Minister Jin Zhuanglong on 2023 Industrial Economy Agenda - China-Philippines Ties - 2023 Fiscal Policy Priorities - Fujian Party Secretary Zhou Zuyi's Ode to Xi
Here are the stories and pieces that I found noteworthy from the Tuesday, January 3, 2023, edition of the People’s Daily.
Page 1: At the top of the page is a report (English report) on Xi Jinping’s congratulatory message to Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on his inauguration as Brazil’s president. Xi said that China and Brazil are “comprehensive strategic partners sharing extensive common interests and shouldering common development responsibilities.” He added that over the years, “the China-Brazil relationship has become a model of relations between major developing countries with rich connotations and broad prospects.” He also said that “he attaches great importance to the development of the China-Brazil comprehensive strategic partnership, and is willing to work with Lula to continue to firmly support each other in taking a development path in line with their own national conditions, respect each other's core interests, promote their practical cooperation, strengthen multilateral coordination, and lead and push the partnership to a higher level from a strategic and long-term perspective.”
Next, is a new column series from the newspaper expressing confidence in the Chinese economy. The series is being published under the theme of beginning firmly with confidence 坚定信心开局起步. The piece today talks about the work being done with regard to major projects. It mentions projects like the Zhanjiang Bay undersea tunnel, which is a key part of the Guangzhou-Zhanjiang high-speed railway; the deepwater gas field Deep Sea-1; dams being built in Shandong; and the Chengdu-Kunming Railway line, among others.
The key data points in the piece are:
Give full play to the key role of investment, intensively start major projects, speed up infrastructure investment, give full play to the role of domestic demand, release the demand potential of China's super-large domestic market, and promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of China's economy. 充分发挥投资的关键作用,重大项目密集开工,基础设施投资提速,着力发挥内需拉动作用,释放我国超大规模国内市场的需求潜力,推动我国经济平稳健康可持续发展.
From January to November 2022, China's infrastructure investment increased by 8.9% year-on-year; the planned total investment of newly started projects increased by 20.3% year-on-year. 国家统计局新闻发言人付凌晖介绍,2022年1至11月,我国基础设施投资同比增长8.9%,增速连续7个月回升;新开工项目计划总投资同比增长20.3%,继续保持较快增长.
From January to November 2022, investment in the production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water, and in the management of public facilities increased by 19.6 percent and 11.6 percent, respectively. Investment in the social sector grew by 12.5%. 2022年1至11月,全国电力热力燃气及水生产和供应业、公共设施管理业投资同比分别增长19.6%、11.6%;社会领域投资增长12.5%.
From January to November 2022, investment in the high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 23% year-on-year. 2022年1至11月,高技术制造业投资同比增长23%.
The article says that the CEWC called for greater financial support for major projects, including the need to attract private capital. According to Luo Guosan, an official from the NDRC, by the end of November 2022, more than 2,700 projects supported by two batches of financial instruments totaling 739.9 billion yuan had started construction; in 2022, a total of 640 billion yuan had been allocated from the central budget, and the project operation rate has reached the highest level in the past five years. 国家发改委投资司司长罗国三介绍,截至2022年11月底,两批共7399亿元金融工具支持的2700多个项目已全部开工建设;2022年全年6400亿元中央预算内投资已下达完毕,项目开工率达近5年最高水平.
Next, there’s the third commentary in the series of articles drawing from Xi’s new year speech. This one focuses on his remarks related to natural disasters and the heroic deeds of the people. It also references the “new phase” in dealing with COVID-19.
It says:
“Only by standing firm and steady in spirit can a nation stand tall and upright before the tide of history. Today, not only are there high-rise buildings everywhere in China, but the Chinese national spirit also towers high. The Chinese people have become more confident, self-reliant and are striving for self-improvement…Building a modern socialist country in all respects is a great and arduous undertaking with a bright future and a long way to go. On the way forward, we are well aware that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can not be achieved with ease by simply beating drums and gongs. We must be brave in the great struggle with many new historical features, and be prepared to make more arduous and arduous efforts. This year is the first year of comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 20th Party Congress. The beginning is related to the overall situation, and the beginning determines the course going forward. We should strengthen our cultural self-confidence, inspire our spiritual strength, meet challenges with the spirit of struggle, forge ahead and work hard to open up the future, strive to achieve the goals and tasks of the whole year, open up a new realm in the development of our cause by relying on tenacious struggle, and lay a good foundation for achieving the second centennial goal.” 唯有精神上站得住、站得稳,一个民族才能在历史洪流中屹立不倒、挺立潮头。今天,中华大地上不仅有高楼大厦遍地林立,中华民族精神的大厦也已经巍然耸立。中国人民更加自信、自立、自强,极大增强了志气、骨气、底气,在历史进程中积累的强大能量充分爆发出来,焕发出前所未有的历史主动精神、历史创造精神,正在信心百倍书写着新时代中国发展的伟大历史。新征程是充满光荣和梦想的远征。全面建设社会主义现代化国家,是一项伟大而艰巨的事业,前途光明,任重道远。前进道路上,我们深知中华民族伟大复兴不是轻轻松松、敲锣打鼓就能实现的,必须勇于进行具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争,准备付出更为艰巨、更为艰苦的努力。今年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年,开局关乎全局,起步决定后程。我们要增强文化自信,激扬精神的力量,以斗争精神迎接挑战,以奋进拼搏开辟未来,努力实现全年目标任务,依靠顽强斗争打开事业发展新天地,为实现第二个百年奋斗目标奠定良好基础.
Next, there’s a report with data informing that China’s massive open online courses (MOOC) have attracted 979 million learners as of November 2022. The MOOC platform provides more than 61,900 online courses, with 402 million registered users. Finally, a report with data from the Ministry of Science and Technology, showing that 18.907 billion yuan was spent in 2021 on science popularisation. This includes expenditure on activities, infrastructure and venues. The report also informs that China had 1,677 science and technology museums in 2021. 163 million people apparently visited these museums in 2021.
Page 2: There’s an interview (shorter English version) with Jin Zhuanglong, Minister and Party Secretary, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The first question is about what the ministry will be doing to promote the steady growth of the industrial economy in 2023.
Jin begins by saying that while China’s industrial economy will face many difficulties and challenges in 2023, China has key advantages in terms of its complete industrial system and a strong domestic market. He adds that optimised epidemic prevention and control policies along with existing and incremental policy changes will effectively unleash the vitality of market players, consumer potential and impetus for industrial upgrading. He then talks about four areas of work:
Strengthen implementation of policies that have been announced: “strengthen coordination among departments and coordination between ministries and provinces, implement various policies and follow-up measures already introduced…” 一是加大稳增长政策供给和落实力度。近期,我们会同有关部门出台了加力振作工业经济的17条政策举措,我们将加强部门协同、部省联动,落实落细已出台的各项政策和接续措施,充分释放政策累积效应,充分激发市场活力,促进工业经济加速恢复.
Focus on key industries and areas: In this regard, he says: “Targeted policies will be introduced to boost the stable growth of pillar industries such as automobiles and electronics, while efforts should be made to cultivate fresh growth points in new energy, new materials and other emerging industries.” He adds that it is important to “support big industrial provinces to ‘take the lead bravely’ and make more contributions.” 二是聚焦重点行业和地区,稳住工业增长基本盘。针对机械、石化、汽车、电子等支柱行业,分业施策、分类研究制定稳增长工作措施。针对新能源、新材料、新一代信息技术、高端装备等新兴产业,加大培育支持力度。支持工业大省“勇挑大梁”、多做贡献。发挥京津冀、长三角、粤港澳大湾区等区域协同效应,形成更多经济增长极.
Fully implement the 14th Five-Year Plan projects in order to boost effective investment in the manufacturing sector: In this, he talks about the use of policy-based financial instruments in order to support manufacturing enterprises to achieve high-end, intelligent and green development. He also promises to “give full play to the guiding role of industrial investment funds such as the National Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Fund, and strengthen the service guarantee for major foreign-funded projects in the manufacturing industry.” 三是全面实施“十四五”系列规划,提振制造业有效投资。对规划确定的重大项目、重大工程、重大专项,组织地方和有关方面抓紧论证,尽早启动实施。用足用好政策性开发性金融工具、设备更新改造等稳投资政策,支持制造业企业瞄准高端、智能、绿色发展加大投入。深化产融合作,充分发挥制造业转型升级基金等产业投资基金的引导作用,加强制造业重大外资项目服务保障.
Actively expand consumption and create new demand with high-quality supply: In this, he talks about supporting the automobiles sector, particularly NEVs, supporting green and smart home appliances, and boosting consumption. 四是积极扩大消费,以高质量供给引领创造新需求。着力稳住汽车等大宗消费,实施新能源汽车领跑强基工程。深入实施“增品种、提品质、创品牌”行动,开展百城千企进万家活动。推进绿色智能家电、绿色建材下乡活动,大力培育信息消费示范城市,促进新技术新产品新模式发展.
The next question is about construction of a modern industrial system. In this regard, the minister talks about five key areas of focus for the year.
First, improve the independent controllability of key industrial chains: In this, he talks about the need to identify the weak links in key and core technologies, as well as components and parts of the country’s major manufacturing industrial chains, and pull together resources to tackle the problems, so that major industrial chains are more independent and controllable.
Second, deepen the reconstruction of the industrial base. Focusing on core basic components: In this, he talks about focusing on core basic components, key basic materials, key basic software, building basic technology and industrial technology foundation; vigorously implementing projects to industrial foundation projects; laying out a number of industrial foundation common technology centres in key areas, and cultivating several national manufacturing innovation centres, striving to break through a number of key and urgently needed basic products and cultivating more high-quality enterprises focused on the industrial foundation. 二是深入推进产业基础再造。聚焦核心基础零部件、核心基础元器件、关键基础材料、关键基础软件、先进基础工艺和产业技术基础,大力实施产业基础再造工程,在重点领域布局一批产业基础共性技术中心,再培育若干国家制造业创新中心,努力突破一批关键急需基础产品,培育更多专注产业基础的优质企业.
Third, efforts should be made to reinforce the leading status of industries where China excels. In this, he mentions the mobile communication industry with a focus on 5G and research into 6G technologies; he also calls for supporting NEVs, photovoltaic industry and shipbuilding.
Fourth, transform and upgrade traditional industries.
Fifth, accelerate the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries. In this, he mentions artificial intelligence, bio-manufacturing, Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles, and green and low carbon industries. He calls for setting up advanced manufacturing clusters and studying the action plan for future industrial development, and accelerating the planning and layout of future industries such as humanoid robots, metaverse, quantum technology, etc. 五是加快培育壮大新兴产业。加快人工智能、生物制造、物联网、车联网、绿色低碳等战略性新兴产业创新发展,培育一批新的增长引擎。实施先进制造业集群发展专项行动,在重点领域培育一批各具特色、优势互补、结构合理的先进制造业集群。研究制定未来产业发展行动计划,加快谋划布局人形机器人、元宇宙、量子科技等未来产业.
The third question is about support for SMEs. In this, Xinhua’s English version has a good summation.
“The MIIT will provide greater support to promote the high-quality development of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as these firms still face tough challenges in maintaining stable operations, according to Jin. In an effort to boost the development of SMEs, China will strive to ensure that the number of SMEs that feature specialization, refinement, uniqueness and innovation exceeds 80,000 by the end of 2023, while that of the ‘little giant’ firms -- referring to small enterprises in their early stage of development and focusing on high-end technologies -- will top 10,000.”
The final question is about the digital economy. In this, Jin makes five points:
First, accelerate the construction of digital infrastructure. This includes the construction of 5G and gigabit optical networks, formulating an action plan for the development of computing infrastructure, coordinating the construction of new infrastructure such as data centres and the industrial Internet, optimising IPv6 performance and service capabilities, improving the layout of direct Internet connection points and new Internet switching centres, and accelerating the deployment and application of the Internet of Vehicles.
Second, promote innovative development of the digital industry. This includes focusing on key areas such as integrated circuits, 5G, new displays, key software, artificial intelligence, and big data; supporting enterprises to increase R&D investment, and improving the supply of basic software and hardware, core electronic components, key basic materials, and intelligent manufacturing equipment; and accelerating the cultivation of data factor market players.
Third, deepen industrial digital transformation. The aim is to build “world-leading smart factories and smart supply chains.”
Fourth, strengthen network and data security protection. In this, he talks about the need to strengthen the construction of network infrastructure security capabilities, establish data security system norms and standards in industrial and information fields, and enhance the security guarantee capabilities in areas like 5G, the industrial Internet, and the Internet of Vehicles. 四是加强网络和数据安全防护。贯彻国家网络安全、数据安全等法律法规,强化网络基础设施安全防护能力建设,建立工业和信息化领域数据安全制度规范和标准,增强5G、工业互联网、车联网等新型融合领域安全保障能力。
Fifth, improve the regulatory and supervision environment for the development of the digital economy.
Also on the page is a report on the video conference in Beijing recently around national financial work. The key points mentioned in the report are:
First, continue to optimise and improve the policies to support enterprises and implement the employment first policy. In this regard, tax rebates and relief measures should be continued and optimised based on the actual situation; continue to crack down on charges levied against enterprises that violate regulations; treat all market players on an equal footing in terms of financial subsidies, tax and fee concessions, and government procurement; adjust some policies and measures to reduce burdens and stabilise and expand employment. 在增强财政政策的针对性有效性,大力提振市场主体信心方面,将继续优化完善助企纾困政策,落实落细就业优先政策。对现行减税降费、退税缓税等措施,根据实际情况,该延续的延续,该优化的优化。持续整治违规涉企收费。继续实行小微企业融资担保降费奖补。在财政补助、税费优惠、政府采购等方面对各类市场主体一视同仁、平等对待。调整完善部分减负稳岗扩就业政策举措。加强就业公共服务,帮助高校毕业生、农民工、脱贫人口等重点群体就业创业.
Second, strengthen the guidance of government investment in the whole society, promote the recovery and expansion of consumption, and strengthen the stability of foreign trade and foreign investment. This covers support for major projects. It also covers: “increasing social security, transfer payments and other adjustments to increase residents' income through multiple channels, especially to improve the spending power of low-and middle-income residents who have high propensity to consume but are greatly affected by the epidemic.” 加大社会保障、转移支付等调节,多渠道增加居民收入,特别是提高消费倾向高、但受疫情影响大的中低收入居民的消费能力. It also says: “We will improve policies on tariffs, import taxes and export tax rebates, and encourage the development of new forms of foreign trade such as cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses. We will gradually expand the ‘zero tariff’ list and speed up the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.” 完善关税、进口环节税收和出口退税政策,鼓励发展跨境电商、海外仓等外贸新业态。逐步扩大“零关税”清单,加快建设海南自由贸易港.
Third, improve the efficiency of science and technology investment and supporting agriculture. Under this, the report talks about increasing investment in basic research, studying and deepening reform of the mechanism for allocating and using government funds for science and technology, fully supporting the organisation and implementation of major S&T projects (Innovation 2030) projects, thoroughly implement the pilot project of financial support for digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the income guarantee mechanism of grain farmers and the benefit compensation mechanism of major grain producing areas, continue to increase the central government's linkage to promote the scale of rural revitalisation subsidy funds, and enhance the endogenous development power of people from poverty-stricken areas. 继续加大基础研究投入,研究深化财政科技经费分配使用机制改革,全力支持科技创新2030—重大项目组织实施,深入实施财政支持中小企业数字化转型试点,健全种粮农民收益保障机制和粮食主产区利益补偿机制,继续增加中央财政衔接推进乡村振兴补助资金规模,增强脱贫地区和脱贫群众内生发展动力.
Fourth, support livelihood needs. “The central government will increase transfer payments to local governments for education. Appropriately raise government subsidies for non-resident medical insurance, and promote pooling of basic medical insurance at the provincial level. Carry out nationwide pooling of basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees and actively promote the development of individual pensions. The central government will increase the transfer payments to local governments, and provincial governments should further coordinate financial resources to help grassroots units solve practical difficulties and unexpected problems in a timely manner. The ‘three guarantees’ expenditure will be fully included in the budget arrangement…” 中央财政增加对地方教育转移支付规模。适当提高居民医保财政补助标准,推动基本医疗保险省级统筹。深入实施企业职工基本养老保险全国统筹,积极推动个人养老金发展。中央财政将加大对地方转移支付,省级财政要进一步统筹财力,帮助基层及时解决实际困难和突发问题。将“三保”支出足额纳入预算安排,在执行中重点保障,确保“三保”不出任何问题.
Page 3: A couple of pieces that I am not detailing, but it’s worth pointing them out. First, an article on foreigners discussing Xi’s new year speech. Second, a piece on China’s diplomacy in 2022. It basically talks about Xi’s foreign engagements through the year, mentions BRI, GDI and GSI and then says:
“The Chinese attitude of the world being one family, China’s commitment to attaching value to love and righteousness, China’s wisdom of harmony without uniformity, and China’s sense of responsibility to staying true to its word will inspire the world and enlighten the future…faced with the continuous evolution of the two trends of change and turbulence and the two orientations of unity and division agitating each other, China will continue remain a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order. With the crisis in Ukraine intensifying geopolitical tensions, upholding the basic principles of objectivity and justice, China has put forward the ‘four shoulds’ (The sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be safeguarded, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be abided by, the legitimate security concerns of all parties should be taken seriously, and all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis should be supported.) and the ‘four joint actions/propositions’, and played a positive and constructive role in promoting peace talks and alleviating the humanitarian crisis. When the global development process was severely affected, China, guided by the concept that ‘true development is the common development of all countries’, has worked tirelessly to build global synergy, remove development bottlenecks and revitalise the cause of global development. When protectionism is surging, China is opening its door wider to the outside world, with ‘investing in China is investing in the future’ becoming the consensus of the international community…” 推动构建人类命运共同体,携手各方高质量共建“一带一路”,推动落实全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议,推动建设开放型世界经济……天下一家的中国气度,重情尚义的中国承诺,和而不同的中国智慧,言出必行的中国担当,鼓舞世界,启迪未来。“中国始终是国际秩序的稳定力量”“一个强大、友好的中国,将为地区和世界带来积极影响”……国际人士纷纷表示,中国为促进世界和平与发展作出了积极贡献。面对变革和动荡两种趋势持续演进,团结与分裂两种取向相互激荡,中国一如既往做世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。乌克兰危机激化地缘政治矛盾,中国秉持客观公正的基本原则,先后提出“四个应该”和“四个共同”,为劝和促谈、缓解人道主义危机发挥积极建设性作用;当全球发展进程遭受严重冲击,中国秉持“各国共同发展才是真发展”的理念,始终为凝聚全球合力、破除发展瓶颈、重振全球发展事业不懈努力;当保护主义逆流涌动,中国对外开放的大门越开越大,“投资中国就是投资未来”成为国际社会普遍共识…
Third, there’s an article by Huang Xilian, China’s ambassador to the Philippines. This is previewing President Bongbong Marcos’ visit to China, which begins today. Huang writes that this is Marcos' first visit to a country outside ASEAN members; he is also the first foreign head of state received by China in 2023, “:which fully demonstrates the importance that China and the Philippines attach to the development of bilateral relations.” The first couple of paragraphs of the piece offer a brief history of ties.
Huang later writes about BRI and says that the two countries have executed nearly 40 intergovernmental cooperation projects. The Binondo–Intramuros Bridge has become a hotspot for Internet celebrities in Manila, he writes. It’s a strange thing to be happy about, but fair enough. Then, he mentions the Davao-Samal Bridge project, which “has started smoothly.” And he mentions the irrigation projects along Agno River and Chikou River. Huang also mentions Chinese imports of fresh coconuts and frozen fruits from the Philippines. “The China-Philippines Agricultural Technology Center has been rooted in the Philippines for more than 20 years, vigorously promoting hybrid rice planting technology, benefiting more than 300,000 farmers and increasing grain yield by 4.821 billion kilograms. China remains the Philippines’ largest trading partner, largest source of imports, and second largest export destination, which has effectively promoted the post-epidemic economic recovery and prosperity of the two countries. 倡导互利互惠,实现共同发展。双方持续深化“一带一路”倡议同菲律宾“多建好建”规划对接,开展近40个政府间合作项目。中国援菲比诺多—因特拉穆罗斯桥成为马尼拉网红打卡地,达沃—萨马尔大桥项目顺利开工,阿格诺河、赤口河综合灌溉项目滋养菲万顷良田。菲律宾新鲜椰子、冷冻水果摆上中国百姓的餐桌。中菲农业技术中心扎根菲律宾20余年,大力推广杂交水稻种植技术,惠及农户30余万户,促进粮食增收48.21亿公斤。中国稳居菲第一大贸易伙伴、第一大进口来源地和第二大出口目的地,有力促进两国疫后经济复苏和繁荣振兴.
Huang then talks about COVID-19-related cooperation and cultural engagements. Then he writes that the two countries have adhered to mutual understanding and accommodation, and worked to properly settle disputes and differences.
“China and the Philippines are neighbours that cannot be moved away. There have been ups and downs in China-Philippines relations, but friendly cooperation has always been the mainstream of bilateral relations, not to say an irreversible trend. China is willing to work with the Philippines to continue the millennia-old friendship, stay true to the original aspiration of friendship, remove disturbances, manage differences, seek common development, build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation, and jointly safeguard regional peace, stability and prosperity.” He then talks about Marcos visiting China in 1974 with his father, who was then greeted by Mao. He then expresses hope that Marcos and Xi will build on the work done by earlier leaders to ensure that the two sides develop into “good neighbours, good relatives, and good partners, and jointly create a new ‘golden age’ of China-Philippines relations.” 坚持互谅互让,妥处争议分歧。中菲两国是搬不走的邻居。中菲关系有过起伏,但友好合作始终是两国关系的主流,更是不可逆转的潮流。中方愿与菲方一道,延续千年友谊,坚守友好初心,排除干扰、管控分歧、共谋发展,把南海建成和平之海、友谊之海、合作之海,共同维护地区和平、稳定与繁荣。“交情郑重金相似。”1974年,年仅17岁的马科斯陪同母亲伊梅尔达女士首次访华,受到毛泽东主席等中国领导人亲切接见,留下了无数珍贵的记忆。习近平主席与马科斯总统在北京会晤,中菲关系将迎来新的发展机遇。相信双方将传承和发展两国老一辈领导人共同缔造和精心培育的中菲友好事业,合力打造好邻居、好亲戚、好伙伴的“三好关系”,携手开创中菲关系新的“黄金时代”。
Finally, a brief report on the opening of the Pokhara International Airport in Nepal. Global Times’ report informs that “the Pokhara airport, a 4D-standard facility, was contracted with loan from the Export-Import Bank of China (China EXIM Bank) by China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., a company directly affiliated with China National Machinery Industry Corporation which ranks among the top 500 enterprises in the world. The construction started in July 2017.” Wang Xin, charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Nepal, attended the ceremony, along with Nepali Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal.
Page 6: A report about the broadcast of the first-ever human rights themed TV program called 新时代中国人权 - Human Rights in China in the New Era by CCTV. The show has 5 episodes/segments: People First, Happy Life, People's Democracy, Fairness and Justice, and Shared Destiny. Below is the YouTube link for it.
If you’ve read earlier white papers on the issue, then there’s little new to be gained in this. Rather, this is another example of how Beijing is no longer going to be defensive on the issue of human rights. As Xi has said, no lectures will be listened to.
Page 7: An article on the challenges related to the treatment of critically/severely ill patients dealing with COVID. The piece basically has experts commenting on the threat to those who are immunocompromised, have underlying conditions and the elderly.
In the article, Tong Zhaohui, from Beijing Chaoyang Hospital says that around 3% to 4% of patients infected with COVID-19 who are in designated hospitals in Beijing are critically or severely ill. Kang Yan, from the West China Tianfu Hospital with Sichuan University, says that around 1% of those with symptoms who have been admitted to the hospital, or 46 people, are categorised as critically ill. “北京定点医院目前收治的感染者中,重症、危重症占比为3%至4%。”负责北京两家定点医院的重症、危重症患者救治工作的首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院副院长童朝晖介绍,来就诊的患者大部分都是普通型。四川大学华西天府医院院长康焰介绍,近3周以来,天府医院ICU累计收治了46名重症患者,占有症状感染者1%左右。从就诊的情况看,最近发热门诊每天有约450名就诊患者,其中需要入院治疗的大概占有症状感染者10%.
Jiao Yahui, director of the National Health Commission’s medical affairs department, says that “at present, the overall bed resources and equipment resources in the country can meet the treatment needs of critically ill patients.” Jiao said that the total number of ICU beds in China is 181,000, with an average of 12.8 beds for 100,000 people. Among them, the number of ICU beds in tertiary medical institutions is 133,400. The number of convertible ICU beds is 104,800. The utilisation rate of ICU beds in second-level and above medical institutions fluctuates to around 50% on average. “目前来看,全国总体床位资源和设备资源能够满足重症患者救治需求。”国家卫健委医政司司长焦雅辉说,全国重症医学床位总数是18.1万张,平均10万人有12.8张,其中,三级医疗机构的重症医学床位数是13.34万张,可转换ICU的床位是10.48万张,二级以上医疗机构重症床位的使用率平均在50%左右波动。
Page 11: There’s an article by Fujian Party Secretary Zhou Zuyi basically offering profuse praise for Xi Jinping, talking about Xi’s work in Fujian in the past and the new era. He writes:
In the decade of the new era, the CPC Central Committee with comrade Xi Jinping at the core has united and led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups, adopted a series of strategic measures, promoted a series of transformative practices, achieved a series of breakthroughs, and achieved a series of landmark achievements. It has withstood the test of risks and challenges from politics, economy, ideology, nature and other domains, and won historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country, pushing China forward on the new journey of building a socialist modern country in all respects. With the grandeur, foresight, and strategic determination of a Marxist politician, thinker, and strategist, General Secretary Xi Jinping has held the banner aloft amid volatile circumstances, commanded decisively through the great battle and turned the tide amidst the turbulent waves, thereby proving that he is worthy of being the core of the party, the people’s leader, and the commander in chief of the armed forces. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era answers the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times with a series of original new concepts, new ideas, and new strategies for governance, and has achieved a new leap in modernisation of Marxism in China and has ensured that scientific socialism radiates with new vitality in China in the 21st century. Practice has fully proved that the Two Establishments are the greatest political achievement in the new era, and the greatest certainty, confidence, and guarantee for our Party to deal with all uncertainties.” 新时代十年,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全党全国各族人民,采取一系列战略性举措,推进一系列变革性实践,实现一系列突破性进展,取得一系列标志性成果,经受住了来自政治、经济、意识形态、自然界等方面的风险挑战考验,党和国家事业取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革,推动我国迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。习近平总书记以马克思主义政治家、思想家、战略家的雄韬伟略、远见卓识、战略定力,在风云变幻中举旗定向,在大战大考中指挥若定,在惊涛骇浪中力挽狂澜,不愧为党的核心、人民领袖、军队统帅。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想以一系列原创性治国理政新理念新思想新战略,回答了中国之问、世界之问、人民之问、时代之问,实现了马克思主义中国化时代化新的飞跃,推动科学社会主义在21世纪的中国焕发出新的蓬勃生机。实践充分证明,“两个确立”是新时代最大政治成果,是我们党应对一切不确定性的最大确定性、最大底气、最大保证.
Zhou says that the outcomes from the 20th Party Congress and Xi’s instructions “are the general guidelines for the construction of a new Fujian in the new development stage.” He adds:
In the new era and new journey, we must give full play to Fujian's unique advantages, act with sincerity and affection, and firmly support the Two Establishments and resolutely implement the Two Safeguards as the highest political principle and fundamental political responsibility. We should constantly improve our political judgement, adhere to our political stance and political orientation, and strive to enhance our ability to scientifically grasp the changes of the situation, accurately identify the essence of phenomena, clearly distinguish between right and wrong behaviours, and effectively resist risks and challenges. We should be good at identifying political problems in general matters, so as to be especially clear-headed and bright-eyed on major issues and key links. Constantly improve our political understanding, thoroughly study and carefully observe Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, persist in analysing the situation and promoting our work based on the positions, viewpoints and methods running through it, have a clear understanding of the 国之大者 and our own responsibilities, so as to maintain a high degree of unity with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core at all times and under all circumstances. Constantly improve political execution, consciously align with the spirit of the Party Central Committee, resolutely safeguard the authority and centralised and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, so that when General Secretary Xi Jinping gives orders and the CPC Central Committee makes arrangements, Fujian sees action and results. 新时代新征程,我们必须充分发挥福建独特优势,满腔赤诚、满怀深情,以更高标准、更强自觉,把坚定拥护“两个确立”、坚决做到“两个维护”作为最高政治原则和根本政治责任落到实处。不断提高政治判断力,坚持政治立场不移、政治方向不偏,着力增强科学把握形势变化、精准识别现象本质、清醒明辨行为是非、有效抵御风险挑战的能力,善于从一般事务中发现政治问题,做到在重大问题和关键环节上头脑特别清醒、眼睛特别明亮。不断提高政治领悟力,深学细照笃行习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,坚持用贯穿其中的立场观点方法分析形势、推动工作,对“国之大者”了然于胸,明确自己的职责定位,做到在任何时候任何情况下都同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。不断提高政治执行力,自觉同党中央精神对标对表,坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导,坚决贯彻执行党中央决策部署,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话重要指示精神,做到习近平总书记有号令、党中央有部署,福建见行动、见实效.
In the next section, Zhou talks about China’s and Fujian’s development, pointing to broad indicators. He then talks about the plans following the 20th Party Congress. The broad point he makes is about pushing forward high-quality development. He calls for making “greater progress in accelerating the construction of a modern economic system, implementing the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, strengthening the support of education, science and technology and talents, building a modern industrial system, comprehensively promoting rural revitalisation, promoting regional coordinated development, and promoting the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of economy.” 新时代新征程,我们必须牢记嘱托,全方位推进高质量发展超越,为全国大局作出应有贡献。在加快建设现代化经济体系上取得更大进步,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,强化教育、科技、人才支撑,建设现代化产业体系,全面推进乡村振兴,促进区域协调发展,推动经济实现质的有效提升和量的合理增长。
The final section deals with strict party governance.
Thanks for the update, again.