Taiwan White Paper - Projecting Confidence Regarding the Economy - Wang Meets Nepal FM - 'Three Dangerous Trends' on Taiwan - Li Decheng on Sinicisation of Religions - CHIPS Act = 'Techo Terrorism'
Here are the stories and pieces that I found noteworthy in the Thursday, August 11, 2022, edition of the People’s Daily.
Page 1: The top story on the page today is about the new White Paper on Taiwan (English report) that was published yesterday. The full document and related reports are available on pages 5 and 6 too.
The document says that resolving the Taiwan question “is indispensable for the realization of China's rejuvenation. It is also a historic mission of the Communist Party of China (CPC).”
The first section of the paper makes the point that “Taiwan has belonged to China since ancient times.” It argues that this statement “has a sound basis in history and jurisprudence.” The paper talks about archeological discoveries, research findings and historical records and annals, which it says make this point. After going way back into the past, the document says:
“As a result of the civil war in China in the late 1940s and the interference of external forces, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have fallen into a state of protracted political confrontation. But the sovereignty and territory of China have never been divided and will never be divided, and Taiwan's status as part of China's territory has never changed and will never be allowed to change.”
Then the document talks about Resolution 2758, which it says is “a political document encapsulating the one-China principle whose legal authority leaves no room for doubt and has been acknowledged worldwide. Taiwan does not have any ground, reason, or right to join the UN, or any other international organization whose membership is confined to sovereign states.”
Then the document says:
“In recent years some elements in a small number of countries, the US foremost among them, have colluded with forces in Taiwan, to falsely claim that the resolution did not conclusively resolve the issue of Taiwan's representation. Puffing up the illegal and invalid Treaty of San Francisco and disregarding the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international legal documents, they profess that the status of Taiwan has yet to be determined, and declare their support for ‘Taiwan's meaningful participation in the UN system’. What they are actually attempting to do is to alter Taiwan's status as part of China and create ‘two Chinas’ or ‘one China, one Taiwan’ as part of a political ploy - using Taiwan to contain China. These actions in violation of Resolution 2758 and international law are a serious breach of political commitments made by these countries. They damage China's sovereignty and dignity, and treat the basic principles of international law with contempt. The Chinese government has condemned and expressed its resolute opposition to them. The one-China principle represents the universal consensus of the international community; it is consistent with the basic norms of international relations. To date, 181 countries including the United States have established diplomatic relations with the PRC on the basis of the one-China principle.”
The second section of the paper talks about the CCP’s efforts to realise “complete reunification.” It says that under Xi Jinping, the Party has taken “a holistic approach to cross-Straits relations in keeping with changing circumstances, added substance to the theory on national reunification and the principles and policies concerning Taiwan, and worked to keep cross-Straits relations on the right track. The CPC developed its overall policy for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era, and set out the overarching guideline and a program of action.”
In January 2019, Xi “proposed major policies to advance the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and the peaceful reunification of China in the new era.” These are:
working together to promote China's rejuvenation and its peaceful reunification
seeking a Two Systems solution to the Taiwan question and making innovative efforts towards peaceful reunification
abiding by the one-China principle and safeguarding the prospects for peaceful reunification
further integrating development across the Straits and consolidating the foundations for peaceful reunification
forging closer bonds of heart and mind between people on both sides of the Straits and strengthening joint commitment to peaceful reunification
The third section tells us that China’s “complete reunification is a process that cannot be halted.” It makes the following points:
Complete Reunification Is Critical to National Rejuvenation: “Unification brings strength while division leads to chaos. This is a law of history. The realization of complete national reunification is driven by the history and culture of the Chinese nation and determined by the momentum towards and circumstances surrounding our national rejuvenation…The Taiwan question arose as a result of weakness and chaos in our nation, and it will be resolved as national rejuvenation becomes a reality.” — (Quick thought: Essentially, the point being made is that the intent for “reunification” is clear; what matters in achieving this goal is national power. At the same time, I wonder if there is also a bit of a note of caution in there. Since “reuinifcation” is “determined by the momentum towards and circumstances surrounding our national rejuvenation,” then if the forceful reunification fundamentally undermines the rejuvenation project, then is it a viable option?)
National Development and Progress Set the Direction of Cross-Straits Relations: This subsection makes part of the argument that I has suggesting above. It says that “China's development and progress are a key factor determining the course of cross-Straits relations and the realization of complete national reunification…China's development and progress, and in particular the steady increases in its economic power, technological strength, and national defense capabilities, are an effective curb against separatist activities and interference from external forces. They also provide broad space and great opportunities for cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation.”
It further adds: “the mainland is committed to applying the new development philosophy, creating a new development dynamic, and promoting high-quality development. As a result, the overall strength and international influence of the mainland will continue to increase, and its influence over and appeal to Taiwan society will keep growing. We will have a more solid foundation for resolving the Taiwan question and greater ability to do so. This will give a significant boost to national reunification.
Any Attempt by Separatist Forces to Prevent Reunification Is Bound to Fail: Here, the paper attacks the DPP, saying that they have adopted a “separatist stance,” have “colluded with external forces,” have “refuse(d) to recognize the one-China principle,” “proclaim(ed) a new ‘two states’ theory,” “press(ed) for ‘de-sinicization’ and promote(d) ‘incremental independence’,” “incite(d) radical separatists…to lobby for amendments to their ‘constitution’ and ‘laws’,” “built up their military forces with the intention of pursuing ‘independence.’” It adds that “these are obstacles that must be removed in advancing the process of peaceful reunification.”
External Forces Obstructing China's Complete Reunification Will Surely Be Defeated: This section basically criticises US policy with regard to Taiwan. Basically, it characterises US policy as duplicitous and one of “using Taiwan as a pawn to undermine China's development and progress, and obstruct the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” It terms “freedom, democracy, and human rights and upholding the rules-based international order” as “smokescreens”
The fourth section talks about the “reunification” policy in the new era. It says that “national reunification by peaceful means is the first choice of the CPC and the Chinese government.” It adds that “Peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are our basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question and the best approach to realizing national reunification.”
“We maintain that after peaceful reunification, Taiwan may continue its current social system and enjoy a high degree of autonomy in accordance with the law. The two social systems will develop side by side for a long time to come. One Country is the precondition and foundation of Two Systems; Two Systems is subordinate to and derives from One Country; and the two are integrated under the one-China principle.” — (I cannot think of anyone in Taiwan buying this argument after the developments in Hong Kong over the past few years. Of course the CCP is cognisant of this. Therefore, the white paper frames the changes in Hong Kong as “appropriate improvements” to the system.)
That said, there is an offer for dialogue in the paper.
“Peaceful reunification can only be achieved through consultation and discussion as equals. The long-standing political differences between the two sides are the fundamental obstacles to the steady improvement of cross-Straits relations, but we should not allow this problem to be passed down from one generation to the next. We can phase in flexible forms of consultation and discussion. We are ready to engage with all parties, groups, or individuals in Taiwan in a broad exchange of views aimed at resolving the political differences between the two sides based on the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus. Representatives will be recommended by all political parties and all sectors of society on both sides, and they will engage in democratic consultations on peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, integrated development of the two sides, and the peaceful reunification of our country.” — (Quick thought: I find this proposal to talk as equals interesting because under one country two systems, it is one country that underwrites two systems. So how does that make the two sides equal? But an interesting point to note.)
The section then offers the carrot of joint development. It promises the setting up of a pilot zone for integrated cross-Straits development in Fujian Province, cooperation in trade, infrastructure, energy and resources, industrial standards, culture, education, and health care, and the sharing of social security and public resources; it talks about creating a common market, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwanese in the mainland, supporting enterprises from Taiwan in participating in BRI, etc.
The section adds:
“We are ready to create vast space for peaceful reunification; but we will leave no room for separatist activities in any form…We will work with the greatest sincerity and exert our utmost efforts to achieve peaceful reunification. But we will not renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all necessary measures. This is to guard against external interference and all separatist activities. In no way does it target our fellow Chinese in Taiwan. Use of force would be the last resort taken under compelling circumstances. We will only be forced to take drastic measures to respond to the provocation of separatist elements or external forces should they ever cross our red lines. We will always be ready to respond with the use of force or other necessary means to interference by external forces or radical action by separatist elements. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the prospects of China's peaceful reunification and advance this process.” (Quick thought: Has Beijing defined its red lines? And how does one understand these red lines if precedent is no longer considered relevant? This is the argument that Beijing has made in terms of its response to Pelosi’s visit.)
Also, criticising US policy on Taiwan, the paper says: “Left unchecked, it will continue to escalate tension across the Straits, further disrupt China-US relations, and severely damage the interests of the US itself. The US should abide by the one-China principle, deal with Taiwan-related issues in a prudent and proper manner, stand by its previous commitments, and stop supporting Taiwan separatists.”
The paper then adds:
“Separatist propaganda and the unresolved political dispute between the two sides have created misconceptions over cross-Straits relations, problems with national identity, and misgivings over national reunification among some fellow Chinese in Taiwan. Blood is thicker than water, and people on both sides of the Straits share the bond of kinship. We have great patience and tolerance and we will create conditions for closer exchanges and communication between the two sides, and to increase our compatriots' knowledge of the mainland and reduce these misconceptions and misgivings, in order to help them resist the manipulation of separatists.”
This tweet offers a useful datapoint to share at this moment:

The final section basically says that “reunification” will basically be awesome for Taiwan and the world.
“Peaceful cross-Straits reunification is of benefit not only to the Chinese nation, but to all peoples and the international community as a whole. The reunification of China will not harm the legitimate interests of any other country, including any economic interests they might have in Taiwan. On the contrary, it will bring more development opportunities to all countries; it will create more positive momentum for prosperity and stability in the Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world; it will contribute more to building a global community of shared future, promoting world peace and development, and propelling human progress. After reunification, foreign countries can continue to develop economic and cultural relations with Taiwan. With the approval of the central government of China, they may set up consulates or other official and quasi-official institutions in Taiwan, international organizations and agencies may establish offices, relevant international conventions can be applied, and relevant international conferences can be held there.”
One final point on the white paper is this context provided by Reuters’ report:
“China had said in two previous white papers on Taiwan, in 1993 and 2000, that it ‘will not send troops or administrative personnel to be based in Taiwan’ after achieving what Beijing terms ‘reunification’. That line, meant to assure Taiwan it would enjoy autonomy after becoming a special administrative region of China, did not appear in the latest white paper.”
There’s also a front page commentary drawing from the white paper.
Moving ahead, there’s a new series of articles starting today, which will focus on “objectively analysing the current economic situation in China, further unifying thoughts, building consensus, strengthening confidence, facing difficulties, keeping the economy running in a reasonable range…and greeting the 20th Party Congress with practical actions.” 如何坚持稳中求进总基调,巩固经济回升向好趋势,做好下半年经济工作?本报从今日起推出“稳字当头 稳中求进·坚定做好自己的事”系列述评,客观分析当前我国经济形势,进一步统一思想、凝聚共识,坚定信心、迎难而上,保持经济运行在合理区间,力争实现最好结果,以实际行动迎接党的二十大胜利召开.
The piece talks about the Party-state’s economic policies. It says that:
As of the end of June, new special bonds had been issued to support more than 23,800 projects; new special bonds worth 240 billion yuan have been used as capital for major projects, leading to more than 530 billion yuan in market-based financing; in the first half of this year, investment driven by special bonds played an important role in stabilising growth, and gross capital formation boosted economic growth by 0.8 percentage points. 发挥投资对稳增长的关键作用。截至6月末,已发行新增专项债券共支持超过2.38万个项目;2400亿元专项债券资金用作重大项目资本金,带动市场化配套融资超过5300亿元。上半年,专项债拉动投资对稳增长发挥了重要支撑作用,资本形成总额拉动经济增长0.8个百分点.
On boosting consumption, the piece references policies such as the halving of vehicle purchase tax and local government efforts in the form of gift packages for cultural and tourism services, green and energy-saving consumption vouchers, and digital RMB ‘red envelopes’. 财政部、国家税务总局出台减半征收车辆购置税政策,提振汽车消费;各地创新财政奖补政策,推出文旅“大礼包”、绿色节能消费券、数字人民币“红包”等,鼓励居民消费,释放内需潜力。
tax rebates, tax reductions and tax deferrals; as of July 20, the total new tax reduction and fee reduction, tax refund and tax deferral exceeded 3 trillion yuan. Since the beginning of this year, more than 2 trillion yuan has been set aside for tax refund and refunded to taxpayers accounts — more than three times the tax refund scale of last year. 截至7月20日,合计新增减税降费及退税缓税缓费超3万亿元。今年以来已有超2万亿元留抵退税款退到纳税人账户,超过去年全年退税规模的3倍.
In H1, PBOC reduced the reserve ratio by 0.25 percentage points, transferred 900 billion yuan of profits to the central government and increased the liquidity supply; the scale of social financing increased by 21 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.2 trillion yuan over the same period of last year. By the end of June, the balance of medium-and long-term loans to the manufacturing industry had increased by 29.7% year-on-year, 18.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans. In June, the interest rate of new corporate loans was 4.16%, which was 34 basis points lower than the same period of the previous year. 上半年,中国人民银行降低准备金率0.25个百分点,上缴结存利润9000亿元,合理增加流动性供给;社会融资规模增量为21万亿元,同比多增3.2万亿元。截至6月末,投向制造业的中长期贷款余额同比增长29.7%,比各项贷款的增速高18.5个百分点。6月,新发放企业贷款利率为4.16%,比上年同期低34个基点.
In H1, the government promoted the establishment of 300 billion yuan of policy and development financial instruments, added 800 billion yuan of policy and development bank credit lines, encouraged commercial banks and social capital to participate, and jointly guaranteed infrastructure construction and major project financing… 上半年,推动设立3000亿元政策性、开发性金融工具,新增8000亿元政策性、开发性银行信贷额度,鼓励商业银行、社会资金等跟进参与,共同保障基础设施建设和重大项目融资,推动形成项目建设实物工作量,有力稳定固定资产投资.
It talks about easing burdens on market entities in the form of easing social security premiums; supporting organisations in retaining employees; lowering the threshold for government procurement and giving more orders to SMEs; by the end of June, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises have enjoyed nearly 70 percent of this year’s tax rebates, tax and fee reductions and tax deferrals. 阶段性缓缴社保费加力扩围,进一步为企业“松绑减负”;稳岗促就业政策持续发力,鼓励企业留人育人;政府采购降低“门槛”,送去更多“小微专享订单”……上半年,财税帮扶政策使出“组合拳”,为中小微企业减负担、增动力、稳预期。数据显示,截至6月底,今年新增退税减税降费及缓税缓费中,中小微企业享受优惠金额占比近70%.
It says that the government has encouraged the implementation of deferral of principal and interest repayment for SMEs, individual industrial and commercial households, truck driver loans, and personal housing and consumer loans for those affected by the pandemic; it has provided financial support for industries such as accommodation, catering, wholesale and retail, and freight logistics; by the end of June, the balance of inclusive small and micro loans increased by 23.8% year-on-year, 12.6 percentage points higher than the growth rate of other loans; the number of inclusive small and micro credit customers was 52.39 million, a year-on-year increase of 36.8%. 鼓励对中小微企业和个体工商户、货车司机贷款及受疫情影响的个人住房与消费贷款等实施延期还本付息;做好住宿餐饮、批发零售、货运物流等行业纾困金融服务……数据显示,6月末,普惠小微贷款余额同比增长23.8%,比各项贷款增速高12.6个百分点;普惠小微授信户数为5239万户,同比增长36.8%.
The piece finally quotes Xi as having said that “China still has many strategic favourable conditions for development. The Chinese economy has strong resilience, great potential and is full of vitality, and its long-term positive fundamentals will not change.” 习近平总书记强调:“综合判断,我国发展仍具有诸多战略性有利条件,我国经济韧性强、潜力大、活力足,长期向好的基本面不会改变.”
Finally, there’s a report telling us that in H1, China’s lithium-ion battery output exceeded 280 GWh in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 150%, and the industry's revenue exceeded 480 billion yuan. Exports of lithium-ion battery products grew by 75 percent year-on-year during the period. In the lithium-ion battery segment, the output of energy storage batteries in the first half of the year reached 32 GWh, and the installed capacity of power batteries for new energy vehicles was about 110 GWh.
Page 3: First, a report on Wang Yi’s meeting with his Nepalese counterpart Narayan Khadka in Qingdao. This is quite a fascinating report in that it says little about what Wang said but a lot of space is spent characterising Khadka as being supportive of Beijing. Xinhua reports:
“Khadka reaffirmed that Nepal firmly adheres to the one-China policy, and will never allow others to use Nepal’s territory to engage in any activities that oppose China and harm China's interests. ‘This commitment is firm and will not waver,’ he said. ‘Nepal supports China's legitimate position on internal affairs such as Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Nepal always advocate for upholding the UN Charter and believes that no country has the right to impose its will on others,’ Khadka said, adding Nepal adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, especially the basic norms such as respect for sovereignty and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, and will continue to stand firmly with China in upholding and practicing multilateralism.”
“Nepal recognizes the vision of the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, and is willing to actively participate in synergy, Khadka said. Wang said that facing the current chaos in the world, China and Nepal, as developing countries and friendly neighbors, should especially support each other, jointly uphold the core role of the UN and stick to the "golden rule" of non-interference in internal affairs. The two sides conducted in-depth communication on bilateral relations and pragmatic cooperation and reached broad consensus.”
Next, there’s a report (English report) summarising Wang’s comments on the issue of Taiwan in his meetings with counterparts from Mongolia, South Korea and Nepal. He criticised Pelosi’s visit, calling it a “political farce,” and then talked about “three dangerous trends” - 三个危险动向 - in the Taiwan strait.
Firstly, “it is necessary to be prepared for the United States gathering some accomplices to pour fuel on the fire, enhancing regional military deployments, further escalating the situation and attempting to create a new and bigger crisis.”
Secondly, “we must be wary of ‘Taiwan independence’ forces misjudging the situation, continuing to collude with external forces, and heading further along the path of splitting the country.”
Thirdly, “we must be wary of politicians in some countries ignoring right and wrong, getting caught up in the hype and following suit for political gain. This will seriously undermine the political foundation for relations between China and these countries, and will seriously undermine the UN Charter and the post-World War II international system.”
Third, Wang Wenbin’s comments (English comments) on Nancy Pelosi’s recent interview on her visit to Taiwan. Some useful points here:
He calls the visit “a major political provocation that upgrades US-Taiwan exchanges. This goes against the US’s commitment of only maintaining unofficial relations with Taiwan in the Sino-US Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations. This goes against the one-China principle…”
“Since four months ago, China has time and again made clear to the US through multiple channels and at various levels our stern position of firmly opposing Pelosi’s visit to the Taiwan region. However, the US has chosen to pursue the wrong course of action in disregard of China’s dissuasion and warnings. It is the US that has gone back on its commitment, not China. It is the US that has infringed on China’s sovereignty, not the other way round. It is the US that connives at and supports “Taiwan independence” separatist activities, instead of China conniving at and supporting separatist activities in the US. The US made the provocation first, and China has been compelled to take legitimate countermeasures, which are justified, lawful, necessary and proportionate. The US has been going further down the path of fudging, hollowing out and distorting the one-China principle, and yet it accused China of changing the status quo.”
“China will not hesitate to fight back each time the US makes a serious provocation that violates China’s sovereignty and interferes in China’s internal affairs. We will never allow our sovereignty and territorial integrity to be trampled and sabotaged. If the US truly hopes to adhere to international law and uphold all countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity as it claims to, it should play no games but return to the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiqués.”
Interesting point below; I still have to read the pieces, but thought I’d share them here.

Next, there is a report on the defense ministry’s spokesperson’s comments on the drills around Taiwan and the Eastern Theatre Command’s statement (English report) announcing the conclusion of the drills.
The ETC said that it had “accomplished all tasks in the series of joint military operations carried out recently in the waters and airspace around the Taiwan Island.”
“The operations involving troops of multiple services effectively tested the armed forces' integrated combat ability…The Command will closely follow the development of the situation across the Taiwan Strait, continue to carry out military training for war preparedness, and organize normalized combat-readiness security patrol in the Taiwan Strait to defend China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
The report adds that:
The rocket force under the Command launched multiple types of conventional missiles targeting designated maritime areas to the east of the Taiwan Island while the army conducted precision strikes on specific areas in the eastern part of the Taiwan Strait,
troops from the Navy, Air Force, Rocket Force, Strategic Support Force and Logistic Support Force under the Eastern Theater Command conducted joint exercises and training in the waters and airspace off the northern, southwestern and southeastern coasts of the island, including operations of joint blockade, assault on ground and sea targets, airspace control, joint anti-submarine drill, and integrated logistics and support.
The armed forces' integrated combat ability has been improved and their readiness in contingency response been tested
New armaments including stealth fighters, multiple launch rocket systems and YY-20 refueling aircraft were applied in the operations
Page 4: A report on personnel changes at the State Council:
Zhang Xingwang was appointed vice minister of agriculture and rural affairs.
Huang Guo was named deputy commissioner of the National Medical Products Administration, replacing Chen Shifei.
Wang Aiwen, was removed from the post of vice minister of civil affairs.
Zhang Xu no longer serves as vice minister of culture and tourism.
Lin Wanhong was removed from the post of deputy director of the National Public Complaints and Proposals Administration.
Liu Zhenfang no longer serves as head of the National Railway Administration.
Wang Annan no longer serves as director of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission
There’s also a report on Wang Yong’s comments at the opening ceremony of the 2022 World 5G Convention in Harbin, where he spoke about 5G.
Finally, there’s the third commentary in the series on building a community with a shared future for mankind. An interesting excerpt below:
“Despite the changing international situation, the historical trend of opening up and development will not change, nor will the desire to work together to meet challenges…working together for mutual benefit and win-win results is the only correct choice. This is not only driven by economic laws, but is also in line with the historical logic of the development of human society. Unilateralism and extreme self-interest will not work at all; any act of decoupling, cutting off supply chains, and applying extreme pressure are not going to work; engaging in ‘small circles’ and provoking confrontation based on ideological lines are also not going to work. Going backwards in history and trying to block others’ paths will only create roadblocks for oneself in the end. China insists on standing on the right side of history and on the side of human progress, and has clearly put forward important ideas such as promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, promoting the common values of all mankind, the GDI and GSI, and has become an important force to promote historical development and the progress of the times. 尽管国际形势风云变幻,但开放发展的历史大势不会变,携手合作、共迎挑战的愿望也不会变。无论前途是晴是雨,携手合作、互利共赢是唯一正确选择。这既是经济规律使然,也符合人类社会发展的历史逻辑。任何单边主义、极端利己主义都是根本行不通的,任何脱钩、断供、极限施压的行径都是根本行不通的,任何搞“小圈子”、以意识形态划线挑动对立对抗也都是根本行不通的。开历史倒车,企图堵别人的路,最终只会堵死自己的路。中国坚持站在历史正确的一边,站在人类进步的一边,鲜明提出推动构建人类命运共同体、弘扬全人类共同价值、全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议等重大思想理念,成为推动历史发展和时代进步的重要力量.
Quick thought: The big point that the piece is making is that China is offering an alternative vision (alternative to the one based on US leadership) for global security, development and governance. Of course, this vision is rather hazy. But one takeaway is that there is an emphasis on the point that China must remain deeply engaged with the world and shaping outcomes abroad or the external environment is key to China’s own progress.
Pages 9-13: There’s a special feature drawing from the 2022 Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Road, which was held in Xi’an. Some 120 media representatives from more than 40 countries and international organisations attended the forum. Some useful data points:
By the end of March, a total of 149 countries and 32 international organizations had signed cooperation documents with China on jointly building the Belt and Road.
From 2013 to 2021, the volume of trade in goods between China and countries involved in the Belt and Road amounted to around $11 trillion, and two-way investment exceeded $230 billion, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
Page 15: There’s an article by Li Decheng from the China Tibetology Research Center. Li basically makes the point that the Party’s policies with regard to religious work are having the desired impact and that religion must be sinicised.
Li writes that:
“The theory that religion is compatible with socialist society is the deepening and theoretical development of the CPC's understanding of religious issues. Due to the establishment of the socialist system, the deepening of reform and opening up, and the development of the socialist market economy, the class origin of religion in China has basically disappeared, and the natural, social and cognitive origins of religion have also undergone great changes. Politically speaking, religion in our country is no longer a tool used by imperialism and feudal forces, but has become a cause managed by religious believers themselves. Patriots in religious circles and the majority of religious believers support the leadership of the Party and the socialist system, and have become an important part of the patriotic united front. Socialist society has created favourable conditions for bringing into play the positive factors of religion and restraining negative factors, and laid the foundation for religion to adapt to socialist society. Chinese religion has embarked on the correct path to adapt to socialist society.” 宗教与社会主义社会相适应的理论是中国共产党对宗教问题认识上的深化和理论发展。由于社会主义制度的建立、改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济的发展,我国宗教存在的阶级根源已经基本消失,宗教存在的自然根源、社会根源和认识根源也发生了很大变化。从政治上讲我国宗教不再是帝国主义和封建势力利用的工具,而成为信教群众自办的事业。宗教界的爱国人士和广大信教群众拥护党的领导,拥护社会主义制度,成为爱国统一战线的重要组成部分。社会主义社会为发挥宗教的积极因素、抑制消极因素创造了有利条件,奠定了宗教与社会主义社会相适应的基础,中国宗教走上了与社会主义社会相适应的正确道路.
Religion is a historical phenomenon that will exist for a long time in a socialist society. In the process of actively guiding religion to adapt to the socialist society, China has always adhered to its own national conditions and religious realities, implemented a policy of freedom of religious belief, and guaranteed the right to freedom of religious belief. The adaptation of religion to socialist society does not require religious believers to give up their theistic ideology and religious beliefs, but requires them to love the motherland politically, support the socialist system, and support the leadership of the Communist Party. At the same time, it is necessary to reform the religious system and dogma that are not suitable from the perspective of socialism, and make use of some positive factors in religious doctrines, canon and religious morality to serve socialism...宗教是一种历史现象,在社会主义社会中将长期存在。在积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的过程中,中国始终坚持从本国国情和宗教实际出发,实行宗教信仰自由政策,保障宗教信仰自由权利。宗教与社会主义社会相适应,并不要求宗教信徒放弃有神论的思想和宗教信仰,而是要求他们在政治上热爱祖国,拥护社会主义制度,拥护共产党的领导。同时,改革不适应社会主义的宗教制度和教条,利用宗教教义、教规和宗教道德中的某些积极因素为社会主义服务。我国信教群众有充分的宗教信仰自由,为中国宗教与社会主义社会相适应创造了条件,提供了遵循.
The article says that “governing religious affairs according to law is a common practice in most countries in the world, and it is also the only way to guide religion to adapt to socialist society. The state protects normal religious activities and manages religious affairs involving national interests and social and public interests in accordance with the law, but does not interfere in the internal affairs of religions. The Regulations on Religious Affairs, revised and promulgated in 2017, strengthened the protection of citizens' freedom of religious belief and the legitimate rights and interests of religious circles, regulated the government's behaviour in managing religious affairs according to law, and added the content of safeguarding national security and social harmony. The Regulations on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners in the People’s Republic of China protects the religious activities of foreigners in China according to law.” 依法对宗教事务进行管理,是世界大多数国家的通行做法,也是引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的必由之路。国家保护正常宗教活动,依法对涉及国家利益和社会公共利益的宗教事务进行管理,但不干涉宗教内部事务。2017年修订公布的《宗教事务条例》,强化了对公民宗教信仰自由和宗教界合法权益的保障,依法规范政府管理宗教事务的行为,增加了维护国家安全和社会和谐的内容。《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定》使外国人在中国境内的宗教活动依法受到保护.
What’s worth noting in this is the content of the regulations. For instance the 2017 regulations mandate religious groups to assist “the people's governments in the implementation of laws, regulations, rules, and policies, to preserve the lawful rights and interests of religious citizens.”
Or note Article 3, which says that “the management of religious affairs upholds the principles of protecting what is lawful, prohibiting what is unlawful…” Article 4 says: “Religious groups, religious schools, religious activity sites, and religious citizens shall abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and rules; practice the core socialist values; and preserve the unification of the country, ethnic unity, religious harmony and social stability.”
In his piece, Li argues that this approach by the Party is sound and that the focus must be on “mobilising positive factors and suppressing negative factors.”
Li later adds that
In adhering to the direction of sinicisation, Chinese religions must be politically conscious, culturally integrated, and adapt to society, by being in sync with social development and with the progress of the times, becoming a harmonious factor in social construction and a positive force in national construction…All religions should inherit and carry forward the long-standing tradition of sinicisation and localisation, actively adapt to society, carry forward the fine traditions patriotism, love of religion, unity and progress, serving the society, harmony and tolerance, and consciously safeguard national interests, social public interests, public order and good customs, thereby fulfilling their social responsibilities. 坚持中国化方向,中国宗教就必须在政治上自觉认同、文化上自觉融合、社会上自觉适应,与社会发展同步、与时代进步同频,成为社会建设的和谐因素和国家建设的积极力量。在中国历史上,各宗教不断提升中国化水平,很少出现以宗教为背景的冲突和对抗,宗教信仰自由获得尊重。各宗教继承和发扬长期以来中国化、本土化的传统,主动适应社会,发扬爱国爱教、团结进步、服务社会、和谐包容的优良传统,自觉维护国家利益、社会公共利益和公序良俗,履行社会责任.
Page 17: There’s an article by Hao Min from the University of International Relations in response to the passing of the CHIPS Act in the US. The author argues that while the nominal purpose of this law is to improve US self-sufficiency in semiconductors and to boost its domestic chip manufacturing industry, there are provisions in the law that “restrict the normal scientific and technological cooperation between China and the US and pressure chip companies to take sides.” This “reflects strong zero-sum game thinking and is not conducive to the stability of the global chip industry and supply chain.” 8月9日,美国将所谓《芯片和科学法案》签署成法。该法名义上是为了提高美国芯片产业的自给自足率,促进美国芯片制造业本土化,但其中所包含的限制中美正常科技合作的条款,胁迫芯片企业选边站队,反映出浓重的零和博弈思维,不利于全球芯片产业链供应链稳定.
He argues that this is an example of the US engaging in “unfair competition” and operating against the principles of the market economy and the general trend of economic globalisation. Hao adds that such an approach, “threatens the beneficial loop generated by the continuous optimisation of the global semiconductor value chain, which has been built over decades. The practical method to address the US’ concerns is to open the market, maintain free trade, and carry out global cooperation. However, the US has done the opposite and attempted to create a ‘small circle’, which shows that the law harbours evil intentions. In the opinion of industry analysts, the boosting effect of the law on the US chip industry will be very limited.” 美国大搞不公平竞争的错误做法与市场经济原则和经济全球化大势背道而驰,威胁几十年来全球芯片价值链不断优化所产生的有益反馈回路。破解美国芯片产业困境的真正方法,当是实行市场开放、维护自由贸易并开展全球合作。然而,美国反其道而行之,企图搞“小圈子”,足见该法包藏祸心。在业界分析人士看来,该法对美国芯片产业的提振作用将十分有限.
Hao argues that the new law has added new uncertainty in terms of the global semiconductor industry, and could lead to other countries exploring similar legislation, which could in turn undermine the global supply chain.
He argues that driven by a Cold War mentality, the US is engaging in “technological terrorism.” It is seeking to “suppress China’s scientific and technological development by trying to contain and delay the upgrading of China's chip industry.” One way that he argues the US is doing this is by lobbying allies and partners to coordinate on semiconductor supplies, technology and standard sharing, and equipment and materials. 在冷战思维驱动下,美国将科技领域视为地缘博弈的舞台,试图以独占技术优势强化自身经济和科技霸权,大搞胁迫外交,甚至推行“技术恐怖主义”。美国毫不掩饰地打压中国科技发展,妄图遏制和迟滞中国芯片产业升级,还四处拉拢游说盟友,企图在芯片产能供应、技术与标准分享、设备与材料等方面搞所谓内部协同、外部封闭。这不仅会割裂全球供应链,还可能导致全球芯片贸易再次陷入不稳定状态,严重违逆时代潮流.
Finally, Hao warns that according to the Boston Consulting Group, if the United States completely decouples from China in the semiconductor sector, American companies will lose 37% of their revenue and it will cause the loss of 15,000 to 40,000 high-skilled jobs in the United States. 据波士顿咨询集团估计,如果美国在半导体领域对华完全脱钩,美国企业将失去37%的收入,并导致美国流失1.5万至4万个高技能工作岗位。