China as a Cyberspace Powerhouse - Xi Congratulates Putin - Kenya's UDA Seeks Funds from CPC? - Jan-Feb Economic Data - Democracy Summit Angst
Here are the key reports and articles that I found noteworthy from the People's Daily’s edition on Tuesday, March 19, 2024.
Page 1: There are two key reports on the page. The first one is on Xi Jinping’s congratulatory message to Vladimir Putin. Xinhua reports:
“In recent years, the Russian people have united as one, overcome challenges, and made steady progress towards national development and revitalization, Xi said, adding that the reelection of Putin as Russian president fully reflects the Russian people’s support for him. Russia will surely make greater achievement in national development and construction under Putin's leadership, Xi said. Noting that China attaches great importance to the development of China-Russia relations, Xi said China stands ready to maintain close communication with Russia to promote the sustained, sound, stable and in-depth development of China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era to benefit the two nations and their people.”
The second report (also a report from Page 2) is on the data from the National Bureau of Statistics on economic development in January and February (Full English data). Let me list the key data points:
Total value added of the industrial enterprises above the designated size grew by 7.0 percent year on year. In terms of sectors, the value added of mining went up by 2.3%; manufacturing was up by 7.7%; production and supply of electricity, thermal power, gas and water was up by 7.9%; consumer goods manufacturing was up by 4.7%; and high-tech manufacturing was up by 7.5%.
Under high-tech manufacturing, the added value of the electronics and communications equipment manufacturing industry and the aerospace and equipment manufacturing industry increased by 12.6% and 14.1%, respectively.
February’s PMI was 49.1% (remember that below 50 is a contraction). This was down 0.1 percentage points from January. NBS official Liu Aihua said that this was because of “the traditional off-season for production around the Spring Festival.”
The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 8.131 trillion yuan, up by 5.5% year on year.
Fixed Asset Investment was 5.0847 trillion yuan, up by 4.2% year on year. FAI was up by 8.9% year on year with the investment in real estate development deducted. In February, month-on-month FAI increased by 0.88%.
Sectorally, infrastructure investment grew by 6.3%; manufacturing investment grew by 9.4%; high-tech industries investment grew by 9.4%; and real estate investment fell by 9.0%. Floor space of new commercial buildings sold fell 20.5% year on year; the total sales of new commercial buildings fell by 29.3%. Private investment went up by 0.4 percent, and increased by 7.6 percent year on year with the investment in real estate development deducted. Li said that the “real estate market is still in the process of adjustment and transformation.”
Total goods trade was 6.614 trillion yuan, up by 8.7% year on year. Exports were at 3.752 trillion yuan, up by 10.3%; imports were 2.862 trillion yuan, up by 6.7%. The exports of mechanical and electrical products went up by 11.8%, accounting for 59.1% of the total value of exports.
Urban surveyed unemployment rate averaged 5.3%.
CPI decreased by 0.8% in January and increased by 0.7% in February.
Page 2: There is a long article bylined 信平. The article begins by talking about the first meeting of the Central Leading Group for Cybersecurity and Informatization, which was held in 2014, which outlined a “grand blueprint” for building China into a cyber power.
It says that over the past 10 years, “under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and the important scientific guidance on building a cyber power put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping, China’s Internet development has entered a new historical period.”
The first section of the article says:
“Marx had once pointed out that steam, electricity and automatic spinning machines were even ‘more dangerous revolutionaries’. He insightfully recognized the tremendous impact of advanced productive forces at that time, foreseeing, as a genius, the worldwide impact of the Industrial Revolution. At a time of great transformation in social productive forces, whoever can grasp and utilize the power of this transformation can seize the historical initiative.” 马克思指出,蒸汽、电力和自动纺机甚至是“更危险万分的革命家”。他深刻洞察当时先进生产力的巨大影响,天才般地预见了工业革命的世界性冲击。社会生产力大变革之际,谁能够把握运用这种变革力量,谁就可能把握历史的主动.
With some appreciation, the author talks about the impact of the Industrial Revolution on England transforming into “the empire on which the sun never sets”; and the US leading the second industrial revolution — i.e., the invention and widespread use of electricity and the emergence of the telephone, electric motors, and automobiles — to become the “leader” among Western countries. At the same time, the author is critical of the Qing dynasty for missing the opportunity.
“Missing the opportunities of the times is a pain that is deeply engraved in the minds of every Chinese person. As one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, the Internet has brought unprecedented and profound changes to human society, propelling humanity into an era of vitality and hope. Whether one can adapt to and lead the development of the Internet has become a crucial factor in determining the rise and fall of a great nation. To a certain extent, those who grasp the network can grasp the world. Seizing the historical opportunity of the information revolution is a significant strategic choice related to the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.” 错失时代机遇,是每个中国人刻骨铭心的痛。作为20世纪人类最伟大的发明之一,互联网给人类社会带来了前所未有的深刻变革,推动人类进入活力迸发、充满希望的信息时代。能不能适应和引领互联网发展,成为决定大国兴衰的一个关键。一定程度上说,得网络者得天下。把握信息革命历史机遇,是事关强国建设、民族复兴的重大战略抉择.
“At present, there is a historic intersection between the trend of the information revolution and the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation along with the profound changes unseen in a century taking place in the world. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out profoundly, ‘informatization has brought the Chinese nation rare opportunities in a thousand years.’ ‘we must seize the historical opportunity of informatization development, without any hesitation, without any slack, without letting it slip away, and without making historic mistakes.’ Entering the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has firmly grasped the ‘time’ and ‘momentum’ of the information revolution, coordinating the promotion of network security and informatization work…” 当前,信息革命时代潮流与中华民族伟大复兴战略全局、世界百年未有之大变局发生历史性交汇。习近平总书记深刻指出:“信息化为中华民族带来了千载难逢的机遇。”“我们必须抓住信息化发展的历史机遇,不能有任何迟疑,不能有任何懈怠,不能失之交臂,不能犯历史性错误。”进入新时代,以习近平同志为核心的党中央牢牢把握信息革命的“时”与“势”,统筹推进网络安全和信息化工作。习近平总书记强调“没有网络安全就没有国家安全,没有信息化就没有现代化”,强调“过不了互联网这一关,就过不了长期执政这一关”,强调“建设网络强国的战略部署要与‘两个一百年’奋斗目标同步推进”,强调“要按照技术要强、内容要强、基础要强、人才要强、国际话语权要强的要求,向着网络基础设施基本普及、自主创新能力显著增强、数字经济全面发展、网络安全保障有力、网络攻防实力均衡的方向不断前进,最终达到技术先进、产业发达、攻防兼备、制网权尽在掌握、网络安全坚不可摧的目标”.
The core elements of the approach is encapsulated in the phrase 五个要强 (Five Strengths). These are:
Technological Strength: Under this, the article says that core technology is “国之重器” national treasure/vital to the nation..
Content Strength: Under this, the article stresses ensuring “positive energy”, governance and “forming concentric circles online and offline”
Strength of Foundation: This covers “the construction of information infrastructure,” governance of data resources,
Talent Strength: This is rather self-evident.
Strength of International Discourse Power: This references the need to “widely publicize Chinese propositions, wisdom, and solutions,” and “accelerate the improvement of China’s international discourse power and rule-making power in cyberspace.”
The second section provides a positive assessment of the information/digital revolution in China thus far. Then it mentions challenges:
It says that the cyberspace in China is “big but not strong, comprehensive but not sophisticated; China relatively lags behind in independent innovation; Core technologies in key areas are controlled by others.Core technologies in key areas are controlled by others; the level of informatization development needs to be improved; network security still faces threats; and international discourse power needs to be strengthened urgently…China has already become a major cyber power, but it is not yet a cyber powerhouse. 但是,伴随着中国互联网从无到有、从小到大,诸多制约进一步发展的“短板”和“瓶颈”也逐步显现:大而不强、全而不精,自主创新相对落后,关键领域核心技术受制于人,信息化发展程度有待提高,网络安全面临威胁,国际话语权亟须加强……中国已经成为网络大国,但还不是网络强国.
The author then says that over the past 10 years, “the grand blueprint for building China into a cyber power has slowly unfolded, the main battleground/front of cyber ideology has been further consolidated; the construction of a comprehensive cyber governance system has been accelerated; cyber security capabilities have been comprehensively improved; the leading role of informatization has been fully exerted; the legalization of cyberspace has continued to accelerate; international cooperation in cyberspace has deepened and expanded. China has steadily progressed from being a major cyber power to becoming a cyber powerhouse.” 这十年,网络强国宏伟蓝图徐徐展开,网络意识形态主阵地更加巩固,网络综合治理体系建设加快推进,网络安全保障能力全面提升,信息化驱动引领作用充分发挥,网络空间法治化进程不断加快,网络空间国际合作深化拓展,我国正从网络大国向网络强国阔步迈进.
The author adds:
The Party’s leadership of cyberspace governance has been strengthened. In this, he mentions the upgrading of the leading group to the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission.
The mainstream ideology and public opinion in cyberspace have been consolidated and strengthened. It mentions the Party’s propaganda work, referencing the vigorous promotion of the Party's innovative theories and dissemination of core socialist values. And then it says: “Winning a series of major online struggles has fundamentally reversed the chaotic situation in the past where disorder was rampant online, positions were compromised, and passive attacks were commonplace. The situation in the field of network ideology has undergone overall and fundamental changes.” 网络空间主流思想舆论巩固壮大。守正创新加强互联网内容建设与管理,大力推动党的创新理论入脑入心,精心做好网上重大主题宣传和重大议题设置,广泛传播社会主义核心价值观,网上正能量更加充沛,主旋律更加高昂。打赢一系列网上重大斗争,根本扭转了过去网上乱象丛生、阵地沦陷、被动挨打的状况,网络意识形态领域形势发生全局性、根本性转变.
A comprehensive network governance system has been basically built
The network security system and capabilities are continuously improving. This security protection system covers “networks, systems, terminals, and applications” along with “key information infrastructure”, “data security”, and “personal information protection”.
The article then talks about China’s digital economy being worth 50.2 trillion yuan in 2022, ranking second in the world in total, along with breakthroughs in 5G and Beidou.
It then covers the enactment of key laws, such as the Cybersecurity law, Data Security law, Personal Information Protection law, Critical Information Infrastructure Security Protection Regulations, etc.
On international discourse power, the author references the Wuzhen Summit and the Global AI Initiative.
The third section says that the Internet has “increasingly become the leading force of innovation-driven development. In doing so, it has promoted a new qualitative leap in social productivity and presented a series of brand-new major issues of the times.”
“With extraordinary theoretical courage, outstanding political wisdom, and strong sense of mission as a Marxist politician, thinker, and strategist, General Secretary Xi Jinping has scientifically applied Marxist standpoints, viewpoints, and methods, based on the foundation of the times, profoundly pointing out that the Internet is the most dynamic field of development in our era. Internet and information technology represents a new productive force and a new direction of development, and information has brought a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to the Chinese nation. Answering the question of the times, he clearly put forward that ‘whoever grasps the Internet will grasp the initiative of the times; whoever disregards the Internet will be left behind by the times’...” 当今世界,信息革命时代潮流奔涌向前,以互联网为代表的网络信息技术日益成为创新驱动发展的先导力量,推动社会生产力发生了新的质的飞跃,提出了一系列全新的重大时代课题。习近平总书记以马克思主义政治家、思想家、战略家的非凡理论勇气、卓越政治智慧、强烈使命担当,科学运用马克思主义立场观点方法,立足时代之基,深刻指出互联网是我们这个时代最具发展活力的领域,网信事业代表着新的生产力和新的发展方向,信息化为中华民族带来了千载难逢的机遇。回答时代之问,鲜明提出“谁掌握了互联网,谁就把握住了时代主动权;谁轻视互联网,谁就会被时代所抛弃”。引领时代之变,始终从把握信息时代潮流的高度,对因时而变做好网络安全和信息化工作进行了深刻阐述,彰显出强烈的历史主动精神.
This section then builds a backdated mythology around Xi’s thinking about the information age. Apparently, back in the 1980s, when Xi was Secretary of the Zhengding Party Committee in Hebei Province, he was already thinking about this stuff.
The article says that even at that time, Xi “was contemplating the historical opportunities brought to China by the information age. He pointed out: ‘technology is the key, and information is the soul.’ At the turn of the century, in Fujian Province, Comrade Xi Jinping, with great foresight and creativity, decided to build ‘Digital Fujian’. In 2003, in Zhejiang Province, Comrade Xi Jinping deployed the construction of ‘Digital Zhejiang’ … In 2007, in Shanghai, Comrade Xi Jinping made important instructions and requirements for continuously improving the level of urban informationization.” 习近平总书记关于网络强国的重要思想,是在信息时代气象万千的发展变革中逐渐孕育、萌发的,是在中华大地波澜壮阔的生动实践中不断丰富、成熟的,是习近平总书记在党的十八大后领导和推进网络安全和信息化工作实践中发展、形成的。早在20世纪80年代,时任河北省正定县委书记的习近平同志就在思索信息时代给中国带来的历史机遇,指出:“科技是关键,信息是灵魂。”世纪之交,在福建,习近平同志极具前瞻性和创造性地作出了建设“数字福建”的重要决策。2003年,在浙江,习近平同志部署建设“数字浙江”,打造了“百亿信息化建设”工程。2007年,在上海,习近平同志对不断提高城市信息化水平等作出重要指示要求.
Now some of this stuff is not entirely new; for instance, see this Qiushi publication of Xi’s speech 34th group study session of the Politburo on October 18, 2021.
The article adds:
“Since the 18th Party Congress, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has actively followed the development trend of the information revolution, attached great importance to and coordinated the advancement of network security and informatization work. General Secretary Xi Jinping has taken the lead, set the direction, steered the course, personally planned, deployed, and promoted, driving the development of the cyber industry to achieve historic achievements and undergo historic changes. He has successfully explored a path of cyberspace governance with Chinese characteristics.” 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央主动顺应信息革命发展潮流,高度重视、统筹推进网络安全和信息化工作。习近平总书记举旗定向、领航掌舵,亲自谋划、亲自部署、亲自推进,推动网信事业发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革,成功探索走出一条中国特色治网之道.
The fourth and final section then talks about what needs to be done to build China into a cyber powerhouse. It calls to:
Uphold the ideological banner: This calls to study Xi’s thought on building cyber power and “effectively implement the Party’s innovative theory into all aspects of the entire process of building a cyber powerhouse”
Strengthen political responsibility: The ‘Two Establishments’ are the greatest political confidence to achieve the strategic goal of becoming a cyber powerhouse, and the Two Safeguards’ are the greatest political guarantee to achieve this goal.”两个确立”是实现网络强国战略目标的最大政治底气,“两个维护”是实现网络强国战略目标的最大政治保证. In addition, it calls to strengthen the Party’s leadership over cyberspace and information related work.
Maintain strategic determination: This is in the context of steadily and patiently implementing the blueprint. In other words, don’t get swayed by short-term considerations.
Persist in self-strengthening and self-reliance: Faced with the historical opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, we must approach with a sense of urgency to seize the day, a sense of crisis to forge ahead against the current, and a sense of mission to lead the way…” 实现网络强国战略目标,必须坚持自立自强。一个民族唯有精神上站得住、站得稳,才能屹立于世界民族之林;唯有不断创新,才能勇立时代潮头、走在发展前列。面对新一轮科技革命和产业变革的历史机遇,要以只争朝夕的紧迫感、逆水行舟的危机感、舍我其谁的使命感,自信自强、守正创新,在新征程上开启网络强国建设的新篇章.
Improve struggle skills: Under this, the article talks about coordinating development and security, actively preventing and resolving various risks and effectively safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests.
Strengthen openness & cooperation: “We must uphold the concept of openness and inclusiveness, continuously deepen international cooperation in cyberspace, work together with the international community to construct a more fair, reasonable, open, inclusive, secure, stable, and vibrant cyberspace, and build a closer community of shared future in cyberspace.” 要秉持开放包容的理念,不断深化网络空间国际合作,会同国际社会共同构建更加公平合理、开放包容、安全稳定、富有生机活力的网络空间,构建更加紧密的网络空间命运共同体.
Page 3: There’s a report on Wang Yi’s meeting to New Zealand. Wang met with PM Christopher Luxon. The Chinese readout says:
“China regards New Zealand as a rational and mature cooperative partner, and China-New Zealand relations are strategic and long-term in nature. China is willing to work with New Zealand to take the opportunity of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to carry forward the tradition of ‘striving to be the first’, surpass new benchmarks, forge an upgraded comprehensive strategic partnership and build a state-to-state relationship seeking harmony without uniformity, which will not only benefit the two peoples, but also make new contributions to global peace and development.”
“Wang Yi said, New Zealand takes education, technological innovation, infrastructure, business environment and export expansion as its policy priorities, and China is willing to be a reliable strategic cooperative partner of New Zealand in these areas. China welcomes New Zealand's continued participation in the Belt and Road cooperation. China looks forward to working with New Zealand to explore new growth areas of cooperation such as science and technology, green development and innovation while consolidating and strengthening cooperation in traditional areas. China's economy has not only achieved reasonable growth in quantity, but also promoted effective improvement in quality; it enjoys both a solid foundation and a broad space for growth, which will continue to inject more impetus into the world economy and will bring more and new opportunities to New Zealand. Both China and New Zealand advocate multilateralism, support the United Nations in playing a core role in international affairs, and are committed to resolving international disputes by peaceful means. China is ready to work with New Zealand to strengthen solidarity and cooperation, resist the Cold War mentality, unilateralism and protectionism, oppose turning back the wheel of history, and safeguard the right direction of human progress.”
Wang also met with the country’s Minister of Agriculture and Trade, Todd McClay. The Chinese readout says:
“China is willing to actively implement the upgraded version of the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, promptly launch negotiations on the negative list of trade in services, and promote bilateral cooperation to new heights. China will open its door wider, and its door to New Zealand will always be open. Both sides should jointly uphold free trade, oppose unilateralism and protectionism under the pretext of ‘de-risking’, and provide a good business environment for enterprises of both countries.” 中方愿同新方积极落实中新自贸协定升级版,尽快启动服务贸易负面清单商谈,推动两国合作不断迈上新台阶。开放带来进步,封闭导致落后。中国开放的大门将越开越大,对新西兰的大门始终是敞开的。双方要共同维护自由贸易,反对以“去风险”为名推行单边主义、保护主义,建设开放型世界经济,为两国企业提供良好营商环境.
Also, he met with Foreign Minister Winston Peters. The Chinese readout says:
Wang Yi said that China and New Zealand have no historical grievances nor any real disputes. The two sides share many important consensuses and extensive common interests, and mutually beneficial cooperation has always been the main tone of China-New Zealand relations. Both sides should continue to respect each other's chosen social systems and development paths, and take into account each other's core interests and major concerns. China is willing to work with New Zealand to leverage the advantages of strong economic complementarity, implement the upgraded version of the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, start negotiations on the negative list of trade in services as soon as possible, and create new growth engines in infrastructure, green transformation, digital economy, technological innovation, and climate change response. Both sides should continue to create better conditions for personnel exchanges, hold various celebrations for the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and New Zealand, deepen exchanges on education, tourism and youth and at the sub-national level … It is hoped that New Zealand will effectively protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese students and tourists in New Zealand … Wang Yi said that both China and New Zealand are participants and builders of the current international system and international order, and have broad consensus on practicing equality between countries big and small, advocating multilateralism, promoting democratization of international relations, and promoting free trade. China is willing to strengthen communication and coordination under multilateral frameworks with New Zealand and jointly safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law. Wang Yi elaborated on China's stance on issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, the South China Sea, and human rights.” 王毅说,中新既没有历史恩怨,也没有现实纠纷,双方拥有很多重要共识和广泛共同利益,互利合作始终是中新关系的主基调。双方要继续尊重各自选择的社会制度和发展道路,照顾彼此的核心利益和重大关切。中方愿同新方一道,发挥经济互补性强的优势,落实好中新自由贸易协定升级版,尽早开展服务贸易负面清单谈判,打造基础设施、绿色转型、数字经济、科技创新、应对气候变化等新的增长引擎。双方要继续为两国人员往来创造更好条件,围绕中新建立全面战略伙伴关系10周年举办形式多样的庆祝活动,深化教育、旅游、青年、地方等人文交流,培育更多新时代的“路易·艾黎”。希望新方切实保障在新中国留学生和游客的安全和合法权益。中方愿同新方通过对话增进相互了解,学习借鉴彼此长处,共同推动人类文明进步。王毅表示,中新都是现行国际体系、国际秩序的参与者和建设者,在践行大小国家一律平等、倡导多边主义、推动国际关系民主化、促进自由贸易方面具有广泛共识。中方愿同新方加强多边框架下的沟通协调,共同维护以联合国为核心的国际体系、以国际法为基础的国际秩序。王毅阐述了中方在台湾、涉港、涉藏、南海、人权等问题上的立场.
Also on the page is a brief report on a delegation led by Jiang Xinzhi, CPPCC Vice Chairman, visiting Kenya. The really interesting bit of this visit is reported in The Nation. It says that President Ruto’s UDA party is seeking 1 billion shillings, that’s around 54 million yuan, from the CPC for its “political activities”. It also says that the UDA is seeking the CPC’s assistance in developing its headquarters. A UDA delegation is reportedly set to visit China in May “to benchmark on the best tips for strengthening the political party,” the report says.
Page 4: There’s a report on a symposium held in Beijing to discuss Xi’s comments regarding Taiwan during the Two Sessions.
“The meeting emphasized that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech pointed out the direction of Taiwan-related work. It is necessary to conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the speech; persist in implementing the Party’s overall strategy for solving the Taiwan issue in the new era; firmly grasp the initiative in cross-Strait relations; actively promote cross-Strait exchanges, cooperation and integrated development in all fields; unite all patriotic forces that can be united at home and abroad and on the island; continue to strengthen the forces that oppose ‘independence’ and promote reunification, and jointly promote the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland.” 会议强调,习近平总书记的重要讲话指明了对台工作的方向,我们要认真学习领会讲话精神,坚持贯彻新时代党解决台湾问题的总体方略,牢牢把握两岸关系主导权和主动权,积极推动两岸各领域交流合作、融合发展,团结海内外、岛内外一切可以团结的爱国力量,不断壮大反“独”促统力量,共同推进祖国和平统一进程.
Page 17: There is a report on the democracy summit in South Korea, highlighting the protests that have taken place with regard to the summit. Questions about the summit were also asked in yesterday’s press briefing by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Here’s one question:
News 1 Korea: It’s said that people from Taiwan will participate in the Summit for Democracy that opens today in the ROK. What’s China’s comment? My second question is what’s China’s comment on the DPRK this morning firing another ballistic missile in a month?
Lin Jian: On your first question, China firmly opposes the ROK inviting the Taiwan authorities to participate in the so-called Summit for Democracy. There is but one China in the world. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. Any attempts by external forces to interfere in China’s internal affairs, and connive at and support “Taiwan independence” are doomed to failure. China has strongly urged the ROK to abide by the one-China principle and stop providing podium for or supporting ‘Taiwan independence’ forces. The world will not be deceived by the DPP authorities’ attempt to seek larger space for “Taiwan independence” activities under the banner of “democracy” and “human rights,” which will only make itself look bad and is doomed to failure. On your second question, China noted relevant reports and that the ROK and the US held joint military drill targeting the DPRK. China believes that upholding peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula serves the common interests of all sides.