CCDI Plenum Communique - Wang Yi Speaks to German FM - USS Benfold’s FONOP - Commentaries on Xi's WEF & CCDI Speeches - Soliciting Opinions on Gov't Work Report
Here are the stories and pieces that I found noteworthy from the Friday, January 21, 2022, edition of the People’s Daily.
Page 1: The big story on the page (English report) is the communique issued after the CCDI’s 6th Plenum. It informs that Zhao Leji’s work report, titled “Draw on the historical experience of the Party’s century-long struggle to promote the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work and triumphantly greet the 20th Party Congress - 运用党的百年奋斗历史经验推动纪检监察工作高质量发展,迎接党的二十大胜利召开 - was approved at the session.
The plenum “earnestly studied and profoundly understood” Xi’s speech, which had “profoundly summed up the successful practice of the party's self-revolution in the new era.” The speech demonstrated “great foresight” and was “profound in thought and rich in connotation.” It also demonstrated the “firm belief, selflessness and fearlessness of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core” and its “political courage to face problems, turn the blade inward, and not forget the Party’s original intention.” It adds that Xi has “high expectations on the discipline inspection and supervision cadres and has put forward clear requirements” for their work. It is important to understand Xi’s “strategic thought on the Party’s self-revolution, constantly improve political judgment, understanding and execution, continue to fight hard and protracted battles with regard to the Party’s work style, ensuring a clean government and to tackle corruption, and make due contributions to maintaining a stable and healthy economic environment, a prosperous and peaceful social environment and a clean and upright political environment.” 全会认真学习、深刻领会习近平总书记重要讲话。一致认为,讲话深刻总结新时代党的自我革命的成功实践,深刻阐述全面从严治党取得的历史性、开创性成就,产生的全方位、深层次影响,对坚持不懈把全面从严治党向纵深推进、迎接党的二十大胜利召开作出战略部署。讲话立意高远、思想深邃、内涵丰富,充分体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央信念坚定、无私无畏的境界情怀,正视问题、刀刃向内的政治勇气,不忘初心、勇毅前行的使命担当,具有很强的政治性、指导性、针对性,是推进新时代党的建设新的伟大工程的基本遵循,是纪检监察工作高质量发展的行动指南。习近平总书记对纪检监察干部队伍寄予殷切期望,提出明确要求。要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于党的自我革命的战略思想,不断提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力,继续打好党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争攻坚战、持久战,为保持平稳健康的经济环境、国泰民安的社会环境、风清气正的政治环境作出应有贡献.
The next paragraph is really long and offers a broad overview of actions taken in 2021. Among other things, it says that:
under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the State Supervision Commission and the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels have thoroughly studied and comprehended Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply understood the decisive significance of the ‘two establishments’, and consciously assumed the major political responsibility of the ‘two safeguards; they have profoundly grasped the duties and tasks of discipline inspection and supervision in promoting the Party’s self-revolution, made determined and steady progress, sought truth from facts, maintained integrity and pursued innovation, in order to ensure that the Party remains sober and firm in its actions down the road; they have maintained the strategic determination of enforcing discipline, fighting corruption and punishing evil, and sought to achieve new results in the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision. 在党中央坚强领导下,中央纪委国家监委和各级纪检监察机关深入学习领悟习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,深刻认识“两个确立”的决定性意义,自觉担负“两个维护”重大政治责任,深刻把握纪检监察工作在推进党的自我革命中的职责任务,稳中求进、坚定稳妥,实事求是、守正创新,保持全面从严治党永远在路上的清醒坚定,保持正风肃纪、反腐惩恶的战略定力,围绕现代化建设大局发挥监督保障执行、促进完善发展作用,纪检监察工作高质量发展取得新成效.
It also talked about the following as focus areas, which are further reiterated and fleshed out later in the report
Study the spirit of the 6th Plenum of the 19th Central Committee, Xi’s expositions on history and Xi’s 100th anniversary speech. In doing so, it demands the need to strengthen historical confidence, sharpening skills for struggle, and strengthening political consciousness of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.
Strengthen political supervision, strengthening the daily supervision of the ‘top leaders’ 一把手’ and leading groups, and correcting the political deviations existing in the implementation of the principles, policies and work arrangements of the Party Central Committee.
Resolutely investigate and deal with major corruption cases, seriously investigate and deal with corruption cases where political and economic issues are intertwined, intensify efforts to combat corruption in state-owned enterprises, the financial sector, political and legal affairs, grain purchase and sale, development zones, etc., and promote reform and governance through these cases.
Promote the implementation of the spirit of the eight-point central regulation, deepen the rectification of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance…
Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation…punish corruption and instances of ‘protective umbrella’ involving criminal gangs…deepen the reform of discipline inspection and supervision system…
The next paragraph basically talks about making preparations ahead of the 20th Party Congress. It emphasises persisting in the approach of maintaining a tough posture when it comes to corruption.
The report then says that the courage of self-revolution is what distinguishes the Party from other political parties, and it is the Party’s secret to avoiding the historical cycle of rise and fall and remaining vibrant after a century of struggle. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should insist on arming their minds with the latest achievements of Marxism in China, improve their political position, adhere to their responsibilities, carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution, resolutely eliminate the stock and curb the increment, integrate the fight against corruption with deepening reform…they must faithfully perform their duties in safeguarding the centralized and unified leadership of the party, urging the implementation of the Party’s theory, line, principles and policies, safeguarding the Party’s advanced nature and purity…” 全会强调,勇于自我革命是我们党区别于其他政党的显著标志,是党跳出治乱兴衰历史周期率、历经百年沧桑更加充满活力的成功秘诀。各级纪检监察机关要坚持用马克思主义中国化最新成果武装头脑,提高政治站位,坚守职责定位,发扬彻底的自我革命精神,坚决消除存量、遏制增量,把正风肃纪反腐与深化改革、完善制度、促进治理、推动发展贯通起来,在维护党的集中统一领导、督促落实党的理论和路线方针政策、捍卫党的先进性和纯洁性上忠诚履职,有力有效服务保障党和国家工作大局.
The next paragraph then says:
Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 6 Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, and focus on ‘国之大者 - matters of great importance to the country - to promote the concretization and normalization of political supervision. Taking welcoming and opening the 20th Party Congress as the main line, we will thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, deepen the application of the Party's historical experience of self-revolution, and consolidate and expand the achievements of Party history study and education campaign. Focus on the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee; focus on major strategies such as grasping the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development; focus on key tasks such as comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, promoting common prosperity, promoting self-reliance in science and technology, and preventing and defusing major risks, strengthening supervision and inspection, promoting implementation, and ensuring no bias, no flexibility, and no distortion; pay close attention to the ‘key few’, and strengthen the supervision of the ‘top leaders’ and leading groups in terms of their implementation of the comprehensive and strict management of the Party’s responsibilities and democratic centralism, and to ensure that they exercise their duties and powers in accordance with regulations and the law. Ensure strict discipline, investigate and punish the acts of canvassing for votes, bribery, intercession and sabotage.
Second, it calls to “actively respond to the new situation and challenges of the anti-corruption struggle, resolutely prevent and investigate the ‘seven haves’ problem, show no mercy to those who engage in political gangs, small circles and interest groups within the Party, and strictly supervise the education, management and supervision of young cadres. Efforts will be made to investigate and deal with corruption behind disorderly expansion of capital and platform monopolies, and sever the link between power and capital. Tighten financial discipline and work to forestall and defuse hidden local government debt risks…resolutely investigate and prosecute corruption in infrastructure construction and the transaction of public resources, continue to fight corruption in the financial sector, deepen anti-corruption work in state-owned enterprises, and intensify the campaign against corruption in grain purchase and sale. It also talks about implementing a blacklist system for bribe-payers, and furthering the ‘Operation SkyNet’ and strengthening international cooperation against corruption.
The third point focuses on the implementation of the eight-point central regulation, dealing with formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. It’s important to note that the concern with the latter two is that they “tarnish the Party’s image and result in strong public complaints.” It also talks about investigating and dealing with “disorderly acts that do not respect the law, the objective reality and the needs of the masses,” addressing those who are engaged in “inaction,” “shirking responsibility,” “neglecting duty” and “fail to make progress.” It also promises to strengthen the supervision and inspection around rural revitalization projects…
The fourth point talks about improving the focus and coverage of supervision work. It first emphasizes the “two safeguards” as a fundamental task, along with the implementation of the 14 FYP and new development concept and discipline. It further urges for “the improvement of the discipline inspection system, where inspection authorities at different levels have sound communication and work together to ensure relevant work is conducted at a high quality and with full coverage. Routine supervision and special inspections should both be strengthened, and the issue regarding "the latter part of the story" of addressing the problems discovered during the inspections into central-level financial institutions should be taken seriously,” as per Xinhua English.
The fifth point focuses on the improving synergy and efficiency of the discipline inspection system. It talks about strengthening the leadership of the higher-level discipline inspection organs over lower-level discipline inspection organs.
The final point talks about ensuring political loyalty of discipline and supervision workers, i.e., dealing with issues of 灯下黑 - darkness under the lamp.
Next, a report (English report) about Xi’s congratulatory message to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties. Xi wrote that “the two sides have built unbreakable political mutual trust, and carried out fruitful cooperation in various fields. Both sides have also been firmly supporting each other on issues concerning our respective core interests, and coordinating closely and effectively in international and regional affairs. After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the two countries have been helping each other and fighting hand in hand, which has demonstrated the brotherly friendship sharing weal and woe.”
Third, a commentary based on Xi’s speech at the CCDI plenary. The key point being made is that “the key to China's success lies in the Party.” The longer it is in power, the less it can afford to lose its true colour as a Marxist political party, the less it can afford to forget its original mission, and the less it can afford to lose the spirit of self-revolution. 办好中国的事情,关键在党。越是长期执政,越不能丢掉马克思主义政党的本色,越不能忘记党的初心使命,越不能丧失自我革命精神.
It adds that owing to the steps taken since the 18th Party Congress, the situation of lax and weak governance of the Party has been fundamentally reversed, and the party has become stronger in its revolutionary forging, and it is full of new vigour and vitality. 经过坚决斗争,管党治党宽松软状况得到根本扭转,党在革命性锻造中更加坚强,焕发出新的强大生机活力.
It adds that the CCP is a Marxist party and what this means in practice was summarised by Xi in his speech when said that it was important to:
persist with the centralised and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee
insist that the party should manage the Party strictly and comprehensively
insist on taking the Party’s political construction as the guide
insist on maintaining strictness
insist on forward the spirit of nailing nails and strengthen work style construction
insist on punishing corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude
insist on dealing with corruption and unhealthy trends that harm the interests of the masses
insist on strengthening the supervision over the ‘key few’
insist on improving the supervision system of the party and the state, and establishing comprehensive coverage
These nine points (九个坚持) are a “major achievement are a theoretical innovation and a major achievement in deepening the understanding of the laws governing the building of long-term Marxist political parties and an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.” And they provide “fundamental guidance for ensuring that the Party will remain a strong core of leadership in the historical process of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.” 这“九个坚持”,是对建设长期执政的马克思主义政党的规律性认识深化和理论创新的重大成果,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,为确保党在新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的历史进程中始终成为坚强领导核心指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循.
The next paragraph again emphasises self-revolution, adding that “advanced Marxist political parties are not born, but tempered by constant self-revolution.” 先进的马克思主义政党不是天生的,而是在不断自我革命中淬炼而成的.
Fourth, another story about the responses from cadres to Xi’s speech at the CCDI plenary. These are essentially discipline and supervision cadres offering a positive assessment. In this, the summary says that “party members and cadres said that they should unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’, the ‘four self-confidences’ and achieve the ‘two safeguards’, always maintain the spirit of self-revolution, enhance the political consciousness of strictly administering the party in an all-round way... 广大党员、干部表示,要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,永葆自我革命精神,增强全面从严治党永远在路上的政治自觉,在新的赶考之路上考出好成绩.
Next, there’s a commentary based on Xi’s WEF speech. This one talks about China’s developmental goals. It says that “practice has proved and will continue to prove that China's development is closely related to the destiny of the world. China cannot develop in isolation from the world, and the world needs China for prosperity.” 实践已经并将继续证明,中国的发展与世界命运密切相关,中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣也需要中国.
It then talks about commitment to make “long-term and arduous efforts to satisfy people’s desire for a better life, promote all-round development and common prosperity of all people.” It talks about making “substantial progress, so that the development results can benefit all people more fairly; allowing “the market play a decisive role in resource allocation, giving full play to the role of the government, unswervingly consolidating and developing the public sector of the economy, unswervingly encouraging, supporting and guiding the development of the non-public sector of the economy;” building “a unified, open and competitive market system, expanding the high-level opening to the outside world, promoting the high-quality development of BRI, further integratING into the regional and world economies, and striving to achieve mutual benefit and win-win.”
It also talks about the carbon peak and neutrality goals, adding that China will carry out “gradual and orderly reduction of traditional energy sources” while “promoting reliable replacement of new energy sources.”
Next, there’s a report (English report) about a State Council meeting to discuss the draft government work report. It was decided to distribute the draft report to local governments and relevant departments of the central government to solicit opinions.
The report says:
“Noting that the Chinese economy is facing new downward pressure and increasing uncertainties, Premier Li stressed giving higher priority to stabilizing growth and sticking to the basic tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability. The Premier called for coordinating epidemic control and socio-economic development, strengthening cross-cyclical adjustments, stepping up the implementation of macro-policies markedly, and introducing more measures that are conducive to boosting effective demand, securing supplies and stabilizing market expectations. Solid work should be carried out in the first quarter to ensure a good start for the year, according to Premier Li. He urged authorities at all levels to enhance support for enterprises, especially the medium, small and micro firms and individual businesses, to provide policy support for sectors that create lots of jobs but are hit hard by the epidemic, and to advance the progress of major projects. Efforts should also be made to expand effective demand and employment, as well as to improve the market adjustments and guarantee the transportation of coal, electricity, oil and gas, said the Premier.”
Next, there’s a report (English report) about Li Zhanshu talking to Ernesto Castro, the president of El Salvador's Legislative Assembly. Li said:
“the NPC is ready to deepen communications with El Salvador's Legislative Assembly to provide legal guarantees for high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative and cooperation in various fields. The NPC will also expand exchanges in social governance, improvement of livelihoods, and other areas.”
Finally, there’s a report (English report) about Han Zheng saying that:
“more efforts should be made to enhance the capability to withstand floods in the Yellow River basin and shore up flood control and emergency management systems in cities to ensure the safety of people's lives and property…he called for further ensuring funding and land for pushing forward the construction of major projects in the region while strengthening water-saving and usage in the industrial sector. The ecological systems in the Yellow River basin should be protected and restored, and the construction of major wind power and photovoltaic bases, as well as the clean use of coal, should be accelerated.”
Page 3: First, a report (English report) on Wang Yi speaking to new German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. The report says that:
“Wang told his German counterpart that the two sides should implement the important consensus of the leaders and summarize the experience of the development of relations between the two countries. Wang called on the two countries to insist on acting as models of win-win cooperation, leaders in Sino-European relations, promoters of new international relations and collaborators who transcend differences in terms of social systems. He also said the two sides should strengthen the political design of high-level exchanges in the next phase, jointly lead the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations, and welcome the 50th anniversary in a more positive manner.”
Wang said that: “The two sides should provide better expectations and policy frameworks for cooperation, and jointly create new highlights for cooperation in fields such as digital economy, communication, trade in services, agricultural science and technology, and green development. German enterprises are welcome to expand their investment in China, and we hope that Germany will uphold the principle of fairness and justice, eliminate external interference, and provide a sound business environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Germany.”
The report has Baerbock as saying that “Germany is committed to developing a stable partnership with China, she stressed, adding that the country will continue to pursue the one-China principle and take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as an opportunity to deepen contacts and cooperation between the two countries in various fields.”
The Chinese readout also says this:
“Both sides agreed on the following: hold proper celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties, make good preparations for the seventh round of China-Germany inter-governmental consultations, and seek greater synergy and plan for future cooperation; give full play to the role of dialogue mechanisms at all levels, such as the High-Level Financial Dialogue, the Diplomatic and Security Strategic Dialogue and the Rule of Law Dialogue; conduct equal dialogues on human rights, democracy and other issues on the basis of mutual respect, enhance mutual understanding, and refrain from ‘microphone diplomacy’; further strengthen education, people-to-people and sub-national exchanges, and carry out exchanges between more than 100 pairs of friendly provinces and states of the two countries through various means; strengthen cooperation in green development, and deepen exchanges on addressing climate change and green governance.
Here’s the German Foreign Ministry’s statement.
![Twitter avatar for @GermanyDiplo](
![Declaration of a spokesperson on a videoconference of Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Quick thought: There’s a pattern in these engagements. The Chinese readouts are usually very detailed and they tend to also state what was apparently said by foreign leaders and officials. In contrast, the readouts from say the US or European countries tend to be very brief, lack details, and don’t really mention anything with regard to comments or commitments by Chinese officials. There is simply no meat on the bone there. The Chinese government also appears to be quicker in issuing readouts, compared to Western governments. Now, there must of course be structural and capacity reasons along with perhaps reasons of diplomacy as to why Western governments do what they do. But what this does in effect is that it allows the Chinese version of these conversations to capture media space. Reporters need to report, and in the 24x7-breaking news media environment, if the Chinese readout is faster and with greater detail, it’ll likely get picked up and set the tone of coverage and narrative.
A short report on Chinese aid supplies sent to Tonga, including drinking water and food, worth 280,000 yuan through the embassy in Tonga.
Third, China’s defense ministry’s comment (English report) US guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold’s FONOP around the Paracel Islands. MND said that the vessel “trespassed into China's territorial waters off the Xisha Islands without Chinese government’s permission on January 20. The naval and air forces of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command conducted tracking and monitoring on the US destroyer and warned it off. The Chinese military expresses strong dissatisfaction with and resolute opposition to the behavior of the US side.”
It further stated “the US warship’s trespassing into China’s territorial waters is not the ‘freedom of navigation’ at all as it claims, but a serious provocation that violates China’s sovereignty and endangers peace and stability in the South China Sea.”
Reuters reports the US’ reaction to this:
The U.S. Navy rejected the idea that the Benfold was warned away but appeared to confirm the ship was operating in the area, saying the mission reflected the U.S. Navy’s commitment to defend freedom of navigation. “The PRC's statement about this mission is false,” 7th Fleet spokesman Mark Langford said in a statement…The Benfold was conducting what the navy called a freedom of navigation operation “in accordance with international law,” the statement said. The ship then “continued on to conduct normal operations in international waters…The United States is defending every nation's right to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows, as USS Benfold did this week. Nothing the PRC says otherwise will deter us,” the statement further added.
Other Stories:
On the theory page, the lead piece is by Mo Gaoyi who heads the Beijing Propaganda Department.
Mo writes that the Beijing Party Committee adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era…and the propaganda and culture system of the city thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, drew wisdom and strength from the hundred years of Party history…
Mo also emphasises the two establishments. He argues that going ahead, “we must unremittingly arm our minds with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era…and that cadres strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’, ‘four self-confidences’, achieve the ‘two safeguards’, and resolutely defend the ‘two establishments’.”
He later adds that it is the duty of the capital of a major socialist country to inherit the red gene and continue the red bloodline.” He then details what this means in practice. In the next section, he talks about the importance of cultural confidence and details the activities that have been carried out in this regard.
The final section talks about Beijing being the “primary window to show China to the world.” He argues that “we need to tap into the ideological, spiritual and cultural strength behind China's development achievements, present China's propositions, wisdom and solutions to the world, and promote exchanges between China and other countries. It is necessary to build a narrative system, adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, focus on the development strategy of humanistic Beijing, high-tech Beijing and green Beijing, and show Beijing’s unique charm of building the capital of a great socialist country, the capital of a great country that is heading for the great rejuvenation, and a world-class harmonious and livable capital.” 要构建叙事体系,坚持以宣介习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为引领,围绕人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京发展战略,展现北京建设伟大社会主义祖国的首都、迈向中华民族伟大复兴的大国首都、国际一流的和谐宜居之都的独特魅力。
On Page 5, there was another commentary on the significance of the Party’s history. This one talks about how the Party’s historical journey has furthered the cause of global development and human progress. I had thought this series ended yesterday, but I guess not.
On Page 7, there’s a report that in 2021, China added about 53 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation capacity. By the end of 2021, the grid-connected installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation is estimated at 306 million kilowatts.
Outside of PD, these three exchanges at MoFA’s presser, I thought, were interesting:
Prasar Bharati: Pakistani media has reported that China has demanded compensation for the victim Chinese nationals in the terrorist attack at the Dasu Dam project last year. After the attack, the Chinese contractor demobilized from the site and had raised several demands as preconditions to resume the work. As per the report, Pakistan has decided to make the payment despite there being no legal or contractual obligation on the government. Can you confirm this? Also, what are China’s demands for the resumption of work at Dasu?
Zhao Lijian: I’m not aware of what you said. To my knowledge, construction at the Dasu Hydropower Project has already been resumed.
Anadolu Agency: Malaysian Foreign Minster Saifuddin Abdullah said he observed a shift in China’s legal basis for claims of sovereignty in the South China Sea. He said, China leans from the “Nine-Dash Line” theory toward the “Four Sha” theory, which bases sovereignty claims on four island groups in the regions. Does the foreign ministry have any comment?
Zhao Lijian: I haven’t seen the remarks yet. China’s position on the South China Sea issue is consistent, clear and unchanged.
Phoenix TV: According to reports, Taiwan will send Lai Ching-te to Honduras to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Honduran president. He plans to engage with the US side during his transit in the country, and may find an opportunity to directly interact with US Vice President Kamala Harris, who will also attend the ceremony. Do you have any comment?
Zhao Lijian: There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The one-China principle is a universally recognized norm governing international relations, and a wide consensus that has been recognized, accepted and practiced by the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. Adherence to the one-China principle is an overriding trend that represents international justice and enjoys popular support. Any attempt to create the false impression of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan” will be rejected by all Chinese people. We hope relevant country will grasp the overriding international trend and make a resolute decision in line with the trend of the times at an early date.
Regarding the so-called “transit” of leaders of the Taiwan region and “engagement” between the US and Taiwan, China has made clear its consistent position on various occasions. We firmly oppose the arrangement of such “transit” by the US or any other country that has diplomatic ties with China as well as any form of official exchange between the US and Taiwan. We urge the US to abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US Joint Communiqués, take seriously China’s position and concern, refrain from conducting official engagement with Taiwan in any form and sending any wrong signal to the “Taiwan independence” forces.