Paper: China’s Global Security Initiative: Undermining US Alliances or Quest for a New Security Architecture?
Hi folks,
As anticipated, this has been a low-news week from the People’s Daily’s perspective. The holidays will continue for a bit, but I’ll try and do a couple of editions to cover key developments next week. Let’s see.
In the meantime, sharing herewith my latest paper on the Global Security Initiative.
The document examines the process of development of GSI, analysing discourse from Chinese policymakers, analysts and media. It concludes that GSI is fundamentally an attempt to discredit US engagement in the Indo-Pacific, while projecting China as a responsible global power. In addition, although GSI is likely to entail several traditional and non-traditional security measures, the initiative is unlikely to lead to the establishment of a new institutional architecture.
You can read the full paper below. And as always, feedback is welcome.
Manoj Kewalramani