Tibet Quake - Elderly Care Services Guideline - Tasks to Build a Unified National Market - Guideline for Government Investment Funds - Japanese Political Delegation to Visit China
Here are the key reports and articles that I found noteworthy from the People’s Daily’s edition on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
Page 1: The lead report on the page is about Xi Jinping’s instructions following the 6.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Shigatse in Tibet yesterday. Xi “ordered all-out rescue efforts to save lives and minimize casualties.” Xinhua adds that he called for “utmost efforts to carry out search and rescue and provide medical treatment for the injured. He also urged efforts to prevent secondary disasters, properly resettle affected residents, and handle the aftermath effectively. It is essential to strengthen earthquake monitoring and early warning, promptly allocate disaster relief supplies, expedite the repair of damaged infrastructure, ensure the basic needs of residents are met, and guarantee a safe and warm winter for all”.
In addition, Li Qiang issued instructions. Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing is leading officials in Tibet, it seems. The Office of the State Council’s Earthquake Relief Headquarters and the Ministry of Emergency Management have launched the national earthquake level 3 emergency response.
Of course, the story says nothing about the impact of the earthquake or casualties. As per reports, the death toll is at around 126. If you are interested in the official details of the emergency response, there’s a report that provides those.
Next, there’s a commentary drawing from Xi’s speech at the CCDI plenary. Some key excerpts:
“Over the past year, ‘tigers’ have been targeted without exception, while ‘flies’ and ‘ants’ (minor corrupt officials) have also been punished, with more than 700,000 cases of unhealthy practices and corruption among the masses being investigated and dealt with. Since the new era, the Party, military, and public have experienced unprecedented cohesion and unity; one important reason is that our Party has always punished corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude. 过去一年,“打虎”无禁区,同时惩治“蝇贪蚁腐”,查处群众身边不正之风和腐败问题超70万件。新时代以来,党心军心民心空前凝聚振奋,一个重要原因就在于我们党始终以零容忍态度惩治腐败.
And then we have a new slogan:
“In his important speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping made encapsulated the Party’s achievements as the ‘two historical initiatives’ (两个历史主动): we secured the historical initiative to ensure the Party does not deteriorate, change colour, or change flavour, and won the historical initiative for the Party to unite and lead the entire people in the joint endeavor of building a strong nation and achieving national rejuvenation”. 习近平总书记在重要讲话中用赢得了“两个历史主动”作了高度概括:“赢得了确保党不变质、不变色、不变味的历史主动,赢得了党团结带领全体人民为强国建设、民族复兴伟业共同奋斗的历史主动.”
The article reiterates that the current situation of the fight against corruption remains severe and complex, and the task of eradicating the soil and conditions that breed corruption is still arduous. The key point is to “dispel the ideological fog” so that one can “further build consensus and enhance the awareness of action.” 同时必须清醒看到,反腐败斗争形势仍然严峻复杂,铲除腐败滋生土壤和条件任务仍然艰巨繁重。从现实情况看,腐败存量尚未清除,增量还在持续发生。而从思想认识看,有的对形势还有一些错误的判断和认知。只有坚决澄清各种错误认识,廓清思想迷雾,才能进一步凝聚共识、增强行动自觉。
The next bit says that “corruption and power often go hand in hand, which makes the fight against corruption a long-term historical process. As long as the soil and conditions that breed corruption exist, the fight against corruption will remain ongoing … deeply analyzing the corrupt elements investigated and dealt with since the 20th Party Congress shows that the vast majority of their disciplinary violations and illegal behaviors continued from before the 18th Party Congress and till after the 20th Party Congress, indicating both new and residual corruption. With new anti-corruption technologies, tools, and methods, corrupt officials are finding it increasingly difficult to hide. Corruption undermines fairness and justice, disrupts the business environment, and disturbs economic order. Only by resolutely removing this malignant tumor can we enable cadres to work cleanly and boldly and allow various economic actors to innovate and develop with confidence. 要看到,腐败和权力往往相伴而生,这决定了同腐败作斗争是一个长期的历史过程。只要滋生腐败的土壤和条件仍然存在,反腐败斗争就永远在路上。深入分析党的二十大以来查处的腐败分子,其中绝大多数人的违纪违法行为都是从党的十八大前延续到党的二十大后,这既是增量,也是存量。在新的反腐败技术、手段、方法等面前,腐败分子越来越无所遁形。腐败损害公平正义、破坏营商环境、扰乱经济秩序。只有坚决割除这个毒瘤,才能使广大干部干净干事、大胆干事,使各类经营主体安心创业.
The next paragraph discusses what Xi means when he says that combating corruption requires adopting a historical perspective. “It means learning lessons from history, grasping the core values from the Party’s century-long struggle, and understanding that to remain true to its original mission, the Party must eliminate corruption—the greatest threat. From a strategic perspective, we are in the critical period of China’s modernisation construction, with the domestic and international environments undergoing profound and extensive changes, only by unswervingly combating corruption and ensuring the Party health, advanced nature, and purity can we steadily and successfully follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and remain invincible amid the profound changes unseen in a century. For Party members and cadres, when faced with temptations and enticements, they must reflect on the Party’s revolutionary ideals, think about the countless revolutionary ancestors who have sacrificed their lives and shed their blood, the weight of the Party and people in their hearts, think about the weight of the party and the people in their hearts, think about the consequences and harm of corruption, and think about the different fates of Marxist parties around the world. Only by rectifying their ideological roots and clearing the muddied waters, they can truly stay steady, maintain their integrity, and always uphold the political character of a Communist Party member.” 习近平总书记强调:“认识反腐败斗争,一定要有历史眼光、战略高度,着眼于实现党的使命任务。”何为历史眼光?关键是要善于从历史中汲取教训,从我们党百年奋斗中把握价值旨归,认识到我们党要始终坚守初心使命,必须清除腐败这个最大威胁。从战略高度看,当前处在中国式现代化建设的关键时期,国内外环境都在发生极为广泛而深刻的变化,只有坚定不移反腐败,永葆党的肌体健康、先进纯洁,才能走稳走好中国特色社会主义道路,在百年未有之大变局中始终立于不败之地。对于党员干部而言,面对各种诱惑、围猎,要多想一想我们党为之奋斗的革命理想,想一想无数抛头颅、洒热血的革命先辈,想一想党和人民在自己心中的分量,想一想贪污腐败的后果和危害,想一想世界马克思主义政党的不同命运。从思想上正本清源、激浊扬清,才能真正稳得住、守得住,始终保持共产党人政治本色.
The piece ends by calling on the Party to never slacken or ease up in what is a tough, protracted, and comprehensive battle against corruption.
Finally, the full guidelines on Deepening the Reform and Development of Elderly Care Services is published in the paper. As per the document, the main goals are:
by 2029, the elderly care service network will be basically established, service capabilities and levels will be significantly enhanced, significant progress will be made in expanding capacity, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and the supply of basic elderly care services will be continuously optimized;
by 2035, the elderly care service network will be more complete, service supply and demand will be more coordinated and adapted, all elderly people will enjoy basic elderly care services, and an elderly care service system suitable for my country's national conditions will be mature and established.
I am not detailing the full document, but Xinhua reports:
“According to the guidelines, basic elderly care services consist of material assistance, nursing, and caregiving services, among others. They are provided directly by the government or by parties supported by the government. The guidelines noted that the system should follow the principles of meeting essential needs and be universally accessible. In the meantime, the system should also allow families with financial difficulties to be supported in elderly care and ensure all institutional resources regarding elderly care are optimized and integrated. The guidelines listed five key aspects where more work should be done. They include forming and implementing a list of elderly care services, establishing an active response mechanism for providing accurate services, enhancing the mechanism that ensures sound elderly care services, improving service capacity, and making such services more accessible.”
China Daily’s report says:
“The government will pay more attention to the nursing and care work of elderly people living in countryside or rural areas, especially those at older elderly, those who lost their self-care ability or with disabilities. Supervision over elderly care service companies or nursing houses will be further tightened, to make sure these companies and nursing house operators have proper fee-charging and caring behaviors. According to the guidelines, the government will encourage foreign companies to invest in the domestic pension industries by giving them some preferential treatment. The government also encourages companies to develop and promote products for the elderly and enrich their services to the elderly, aiming for a prosperous silver economy. The government will cultivate more talent for the elderly care industry by optimizing the nursing workers’ evaluation system and setting up pioneer training programs for nursing workers at designated vocational schools, according to the guidelines. Also, the nation will channel resources and investment into technological programs on elderly care services such as humanoid robots and artificial intelligence. The State-level elderly care service information platform will be optimized to better balance the market’s supplies and the elderly’s needs.”
This bit might be useful for businesses:
“Actively cultivate specialized service organizations, and encourage communities, domestic service providers, Internet platform enterprises, and others to offer diverse door-to-door services such as meal assistance, bathing assistance, cleaning assistance, mobility assistance, medical assistance, and emergency assistance for the elderly, to better meet the needs of home-based care services. Accelerate the construction of elderly-friendly housing, promote home modifications for aging, support the installation of elevators in old residential communities, and strengthen the construction of barrier-free environments.” 积极培育专业化服务机构,鼓励社区和家政、互联网平台企业等上门提供老年助餐、助浴、助洁、助行、助医、助急等多样化服务,更好满足居家照护服务需求。加快适老住宅建设,推进家庭适老化改造,支持老旧小区加装电梯,加强无障碍环境建设.
“Encourage social forces to newly build or renovate and expand elderly care service facilities, support expanding high-quality institutional elderly care service supply through methods such as public construction and private operation. Fully utilize elderly care institutions' roles in technical innovation demonstration, service skills training, equipment promotion and application, promote professional services extending to homes and communities.” 鼓励社会力量新建或改扩建养老服务设施,支持通过公建民营等方式扩大优质机构养老服务供给。充分发挥养老机构技术创新示范、服务技能培训、设备推广应用等作用,推动专业化服务向居家和社区延伸.
Take the development of rural elderly care services as an important part of implementing the rural revitalization strategy, and include rural elderly care service facilities in the land space planning or village planning at the township level. 将发展农村养老服务作为实施乡村振兴战略的重要内容,将农村养老服务设施纳入乡镇级国土空间规划或村庄规划.
Guide urban elderly care service institutions to operate rural elderly care service facilities and promote the balanced development of urban and rural elderly care services. 引导城市养老服务机构运营农村养老服务设施,促进城乡养老服务均衡发展.
Encourage state-owned enterprises and public institutions to revitalize idle assets to carry out elderly care services. For those implementing entrusted operations, the lease term shall be determined based on the principle of stable operational expectations; if the operator makes significant investments, the lease term may be appropriately extended. 鼓励国有企业、事业单位盘活闲置资产开展养老服务,实行委托运营的,按稳定经营预期原则确定租期;运营方有较大投入的,租期可适当延长.
Encourage foreign investment in the domestic elderly care service industry and grant it national treatment. Vigorously develop the silver economy, strengthen the research, development, and promotion of products for the elderly, enrich elderly care service scenarios, and unlock the consumption potential of elderly care. Develop the residential tourism elderly care market, adapt to local conditions to develop new formats such as wellness-oriented residential tourism, and promote the construction of residential tourism elderly care destinations. 鼓励外商投资国内养老服务产业并享受国民待遇。大力发展银发经济,加强老年用品研发和推广,丰富养老服务场景,释放养老消费潜力。开发旅居养老市场,因地制宜发展康养旅居等新业态,推动旅居养老目的地建设.
Another point later worth noting, since it can be part of the common prosperity agenda: “Encourage supporting the provision of elderly care services through the establishment of charitable trusts and social donations.” 鼓励通过设立慈善信托、社会捐赠等方式支持开展养老服务.
Page 2: There’s a report on the State Council’s new Guidelines on Promoting the High-quality Development of Government Investment Funds. The report says that the guidelines put forward 25 measures across 7 areas. It calls for the “operation of government investment funds in accordance with the principles of marketisation, rule of law, and specialisation, developing patient capital, and focusing on achieving practical results. Reasonably coordinate the layout of funds to prevent homogeneous competition and the crowding-out effect on social capital. Improve the responsibility mechanism with aligned rights and obligations and compatible incentives and constraints, to promote the formation of a high-quality development pattern for government investment funds with moderate scale, reasonable layout, standardised operation, scientific efficiency, and controllable risks.” 《指导意见》强调,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的二十大和二十届二中、三中全会精神,突出政府引导和政策性定位,按照市场化、法治化、专业化原则规范运作政府投资基金,发展耐心资本,注重发挥实效。合理统筹基金布局,防止同质化竞争和对社会资本产生挤出效应。健全权责一致、激励约束相容的责任机制,促进形成规模适度、布局合理、运作规范、科学高效、风险可控的政府投资基金高质量发展格局.
The article then makes seven points:
First, identify the correct positioning to better serve the overall development of the country. Focus on major strategies, key areas, and weak links where the market cannot fully play its role, attract and drive more social capital, support the construction of a modern industrial system, and accelerate the cultivation of new productive forces. Leverage the role of funds as long-term and patient capital for cross-cycle and counter-cyclical adjustments.
Second, improve the tiered and categorized management mechanism. Specify tiered management requirements for fund establishment, refine differentiated management mechanisms for different types of funds, and standardize budget management for various government investments.
Third, strengthen coordination and optimize fund allocation. Achieve synergy between national-level and local-level funds, with provincial governments enhancing the overall management of funds within their regions.
Fourth, improve the level of professional and market-oriented fund operations. Standardize fund operation management, optimize fund investment methods, and fully utilize the role of fund managers. Enhance fund performance management, establish and improve an error-tolerance mechanism, and optimize a full-chain and life-cycle assessment system that avoids relying on a single project or a single year’s profit and loss as the basis for assessment, and create a good atmosphere that encourages innovation and tolerates failure. Optimize the fund development environment, emphasize positive incentive policies, and boost market investment confidence.
Fifth, optimize the exit mechanism to promote a virtuous investment cycle. Broaden fund exit channels, encourage the development of private equity secondary market funds, mergers and acquisitions funds, etc., improve the multi-level capital market system, and explore ways to simplify the project exit process.
Sixth, strengthen internal control construction to prevent and resolve risks. Improve the risk prevention and control system and enforce financial discipline.
Seventh, strengthen organizational guarantees. Adhere to and strengthen the leadership of the Party, strengthen departmental coordination, and standardize regulatory behavior.
Also on the page is an article about the NDRC issuing a guideline building a unified national market. The report covers the NDRC’s press conference on the guideline. Some data from Xinhua English:
“Key measures outlined in the guideline include unifying the underlying institutions and rules of the market, improving the high-standard market infrastructure connectivity, building a unified market for factors and resources, advancing the high-standard integration of goods and services markets, enhancing fair and unified regulation, and curbing unfair market competition and improper intervention.”
It adds:
“Liu Rihong, an official from the Research Office of the State Council, noted that the relatively weak domestic demand, especially in consumption, is a vital bottleneck for economic circulation. Liu emphasized that building a unified national market is essential to unleashing domestic demand potential, facilitating the efficient flow of goods and factors, improving resource allocation, and fully harnessing the market’s industrial and demand advantages. The guideline aims to tackle these challenges by drawing firm "red lines" to eliminate local protectionism, regional barriers, and unfair practices in market access, bidding and government procurement, NDRC official Wang Shancheng told a press conference on Tuesday. Local authorities are prohibited from using administrative or penal measures to intervene in economic disputes or infringe on business rights illegally, the guideline said, adding that unlawful cross-jurisdictional law enforcement or administration are also banned. It stated that the cross-regional flow of goods and factors must not be restricted, and bidding and government procurement should avoid limiting or designating specific patents, trademarks, brands, parts, origins or suppliers. The document also calls for establishing a unified national social security public service platform, allowing people to access social security in the locality where they work even if they do not hold local residency. Wang said work is underway to revise and publish a new negative list for market access to further optimize market access management.”
The PD report says that Wang also told reporters that the Guidelines put forward specific requirements and goals from three perspectives: required to do, prohibited from doing and encouraged to do.
Under required to do, Wang placed the following:
Breaking bottlenecks in regional transportation infrastructure, including highways and waterways
Unification of data collection standards, formats and fields between different regulatory departments so as to address the problem of inconsistent regulatory standards in various regions
Addressing inconsistencies in government service standards
Under prohibited from doing, Wang talked about the “red lines” that I have mentioned above. In the context of encouraged actions, Wang said:
“Different regions have different resource endowments. Regions with good basic conditions and high marketization can benchmark higher standards to accelerate the construction of unified markets in their regions and across regions… Wang said that the guidelines ‘encourage qualified regions to carry out regional market integration, promoting the strengthening of communication and coordination of systems, rules and major policies in key areas, and increasing the exploration of cost sharing and benefit sharing in regional cooperation’.” “各地资源禀赋不同,基础条件好、市场化程度高的区域可以对标更高标准加快推进本地区以及跨区域的统一市场建设。”王善成举例说,《指引》提出“鼓励有条件的地区开展区域市场一体化建设,推动加强重点领域制度规则和重大政策沟通协调,加大区域合作成本共担和利益共享探索力度”等.
For future work, Wang said:
We will revise and issue the Negative List for Market Access (2025 Edition), further reduce the items on the list, and optimise market access management.
We will improve the management system for business entity registration and improve the efficiency of enterprise relocation services.
We will build a unified urban and rural construction land market, improve the basic system to promote the standardised development of the capital market, accelerate the formation of a unified and interconnected national technology trading network, cultivate a national integrated data market, and accelerate the construction of a unified national power market system.
We will further promote the mutual recognition of medical examination and inspection results, returns and exchanges in different places and stores, withdrawals from housing provident funds in different places, and settlements of medical insurance accounts in different places.
We will continuously improve the high-standard connectivity of market facilities. This entails improving the comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network.
Going forward. new Implementation Measures for the Fair Competition Review Regulations shall be issued to further refine the review standards, consolidate the review responsibilities, and maintain a unified fair competition system.
Clean up and abolish various regulations and practices that hinder the national unified market and fair competition. Break down market access barriers that business entities strongly reflect on and that the masses closely follow. Advance special rectification in areas such as bidding and tendering, enterprise relocation. Improve the long-term mechanism for transferring, investigating and rectifying clues to problems that violate the unified large market, and report typical cases in due time.
The Ministry of Commerce will focus on improving foreign investment market access, optimising the business environment, connecting with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and accelerating the integration of domestic and foreign trade.
Page 3: A couple of reports to note. First, He Lifeng talked to US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Xinhua reports:
Both sides agreed “to maintain communication, manage differences and continue stabilization of China-U.S. economic relations during the political transition period in the U.S. The two lead persons for China-U.S. economic and trade affairs reviewed the experience of China-U.S. economic exchanges and cooperation in recent years and spoke highly of the important role of China-U.S. economic and financial working groups and other dialogue mechanisms in implementing the important consensus reached by the two heads of state. The Chinese side expressed concern over U.S. economic and trade restrictions on China -- in particular clarifying China's position concerning the recent trade investigation initiated by the U.S. side. The video call was candid, in-depth and constructive, and both sides agreed on the importance of maintaining communication.”
Second, there’s a report on Councilor and Director of the China National Narcotic Control Committee Wang Xiaohong speaking to Rahul Gupta, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. Xinhua reports:
“Wang said under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China-U.S. cooperation on drug control has made positive progress over the past year. Wang added that the two sides should adhere to the correct strategic perception, treat each other as equals, engage in dialogue and cooperation, and promote steady and long-term cooperation in drug control and law enforcement, to better respond to the expectations of the people and demonstrate the responsibility as major countries. Wang also expressed hope that the U.S. side will show more sincerity for cooperation, and respect and address China's concerns. The two sides agreed to continue to maintain cooperation and exchanges in the field of drug control.”
Another report, which is not in the paper, carries the Ministry of Commerce’s statement on the US adding 11 Chinese companies to its Entity List. Xinhua says:
“China’s Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday that it firmly objects to the U.S. move to add 11 Chinese firms to its export control "entity list" on so-called military-related grounds. ‘For a long time, the United States has generalized the concept of national security, abused export control measures and suppressed and contained other entities, which has seriously harmed the legitimate rights and interests of relevant entities, undermined the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains, and hindered the recovery and development of the world economy,’ the ministry said in a statement. China urges the U.S. side to immediately stop its wrong practices, and the country will take necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese entities”.
The 11 companies are:
Chengdu RML Technology Co., Ltd.,
Chengdu Yaguang Electronics Co., Ltd.,
Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, and Physics,
Hefei Starwave Communication Technology Co., Ltd.,
Ji Hua Laboratory,
Nanjing Simite Optical Instruments Co., Ltd.,
Peng Cheng Laboratory,
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,
Suzhou Ultranano Precision Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.,
Wuhu Kewei Zhaofu Electronics Co., Ltd.,and
Yaguang Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Finally, there’s a report (English report) informing that a delegation of Japan’s ruling coalition will visit China from January 13 to 15. The two sides will jointly hold the ninth meeting of the China-Japan ruling party talks, said ILD spokesperson Hu Zhaoming. The visit of the delegation, led by Secretary General Hiroshi Moriyama of the Liberal Democratic Party and Secretary General Makoto Nishida of the Komeito Party, comes at the invitation of the CPC.”
I’m reading about Chinese leaders from Mao to Xi, and every single one of them had corruption campaigns, often a pretext for a purge rather than sincere.
Any indication xi’s is different? It’s larger and has spanned over a decade. But is it sincere? And even if he is sincere, it is possible to keep the lower cadres from taking advantage and accusing rivals?