CCP & the Working Class - BRI White Paper - Li Qiang's Digital Development Agenda - US Congressional Delegation Meets Xi - Chinese-style Modernisation: Taiwan, HK & Macau and One Country, Two Systems
Here are the key reports and articles that I found noteworthy from the People's Daily’s edition on Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
Page 1: A lot of news on the front page today. The top story is about the opening of the 18th National Congress of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU). Wang Dongming presented a report on behalf of the 17th Congress.
The entire PBSC, except Li Qiang, was in attendance. Cai Qi delivered a speech on behalf of the leadership. The full speech is published on Page 2.
Comment: I’m going to cover that below. I am doing a deep dive here to highlight the fact that the primary approach of the Party leadership to labour relations is from a regime security or political perspective, as opposed to the perspective of strengthening workers rights, improving safety nets or enhancing working conditions. In fact, the paragraph on workers rights basically comes at the end of Cai’s speech, and there too, political security is the key agenda item. What’s also worth noting is that throughout the speech, the emphasis is on the responsibilities of the working class towards national development rather than the rights of the working class.
Anyway, here’s the breakdown:
He said that since the 18th Party Congress, the country's working class has closely united around the CPC Central Committee, with Xi Jinping at the core. It has bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities in promoting high-quality economic and social development, tackling poverty, fighting the COVID-19 epidemic and various natural disasters, and responding to various risks and challenges and made important contributions to the Party and the country’s cause that has realized historic achievements and witnessed historic changes. 党的十八大以来,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,我国工人阶级紧紧团结在党的周围,在促进经济社会高质量发展、脱贫攻坚、抗击新冠疫情和各种自然灾害、应对各种风险挑战中勇担重任、拼搏实干,为推动党和国家事业取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革作出了重要贡献。
He added that they have “fully displayed the heroic attitude of being the masters. Practice has fully proven that the Chinese working class is indeed the leading class in our socialist country, representing advanced productive forces and relations of production, and serving as the main force in upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.” 在波澜壮阔的实践中,我国工人阶级信念更加坚定,素质全面提高,面貌焕然一新,充分展现了主人翁的豪迈姿态。实践充分证明,我国工人阶级不愧是我们社会主义国家的领导阶级,不愧是先进生产力和生产关系的代表,不愧是新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的主力军.
“General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the work of the working class and trade unions. His footprints of caring for and visiting the workers and staff are all over the country. He is deeply concerned about improving the production and living conditions of the broad masses of working people. He has personally guided and planned the reform of the industrial workers' team and trade union reform. He has supervised and oriented the party's labour movement and trade union work through many forums, congratulatory letters, replies, instructions and other methods, demonstrating profound camaraderie of the leader of a big Party and country towards the working class and his earnest concern for trade union work.” 习近平总书记始终高度重视工人阶级和工会工作,关心看望职工群众的足迹遍布大江南北,对改善广大劳动群众生产生活条件念兹在兹,亲自指导谋划产业工人队伍建设改革和工会改革,多次通过座谈、贺信、回信、指示批示等方式为党的工运事业和工会工作把关定向,彰显了大党大国领袖对工人阶级的深厚情谊和对工会工作的殷切关怀. — Comment: It is fascinating how devoid of any policy reference this is. Cai could not identify a single pro-working class policy under Xi?
“General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on the working class and trade union work has profoundly answered the important directional, fundamental and strategic issues, such as why we should rely on the working class wholeheartedly in the new era, how to rely on the working class wholeheartedly, what kind of trade unions to build and how to build trade unions, and provided fundamental guidelines for the development of the Party's labour movement and the good trade union work in the new era. Practice has fully proved that the development and growth of the working class and the vigorous development of trade union work in the new era fundamentally depend on the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” 习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述,深刻回答了新时代为什么要全心全意依靠工人阶级、怎样全心全意依靠工人阶级,建设什么样的工会、怎样建设工会等方向性、根本性、战略性重大问题,为新时代党的工运事业发展和做好工会工作提供了根本遵循。实践充分证明,新时代工人阶级的发展壮大、工会工作的蓬勃发展,根本在于有以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导,有习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引.
Embarking on a new journey, the 20th Party Congress has clearly established the central task of comprehensively promoting the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. The central task of the Party is the theme and direction of the work of the Chinese workers' movement and trade unions. China’s working class should closely focus on the central task of the Party, carry forward the fine traditions, strengthen its mission responsibility, devote itself wholeheartedly to the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with greater enthusiasm, more tenacious struggle and more intelligent creativity, and write splendid tales of the times through their labour. 迈上新征程,党的二十大鲜明确立了以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业的中心任务。党的中心任务就是中国工人运动和工会工作的主题和方向。我国工人阶级要紧紧围绕党的中心任务,发扬优良传统,强化使命担当,以更加饱满的热情、更加顽强的奋斗、更加智慧的创造,全身心投入强国建设、民族复兴伟业,用劳动书写绚丽多彩的时代画卷。
In the next few paragraphs, he outlined the key requirements from the working class:
Maintain the political essence of the working class with loyalty and reliability: “On the new journey, the working class must unswervingly listen to and obey the Party. It is necessary to conscientiously use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm our minds and forge our souls, deeply understand the decisive significance of the Two Establishments, strengthen the four consciousnesses and four self-confidences, and achieve two safeguards. It is necessary to firmly establish the lofty ideals of communism and the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics, closely link our own future and destiny with the future and destiny of the country and the nation, and contribute wisdom and strength to create a better life through promoting Chinese-style modernization. 以忠诚可靠赓续工人阶级政治本色。工人阶级是我们党最坚实最可靠的阶级基础。新征程上,工人阶级要坚定不移听党话、跟党走。要自觉用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”。要牢固树立共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想,把自身前途命运同国家和民族前途命运紧紧联系在一起,在推进中国式现代化中贡献智慧力量、创造美好生活.
“The working class should revolve around implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development; it should tackle difficulties and make dedicated efforts in advancing major strategies, major projects, major initiatives, and key industries…新征程上,工人阶级要围绕贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展,在推进重大战略、重大工程、重大项目、重点产业中攻坚克难、拼搏奉献,在千帆竞发的经济建设洪流中干事创业、奋楫争先。
The working class should embrace the concept of lifelong learning, closely follow the frontiers of knowledge and technological advancements in their respective industries, and build a solid foundation of knowledge…be keen to innovate and brave in creating, focus on key core technologies, enhance our capacity for independent innovation, enable more innovative achievements to emerge, and strive to accelerate the ‘momentum’ of innovation and creation within the working class. 新征程上,工人阶级要树立终身学习的理念,密切关注行业、产业前沿知识和技术进展,打牢扎实的知识根基。要干一行、爱一行、精一行,勤学苦练、深入钻研,走技能成才、技能报国之路。要锐意创新、勇于创造,聚焦关键核心技术,提高自主创新能力,让更多创新成果竞相涌现,奋力跑出工人阶级创新创造的“加速度”.
On the new journey, the working class must consciously practise the core socialist values, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labour, and the spirit of craftsmanship, and strive to be role models in promoting social trends…It is necessary to promote unity and solidarity, think in one direction, and work towards a common goal; unite like ‘a solid piece of steel’ to propel the great ship of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through winds and waves, ensuring its steady and far-reaching journey.” 以团结奋斗弘扬工人阶级崇高品格。新征程上,工人阶级要自觉践行社会主义核心价值观,大力弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神,争当弘扬社会风尚的表率。要坚定战胜各种困难的信心和决心,勇于迎接各种风险挑战,不以事艰而不为、不以任重而退缩,依靠顽强斗争打开事业发展新天地。要增进团结统一,心往一处想、劲往一处使,团结成“一块坚硬的钢铁”,推动中华民族伟大复兴号巨轮乘风破浪、行稳致远.
For trade unions then, Cai called on them to adhere to the correct political direction. This is the really important bit.
“Trade union organizations are first and foremost political organizations, and trade union work is first and foremost political work. Trade unions at all levels must thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on the work of the working class and trade unions, and maintain a high degree of alignment with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core in terms of ideology, politics and actions. It is necessary to innovate ideological and political work, continue to promote the Party's innovative theories among workers, educate and guide hundreds of millions of workers to closely unite around the Party, and continuously consolidate the class foundation and mass foundation of the Party's long-term governance.” 要始终坚持正确政治方向。工会组织首先是政治组织,工会工作首要是政治工作。各级工会要深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述,在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。要创新思想政治工作,持续推动党的创新理论走进职工当中,教育引导亿万职工紧密团结在党的周围,不断巩固党长期执政的阶级基础和群众基础.
“Trade unions at all levels should focus on promoting high-quality development, extensively and deeply carry out various forms of labour and skills competitions, deepen mass innovation activities, and stimulate the wisdom and strength of hundreds of millions of workers to make contributions, innovate and create. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the construction of industrial workers, taking a leading role, implement various measures such as ideological guidance, making contributions and improving quality, improve the system of skill formation and career development, and train more craftsmen and highly skilled talents. It is necessary to do a good job in selecting, commending and serving model workers, selecting and promoting ‘great craftsmen’ and ‘most beautiful workers’; guide the majority of employees to strive to be model workers and skilled craftsmen, and create a strong atmosphere of respect for labour, respect for knowledge, respect for talents, and respect for creativity.” 各级工会要围绕推动高质量发展,广泛深入开展各种形式的劳动和技能竞赛,深化群众性创新活动,激发亿万职工建功立业、创新创造的智慧和力量。要深化产业工人队伍建设改革,发挥牵头抓总作用,落实思想引领、建功立业、素质提升等各项措施,健全技能形成和职业发展体系,培养造就更多的大国工匠和高技能人才。要做好劳模评选表彰和服务工作,选树宣传“大国工匠”、“最美职工”,引导广大职工争当劳动模范、能工巧匠,营造尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造的浓厚氛围.
And after all this, we finally get to the issue of labour rights.
“It is the basic responsibility of trade unions to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers and serve the workers wholeheartedly. Trade unions at all levels must adhere to a worker-centred work orientation, improve the service system focusing on inclusive services and targeted assistance, and provide considerate services to workers. It is necessary to pay close attention to workers in new employment forms, migrant workers, urban workers in need and other groups, and help address their most urgent, difficult and pressing problems. It is necessary to highlight the primary role of enterprise trade unions and establish a democratic management system with workers’ representative congresses as the fundamental form. It is necessary to improve the working mechanism for labour relations consultation and coordination, lay a solid foundation for harmonious labour relations, and resolutely safeguard political security in the labour field.” 要切实提高维权服务质量。维护职工合法权益、竭诚服务职工群众是工会组织的基本职责。各级工会要坚持以职工为中心的工作导向,完善以普惠性服务和精准帮扶为重点的服务体系,为职工群众提供贴心服务。要高度关注新就业形态劳动者、农民工、城市困难职工等群体,帮助他们解决急难愁盼问题。要突出企业工会主体作用,健全以职工代表大会为基本形式的企业民主管理制度。要健全劳动关系协商协调工作机制,夯实和谐劳动关系基础,坚决维护劳动领域政治安全.
Next, there’s a report on Xi Jinping meeting with the visiting delegation from the US Congress led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Xinhua has the story:
“Xi underlined that the China-U.S. relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. How China and the United States get along will determine the future of humanity. Competition and confrontation is not consistent with the trend of the times. Still less can it fix one's own problems and address the challenges facing the world. China maintains that the common interests of the two countries far outweigh their differences, and the respective success of China and the United States is an opportunity, rather than a challenge, to each other. He said the ‘Thucydides Trap’ is not inevitable, and Planet Earth is vast enough to accommodate the respective development and common prosperity of China and the United States. Given the high degree of integration between the Chinese and U.S. economies and their closely entwined interests, both countries stand to benefit from each other's development. Xi said a post-pandemic global recovery, meeting the climate challenge and resolving international and regional hotspots all require China-U.S. coordination and cooperation. As two major countries, China and the United States should demonstrate the broad-mindedness, vision and readiness to rise to the occasion expected by the international community, and act with a sense of responsibility to history, to the people and to the world. The two countries should properly handle their relations, respect each other, coexist in peace and pursue win-win cooperation. They should work to increase the well-being of the two peoples, and contribute to human progress and world peace and development, Xi said.”
“Xi pointed out that the Chinese civilization has been developing uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years. It has all along striven to stay abreast with the times, learned from others in the spirit of inclusiveness, and kept to a philosophy of peace that highlights cooperation and exchanges. China has achieved the twin miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, ended absolute poverty once and for all, and built a moderately prosperous society in all respects. These achievements are possible because the country has found a development path that suits its national conditions, meets the people's expectations and has the people's support, according to Xi. He said China will keep to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and advance Chinese modernization on all fronts. It will stay committed to peaceful development and work with all countries across the world to build a community with a shared future for mankind. ‘China welcomes the visits of more U.S. Congress members to gain a better understanding of China's past, present and future,’ Xi said, adding that it is hoped that the two legislatures will have more interactions, dialogues and exchanges to increase mutual understanding and make a positive contribution to the stabilization and improvement of the China-U.S. relationship.”
Xinhua adds that the American delegation said: “The U.S. side does not seek a conflict with China, nor does it seek to decouple. The United States is willing to enhance dialogue and communication with China in an open and candid manner based on mutual respect, responsibly manage the bilateral relationship, and stabilize and strengthen U.S.-China relations. The U.S. side looks forward to strengthening bilateral trade and investment cooperation with China, and increasing communication and cooperation on such issues as climate change, drug trafficking and regional conflicts, they said.”
Also on the front page is a report on Zhao Leji, who chairs the NPCSC, meeting with the US Congressional delegation. Xinhua says:
Zhao “said that the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation are the fundamental principles for the development of China-U.S. relations. Zhao called on the U.S. side to work with China to enhance mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation, increase positive energy and eliminate negative factors, and bring China-U.S. relations back on a track of sound and steady development which will benefit the two countries and the whole world. The NPC of China is willing to strengthen exchanges with the U.S. Congress, adhere to the principles of rationality, objectivity and fairness in communication and exchanges, seek common ground while shelving differences, promote cooperation and play a constructive role in promoting the healthy and stable development of China-U.S. relations, he said. Schumer and others said that the U.S. side does not seek conflict with China and is willing to carry out frank exchanges with China on major issues of mutual concern.”
On Page 3, there’s a report on Wang Yi meeting the delegation. I’ll cover that here itself. Xinhua reported that Wang expressed “hope that the lawmakers will gain a more accurate understanding of China, view China in a more objective way, and manage differences in a more rational way, so as to play a constructive role in bringing bilateral relations back onto the right track. Noting that China and the United States have different social systems, history, culture and development stages, Wang said that the two sides should respect the development path chosen by each other's people, respect each other's core interests and development rights. The development of China-U.S. relations should be based on the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, Wang added. Wang said the recent series of dialogues and exchanges between the two sides have been widely welcomed by all sectors within the two countries and the international community, which fully demonstrates that it is the right move to promote the stabilization of China-U.S. relations, and conforms to the common interests of both countries and the world. The two sides should earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, and strive for the real stability and improvement of China-U.S. relations for the benefit of both countries and the world, Wang said.
AP’s report on the visit says the following:
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Monday he was grateful for a strengthened statement from China condemning the killing and kidnapping of Israeli and foreign civilians by Hamas, issued during a bipartisan congressional visit to Beijing that included a lengthy meeting with President Xi Jinping…Schumer told Foreign Minister Wang Yi earlier in the day that he had been very disappointed by China’s failure to strongly condemn the attack on Israel and show sympathy for the country and its people. “China opposes and condemns acts that harm civilians,” along with actions that “expand conflict and undermine regional stability,” Mao said, going beyond an initial Foreign Ministry statement on Sunday. China hopes for a resumption of peace talks, the implementation of a two-state solution, and a “comprehensive and proper settlement of the Palestinian issue, which guarantees the legitimate concerns of all parties, through political means, as early as possible,” Mao said at a daily briefing. The Chinese Embassy in Israel said a young woman of Israeli and Chinese heritage was among the scores of hostages seized by Hamas fighters, who killed at least 800 people in Israel. “Noa was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists when attending a peace music festival in southern Israel. She was dragged from Israel to Gaza,” an embassy statement said. “She is a daughter, a sister and a friend.”
Moving on, there’s a report on Li Qiang’s visit to Zhejiang from Saturday to Monday.
“He emphasised that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on the development of the digital economy and new industrialization, implement the deployment of the national conference on promoting new industrialisation, strengthen and optimise the digital economy from a strategic overall perspective, empower economic and social development while accelerating digital transformation, and create new drivers and advantages for high-quality development.” 他强调,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于数字经济发展和新型工业化的重要指示精神,落实全国新型工业化推进大会部署,从战略全局高度做强做优做大数字经济,在加快数字化转型中赋能经济社会发展,塑造高质量发展新动能新优势.
The companies that Li visited are worth noting. He went to Hikvision, BrainCo, and Semitronix Corporation. Xinhua English captures this bit well:
“He first came to Hikvision and observed demonstrations on Internet of Things perception, artificial intelligence (AI), big data technology, and digital empowerment, encouraging the company to stay focused and drive innovation. He also urged efforts to break through key core technologies, leverage big enterprises, and achieve the development of small and medium-sized firms. At a district government services center for enterprises in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang, Li commended Zhejiang's efforts to improve the business environment and support the private economy. He urged optimized government services targeting the needs of enterprises. Li inspected a sci-tech innovation corridor in Hangzhou. At BrainCo, he watched demonstrations of brain-computer interface products targeting disabilities, autism, and sleep disorders. These products further highlighted the value of technological innovation, Li said, encouraging the company to strengthen product research and application to serve people's health better. At Semitronix Corporation, a semiconductor equipment supplier, Li stressed that efforts must be made to ensure sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening, bolster the whole industrial chain, and increase technology independence.”
The PD report then adds:
During the investigation, Li Qiang chaired a symposium and listened to speeches from relevant departments and some enterprise leaders in Zhejiang.Li Qiang pointed out that the development of the digital economy is profoundly changing the production and lifestyle of human beings. We must vigorously promote the breakthrough of digital technology innovation and lay a solid foundation for key core technologies. Focus on strategic frontiers such as big data and computing industries, and a new generation of artificial intelligence industries, cultivate digital industry clusters, and strive to take the lead in the new digital economy. Accelerate the construction of network, computing power, and application infrastructure, continue to enhance the international competitiveness of the platform economy, and enhance the basic support capabilities for the development of the digital economy. 调研中,李强主持召开座谈会,听取浙江有关部门和部分企业负责人发言。李强指出,数字经济的发展正深刻改变人类生产生活方式。要大力推进数字科技创新突破,打好关键核心技术攻坚战。聚焦大数据和计算产业、新一代人工智能产业等战略前沿,培育数字产业集群,努力在数字经济新赛道争先领跑。加快网络、算力、应用基础设施建设,持续提升平台经济国际竞争力,增强数字经济发展基础支撑能力.
Li Qiang emphasized that the digital wave is also a transformative force, and we must conform to this trend, vigorously promote digital transformation, and empower economic and social development in all directions. At present, it is especially necessary to promote new industrialization with digital transformation, highlight key areas, and vigorously promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry; highlight key variables and accelerate the innovative application of artificial intelligence. 李强强调,数字化浪潮也是一种变革性力量,必须顺应这一趋势,大力推进数字化转型,为经济社会发展全方位赋能。当前特别是要以数字化转型推进新型工业化,突出重点领域,大力推动制造业数字化转型;突出关键变量,加快推动人工智能创新应用.
Page 3: First, there’s a report (English report) on Power Construction Corporation of China (PowerChina) launching the UAE’s first wind power project.
Next, the second BRI commentary in the series today talks about BRI being about hard connectivity (infrastructure and physical connectivity), soft connectivity (rules and standards connectivity) and heart-to-heart connectivity (people-to-people)
In hard connectivity, the successful examples cited are the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, and the Piraeus Port; trains across 84 routes, connecting 211 cities in 25 European countries; and the New Western Land-Sea Corridor covering 465 ports in 120 countries and regions.
In soft connectivity, the successful examples cited are enhanced institutional alignment, technical standard coordination, mutual recognition of inspection results, and interconnection of electronic certificates. The benefits of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership have gradually emerged, and the number of agreements signed under the Certified Business Operator protocol ranks first globally. From 2013 to 2022, China's goods trade volume and non-financial direct investment with partner countries have grown at an annual average rate of 8.6% and 5.8%, respectively, with cumulative bilateral investments exceeding $270 billion. 10年来,中国与共建国家在工作制度对接、技术标准协调、检验结果互认、电子证书联网等方面取得积极进展,《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》红利逐步显现,“经认证的经营者”协议签署数量位居全球首位。2013年至2022年,中国与共建国家货物贸易进出口额、非金融类直接投资额年均分别增长8.6%和5.8%,与共建国家双向投资累计超过2700亿美元.
Under heart-to-heart connectivity, the examples cited are the building of wells in Malawi, the vocational skills workshops, export of Juncao technology, etc. It argues that BRI “adheres to the people-centred development philosophy and focuses on eradicating poverty, increasing employment, and improving people's livelihood”; also, BRI “promotes the sharing of development experience and strengthens the confidence of more countries to follow a development path that suits their national conditions.”
Anyway while we are discussing BRI, earlier today a white paper was released marking its 10th anniversary. The white paper says that “Development holds the master key to solving all problems.” It praises economic globalisation for having “greatly facilitated trade, investment, flows of people, and technological progress, making an important contribution to the progress of human society.” And then it adds:
“However, the economic globalization dominated by a few countries has not contributed to the common development that delivers benefits to all. Instead, it has widened the wealth gap between rich and poor, between developed and developing countries, and within developed countries. Many developing countries have benefited little from economic globalization and even lost their capacity for independent development, making it hard for them to access the track of modernization. Certain countries have practiced unilateralism, protectionism and hegemonism, hampering economic globalization and threatening a global economic recession. It is imperative to address such global problems as sluggish economic growth, shortcomings in economic governance, and imbalanced economic development. It is no longer acceptable that only a few countries dominate world economic development, control economic rules, and enjoy development fruits. The BRI targets development not only for China but for the world at large. Economic globalization remains an irreversible trend. It is unthinkable for countries to return to a state of seclusion or isolation. However, economic globalization must undergo adjustments in both form and substance. It should be made more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all. China has not only benefited from economic globalization but also contributed to it. As an active participant in economic globalization, China has achieved rapid economic growth through positive interactions with the rest of the world and explored a unique path towards modernization, expanding the options for other developing countries to achieve modernization. China’s rapid economic growth and steady progress in reform and opening up has provided a strong driving force for global economic stability and growth as well as an open world economy. China has been a firm advocate and defender of economic globalization. The BRI dovetails with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in concept, measures and goals. A major step taken by China, the BRI aims to promote higher-quality development through higher-standard opening up, and share China’s development opportunities with the rest of the world. The BRI is also a Chinese solution to global development issues, which aims to advance modernization in participating countries in tandem, make economic globalization more dynamic, inclusive and sustainable, and ensure that more of the fruits will be shared more equitably by people across the world.”
It adds that the world is “moving ever closer towards greater multipolarity, economic globalization, and cultural diversity, and becoming increasingly information-orientated in the process.” And in this context, “the ultimate goal of the BRI is to help build a global community of shared future. As an important public good for improving global governance, the initiative provides a platform for turning the vision into reality. The BRI involves countries in different regions, at different development stages, and with different cultures. It transcends differences in ideologies and social systems. It enables different countries to share opportunities, realize common development and prosperity, and build a community of shared interests, responsibility and destiny characterized by mutual political trust, economic integration and cultural inclusiveness. As a practical means of building a global community of shared future, the BRI has created new understanding and inspired the imagination of the world, and contributed new ideas and new approaches to international exchanges. It will produce a fairer and more equitable global governance system, and take humanity to a better future.”
The next section says that:
BRI’s principles are “extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits”.
Its concepts are “open, green and clean cooperation”
Its objectives are “high standards, sustainability, and better lives”
Finally this section deals with BRI’s vision. Some of this is useful to reproduce:
“A path to peace. Peace is a prerequisite for development, while development serves as the foundation for peace. The BRI goes beyond the law of the jungle and the hegemonic order based on power struggles. It rejects zero-sum thinking and discards the Cold War mentality of ideological rivalry and geopolitical competition. Instead, it paves the way for peaceful development, and aims to offer a fundamental approach to lasting peace and universal security. Under the BRI, nations respect each other’s sovereignty, dignity, territorial integrity, development path, social system, core interests, and major concerns.” — Comment: Of course, CPEC basically negates any of this talk about territorial integrity and sovereignty.
“A path to prosperity. The BRI is committed to building a prosperous future that diverges from the exploitative colonialism of the past, avoids coercive and one-sided transactions, rejects the center-periphery model of dependency, and refuses to displace crisis onto others or exploit neighbors for self-interest. Instead, it aims to achieve win-win outcomes and shared development and prosperity.” — Comment: This is as much as criticising the West as it is about pushing back against criticism of BRI.
“A path to openness. The BRI represents an open and inclusive collaborative process that transcends national borders, ideological differences, developmental disparities, social system variations, and geopolitical conflicts. It is not aimed at designing a new international system, but rather supplementing and improving the existing mechanisms. All parties involved uphold the core values and fundamental principles of the multilateral trading system. Together, participants will establish an open and cooperative platform, safeguard and promote an open global economy, create an environment conducive to open development, construct a fair, equitable and transparent system of international trade and investment rules, and advance cooperation based on win-win outcomes, shared responsibility and collective participation.”
“A path to innovation. Innovation serves as a critical driving force for progress. The BRI is dedicated to innovation-led development, harnessing the opportunities presented by digital, internet-based and smart development. It explores new business forms, technologies and models, seeking out fresh sources of growth and innovative development pathways to propel transformative advancements for all involved. Participants collaborate to connect digital infrastructure, build the Digital Silk Road, strengthen innovative cooperation in cutting-edge fields, and promote the deep integration of science, technology, industry and finance.”
“A path to social progress. The BRI champions equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness among civilizations. It upholds the shared values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom. It transcends barriers between cultures through exchanges, resolves conflicts through mutual understanding, and rejects superiority while promoting coexistence. It encourages civilizations to appreciate their differences, seek common ground, and learn from one another. Parties involved will establish multitiered mechanisms for people-to-people cooperation, create more platforms and channels, and facilitate exchanges across various fields. These efforts aim to reinforce mutual understanding, respect and trust among nations, broaden consensus on ideas and values, and achieve new human progress.”
The next section discusses BRI’s scope.
“By June 2023, China had signed more than 200 BRI cooperation agreements with more than 150 countries and 30 international organizations across five continents, yielding a number of signature projects and small-scale yet impactful projects.”
“The first forum in 2017 welcomed heads of state and government from 29 countries, and more than 1,600 representatives from 140-plus countries and 80-plus international organizations, yielding a total of 279 deliverables in five categories. At the second forum held in 2019, 40 leaders, including heads of state and government from 38 countries, the UN secretary-general and the International Monetary Fund’s managing director, attended the Leaders’ Roundtable. More than 6,000 representatives participated, from over 150 countries and 92 international organizations, yielding 283 deliverables in 6 categories.”
“Under the BRI framework, Chinese and foreign partners have launched 20-plus multilateral dialogue and cooperation mechanisms in professional domains such as railways, ports, energy, finance, taxation, environmental protection, disaster prevention and relief, think tanks, and the media, attracting a growing number of participants.”
“As of June 2023, China had signed 107 documents with standardization bodies in 65 countries such as Pakistan, Russia, Greece, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica and also with regional and international organizations, in areas covering civil aviation, climate change, agri-food, building materials, electric vehicles, oil and gas pipelines, logistics, small hydropower stations, oceanography, and surveying and mapping.”
“The Standard Information Platform Contributed by the Belt and Road Countries provides overviews of standards information in 149 partner countries, and full-text search services for standards catalogues regarding 59 countries and 6 regional and international standardization organizations…In May 2022, the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization opened a regional arbitration center in Hong Kong, providing solutions for multilateral disputes in BRI cooperation. China has continued to strengthen cross-border accounting and auditing regulatory cooperation with 22 countries and regions including Russia, Malaysia and Singapore, providing institutional guarantees for expanding cross-border investment and financing channels.”
This is followed by infrastructure projects, covering land, sea and air connectivity. I’m not detailing all projects; rather I am sharing some key data points:
“The Silk Road Maritime network has continued to expand. By the end of June 2023, it had reached 117 ports in 43 countries, and more than 300 well-known Chinese and international shipping companies, port enterprises and think tanks, among other bodies, have joined the Silk Road Maritime association. A marine environment forecast and support system that focuses on areas along the Maritime Silk Road offers services to more than 100 cities in participating countries.”
“China has signed bilateral air transport agreements with 104 BRI partner countries and opened direct flights with 57 partner countries to facilitate cross-border transport. Chinese enterprises are active participants in civil aviation infrastructure cooperation with partner countries including Pakistan, Nepal and Togo, helping to develop the local civil aviation industry. A BRI cooperation platform proposed by the Civil Aviation Administration of China was established in August 2020, improving mechanisms and platforms of civil aviation exchanges and cooperation among participating countries.”
The next bit is about trade and investment.
“From 2013 to 2022, the cumulative value of imports and exports between China and BRI partner countries reached US$19.1 trillion, with an average annual growth rate of 6.4 percent. The cumulative two-way investment between China and partner countries reached US$380 billion, including US$240 billion from China. The value of newly signed construction contracts with partner countries reached US$2 trillion, and the actual turnover of Chinese contractors reached US$1.3 trillion. In 2022, the value of imports and exports between China and partner countries reached nearly US$2.9 trillion, accounting for 45.4 percent of China’s total foreign trade over the same period, representing an increase of 6.2 percentage points compared with 2013”
“By the end of August 2023, more than 80 countries and international organizations had subscribed to the Initiative on Promoting Unimpeded Trade Cooperation Along the Belt and Road, proposed by China. China had signed 21 free trade agreements with 28 countries and regions.”
“China has signed bilateral investment agreements with 135 countries and regions, and conventions for the avoidance of double taxation (including arrangements and agreements) with 112 countries and regions. It has achieved Authorized Economic Operator mutual recognition with 35 partner countries, and has signed third-party market cooperation documents with 14 countries. China has established a “single-window” cooperation mechanism with Singapore, Pakistan, Mongolia, Iran and other partner countries, and signed cooperation documents on customs inspection and quarantine, effectively improving the efficiency of customs clearance at border ports.”
“By the end of June 2023, China had signed agreements on industrial capacity cooperation with more than 40 countries.”
“China Development Bank (CDB) has promoted the establishment of multilateral financial cooperation mechanisms such as China-Central and Eastern Europe Interbank Consortium, the China-Arab Countries Interbank Association, China-ASEAN Interbank Association, the ASEAN Plus Three Interbank Cooperation mechanism, China-Africa Interbank Association, and the Association of China-LAC Development Financial Institutions. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has promoted the Belt and Road Interbank Regular Cooperation (BRBR) mechanism. As of the end of June 2023, a total of 13 Chinese-funded banks had established 145 first-tier offices and branches in 50 BRI partner countries; some 17.7 million businesses in 131 partner countries had opened UnionPay services, and 74 partner countries had opened UnionPay mobile payment services. The Belt and Road Innovation and Development Center, the Research Center for Belt and Road Financial and Economic Development, and the China-IMF Capacity Development Center have been established. China has signed bilateral currency swap agreements with 20 partner countries and established renminbi (RMB) clearing arrangements in 17 partner countries. The number of participants, business volume, and influence of the RMB cross-border payment system have gradually increased, effectively facilitating trade and investment.”
“China has funded the establishment of the Silk Road Fund (SRF) and established the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) with other participating countries. The SRF specifically serves BRI cooperation. By the end of June 2023, the fund had signed agreements on 75 projects with committed investment of about US$22 billion; the number of AIIB members had reached 106, and the bank had approved 227 projects with a total investment of US$43.6 billion. The projects involve transport, energy, public health and other fields, providing investment and financing support for infrastructure connectivity and sustainable economic and social development.”
“The CDB and the Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) have each set up special loans for the BRI to pool resources to increase financing support for BRI cooperation. By the end of 2022, the CDB has provided direct high-quality financial services for more than 1,300 BRI projects, playing a leading role in guiding development finance, and pooling all kinds of domestic and foreign funds for BRI cooperation. The balance of loans of China Eximbank for BRI projects reached RMB2.2 trillion, covering 130-plus participating countries and driving more than US$400 billion of investment and more than US$2 trillion of trade. China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation has fully applied export credit insurance and actively provided comprehensive guarantees for building the Belt and Road.”
“By the end of June 2023, overseas issuers in total had issued 99 panda bonds in China’s exchange-traded bond market, with a total value of RMB 152.54 billion; 46 BRI-themed bonds had been issued, with a total value of RMB 52.72 billion.”
“China’s domestic stock and futures exchanges have steadily promoted practical cooperation in equity, products, technology and other fields with the exchanges in partner countries, and actively supported the development of exchanges participating in or holding shares in BRI projects, such as the Astana International Exchange in Kazakhstan, the Pakistan Stock Exchange, and the Dhaka Stock Exchange in Bangladesh.”
“By the end of June 2023, China had signed agreements with 45 participating countries on the mutual recognition of higher education degrees…Chinese universities and colleges have opened 313 Confucius Institutes and 315 Confucius Classrooms in 132 partner countries. The ‘Chinese Bridge’ Summer Camp has invited nearly 50,000 young people from more than 100 partner countries to come to China for academic visits, and supported 100,000 Chinese language enthusiasts from 143 partner countries to learn Chinese and experience Chinese culture online. Chinese universities and colleges have worked with more than 20 counterparts in partner countries from Asia, Africa and Europe to build a number of Luban Workshops – a professional training program dedicated to the sharing of expertise by China’s vocational education institutions.”
“Media outlets in China and partner countries have jointly established the Belt and Road News Network, which launched the Silk Road Global News Awards. By the end of June 2023, the network’s members had increased to 233 media outlets in 107 countries…The Silk Road Think Tank Association has recruited 122 partners in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. Sixteen Chinese and foreign think tanks have established the Belt and Road Studies Network.”
“A total of 352 NGOs from 72 countries and regions have formed a Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network, carrying out over 500 projects and various other activities, and becoming an important platform for exchanges and cooperation between NGOs in participating countries.”
“China has pledged to stop building new coal-fired power stations overseas, and to actively build green finance platforms and international cooperation mechanisms. It stands ready to cooperate with partner countries on research into biodiversity conservation, safeguarding the eco-environmental security of the Maritime Silk Road, building the Belt and Road Big Data Service Platform on Ecological and Environmental Protection and the Belt and Road Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Center, and implementing the Green Silk Road Envoys Program. China is actively promoting the Belt and Road South-South Cooperation Initiative on Climate Change. It has signed 47 South-South MoUs on climate change with 39 partner countries, built low-carbon demonstration zones with Laos, Cambodia, and Seychelles, carried out more than 70 climate change mitigation and adaptation projects with 30-plus developing countries, and trained more than 3,000 environment management personnel and experts from more than 120 countries.”
“By the end of June 2023, China had signed intergovernmental agreements on scientific and technological cooperation with more than 80 BRI partner countries, and 58 members had joined the ANSO (Alliance of International Science Organizations). Since 2013, China has hosted more than 10,000 young scientists from partner countries in carrying out short-term research and exchanges in China, and trained more than 16,000 technicians and management professionals for partner countries; China has established nine cross-border technology transfer platforms targeting ASEAN, South Asia, Arab states, Africa, Latin America, and other regions; China has assisted 22 African countries to build 23 agricultural technology demonstration centers, and set up 50-plus BRI joint laboratories in areas such as agriculture, new energy, and health.”
“By the end of 2022, China had signed MoUs on building the Digital Silk Road with 17 countries, MoUs on e-commerce cooperation with 30 countries, and MoUs on closer investment cooperation in the digital economy with 18 countries and regions…China is active in strengthening digital infrastructure connectivity and is stepping up work on digital corridors. Several international submarine cables have made positive progress, and 130 cross-border terrestrial cable systems have been built.”
“China has built teleports connecting South Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. The data from remote sensing satellites under the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) program is widely used in multiple countries and fields. The BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS-3) provides comprehensive services for China-Europe Railway Express, and in maritime transport and other fields. China and a number of BRI partner countries and regions have combined to develop and launch communication or remote sensing satellites, and constructed satellite ground stations and other space infrastructure. Through the Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China) affiliated to the United Nations, China has trained a large number of space professionals for partner countries. Together with other countries and regions, China has built the China-GCC Joint Center for Lunar and Deep Space Exploration, the China-UAE Space Debris Joint Monitoring Center, the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Center for Earth Observation Data, the China-ASEAN Satellite Remote Sensing Application Center, and the China-Africa Cooperation Center on Satellite Remote Sensing Application. The CNSA-GEO platform, the Belt and Road Analysis and Early Warning Platform for Typical Meteorological Disasters, and the Natural Resources Satellite Remote Sensing Cloud Service Platform now serve many partner countries.”
Page 6: Today’s article from the Face to Face with Chinese-style Modernisation book deals with the issues of “adhering to and improving ‘one country, two systems’ and promoting the reunification of the motherland” being “important components of comprehensively building a modern socialist country”. This is available below for paid subscribers.
Page 7: A report (English report) informing that Sun Shutao, a former senior political advisor of east China's Shandong Province, has been expelled from the CPC and dismissed from public office over serious violations of Party discipline and laws. Another report informs that former party chief and chairman of China Everbright Group Li Xiaopeng has been expelled from the Communist Party.