Putin-Xi Call - Xi's Human Rights Article - Economic Data - Wang Yang on Common Prosperity - Han Zheng on Boosting Coal Output - BRICS NSAs Meet - 'Belligerence Part of American DNA'
Here are the stories and pieces that I found noteworthy in the Thursday, June 16, 2022, edition of the People’s Daily.
Page 1: At the top of the page is a report about Xi Jinping’s call with Vladimir Putin. The call came on Xi’s 69th birthday, and is the first conversation between the two since February 25, if I am correct. There’s also some history to Putin keeping Xi’s birthday in mind.
Anyway, Xinhua reports:
“During their conversation, Xi noted that since the beginning of this year, bilateral relations have maintained a sound development momentum in the face of global turbulence and transformations. The economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has made steady progress, Xi said, adding that the Heihe-Blagoveshchensk cross-border highway bridge has opened to traffic, creating a new channel connecting the two countries. The Chinese side stands ready to work with the Russian side to push for steady and long-term development of practical bilateral cooperation, Xi said. China is willing to work with Russia to continue supporting each other on their respective core interests concerning sovereignty and security, as well as on their major concerns, deepening their strategic coordination, and strengthening communication and coordination in such important international and regional organizations as the United Nations, the BRICS mechanism and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Xi said. China is also willing to work with Russia to promote solidarity and cooperation among emerging market countries and developing nations, and push for the development of the international order and global governance towards a more just and reasonable direction, he added.
Putin said that “Russia supports the Global Security Initiative proposed by the Chinese side, and opposes any force to interfere with China’s internal affairs using so-called issues regarding Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan, among others, as an excuse.”
Also, the two sides discussed the situation in Ukraine:
“Xi emphasized that China has always independently assessed the situation on the basis of the historical context and the merits of the issue, and actively promoted world peace and the stability of the global economic order. All parties should push for a proper settlement of the Ukraine crisis in a responsible manner, Xi said, adding that China for this purpose will continue to play its due role.”
To me, the language signals continuity in China’s position on Ukraine and cooperation with Russia on broader interests related to the international order.
The Russian readout of the call says that:
“The presidents stated that Russian-Chinese relations were at an all-time high and are constantly improving. They reaffirmed their commitment to consistently deepen the comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in all areas…It was agreed to expand cooperation in energy, finance, the manufacturing industry, transport and other areas, taking into account the global economic situation that has become more complicated due to the illegitimate sanctions policy pursued by the West. The further development of military and defence ties was touched upon as well…it was emphasised that Russia and China, as before, have overlapping or very close positions, consistently uphold the fundamental principles of international law, seek to build a truly multipolar and fair system of international relations…Vladimir Putin laid out his principled assessment of the situation in Ukraine and the tasks being tackled during the special military operation. The President of China noted the legitimacy of Russia’s actions to protect fundamental national interests in the face of challenges to its security created by external forces.”
The other top story on the page is about Xi’s Qiushi article on following China’s human rights development path and advancing the development of China’s human rights cause. This is drawn from the speech given by Xi on February 25, 2022, at the thirty-seventh collective study session of the Politburo.
I’ll share some excerpts that stood out for me, but if you need a concise summary of the article, then this below is an excellent thread.

Since the 18th Party Congress, we have insisted on respecting and safeguarding human rights as an important task in governing the country, and promoted historic achievements in China’s human rights cause. We have achieved the first centennial goal, built a well-off society in an all-round way, solved the problem of absolute poverty historically, and laid a more solid material foundation for the development of China’s human rights cause. We continue to develop whole-process people’s democracy, promote the protection of human rights and the rule of law, resolutely safeguard social fairness and justice, and the people today enjoy more extensive, fuller and more comprehensive democratic rights. We have promoted fuller and higher-quality employment, built the largest education system, social security system and medical and health system in the world, and made great efforts to improve the quality of people’s living environment. We have adhered to the supremacy of the people and life, effectively responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, and protected people’s lives and health to the maximum extent. We fully implement the Party’s ethnic and religious affairs policies, adhere to the equality of all ethnic groups, respect the religious beliefs of the masses, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all ethnic groups. We have deepened the reform of the judicial system, strengthened the building of a peaceful China and a country ruled by law, deepened the education and rectification of political and legal personnel, comprehensively launched a special campaign to eliminate evils, severely cracked down on all kinds of crimes, maintained long-term social stability, and earnestly protected people’s lives and property. China is the only major country in the world that has continuously formulated and implemented four national human rights action plans. We have actively participated in global human rights governance, made contributions and provided Chinese solutions for the development of human rights in the world. 党的十八大以来,我们坚持把尊重和保障人权作为治国理政的一项重要工作,推动我国人权事业取得历史性成就。我们实现了第一个百年奋斗目标,全面建成小康社会,历史性地解决了绝对贫困问题,为我国人权事业发展打下了更为坚实的物质基础。我们不断发展全过程人民民主,推进人权法治保障,坚决维护社会公平正义,人民享有更加广泛、更加充分、更加全面的民主权利。我们推动实现更加充分、更高质量的就业,建成了世界上规模最大的教育体系、社会保障体系、医疗卫生体系,大力改善人民生活环境质量。我们坚持人民至上、生命至上,有力应对新冠肺炎疫情,最大限度保护了人民生命安全和身体健康。我们全面贯彻党的民族政策和宗教政策,坚持各民族一律平等,尊重群众宗教信仰,保障各族群众合法权益。我们深入推进司法体制改革,加强平安中国、法治中国建设,深入开展政法队伍教育整顿,全面开展扫黑除恶专项斗争,严厉打击各类违法犯罪,保持社会长期稳定,切实保护人民群众生命财产安全。我国是世界上唯一持续制定和实施四期国家人权行动计划的主要大国。我们积极参与全球人权治理,为世界人权事业发展作出了中国贡献、提供了中国方案.
He then talks about the main features of China’s human rights development. These are:
Adhere to CCP leadership
Respect the dominant position of the people: “Human rights are not privileges enjoyed by some or a few people, but universal human rights enjoyed by the broad masses of the people. We safeguard the people’s democratic rights, fully stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the broad masses of the people, make the people the main participants, promoters and beneficiaries of the development of human rights, and earnestly promote the all-round development of people and the common prosperity of all people to make more substantive progress. (Quick thought: The first sentence in this paragraph is interesting in that it emphasises the importance of cultivating homogeneity in society in terms of laws and rules; rather than laws and rules respecting social diversities.)
Human rights path must be based on a country’s national conditions
Adhere to the basic human rights with the right to subsistence and the right to development as the first priority
Adhere to the protection of human rights in accordance with the law
Actively participate in global human rights governance: “Different civilizations and countries should respect each other, tolerate each other, communicate with each other and learn from each other. We carry forward the common values of all mankind, practise true multilateralism, actively participate in the reform and development of the global governance system including human rights, and promote the construction of community of shared future for mankind.
“Democracy is not an ornament, nor is it for decoration. Human rights are not ornaments, nor are they for decoration. In recent years, some Western countries have been caught in the predicament of fierce fighting between political parties, broken government promises, social disorder, and an out of control pandemic; there face political polarisation, deep divisions between the rich and the poor and intensified ethnic confrontation, racism, populism and xenophobia are prevalent, and human rights problems have become increasingly magnified. Nevertheless, under the banner of so-called ‘universal human rights’ and ‘human rights above sovereignty’, they have through the use of force promoted Western democratic and human rights concepts and systems across the world and wantonly interfered in other countries’ internal affairs under the pretext of human rights issues, resulting in frequent wars, long-term social unrest and displacement of people in some countries.” 民主不是装饰品,不是用来做摆设的。人权也不是装饰品,也不是用来做摆设的。近年来,一些西方国家陷入政党恶斗、政府失信、社会失序、疫情失控的困境,政治极化、贫富分化、族群对立不断加剧,种族主义、民粹主义、排外主义大行其道,人权问题日益凸显。但是,他们还打着所谓“普世人权”、“人权高于主权”等旗号,在世界上强行推广西方民主人权观念和制度,利用人权问题大肆干涉他国内政,结果导致一些国家战乱频发、社会长期动荡、人民流离失所.
He then outlines China’s tasks going ahead:
Promote all-round development of human rights
Strengthen legal protection of human rights
Strengthening human rights publicity: this largely covers the judicial and education systems to foster the “correct” understanding of human rights
Participate in global human rights governance: In this, he talks about the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development working to increase influence at multilateral human rights institutions such as the United Nations.
Actively carry out the international human rights struggle. In this, Xi says:
Human rights are historical, concrete and realistic. We cannot talk about human rights without the social and political conditions and historical and cultural traditions of different countries. To evaluate a country on the issue of human rights, we cannot base it on the standards of other countries, let alone practise double standards, or use human rights as a political tool to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. Grasp the strategic initiative. We should focus on telling Chinese human rights stories well, and use visualisation and personification to enhance the attraction, appeal and influence of contemporary Chinese human rights concepts. It is necessary to maximise the international consensus on human rights and occupy the moral high ground of human rights. It is necessary to guide overseas Chinese enterprises to enhance their human rights awareness and self-confidence, and effectively deal with human rights abuses planned by some Western countries. 第五,积极开展国际人权斗争。人权是历史的、具体的、现实的,不能脱离不同国家的社会政治条件和历史文化传统空谈人权。评价一个国家是否有人权,不能以别的国家的标准来衡量,更不能搞双重标准,甚至把人权当作干涉别国内政的政治工具。要把握战略主动。要着力讲好中国人权故事,运用形象化、具体化的表达方式,增强当代中国人权观的吸引力、感染力、影响力。要最大限度凝聚国际人权共识,占据人权道义制高点。要指导海外中国企业增强人权意识和自信,有效应对一些西方国家策划的人权滥诉。
Next, there’s a report (detailed English report) about the weekly State Council meeting. The report says that the meeting decided that China will support private investment and take forward projects that deliver multiple effects as part of the efforts to better spur effective investment, consumption, and employment.
The report says:
“It is crucial to grasp the window of opportunities and conduct range-based regulation. Stronger policy measures will be taken whenever and wherever needed to stabilize economic activity, without resorting to excessive money supply or compromising long-term interests. These measures are aimed at supporting market entities and jobs, maintaining price stability, and keeping a sound overall economic performance.”
It added that “efforts to expand effective investment should prioritize projects that will not only strengthen areas of weakness and facilitate structural adjustments, but also boost consumption and create jobs, hence hitting multiple targets with one shot and mobilizing more stakeholders…” — Examples of such projects that are provided are underground multi-purpose utility tunnels and renovation of dilapidated urban drainage networks.
‘Demonstration projects to attract private investment will be selected from the 102 major programs set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan, and in identified key areas for development. Approved transportation, water resources management, and other projects must be expedited. Private investment will receive equal treatment in bidding. Specific measures for work-relief programs will be introduced as quickly as possible.”
“The procedures required for making private investment will be handled more efficiently. Large projects will be included into local inventories of key projects and given greater support in land use. All localities must protect the lawful rights and interests of private investors and earnestly honor their policy commitments. The platform economy will be supported in pursuing healthy development. Private capital will be supported in conducting start-up investment. Financial institutions will be guided toward supporting private investment through refinance or loan renewal. Eligible projects will receive government financing guarantee. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) projects for private investment will be swiftly launched. Private businesses will be encouraged to carry out market-based debt-to-equity swaps.”
The meeting also said that “micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in eligible areas will be allowed to defer their contributions to employers' medical insurance for three months, totaling about 150 billion yuan.” The report also talks about a new round of “special rectification” related to “illegal charges related to enterprises.” This will focus on transportation and logistics, water, electricity, heating, finance, industry associations, chambers of commerce and intermediaries. All localities and departments should conduct self-examination and self-correction from July to September, focusing on rectifying problems related to inadequate implementation of fee reduction policies, illegal charging in the name of epidemic prevention and control, charging of fees that are explicitly cancelled, compulsory bundling, and random inspections and imposition of ad hoc fines. 会议决定,开展涉企违规收费专项整治,把交通物流、水电气暖、金融、地方财经、行业协会商会和中介机构等领域作为重点。各地各部门要在7—9月进行自查自纠,重点整治降费政策落实不到位、借疫情防控名义违规收费、收取明令取消的费用、强制捆绑搭售、乱检查乱罚款等问题。
Next, there’s a report about Wang Yang attending a seminar on common prosperity. Wang said that:
“the solid promotion of common prosperity is a major strategic plan made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core based on the new development stage, and it is also a major theoretical and practical issue that needs to be continuously studied and explored. It is of great significance for the representatives of the central committees of the democratic parties and people without party affiliation to conduct research, consultation and offer suggestions on this topic. It is hoped that all parties and groups will learn and thoroughly understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on common prosperity, correctly understand and grasp the scientific connotation, strategic goals, and practical approaches of common prosperity, and do a good job in publicising policies, dispelling doubts, and building consensus, so as to enhance people’s confidence in achieving common prosperity.” 汪洋指出,扎实推动共同富裕是以习近平同志为核心的中共中央立足新发展阶段作出的重大战略部署,也是需要不断研究探索的重大理论和实践问题。民主党派中央、无党派人士代表围绕这一课题开展调研、协商建言,具有重要意义。希望各党派团体学深悟透习近平总书记关于共同富裕的重要论述,正确认识和把握共同富裕的科学内涵、战略目标、实践途径,做好宣传政策、解疑释惑、凝聚共识工作,增强全体人民迈向共同富裕的信心。
Xinhua English summarises that during the discussion, participants proposed to ensure the sustainable increase of farmers' income, help small and medium-sized enterprises overcome difficulties, and tackle policy obstacles to develop the charity sector.
Next, there’s a report about Li Zhanshu’s chat with Manzoor Nadir, speaker of the National Assembly of the Parliament of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. Li mentioned the Global Development Initiative and Global Security Initiative. Xinhua reports:
“Nadir said that Guyana attaches great importance to developing relations with China and firmly abides by the one-China principle. He congratulated China on its tremendous development achievements and thanked China for its important support in the fight against COVID-19. The National Assembly of Guyana looks forward to joint efforts with the NPC to strengthen the rule of law exchanges and play a positive role in promoting pragmatic cooperation between the two countries in all areas, Nadir added.”
Next, there’s a report (English report) about Han Zheng’s remarks at a teleconference on ensuring adequate supply of power amid growing electricity demand over the summer. Han said that:
“coal is the ‘ballast stone’ of energy security in China. It is necessary to make overall plans for development and security, actively respond to the current prominent problems of energy supply, give full play to the role of coal as a guarantee, and ensure the safety of electricity consumption this year. It is necessary to grasp the two keys of ‘ensuring quantity’ and ‘stabilising prices’, take measures to establish a regulatory mechanism for coal supply…” 韩正指出,做好能源保供稳价工作,对确保经济社会平稳运行具有重要意义。电力安全保供是当前经济工作的重点,煤炭是我国能源安全的“压舱石”。要统筹发展和安全,积极应对当前能源供应的突出矛盾,充分发挥煤炭的兜底保障作用,确保今年用电安全。要抓住“保量”和“稳价”两个关键,多措并举建立电煤调控机制,构建有效抵御外部影响的“防火墙”,扎实做好迎峰度夏能源保供工作.
He added that “major coal-producing regions should actively seek ways of increasing the coal output.” He called for “stricter regulation of coal producers’ performance of mid- and long-term contracts in a bid to stabilise coal prices.” Also, he said that the country should also ensure that the rail, road and port transportation of coal operates steadily, improve the incentive and restraint mechanism for coal supply and prices, and put in place fiscal and financial support.
Finally, there’s the Guangxi chapter in the series on following Xi’s footprints.
Page 2: There’s a report on economic data from May. NBS spokesperson Fu Linghui said that data from May show that government policies have had an impact and “there have been positive changes in economic performance, with most of the major indicators improving, and the economies of some regions hit hard by the pandemic have rebounded.” “随着国内疫情防控形势总体改善,稳增长的政策措施效果逐步显现,经济运行的积极变化有所增多,主要指标多数出现改善,部分受疫情冲击较大的地区经济出现了反弹.
He added: ‘On the whole, China's economy is gradually overcoming the adverse effects of the epidemic, and is showing a recovery momentum,’ said Fu. He assessed that the current international environment is still complex and severe; external uncertainty is increasing; and the domestic economic recovery is still in a preliminary stage. The growth rate of main indicators is still at a low level, and the foundation for recovery needs to be consolidated.” “总的看,我国经济逐步克服疫情不利影响,呈现恢复势头。”付凌晖分析,当前国际环境依然复杂严峻,外部不确定性增大,国内经济恢复仍然是初步的。主要指标增速还处于低位,恢复基础还需要巩固.
Some data points shared in the report:
Industrial production rose 0.7 percent in May from a year earlier, after falling 2.9 percent last month
Manufacturing grew 0.1% in May after falling 4.6% last month.
The service industry production index decreased by 5.1% year-on-year, and the decrease was 1 percentage point narrower than last month.
The decline in the wholesale, transportation and warehousing industries has narrowed significantly.
In May, the total import and export volume of goods increased by 9.6% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 9.5 percentage points faster than that of last month. Among them, exports increased by 15.3%, accelerating by 13.4 percentage points.
In May, consumer prices rose by 2.1% year-on-year, which was the same as last month.
Urban unemployment rate was 5.9%, down 0.2 percentage points from last month. In this, the unemployment rate for migrant agricultural registered population is 6.2%, down 0.4 percentage points from last month; the unemployment rate of 25-59-year-olds is 5.1%, down 0.2 percentage points from last month.
What the report does not tell us is that Fu also shared that the surveyed urban unemployment rate among workers aged 16 to 24 – this includes new graduates - climbed to 18.4% in May from 18.2% in April. That’s the highest since the bureau started publishing the survey data in January 2018.
In May, the total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded 3.3 trillion yuan, down 6.7% year-on-year. The decline was 4.4 percentage points narrower than last month. Among them, the retail sales of automobiles, which accounted for nearly 10% of the total retail sales of consumer goods, decreased by 16%, which was 15.6 percentage points narrower than that in April.
In May, fixed assets investment grew by 6.2% year-on-year. Among this, infrastructure investment increased by 6.7%, with a growth rate of 0.2 percentage points higher than that of April and 0.5 percentage points higher than that of the total investment; investment in high-tech industries increased by 20.5% year-on-year, maintaining the rapid growth this year.
Luo Yifei, chief statistician of the NBS’ Investment Department, said that in the first five months, the completed investment of projects with a planned total investment of 100 million yuan or more increased by 10.2% year-on-year; the contribution rate to the total investment growth was 83.3%, an increase of 2 percentage points over April.
In terms of the property sector, investment in property development went down 4 percent year on year in the first five months. The total property investment in the period stood at 5.21 trillion yuan (about 772 billion U.S. dollars). Investment in residential buildings was 3.95 trillion yuan, down 3 percent year on year. Commercial housing sales in terms of floor area totaled 507.38 million square meters in the first five months, down 23.6 percent year on year. In terms of value, commercial housing sales fell 31.5 percent to 4.83 trillion yuan during the five-month period.
Page 3: First, a report about Yang Jiechi chairing the BRICS NSA meeting. Xinhua reports that Yang said “that facing various risks and challenges, the Global Security Initiative put forward by China has contributed Chinese wisdom to solving the current dilemma of global security and provided an important guideline for building a world of lasting peace and universal security. Yang said that the BRICS was born in the historical tide of the collective rise of emerging markets and developing countries and represents the direction of the evolution and adjustment of the world pattern and international order. He called on the five countries to follow the trend of times, respond to changes of the times and inject more stability and positive energy into the turbulent international situation. He also called on BRICS countries to practice true multilateralism, address both traditional and non-traditional security threats in a coordinated manner, advocate solidarity, and coordinate security and development to realize the ‘common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security’.”
Also: “The meeting reviewed the work of the working group on counter-terrorism and cyber security, agreed to jointly promote plans and roadmaps for international counter-terrorism and cyber security cooperation, and uphold the central coordinating role of the United Nations in the global counter-terrorism cause, and called for a more inclusive, representative and democratic global Internet governance system.”
Second, a report (English report) about Wang Yi’s chat with his Kenyan counterpart Raychelle Omamo. Wang said that China-Kenya relations have entered the best period in history. He added that “China appreciates Kenya’s strong support on issues concerning China’s core interests and is ready to work with Kenya to speed up the implementation of the outcomes of FOCAC. He also said that he hopes Kenya will ensure the safety of Chinese institutions, projects and personnel.
Xinhua adds:
“The world is facing various severe challenges and even the danger of division, Wang said, noting that some countries are practicing unilateralism and hegemony in the name of multilateralism and democracy, and undermining existing mechanisms and the international order. Kenya, as a major African country with significant influence, has always played a constructive role in the international arena.” The report quotes Omamo as saying that “Kenya-China relations are of strategic significance and have set a model of mutual benefit and win-win results.”
Two other reports to note. First, China's permanent representative to the UN Office in Geneva Chen Xu delivered a brief statement (English text) on behalf of more than 30 countries at the 50th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. He said:
“We are deeply concerned that in recent years, the Human Rights Council has become increasingly politicized and confrontational, and disinformation has become rampant, which seriously runs counter to the original purpose of the Human Rights Council. Multilateral human rights mechanisms should serve as a platform for cooperation and dialogue, rather than a venue for division and confrontation. All parties should promote multilateralism in the field of human rights, uphold the principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity, non-selectivity and non-politicization, and jointly promote the sound development of the international human rights cause.”
In the statement, Chen calls to “promote the common values of humanity, and oppose the politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues, double standards, as well as interference in the internal affairs of Member States under the pretext of human rights.”
Next, a report (English report) that at the UNHRC, a group of 69 countries - led by Cuba - put out a joint statement supporting China on the issues of Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong, “expressing opposition to politicization of human rights, double standards and interference in China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.”
Page 4: Just one report to note; Shanghai government issued certificates to 30 new regional headquarters and 10 research and development centers of multinational companies on Wednesday. Yicai has an English report on this. It says that:
“Five biopharmaceutical firms, 10 intelligent manufacturers, three carmakers, eight trade and retail companies, seven high-end service firms, and other multinationals received the certificates at an award ceremony held by the Shanghai Municipal Government yesterday. Among them, there are German medical technology firm Siemens Healthineers, Japanese automation and electronic equipment maker Omron, and Finnish sports equipment brand Amer Sports. Some 57.5 percent of the companies that received the certificates are from the manufacturing sector, while the remaining 42.5 percent of them are from the service sector. The number of multinational regional headquarters in Shanghai was 848 and that of R&D centers 512 at the end of last month.”
Page 9: The lead piece is by China Academy of Macroeconomics, authored by Du Feilun.
The piece says that “in recent years, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, macroeconomic governance ideas have been constantly innovated and improved, and governance capacity has been steadily enhanced. Since the beginning of this year, China has intensified macro-policy adjustment, efficiently coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and policies have been introduced and implemented effectively. The time effect, integration effect, synergy effect, guidance effect and innovation effect of the combination of policies have continued to emerge, thereby maintaining the overall stability of economic and social development.” 近年来,在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导下,我国宏观经济治理思路不断创新完善,治理能力稳步提升。今年以来,我国加大宏观政策调节力度,高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,政策出台实施有力有效,政策组合拳的时间效应、集成效应、协同效应、引导效应、创新效应持续显现,保持了经济社会发展大局总体稳定.
The piece talks about adhering to the strategic goal as identified in the 14th FYP, in order “to promote the sustained recovery in the short term, and enhance the potential of medium-and long-term economic development.” The piece later calls to “enhance the inclusiveness of financial policies, and guide financial institutions to increase their support for the real economy, especially small and micro enterprises, technological innovation and green development.”
It adds that:
employment remains a policy priority;
industrial policies should strengthen support for technological innovation and structural upgrading, along with keeping industrial and supply chains stable;
focus on expanding effective investment;
consumption policy is “committed to improving residents’ consumption power, stimulating consumption vitality, further releasing consumption potential and promoting sustained recovery of consumption.”
“Regional policies focus on optimising the layout of major productive forces, enhancing the balance and coordination of urban and rural regional development, and promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and the overall revitalisation of rural areas.”
Later in the piece, the author says:
“In order to eliminate the impact of the pandemic on the safe and stable operation of the industrial chain and supply chain, governments at all levels should take the initiative to understand the demands of market entities, fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises, actively help coordinate and solve the pressing problems faced by them, and make every effort to break through the blocking points that restrict the safe and stable operation of the industrial and supply chains…” 为消除疫情对产业链供应链安全稳定运行的冲击,各级政府主动了解市场主体诉求,充分听取企业意见建议,积极帮助协调解决企业面临的紧迫问题,全力打通制约产业链供应链安全稳定运行的卡点堵点,确保链上核心企业正常生产经营,并带动上下游大中小配套企业协同复工复产,努力实现有效市场和有为政府更好结合.
“We should actively respond to the complex and severe situation of high international commodity prices and high inflation in some major economies. While actively participating in the communication and coordination of international macroeconomic policies, we should speed up the construction of a unified national market, and do our best to ensure stability in the supply and prices of energy, grain, mineral products and other commodities. Improve the business environment for the sustainable development of foreign investment, strengthen efficiency and support the stable development of foreign trade and foreign investment. Coordinate the domestic and international markets and resources, and gradually form an internal and external economic circulation mechanism with positive interaction.” 积极应对国际大宗商品价格高位震荡、一些主要经济体通胀高企等复杂严峻形势,在主动参与国际宏观经济政策沟通协调的同时,加快建设全国统一大市场,全力做好能源、粮食、矿产品等大宗商品保供稳价工作。持续改善外资发展的营商环境,加力提效支持外贸外资稳定发展。统筹国内国际两个市场、两种资源,逐步形成内外良性互动的经济循环机制.
Page 17: On the international page, the lead story is the first in a new series, criticising America. This one says that in order to pursue “geopolitical expansion and maintain its hegemony, the United States seems to be suffering from a ‘war addiction’, constantly launching or intervening in foreign wars.” It adds that “Belligerence is part of the American DNA.” 好战,已成为美国文化基因的一部分.
It says that since 1776, war has been accompanied by the territorial expansion of the United States. The land area of the United States has increased from about 800,000 square km at first to about 9.37 million square km at present…” After WWII, “relying on its advantages in military, economic, scientific and technological, cultural and other fields, the United States frequently waged wars overseas under the banner of ‘freedom, democracy and human rights’, which plunged the world into continuous turmoil….Behind the belligerence of the United States is a military-industrial complex formed by the military, arms manufacturers and politicians.”
The piece later accuses the US of exaggerating the military threats of other countries and intervening in sovereign countries under the pretext of its own definition of so-called democracy. And then it says that the US is trying to shape the world through its own ideology.