Interpreting the Third Plenum Resolution's Impact on Environment Policy & for Cultural and Propaganda Work
Here are the key reports and articles that I found noteworthy from the People's Daily’s edition on Wednesday, August 07, 2024.
Page 1: The lead report on the page is about Xi Jinping’s instruction on strengthening the protection, preservation and utilisation of cultural and natural heritage. The instruction was made after one cultural heritage and two natural heritages of China were inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO in July 2024.
Also on the page is a long Ren Ping article talking about reform. I didn’t find anything particularly interesting in this.
Page 2: There’s an interview with Sun Jinlong, Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Sun interprets the third plenum resolution from the MEE’s perspective.
In response to the first question, he says that “at present, China faces the dual strategic tasks of achieving a fundamental improvement in the ecological environment and achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The task of comprehensively promoting the construction of a Beautiful China is extremely arduous.” 当前,我国生态文明建设同时面临实现生态环境根本好转和碳达峰碳中和两大战略任务,全面推进美丽中国建设任务十分艰巨.
Sun then makes the case that deepening the reform of the ecological civilization system is important to:
promote the construction of Beautiful China
support high-quality development with high-level protection
accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development modes
improve the well-being of the people, and
enable China’s participation and ability to lead global environmental and climate governance
The second question is about the achievements made when it comes to ecological civilisation construction in the new era. He makes four points:
First, ecological civilization has been enshrined in the Party Constitution and the Constitution of China. Over 30 environmental protection laws and regulations, including the Environmental Protection Law, have been formulated and revised. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have issued and implemented the “Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization’ and the ‘Overall Plan for the Reform of the Ecological Civilization System.’ Dozens of specific reform plans have been implemented consecutively. As a result, the legal system for environmental protection with Chinese characteristics and the institutional framework of ecological civilization, described as the ‘four beams and eight pillars’, have been basically established. 坚持用最严格制度最严密法治保护生态环境,生态文明载入了党章和宪法,制定修订环境保护法及30余部生态环境法律法规,党中央、国务院印发实施《关于加快推进生态文明建设的意见》《生态文明体制改革总体方案》,几十项具体改革方案相继实施,中国特色社会主义生态环境保护法律体系和生态文明“四梁八柱”性质的制度体系基本形成。
Second, responsibility for ecological civilization construction has been fully strengthened. For instance, systems such as the effectiveness assessment regarding the battle against pollution have been established and implemented. The modern environmental governance system led by the Party Committee, with government guidance and joint participation of enterprises, social organizations and the public has become more rigorous and sound. In particular, the central ecological environmental protection inspection system personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping has become a major institutional innovation and reform measure to consolidate the political responsibility for ecological civilization construction. 二是生态文明建设责任得到全面压紧压实。牢牢牵住责任制这个“牛鼻子”,严格落实生态环境保护“党政同责”“一岗双责”,建立实施污染防治攻坚战成效考核等制度,党委领导、政府主导、企业主体、社会组织和公众共同参与的现代环境治理体系更加严密健全。特别是习近平总书记亲自谋划、亲自部署、亲自推动的中央生态环境保护督察制度,成为夯实生态文明建设政治责任的重大制度创新和改革举措.
Third, major breakthroughs have been made in the reform of the natural resources and ecological environment management system. The Ministry of Natural Resources was established to uniformly exercise the responsibilities of the owner of all natural resources assets owned by the whole people, and to uniformly exercise the responsibilities for the regulation of land and space use as well as ecological protection and restoration. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment was established to integrate the ecological and environmental protection responsibilities scattered in various relevant departments, and to uniformly exercise the responsibilities for the regulation of ecological and urban-rural pollution emission supervision and administrative law enforcement. Reforms have been implemented to establish a vertical management system for monitoring, inspecting, and enforcing ecological and environmental regulations below the provincial level, along with comprehensive enforcement reforms for ecological and environmental protection, and the functions for managing and enforcing administrative regulations on the ecological environment of river basins and sea areas have been optimized, continually strengthening the independence, uniformity, authority, and effectiveness of ecological and environmental monitoring, inspection, and enforcement. 三是自然资源和生态环境管理体制改革取得重大突破。组建自然资源部,统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责,统一行使所有国土空间用途管制和生态保护修复职责;组建生态环境部,整合分散在各相关部门的生态环境保护职责,统一行使生态和城乡各类污染排放监管与行政执法职责。实施省以下生态环境机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革和生态环境保护综合执法改革,优化流域海域生态环境管理和行政执法职能配置,生态环境监测监察执法的独立性、统一性、权威性和有效性不断加强.
Fourth, the reform of the ecological environment governance system has been continuously deepened. Ecological and environmental protection work has shifted from focusing on reducing the total amount of pollutants to improving ecological and environmental quality. Responsibilities for ecological and environmental quality monitoring have been centralized, comprehensive coverage of pollution discharge permits for fixed pollution sources has been achieved, and the entry of ‘foreign garbage’ has been completely banned. Ecological protection redlines have been scientifically delineated, and the first batch of national parks has been established. Emissions trading has been promoted, resulting in the creation of the world’s largest carbon emission trading market. 四是生态环境治理体系改革持续深化。生态环境保护工作实现以抓污染物总量减排为主向以改善生态环境质量为核心转变,完成生态环境质量监测事权上收,完成固定污染源排污许可全覆盖,全面禁止“洋垃圾”入境。科学划定生态保护红线,设立首批国家公园。推行排污权交易,建成全球规模最大的碳排放权交易市场.
The third question is about what to expect going ahead. Sun makes four broad points:
First, improve the responsibility system for building a Beautiful China. Under this, he talks about strengthening the overall leadership of the Party and fundamentally ensuring that the political responsibility for building a Beautiful China is implemented; improving and standardising the central ecological and environmental protection supervision mechanism; promoting the establishment of a responsibility system for ecological and environmental protection for local Party and government leaders; carrying out assessments on the effectiveness of building a Beautiful China, and promoting the construction of a pilot zone for Beautiful China; and strengthening the legal guarantees for building a Beautiful China. 一是健全美丽中国建设责任体系。建设美丽中国是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的重要目标,必须坚持和加强党的全面领导,从根本上确保美丽中国建设政治责任落到实处。我们将深入推进中央生态环境保护督察,健全中央生态环境保护督察常态长效机制。推动建立地方党政领导干部生态环境保护责任制。此外,还将健全美丽中国建设实施体系和推进落实机制,开展美丽中国建设成效考核,推进美丽中国先行区建设。推进生态环境法典编纂,强化美丽中国建设法治保障。
Second, improve the modern environmental governance system. Promote the construction of responsibility systems, regulatory systems, market systems, and legal and policy frameworks for ecological and environmental governance. Implement a regional, differentiated and precise ecological environmental management system, and fully implement the pollutant emission permit system. Establish a system for coordinated control of new pollutants and environmental risk management, and promote the coordinated reduction of multiple pollutants. Deepen the reform of the environmental information disclosure system in accordance with the law, build an environmental credit supervision system, and stimulate the endogenous motivation of enterprises. 二是健全现代环境治理体系。推进生态环境治理责任体系、监管体系、市场体系、法律法规政策体系建设。实施分区域、差异化、精准管控的生态环境管理制度,全面实行排污许可制。建立新污染物协同治理和环境风险管控体系,推进多污染物协同减排。深化环境信息依法披露制度改革,构建环境信用监管体系,激发企业内生动力.
Third, improve the supervision system of ecological protection and restoration. Under this, he calls to strengthen the overall coordination and supervision and management; strengthening the supervision of ‘Green Shield’ nature reserves, and establish a supervision mechanism for ecological damage issues within ecological protection red lines; strengthen the coordination mechanism for biodiversity conservation; improve the mechanisms for compensating for ecological protection and realising the value of ecological products; and enhance the national coordination mechanism for ecological security work, enhancing the capacity of national ecological security risk assessment, monitoring and early warning, emergency response, and handling. 持续推进“绿盾”自然保护地强化监督,建立生态保护红线生态破坏问题监督机制。强化生物多样性保护工作协调机制,实施生物多样性保护重大工程。拓宽绿水青山转化金山银山的路径,健全生态保护补偿和生态产品价值实现机制。完善国家生态安全工作协调机制,提升国家生态安全风险研判评估、监测预警、应急应对和处置能力.
Fourth, improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism. Focus on building a ‘1+N’ policy system to promote the development of new quality productive forces in the field of ecological environment, comprehensively carry out coordinated innovation in pollution reduction and carbon reduction in multiple fields and at multiple levels, and vigorously develop green environmental protection industries. Improve the market-based allocation system for resources and environmental factors, and promote the system of paid use and trading system of emission rights. Further develop the national carbon market and improve the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market. Build a market-oriented green technology innovation system to promote self-reliance and self-improvement of green and low-carbon science and technology.四是健全绿色低碳发展机制。着力构建生态环境领域促进新质生产力“1+N”政策体系,全面开展多领域多层次减污降碳协同创新,大力发展绿色环保产业。健全资源环境要素市场化配置体系,深入推进排污权有偿使用和交易制度建设。进一步发展全国碳市场,完善全国温室气体自愿减排交易市场。构建市场导向的绿色技术创新体系,推动绿色低碳科技自立自强.
Page 3: First, Wang Yi spoke to Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi. Xinhua reports:
“Safadi said that the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has further escalated tensions in the Middle East and the situation is very dangerous, adding that Jordan believes that the escalation of the conflict will not benefit any side, but only result in multiple losses. He noted that the international community should take immediate action to avoid the escalation of the conflict, stop violations of international law, achieve a ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible, and ultimately achieve the independence of Palestine as a sovereign state through the two-state solution. Noting that China has always maintained an objective and fair position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict issue, Safadi said that Jordan is willing to maintain communication with China and expects and believes that China will play a more important role in promoting a ceasefire and stopping the war.”
Wang said that “China firmly opposes and strongly condemns the assassination, which has violated the basic norms of international relations, infringed on Iran's sovereignty, undermined the ceasefire negotiation process in Gaza, and led to further escalation of the regional situation. He pointed that the key to avoiding the deterioration and escalation of the situation is to achieve a full and permanent ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible and the international community should make a more consistent voice on this issue and form a joint force. Speaking highly of Jordan’s important role in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and achieving peace in the Middle East, Wang said that China is willing to maintain communication and coordination with Jordan to jointly promote relevant parties to proceed from the overall peace situation, refrain from taking actions that escalate the situation, and resume ceasefire negotiations as soon as possible. China will continue to stand firm with Arab countries, support all efforts that are conducive to achieving a permanent and full ceasefire in Gaza, avoid further escalation of conflicts and confrontations, and promote the easing of the situation in the Middle East as soon as possible, Wang added”.
Wang also spoke to Badr Abdelatty, Egypt's Minister of Foreign Affairs. Xinhua says:
“The Gaza conflict, which has resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis, is a focal point of concern for the international community, said Wang, adding that despite the United Nations Security Council’s adoption of a ceasefire resolution, hostilities have yet to subside. Wang said the assassination of Hamas Politburo Chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran has pushed the regional situation into a more dangerous height, adding that China resolutely opposes and strongly condemns such assassination acts that violate the basic principles of the UN Charter, infringe on Iran's sovereignty and dignity, severely undermine efforts to promote peace, and make a ceasefire in Gaza increasingly unattainable.
Retaliatory violence leads to a vicious cycle, and responding to violence with violence only exacerbates tensions, said Wang, noting that double standards should not be applied to the crisis in Gaza, and China's position on the Palestinian issue has always been consistent and clear. In response to the Gaza conflict, China has proposed a three-step initiative: achieving a comprehensive ceasefire, promoting post-war governance in Gaza under the principle of ‘the Palestinians governing Palestine’, and effectively implementing the two-state solution, Wang noted. He also pointed out that China will continue to stand on the side of international justice, strengthen solidarity with Arab countries, and work with all parties to avoid further escalation and deterioration of the situation.”
Page 4: There’s a report on the flood challenge across parts of China. On Tuesday, the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters launched a Level 4 emergency response for flood control in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia; it maintained a Level 3 emergency response for flood control in Liaoning and Jilin, and a Level 4 emergency response for flood control in Heilongjiang. In China’s four-tier emergency response system for flood control, Level I is the most urgent response.
Page 6: Today’s long piece interpreting the third plenum resolution is by Li Shulei, discussing the implication of reform for China’s cultural system.
Li writes that “deepening the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms and promoting cultural prosperity at a new historical starting point is related to the overall situation of Chinese-style modernization, the long-term stability of the country, and the sustainable development of the nation.”在新的历史起点上深化文化体制机制改革、推动文化繁荣兴盛,事关中国式现代化建设全局,事关国家长治久安、民族永续发展。
He explains that “since the 18th Party Congress, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made systematic plans and carried out propaganda, ideology and cultural work from an overall and strategic perspective, advancing the cause of propaganda, ideology and culture in the new era, ensuring historic changes and making historic achievements. In particular, we have combined the basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific realities and the excellent traditional Chinese culture to create an organic and unified new cultural life. In the new era and on the new journey, General Secretary Xi Jinping has proposed a new cultural mission. The key to completing this mission lies in reform. It is necessary to further break through deep-seated institutional and mechanism obstacles through reform, stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creation, and provide strong impetus and institutional guarantees for promoting cultural prosperity and building a cultural power.” 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央从全局和战略高度,对宣传思想文化工作作出系统谋划和部署,推动新时代宣传思想文化事业取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。特别是我们把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际、同中华优秀传统文化相结合,造就了一个有机统一的新的文化生命体。面向新时代新征程,习近平总书记提出新的文化使命。完成这一使命,关键在改革。必须通过改革进一步破解深层次体制机制障碍,激发文化创新创造活力,为推动文化繁荣、建设文化强国提供强大动力和制度保障。
“Deepening the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms is an inherent requirement for enriching people’s spiritual and cultural lives. Compared to material satisfaction, culture is a spiritual force, a vision and sentiment that speaks to the long-term and to generations to come. The more materially abundant people become, the stronger their spiritual and cultural needs grow. Moreover, as people’s cultural literacy and standards improve, their demands for the quality of cultural works increase. In recent years, China’s capacity for artistic creation and production has significantly improved, and the supply of various cultural products and services has grown rapidly. The main contradiction in cultural supply has shifted from ‘enough or not’ to ‘good or not’. This requires us to further deepen reforms, accelerate the establishment of systems and mechanisms conducive to the continuous emergence of high-quality cultural products and services, better enrich people’s spiritual world, and enhance people’s spiritual strength.” 深化文化体制机制改革,是丰富人民精神文化生活的内在要求。相对于物质满足,文化是一种精神力量,是一种诉诸长远、诉诸千秋万代的视野与情怀。越是物质富足,人们的精神文化需求越是强烈。而且,随着人们文化素质、文化水准提高,人们对文化作品质量的要求更高了。这些年,我国文艺创作生产能力大幅提升,各种文化产品和服务供给数量高速增长,文化供给的主要矛盾已由“够不够”转向“好不好”。这就要求我们进一步深化改革,加快建立有利于优质文化产品服务不断涌现的体制机制,更好丰富人民精神世界、增强人民精神力量.
He also argues that the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms “is an urgent need to accelerate the adaptation to the new situation of the rapid development of information technology.”
“At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution is evolving, and new information technologies are developing rapidly. In the cultural field, various new formats, new applications, and new models are constantly emerging, profoundly changing the way of cultural creation, production, dissemination and consumption, profoundly reshaping the form of media, public opinion ecology and cultural formats, and profoundly promoting the exchange, integration and clashes among different cultures and values. The rapid development of information technology has also promoted profound adjustments in the international communication pattern and international discourse field, providing China with an opportunity to occupy the commanding heights of international communication and build new advantages in international discourse. In the face of new situations, only those who reform can win. It is necessary to promote comprehensive reform of cultural systems and mechanisms, promote all-round innovation in work concepts, contents, forms, methods and means, and systematically integrate internet thinking and information technology applications into propaganda, ideology, and cultural work, realising comprehensive and thorough digital empowerment and information transformation.” 深化文化体制机制改革,是加快适应信息技术迅猛发展新形势的迫切需要。从历史上看,每一次信息技术革命都推动传播革命。当前,新一轮科技革命方兴未艾,新的信息技术迅猛发展,在文化领域不断催生各类新业态、新应用、新模式,深刻改变文化创作生产和传播消费方式,深刻重塑媒体形态、舆论生态和文化业态,深刻推动不同文化和价值观念交流交融交锋。信息技术迅猛发展也推动国际传播格局和国际话语场深刻调整,为我们占据国际传播制高点、构筑国际话语新优势提供了契机。面对新形势,唯改革者胜。要推进文化体制机制全方位改革,推进工作理念、内容、形式、方法、手段全方位创新,把互联网思维和信息技术应用系统贯穿到宣传思想文化工作中,实现全面彻底的数字化赋能、信息化转型.
“Deepening the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms is a requirement of the times in order to enhance national cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture. Currently, changes in the world, the times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways, and human society stands at a crossroads. On one hand, there is an increasingly strong call to address common challenges and move towards a better future through civilizational exchange and mutual learning. The international community’s interest in Chinese culture is growing daily, with expectations for Chinese culture to play a greater role in the development and progress of human civilization. On the other hand, tendencies to promote cultural competition and provoke conflicts between civilisations and ideological confrontations are also on the rise. In particular, China’s rapid development has caused strong unease among certain countries. They have used their information advantages and public opinion hegemony to tarnish China’s image, intensifying their campaign of distortion and smear attacks. Whether it is to promote civilizational exchange and mutual learning or to respond to international cultural competition, it is necessary to deepen reforms, improve the international communication system and mechanism, construct a strategic communication system with distinct Chinese characteristics, continuously enhance national cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture, so as to truly stand firm amidst the turbulence of international culture.” 深化文化体制机制改革,是提升国家文化软实力和中华文化影响力的时代要求。当前,世界之变、时代之变、历史之变正以前所未有的方式展开,人类社会正站在十字路口。一方面,通过文明交流互鉴应对共同挑战、迈向美好未来的呼声日益强烈,国际社会对中华文化的关注与日俱增,期待中华文化对人类文明发展进步发挥更大作用。另一方面,宣扬文化竞争并挑起文明冲突、意识形态对抗的倾向也有增无减。尤其是中国快速发展引起个别国家强烈不安,他们凭借信息优势和舆论霸权丑化我国形象,歪曲抹黑的舆论攻势不断加剧。无论是推动文明交流互鉴,还是应对国际文化竞争,都要求我们深化改革,完善国际传播体制机制,构建具有鲜明中国特色的战略传播体系,不断提升国家文化软实力和中华文化影响力,以真正在国际文化激荡中站稳脚跟.
In the second section of the article, Li talks about grasping the basic requirements for deepening the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms. He writes:
First, adhere to the fundamental system of Marxism’s guiding role in the field of ideology. In particular, he explains “Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for our party and country. In the new era, the most important thing to uphold and consolidate the guiding role of Marxism is to uphold and consolidate the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” 马克思主义是我们立党立国、兴党兴国的根本指导思想,在新时代,坚持和巩固马克思主义指导地位,最重要的就是坚持和巩固习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导地位. Li adds that Xi Jinping Thought on Culture is a “powerful ideological weapon and scientific action guide for doing a good job in propaganda, ideology and culture in the new era.”
Second, enhance cultural confidence. “Cultural confidence is the most fundamental, profound, and enduring force in the development of a country and a nation. Only a nation with cultural confidence can stand firm, remain stable, and go far. Enhancing cultural confidence is the fundamental premise and prerequisite for deepening the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms and promoting cultural prosperity and development. We must adhere to our own path, neither blindly following various dogmas nor copying foreign theories. We must resolutely reform what should and can be reformed, and firmly not change what should not and cannot be changed. Cultural confidence stems from our cultural subjectivity. We must adhere to the ‘two combinations/integrations’ — using Marxism to promote the renewal and modern transformation of Chinese civilization and in a broader cultural space, fully utilizing the valuable resources of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Develop a national, scientific, and popular socialist culture that is oriented towards modernization, the world, and the future. This will consolidate our cultural subjectivity and maintain our spiritual independence.” 增强文化自信。文化自信是一个国家、一个民族发展中最基本、最深沉、最持久的力量,有文化自信的民族,才能立得住、站得稳、行得远。增强文化自信,是深化文化体制机制改革、推动文化繁荣发展的根本前提和先决条件。必须坚持走自己的路,既不盲从各种教条,也不照搬外国理论,该改的、能改的坚决改,不该改的、不能改的坚决不改。文化自信来自于我们的文化主体性,要坚持“两个结合”,以马克思主义推动中华文明的生命更新和现代转型,在更广阔的文化空间中,充分运用中华优秀传统文化的宝贵资源,发展面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化,巩固文化主体性,坚守精神独立性.
Third, cultivate a large-scale team of outstanding cultural talents.
Fourth, “deepening the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms should focus on stimulating the innovation and creativity of the entire nation as a central task. This involves accelerating the improvement of cultural management systems and production and operation mechanisms that adhere to the laws of cultural development and stimulate vitality. It is essential to fully promote academic democracy and artistic democracy, encourage the liberation of thought and bold exploration, and create a positive, healthy, relaxed, and harmonious atmosphere. This will ensure that all sources of cultural innovation flow freely and that all cultural creativity continues to burst forth.” 深化文化体制机制改革要把激发全民族创新创造活力作为中心环节,加快完善遵循文化发展规律、有利于激发活力的文化管理体制和生产经营机制。要充分发扬学术民主、艺术民主,鼓励解放思想、大胆探索,营造积极健康、宽松和谐的氛围,让一切文化创新源泉充分涌流,让一切文化创造活力持续迸发.
In terms of the key tasks ahead, in the final section, Li calls to:
First, improve the responsibility system for ideological work. Under this, Li writes that “Since the 18th Party Congress, the situation in the ideological field of our country has undergone an overall and fundamental change. However, the situation remains complex and severe, with struggles and contests sometimes being very sharp. It is necessary to further improve the responsibility system for ideological work and firmly grasp the leadership in the ideological realm.” 党的十八大以来,我国意识形态领域形势发生全局性、根本性转变,但形势依然复杂严峻,斗争和较量有时十分尖锐,必须进一步完善意识形态工作责任制,牢牢掌握意识形态领导权.
He calls to promote the standardisation and institutionalisation of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. He further adds: “Philosophy and social sciences are important supports for ideology. It is necessary to innovate the project of Marxist theory research and construction, implement the innovation project of philosophy and social sciences, address Chinese fields, solve Chinese problems, and form Chinese theories, and build an independent knowledge system of Chinese philosophy and social sciences, so that Chinese philosophy and social sciences can truly stand tall in the world academic community. Public opinion work is an important part of ideological work. We must follow the trend of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, implement the all-media communication construction project, use Internet thinking to lead resource allocation, build a working mechanism and evaluation system that adapts to all-media production and communication, promote systematic changes in mainstream media, and promote the main force to advance into the main battlefield.” 马克思主义是社会主义意识形态的旗帜和灵魂,要健全用党的创新理论武装全党、教育人民、指导实践工作体系,完善党委(党组)理论学习中心组学习制度,推动学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想常态化制度化。哲学社会科学是意识形态的重要支撑,要创新马克思主义理论研究和建设工程,实施哲学社会科学创新工程,面向中国田野、解决中国问题、形成中国理论,构建中国哲学社会科学自主知识体系,使中国特色哲学社会科学真正屹立于世界学术之林。舆论工作是意识形态工作的重要组成部分,要顺应数字化、网络化、智能化趋势,实施全媒体传播建设工程,用互联网思维主导资源配置,构建适应全媒体生产传播的工作机制和评价体系,推进主流媒体系统性变革,推动主力军全面挺进主战场.
Li also argues that core values are “the most enduring and deepest force in ideology”. He calls to “improve the institutional mechanisms for cultivating and practicing socialist core values, use socialist core values to guide social trends, forming common ideals and beliefs, powerful spiritual strength, and basic moral norms throughout the Party and society, thereby raising the level of civilization of the entire nation.” 最深层的力量,要完善培育和践行社会主义核心价值观制度机制,用社会主义核心价值观引领社会思潮,在全党全社会形成共同理想信念、强大精神力量、基本道德规范,提高全民族文明程度. He also says that rural areas are the focus of spiritual civilization construction, and calls to thoroughly implement the citizen morality construction project.
“We should actively explore targeted and precise implementation mechanisms for online ideological and moral education, innovate methods and approaches, and enhance their persuasive and impactful qualities. We need to establish and improve a collaborative governance mechanism for prominent issues in the moral domain, addressing moral problems that are strongly reflected by the public.” 要积极探索网上思想道德教育分众化、精准化实施机制,创新方式方法,增强说服力感染力。建立健全道德领域突出问题协同治理机制,解决好群众反映强烈的道德问题.
Second, Li calls to optimise the supply mechanism of cultural services and cultural products. Third, Li calls to improve the comprehensive network governance system. This is interesting.
“We need to deepen the reform of the internet management system, coordinate and streamline all aspects and fields of internet content production and dissemination. Further integrate network content construction and management functions in accordance with the principles of unified leadership, centralized unification, and efficient coordination. Promote the integrated management of news propaganda and online public opinion, and promote the formation of a more scientific, efficient and orderly network governance pattern.” 要深化网络管理体制改革,统筹和打通网络内容生产和传播各环节各领域,按照归口领导、集中统一、高效协调的原则,进一步整合网络内容建设和管理职能,推进新闻宣传和网络舆论一体化管理,推动形成更加科学高效有序的治网格局.
“Generative AI is one of the most revolutionary and leading scientific and technological domains at present. It is necessary to improve the development and management mechanism of generative AI as soon as possible, promote industrial development, technological progress and safety guarantee in this important field, ensuring its benefits while avoiding harm and ensuring safe usage. Cyberspace is not a lawless zone or a place where public opinion operates independently. It is necessary to strengthen the rule of law in cyberspace, improve the long-term mechanisms for internet ecological governance, and ensure that the internet operates healthily within the framework of the rule of law.” 生成式人工智能是目前最具革命性、引领性的科学技术之一,要尽快完善生成式人工智能发展和管理机制,推动这一重要领域的产业发展、技术进步与安全保障,做到趋利避害、安全使用。网络空间不是法外之地、舆论飞地,要加强网络空间法治建设,健全网络生态治理长效机制,使互联网始终在法治轨道上健康运行.
Fourth, build a more effective international communication system.
“We should promote the reconstruction of the international communication pattern, promote coordination and cooperation in the fields of publicity, diplomacy, economy and trade, tourism, sports, etc. We should encourage synergy among departments, localities, media, think tanks, enterprises, and universities to accelerate the construction of a multi-channel, multi-dimensional external communication framework. We should accelerate the construction of a Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, strive to create new concepts, new categories and new expressions that link China and foreign countries, make good use of Chinese cultural resources, closely follow international concerns to tell the story of China in the new era, and show a credible, lovely and respectable image of China. Making good use of the power of cultural civilization is an inevitable requirement for improving the effectiveness of international communication. We should establish mechanisms for implementing GCI, promote the construction of bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms for civilizational exchanges, thoroughly implement the global dissemination project of Chinese civilization, widely participate in dialogues among world civilizations, expand international cultural exchanges and cooperation, and make positive contributions to promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.” 要推进国际传播格局重构,促进宣传、外交、经贸、旅游、体育等领域协调配合,推动部门、地方、媒体、智库、企业、高校等主体协同发力,加快构建多渠道、立体式对外传播格局。要加快构建中国话语和中国叙事体系,着力打造融通中外的新概念、新范畴、新表述,用好中华文化资源、紧扣国际关切讲好新时代中国故事,展现可信、可爱、可敬的中国形象。善用文化文明的力量,是提升国际传播效能的必然要求。要建设全球文明倡议践行机制,推动文明交流双边多边合作机制建设,深入实施中华文明全球传播工程,广泛参与世界文明对话,扩大国际人文交流合作,为推动构建人类命运共同体作出积极贡献.