to scrape the poison from the bone and cut off poisoned limbs. It has shown “determination to fight ‘tigers’, ‘swat flies’ and ‘hunt foxes’ and eliminated hidden dangers within the Party, the state and the armed forces. Of all the ruling parties in the world, how many have the courage to fight corruption on such a large scale and with such vigorous and unremitting efforts as ours? Some people tout the western system of rotating multi-party governance and tripartite separation of powers. They do not believe that our Party is capable of turning inward and gouging out the rotten flesh. The practice of the CPC’s courageous self-revolution has given these people a resounding and powerful answer.” 针对“七个有之”等严重影响党的形象和威信、严重损害党群干群关系的突出问题,我们坚持严的主基调,强化监督执纪问责,抓住“关键少数”,党在革命性锻造中更加坚强。特别是我们党以猛药去疴、重典治乱的决心,以刮骨疗毒、壮士断腕的勇气,坚定不移“打虎”、“拍蝇”、“猎狐”,清除了党、国家、军队内部存在的严重隐患。世界上那么多执政党,有几个敢像我们党这样大规模、大力度、坚持不懈反腐败?有些人吹捧西方多党轮流执政、“三权鼎立”那一套,不相信我们党能够刀刃向内、自剜腐肉。中国共产党勇于自我革命的实践给了他们响亮有力的回答. This is followed by Xi emphasising the importance of continuing the fight against corruption.