Deep Dive into Party History Learning Regulations - New Guidelines on Green Transition & Innovation - US-China Law-enforcement Talks
Here are the key reports and articles that I found noteworthy from the People's Daily’s edition on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
Page 1: The lead story today is on Xi Jinping chairing the fourth meeting of the Central Commission for Deepening Overall Reform of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Xinhua summarises the key outcomes well:
The meeting reviewed and adopted guidelines
regarding land administration system reform
promoting the overall green transition of China's economic and social development
enhancing grassroots emergency management capacity
accelerating the formation of fundamental systems that support comprehensive innovation.
It also reviewed and adopted the commission's work report for 2023 as well as the commission's key work tasks in 2024.
In his remarks, Xi called for establishing a “sound land management system that is more efficiently aligned with macro policies and regional development, and to improve the accuracy and utilization efficiency of land element allocation.” He said that the “comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development is the basic strategy to address resource, environmental and ecological challenges…Guided by the ‘dual carbon’ work, it is necessary to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth in a coordinated manner, and integrate the concept of green development into all aspects of the entire process of economic and social development.” On technology and innovation, he said that it is necessary to “focus on the outstanding issues that restrict the deep integration of science and technology and economy; efforts should revolve around what needs to be done for innovation, who will organize innovation, and how to support, incentivize, and protect innovation. It is essential to continually deepen reforms, overcome obstacles, and accelerate the construction of a comprehensive institutional framework for innovation.” 习近平在主持会议时强调,要建立健全同宏观政策、区域发展更加高效衔接的土地管理制度,提高土地要素配置精准性和利用效率,推动形成主体功能约束有效、国土开发协调有序的空间发展格局,增强土地要素对优势地区高质量发展保障能力。促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型是解决资源环境生态问题的基础之策,要坚持全面转型、协同转型、创新转型、安全转型,以“双碳”工作为引领,协同推进降碳、减污、扩绿、增长,把绿色发展理念贯穿于经济社会发展全过程各方面。要进一步提升基层应急管理能力,推动应急管理工作力量下沉、保障下倾、关口前移,有效防范化解重大安全风险,及时有力有效处置各类灾害事故,筑牢安全底板,守牢安全底线。要紧扣制约科技与经济深度融合的突出问题,围绕创新要干什么、谁来组织创新、如何支持激励保护创新,持续深化改革攻坚,加快建设全面创新的基础制度.
The next bit of the report says that the meeting pointed out that “it is necessary to strictly implement the boundaries of land and spatial control, adhere strictly to the three control lines of arable land and permanent basic farmland and permanent basic farmland, ecological protection red lines, and urban development boundaries, and strengthen supervision during and after events. Some exploratory yet very urgent reform measures must be studied in depth and advanced steadily.” 要严格落实国土空间管控边界,严守耕地和永久基本农田、生态保护红线、城镇开发边界三条控制线,加强事中事后监管。对一些探索性但又十分紧迫的改革举措,要深入研究、稳慎推进.
It adds: It is necessary to seize the key links to promote green transformation, advance comprehensive conservation, accelerate consumption transformation, and strengthen green technological innovation and the widespread application of advanced green technologies. It is essential to establish sound fiscal and taxation, financial, investment, and pricing policies, along with relevant market mechanisms that support green low-carbon transformation, providing policy support and institutional safeguards for green transformation. 要抓住推动绿色转型的关键环节,推进全面节约,加快消费转型,强化绿色科技创新和先进绿色技术推广应用。要健全支持绿色低碳转型的财税、金融、投资、价格政策和相关市场化机制,为绿色转型提供政策支持和制度保障.
On emergency work, the key point is about improving capacity; risk identification, monitoring, early warning and timely disposal systems; and “strengthening the Party’s leadership over grassroots emergency management work.”
On innovation, it says that “accelerating the formation of a basic system to support comprehensive innovation is an important measure to deepen the reform of the science and technology system and promote the realization of high-level science and technology self-improvement and self-reliance. It is necessary to improve the system of the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee over scientific and technological work, improve the new national system, focus on outstanding issues such as subject coordination, factor allocation, incentives and constraints, openness and security, and make up for the shortcomings of the system. According to the differing laws of scientific research, technological development, and industrial innovation, it is necessary to categorically strengthen system design and first carry out major reform pilots as priority. It is necessary to strengthen system integration and conduct policy orientation consistency assessments on newly introduced measures and newly formulated systems to ensure that efforts are made in the same direction and synergy is formed.” 会议强调,加快形成支持全面创新的基础制度,是深化科技体制机制改革、推动实现高水平科技自立自强的重要举措,要完善党中央对科技工作集中统一领导的体制,健全新型举国体制,聚焦主体协同、要素配置、激励约束、开放安全等方面突出问题,补齐制度短板。要根据科学研究、技术开发、产业创新的不同规律,分类加强制度设计,重大改革试点先行。要加强系统集成,对新出台的举措、新制定的制度开展政策取向一致性评估,确保同向发力、形成合力.
“The meeting pointed out that in the past year, we have fully implemented the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, deeply grasped the new requirements for comprehensively deepening reforms in promoting Chinese-style modernization, scientifically planned reform work from a new starting point, and made precise, coordinated, and sustained efforts on the new journey. Going ahead, we will promote the implementation of the reform tasks deployed by the 20th Party Congress, study and adopt a number of important reform documents, and focus on addressing pressing issues that are crucial for high-quality development and those that the masses are most anxious about. We will organize and implement the reform of Party and state institutions, improve the Party’s leadership system, optimize the allocation of institutional responsibilities in key fields, such as science and technology and finance, and basically complete central-level reform tasks. We will strengthen the coordination and promotion of key reform tasks and supervise their implementation, facilitating the practical realization of reforms.” 会议指出,过去一年,我们全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神,深刻把握推进中国式现代化对全面深化改革提出的新要求,科学谋划新起点上改革工作,精准发力、协同发力、持续发力,为新征程开局起步提供了动力活力。推动党的二十大部署改革任务贯彻落实,研究通过一批重要改革文件,集中力量解决高质量发展急需、群众急难愁盼的突出问题。组织实施党和国家机构改革,完善党的领导制度体系,优化科技、金融等重点领域机构职责配置,中央层面改革任务基本完成。加强对重点改革任务的协调推动、督促落实,推动改革落地见效.
“It is necessary to persist in using reform and opening up as a key strategy to solve development problems and deal with risks and challenges on the way forward. It is necessary to continue to implement reform measures that are conducive to expanding domestic demand, optimizing structure, boosting confidence, ensuring people’s livelihood, preventing and defusing risks, and focus on solving the most critical and pressing problems. It is necessary to scientifically plan major measures to further comprehensively deepen reforms, focus on the institutional obstacles that hinder the smooth advancement of Chinese-style modernization, clarify the strategic priorities, priority sequences, main directions, and approaches for reform, highlight the orientation of reform issues, and highlight key reform tasks in various fields. Reform measures should have a clear direction, targeting the most prominent issues and embodying a strong sense of reform and substantial content. It is crucial to fully mobilize enthusiasm for reform from all sectors, further consolidate consensus on reform, harness the collective strength of the entire Party and the nation to advance and implement major reform tasks. Listen extensively to opinions and suggestions from all sides, promptly summarize the fresh experience created at the grassroots and the masses, and inspire Party members and cadres to take on their responsibilities and promote the formation of a strong reform atmosphere that encourages innovation, hard work, and making bold progress.” 要坚持用改革开放这个关键一招解决发展中的问题、应对前进道路上的风险挑战。要继续抓好有利于扩大内需、优化结构、提振信心、保障民生、防范化解风险的改革举措,集中解决最关键、最迫切的问题。要科学谋划进一步全面深化改革重大举措,聚焦妨碍中国式现代化顺利推进的体制机制障碍,明确改革的战略重点、优先顺序、主攻方向、推进方式,突出改革问题导向,突出各领域重点改革任务。改革举措要有鲜明指向性,奔着解决最突出的问题去,改革味要浓、成色要足。要充分调动各方面改革积极性,进一步凝聚改革共识,举全党全国之力抓好重大改革任务推进和落实,广泛听取各方面意见和建议,及时总结基层和群众创造的新鲜经验,激励广大党员、干部担当作为,推动形成勇于创新、真抓实干、开拓奋进的浓厚改革氛围。
Next, we have the full regulations on the study of the Party’s history. Xinhua says:
“Comprising six chapters and 34 articles, the document outlines general principles, leadership structures, responsibilities, content, and methods for the study of the Party's history. Serving as the core internal guidelines of the CPC for organizing and conducting the study program, the regulations delineate four primary objectives of the study program: strengthening understanding, conviction, integrity, and diligence through continued study of the Party’s history, according to the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee.”
The notice issued with the regulations requires all regions and departments to conscientiously comply with and implement the regulations.
“The notice pointed out that carrying out Party history learning and education and fully leveraging the role of Party history as a guide to understanding the present and nurturing people is a very important task in the overall work of the Party and the state. The Regulations are guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and based on the Party Constitution. They comprehensively regulate the leadership system and work responsibilities, content, main forms, guarantees and supervision of Party history learning and education. It is the fundamental guideline to carry out the study and education of Party history. The formulation and implementation of the Regulations will have a long-term effect on promoting the normalization of Party history learning and education and promoting the whole party and society to make good use of party history. It is of great significance to draw wisdom and strength from the history of the Party, so as to study history to enhance understanding of reasoning, study history to enhance trust, study history to venerate virtue, and study history to implement practical actions.” 通知指出,开展党史学习教育,充分发挥党史以史鉴今、资政育人的作用,是党和国家工作大局中的一件十分重要的工作。《条例》以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,以党章为根本依据,对党史学习教育的领导体制和工作职责、内容、主要形式、保障和监督等作出全面规范,是开展党史学习教育工作的基本遵循。《条例》的制定和实施,对于推动党史学习教育常态化长效化,推动全党全社会学好党史、用好党史,从党的历史中汲取智慧和力量,做到学史明理、学史增信、学史崇德、学史力行,具有重要意义.
I am not going to capture all 34 articles, but here are some useful points;
“Article 3 says that Party history learning and education work must be guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; deeply understand the decisive significance of the Two Establishments’, strengthen the four consciousnesses and four self-confidences, achieve the ‘two safeguards’, and use the Party’s struggle and great achievements to inspire fighting spirit and guide the direction; use the Party's glorious tradition and fine work style to strengthen beliefs and gather strength, use the Party’s historical experience and practice to enhance wisdom and temper character, and promote the whole Party and society to forge ahead on a new journey and build a new era.” 第三条 党史学习教育工作坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导, 深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,用党的奋斗历程和伟大成就鼓舞斗志、指引方向, 用党的光荣传统和优良作风坚定信念、凝聚力量,用党的历史经验和实践创造启迪智慧、砥砺品格,推动全党全社会奋进新征程、建功新时代.
Article 4 says that the main tasks of party history learning and education work are:
Study history to enhance understanding of reasoning. Educate and guide Party members to deeply comprehend the reasons behind why the Communist Party of China succeeded, why Marxism works, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is favorable. Through history, seek experiences, identify laws, and gain wisdom, fostering unwavering confidence in the Party's leadership, resolutely implementing the Party’s innovative theories, and steadfastly following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Study history to enhance trust: Educate and guide Party members to strengthen their faith in Marxism, communism, and the belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics. Instill confidence in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and encourage people to be firm believers and faithful practitioners of the lofty ideals of communism and the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Study history to venerate virtue: Educate and guide Party members to cultivate noble moral qualities, advocate the virtue of loyalty to the Party, the morality of benefiting the people, and the morality of being strict with oneself, so as to always be loyal to the Party and the people.
Study history to implement practical actions: Educate and guide party members to persist in tempering their Party spirit, serving the people and promoting development, constantly improving political judgment, understanding and execution, enhancing struggle skills and grasping historical initiative.
第四条 党史学习教育工作的主要任务是: (一)学史明理。教育引导党员深刻领悟中国共产党为什么能、马克思主义为什么行、中国特色社会主义为什么好等道理,从历史中寻经验、求规律、启智慧, 坚定对党的领导的自信,坚定贯彻落实党的创新理论,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义道路。 (二)学史增信。 教育引导党员增强对马克思主义、共产主义的信仰,对中国特色社会主义的信念, 对实现中华民族伟大复兴的信心,自觉做共产主义远大理想、中国特色社会主义共同理想的坚定信仰者和忠实践行者。 (三)学史崇德。教育引导党员涵养高尚道德品质, 崇尚对党忠诚的大德、造福人民的公德、严于律己的品德,做到始终忠于党、忠于人民。 (四)学史力行。教育引导党员坚持在锤炼党性上力行、在为民服务上力行、在推动发展上力行,不断提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力,增强斗争本领,把握历史主动.
Article 7 informs that the “Party history learning and education work is under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee. The Central Leading Group for Propaganda Ideological and Cultural Work is responsible for overall coordination, promotion, and supervision to ensure effective implementation. The Central Propaganda Department, the Central Organization Department, the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute, and other departments will, in accordance with their respective functions and responsibilities, carry out relevant work for Party history learning and education.” 第七条 党史学习教育工作在党中央集中统一领导下,由中央宣传思想文化工作领导小组负责统筹协调、整体推进、督促落实。中央宣传部、中央组织部、中央党史和文献研究院等部门按照职能职责,做好党史学习教育相关工作.
In terms of the content of history learning and education, Article 10 mentions all contributions, Marxism-Leninism, Mao’s thought, Deng’s theory, the theory of three represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi’s thought, and focuses on how the Party has combined the “basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific reality and with China’s excellent traditional culture.” The aim is to “continuously enhance the political, ideological, theoretical and emotional identification with the Party’s innovative theories.”
The article then has this specific paragraph:
“Comprehensively study and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Comprehensively and systematically grasp the basic viewpoints and scientific system of this thought. Grasp the worldview and methodology of this thought, adhere to and use the standpoints, viewpoints and methods that run through it. Transform Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into a powerful force that strengthens ideals, tempers party spirit, guides practice, and promotes work.” 全面学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,全面系统掌握这一思想的基本观点、科学体系,把握好这一思想的世界观和方法论,坚持好、运用好贯穿其中的立场观点方法,把习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想转化为坚定理想、锤炼党性和指导实践、推动工作的强大力量.
Article 11 talks about using the Party’s three history resolutions as content, along with expositions by Mao, Deng, Jiang, Hu and Xi on history. It calls to “understand and grasp the latest statements, evaluations and conclusions of the Party Central Committee on Party history, and consciously maintain a high degree of alignment with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of thought, politics and actions.” 第十一条 认真学习《关于若干历史问题的决议》、 《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》、 《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》,学习毛泽东同志、邓小平同志、江泽民同志、胡锦涛同志关于党史的重要论述, 学习习近平总书记关于党史的重要论述和指示要求, 理解和把握党中央关于党史的最新表述、评价和结论,自觉在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致.
Article 14 calls to “carry forward the great spirit of Party building, adhere to the truth and ideals, realize the original intention and fulfill the mission, be unafraid of sacrifice and struggle bravely, be loyal to the Party and live up to the expectations of the people, and provide spiritual strength for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.” 第十四条 弘扬伟大建党精神,坚持真理、坚守理想, 践行初心、担当使命, 不怕牺牲、英勇斗争,对党忠诚、不负人民,为强国建设、民族复兴提供精神力量.
Article 15: “Foster a correct understanding of Party history, earnestly study the fundamental works and authoritative readings on Party history; accurately grasp the themes, main lines, and essential characteristics of the Party’s historical development; Establish a correct understanding of major events, important meetings, and significant figures in Party history; approach mistakes and twists and turns experienced by the Party on its journey forward with correctness; firmly oppose and resist historical nihilism and ensure that the correct historical narrative becomes a consensus throughout the entire Party and society.” 第十五条 树立正确党史观,认真学习党史基本著作和权威读本,准确把握党的历史发展的主题主线、主流本质,正确认识党史上的重大事件、重要会议、重要人物, 正确对待党在前进道路上经历的失误和曲折,坚决反对和抵制历史虚无主义,让正史成为全党全社会的共识.
The next bit deals with how education must be carried out. Basically, it says that:
Party history is going to be a mandatory course for all, including officials at different levels;
grassroots Party organizations should incorporate Party history learning and education into their annual work plans;
it calls to make good use of “red” or revolutionary resources like museums, relics, memorials, etc;
it calls for lots of propaganda to “spread positive energy”. There is specific emphasis on media, arts, literature and online content;
“Do a good job in commemorating important festivals, anniversaries and major Party history events, organize birthday commemorations of deceased Party and state leaders in accordance with relevant regulations of the Party Central Committee, and carry out commemorative activities for major Party history events, important Party history figures and martyrs”;
There’s a call to use New Era Civilization Practice Centers for this purpose too, along with emphasizing role models
The final bit in the document is on supervision.
There’s also a commentary on the page discussing this regulation. Not surprisingly, the commentary basically calls for full implementation, and emphasizes the importance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.
Also on Page 2, there’s an interview with an official from the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute. One noteworthy answer is about the overall considerations while framing these regulations. The official says:
“In the process of formulating the Regulations, we adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, with the Party Constitution as the fundamental basis. We emphasized raising our political standing and steadfastly adhering to the correct political direction.” He then makes four points:
“First, comprehensively implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions on the learning and education of Party history, and clarify the overall requirements, working principles, goals and tasks of the learning and education of Party history.
Second, fully embody the fundamental requirements of upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership, strengthen the four consciousnesses and four self-confidences, achieve the two safeguards, and improve the system and mechanism of Party history learning and education.
Third, profoundly summarize the valuable experiences of Party history learning and education, elevating mature practices that have been tested in practice to the level of institutional norms.
Fourth, implement the provisions of the Party Constitution, pay attention to handling the relationship with current internal Party regulations, ensure smooth connections, maintain consistency, and enhance systematicity, coordination, and timeliness.”
Later in response to another question, the official asserts:
“Correctly handle the relationships between history and reality, politics and academia, research and propaganda, etc. Take a clear stand against erroneous thoughts and views such as historical nihilism; consciously fight against words and deeds that tarnish the image of the Party and the country, slander Party and state leaders, smear heroes and role models, and distort the history of the Party.” 正确处理历史和现实、政治和学术、研究和宣传等关系,旗帜鲜明反对历史虚无主义等错误思潮和观点,自觉与丑化党和国家形象、诋毁党和国家领导人、抹黑英雄模范、歪曲党的历史等言行作斗争.
Finally, there’s a report on the new State Council guideline on further regulating and overseeing the setting and enforcement of fines. Xinhua reports:
“According to the circular, efforts should be made to address problems that are affecting enterprises and people, such as arbitrary fines, in order to enhance government services and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and people, further improving the law-based business environment. The circular said that fines should be set scientifically in accordance with the law, and the enforcement of fines should be strictly regulated. Measures should be taken to continue to regulate off-site law enforcement, said the circular, adding that illegal, non-compliant and unnecessary monitoring devices should not be used. The circular also stressed comprehensively intensifying oversight on the enforcement of fines and continuing to strengthen supervision on financial accounting and audit.”
Page 3: There’s a report on Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong meeting with US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Xinhua reports that the “two officials had candid, in-depth and constructive communication on implementing the consensus reached at the San Francisco meeting between the two heads of state, advancing bilateral cooperation in drug control and law enforcement, and addressing each other’s concerns.”
“Wang said he hopes that the two sides will adhere to the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, uphold the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and remove obstacles to bilateral drug control and law enforcement cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. Wang urged the U.S. side to stop harassing and interrogating Chinese students for no reason, and ensure that Chinese citizens enjoy fair entry treatment and full dignity. Washington should also take concrete and effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese diplomatic and consular missions and personnel in the United States, lift visa restrictions on relevant Chinese institutions and personnel, and correct the mistake of listing China as a ‘major drug source country’, Wang said.”
“The two sides agreed to contribute to the steady development of China-U.S. relations by implementing the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, maintaining dialogue and cooperation on drug control and law enforcement, attaching importance to each other's concerns, and properly resolving issues on the basis of mutual respect, managing differences and mutually beneficial cooperation.”