Two Establishments Provide China with Helmsman & Compass - Tackling Core Tech Challenge - Pressing BRICS on GDI & GSI - 10 Key Points of Xi's Ecological Civilisation Thought - SkyNet Summary
Apologies for missing out on the past two days’ editions folks. I have a fair amount of travel ahead of me over the next 6-8 weeks, so there will be some inconsistency in publication.
Anyway, here are the stories and pieces that I found noteworthy in the Wednesday, September 7, 2022, edition of the People’s Daily.
Page 1: The lead story on the page is on the 27th meeting of the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform. The first chunk of the report is well summarised by Xinhua English too. The meeting reviewed and adopted:
the guideline on improving a new system for mobilizing the resources nationwide to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields under the socialist market economy
the guideline on deepening reforms of the academician system
the guideline on strengthening resource conservation
the guideline on deepening the pilot of the marketization of rural collective land designated for business-related construction
the guideline on deepening reform to promote the healthy development of the rural medical and health care system
Xi said:
“Xi, also head of the commission, said the country should leverage the marked advantages of socialism which has the ability to mobilize resources to accomplish major initiatives, strengthen the leadership of the CPC and the government on major scientific and technological innovation, and give full play to the role of the market. China should optimize the allocation of innovation resources based on the country's strategic needs, strengthen the country’s strategic scientific and technological strength, greatly improve the systematic ability to tackle key scientific and technological problems, and cultivate competitive advantages and seize the strategic initiative in a number of important areas, Xi said. He also stressed efforts to deepen reforms to give better play to the role of academicians. The country should improve the efficient use of resources, including energy, water, grain, land, minerals and raw materials, and expedite the fundamental transformation of resource utilization approaches, Xi said. Regarding rural affairs, Xi stressed efforts to promote the pilot program for the marketization of rural collective land designated for business-related construction, and foster a rural medical and health care system that is highly efficient and adapted to rural characteristics.”
Later the report says that:
In order to improve the new nationwide system of tackling key core technologies, it is necessary to organically combine the government, the market and the society, make scientific overall plans, concentrate efforts, optimise mechanisms and tackle key problems in coordination…It is necessary to adhere to the orientation of national strategic goals, target several key areas and major tasks related to China’s industry, economy and national security, advance research on key technologies with first-mover advantages, and focus on basic cutting-edge technologies that will lead future development…It is necessary to to strengthen the centralised and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee and establish an authoritative decision-making command system…It is necessary to build an organisational and operation mechanism for collaborative research, efficiently allocate scientific and technological forces and innovative resources, strengthen cross-disciplinary collaborative research, and form a strong synergy for key and core technology research.…Efforts should be made to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in technological innovation and accelerate the transformation of the function of government in science and technology management. 会议指出,健全关键核心技术攻关新型举国体制,要把政府、市场、社会有机结合起来,科学统筹、集中力量、优化机制、协同攻关。要加强战略谋划和系统布局,坚持国家战略目标导向,瞄准事关我国产业、经济和国家安全的若干重点领域及重大任务,明确主攻方向和核心技术突破口,重点研发具有先发优势的关键技术和引领未来发展的基础前沿技术。要加强党中央集中统一领导,建立权威的决策指挥体系。要构建协同攻关的组织运行机制,高效配置科技力量和创新资源,强化跨领域跨学科协同攻关,形成关键核心技术攻关强大合力。要推动有效市场和有为政府更好结合,强化企业技术创新主体地位,加快转变政府科技管理职能,营造良好创新生态,激发创新主体活力.
After this, the report talks about the selection of academics to lead research. It says that “it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of academicians who are part of major scientific research and major national projects, and take the major contributions, academic level, and moral integrity as the yardstick to prevent unhealthy trends in selection.” 要注重在重大科学研究和国家重大工程中选拔院士,以重大贡献、学术水平、道德操守为准绳,防止增选中的不正之风.
It also adds: “academicians should improve their political positions, enhance their sense of responsibility, and play an exemplary role in taking the initiative to undertake nationally critical and risky scientific research tasks, solve major original scientific problems, lead by example to purify the academic environment, and cultivate young scientific research talents.” 广大院士要提高政治站位,增强责任意识,在主动承担国家急难险重科研任务、解决重大原创科学问题、以身作则净化学术环境、培养青年科研人才等方面发挥好表率作用.
The next paragraph emphasises resource conservation “in key areas such as energy, industry, construction, and transportation” along with “the supporting role of scientific and technological innovation” and promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction in production.” The next bit is really interesting:
“It is necessary to enhance the awareness of saving among everyone, promote a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle, oppose extravagance and waste and excessive consumption…It is necessary to comprehensively make good use of market-oriented and law-based means, speed up the establishment of a resource price formation mechanism that reflects the scarcity of resources, the cost of ecological damage and the cost of environmental pollution, constantly improve and gradually raise the standards of energy consumption, water consumption and material consumption of key industries and products, and promote the scientific allocation and economical and efficient use of resources. 要增强全民节约意识,推行简约适度、绿色低碳的生活方式,反对奢侈浪费和过度消费,努力形成全民崇尚节约的浓厚氛围。要综合运用好市场化、法治化手段,加快建立体现资源稀缺程度、生态损害成本、环境污染代价的资源价格形成机制,不断完善和逐步提高重点产业、重点产品的能耗、水耗、物耗标准,促进资源科学配置和节约高效利用.
The other lead story on the page is the start of a new series of columns leading to the 20th Party Congress. The purpose of the columns is to “report the practical actions undertaken by various regions and departments in welcoming the Party’s 20th National Congress with outstanding achievements and high spirits, reflecting the ardent expectations of the broad masses of officials and people for the successful convening of the Party’s 20th National Congress and their heartfelt support for the CPC Central Committee with comrade Xi Jinping as the core.” 从今天起,本报推出“喜迎二十大”专栏,充分报道各地区各部门以优异成绩和昂扬精神风貌迎接党的二十大的实际行动,反映广大干部群众对党的二十大胜利召开的热切期盼和对以习近平同志为核心的党中央的衷心拥护.
Today’s column is about the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and its technological achievements. It’s not too detailed. But I guess the point is not about the data being shared; rather it is about the political signal being sent to the bosses and about the boss.
Third, there’s a report on Li Zhanshu’s comments at the BRICS parliamentary forum. Li made four big points:
First, uphold fairness and justice and safeguard peace and security: The Global Security Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping systematically expounds China’s position and proposition on promoting common security and safeguarding world peace and tranquillity, and emphasises that mankind is an indivisible security community. China welcomes BRICS partners' active support and participation in GSI. In this, he also called on legislatures of the BRICS countries to strengthen policy communication and coordination, and jointly defend the UN Charter and the authority of international law. 习近平主席提出的全球安全倡议,系统阐述了中方促进世界安危与共、维护世界和平安宁的立场主张,强调人类是不可分割的安全共同体。欢迎金砖伙伴积极支持和参与全球安全倡议。五国立法机构要用好各国议会联盟等合作框架,加强政策沟通协调,共同捍卫联合国宪章和国际法权威.
Second, adhere to solidarity and promote development and prosperity: The Global Development Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping aims to build a community for global development and encourage the international community to pay attention to development issues, reviving the cause of global development. More than 100 countries and many international organisations, including the United Nations, have actively supported GDI, and more than 60 countries have joined the ‘Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative’. It is necessary to strengthen collaboration, start with addressing the most pressing issues facing developing countries, and accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 二是坚持同舟共济,促进发展繁荣。习近平主席提出的全球发展倡议,以构建全球发展共同体为目标,旨在推动国际社会切实重视发展问题,重振全球发展事业。已有100多个国家和包括联合国在内的多个国际组织积极支持这一倡议,60多个国家加入“全球发展倡议之友小组”。要继续加强协作,从解决发展中国家面临的最紧迫问题入手,加快落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程.
Third, adhere to openness and integration and expand practical cooperation.
Fourth, adhere to inclusiveness and mutual learning and expand dialogue and exchanges.
Fourth, a report on the meeting of the Chairpersons’ Council of the CPPCC National Committee, which Wang Yang presided over. Xinhua English reports:
“The meeting reviewed and adopted the work rules for the CPPCC's consultative forums for specialists. Wang noted that since starting last year, 55 such forums have been held, providing a solid foundation for regulating and institutionalizing them. The rules ought to apply fully so that the forums can play a bigger role in the consultation process, said Wang. The meeting also reviewed and adopted a list of outstanding proposals of the 13th CPPCC National Committee and a list of outstanding departments handling these.”
Fifth, a report on Han Zheng attending the inauguration ceremony of German chemical giant BASF's Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province. While Han spoke from Beijinbg, Guangdong Secretary Li Xi was at the inauguration. Xinhua informs that “with a total investment of about 10 billion euros (about 9.93 billion U.S. dollars), the site will be the third-largest BASF site in the world, and the largest single investment project by a German enterprise in China.” — Quick thought: It’s really interesting that this is front page news. Part of that is the fact that it’s a PSC member whose activities are being covered. But I guess there’s also signalling value around openness and foreign investment that’s at play here.
Finally, there’s a long article summarising international anti-corruption cooperation or the Skynet operation since the 19th Party Congress. Over the past 5 years, a total of 6,900 people who fled have been brought back, including 1,962 party members and state workers; around 32.786 billion yuan of money has been recovered, 61 of the 100 Red Notice personnel have been brought to justice. 各部门立足职责、同向发力,连续五年开展“天网行动”,共追回外逃人员6900人,其中党员和国家工作人员1962人,追回赃款327.86亿元,“百名红通人员”已有61人归案. — The last figure is interesting because there is a lot of concern around the use and abuse of Interpol’s Red Notices to target activists, ethnic minorities and political dissidents.
The first section of the article provides a really good break-up of the number of agencies involved in this process of tracking individuals abroad. It says that upon Xi’s instructions and based on the requirements outlined by him, the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group was established and the 100 Red Notices were made public.
The first session of the 13th NPC passed the Supervision Law, which had a special chapter on international anti-corruption cooperation, and clarified the responsibilities of the NSC in organising and coordinating the pursuit of fugitives, asset recovery and preventing them from escaping; for the first time, the NSC reported to the NPCSC on the special work of anti-corruption and international pursuit of fugitives and assets; the Supreme People's Court launched special operations to recover assets in criminal cases where suspects and defendants have fled and/or died, and guided local governments in the trial of returned persons in accordance with the law; the Supreme People's Procuratorate instructed local governments to complete a number of major cases of confiscation of illegal gains, issued guiding cases, and explored the pilot work related to corporate criminal compliance for enterprises going global; MoFA incorporated international anti-corruption cooperation as part of its diplomatic work and on the agenda of the heads of state diplomacy; the Ministry of Public Security continued to carry out the ‘Fox Hunting’ operations, recovering more than 4,800 fugitives; the SASAC strengthened the internal control and management of overseas financial funds of central enterprises, and took the lead in carrying out special rectification of outstanding problems… 习近平总书记态度坚决、要求明确,各部门、有关方面行动迅速、雷霆出击,一部波澜壮阔、跌宕起伏的反腐败国际追逃追赃新篇章拉开大幕。建立中央反腐败协调小组国际追逃追赃工作机制、公布“百名红通人员”名单、公开曝光外逃人员线索、发布敦促自首公告……在党中央集中统一领导下,十九届中央反腐败协调小组建立国际追逃追赃和跨境腐败治理工作协调机制,每年专题研究部署反腐败国际合作目标任务和重点工作,连续组织开展“天网行动”,整合协调政治、经济、外交、司法、执法、金融等各领域资源,统筹推进反腐败国际追逃追赃和跨境腐败治理,形成上下联动、分工协作、齐抓共管的工作格局。十三届全国人大一次会议通过监察法,专章规定反腐败国际合作,明确国家监委负责组织协调追逃追赃和防逃工作的职责;国家监委围绕反腐败国际追逃追赃,首次向全国人大常委会报告专项工作;最高法开展犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡案件追赃专项行动,指导各地依法做好归案人员审判工作;最高检指导地方完成多起重大违法所得没收案件,发布指导性案例,探索开展“走出去”企业刑事合规试点工作;外交部把反腐败国际合作纳入外交工作格局和元首外交议题;公安部持续开展“猎狐”专项行动,追回各类经济犯罪逃犯4800余名;国务院国资委强化央企境外财务资金内控管理,牵头开展突出问题专项整治;
The second section offers examples of arrests. One of the cases mentioned is of Zhou Mengbo, former deputy Party secretary of China Railway Group. The piece says that he resigned in 2019 and created the ‘illusion of suicide’ before he was arrested in 2021. It also mentions the case of Xu Guojun, who was arrested in November last year. Xu was apparently a former Bank of China official who had embezzled funds and fled to the US 20 years ago, as per the CCP.
The next two sections are about legal processes and advancement of international anti-corruption cooperation at different institutions.
Page 2: First, a report on an event being held in Beijing to mark the publication of the study outline for Xi Jinping Thought on ecological civilisation. These are the 10 persistences under Xi’s thought one ecological civilisation:
Adhere to the Party’s overall leadership in the construction of ecological civilisation
Adhere to the prosperity of ecology and the prosperity of civilisation
Adhere to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature
Adhere to the fact that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets
Adhering to a sound ecological environment is the most beneficial to people's well-being and livelihood
Adhering to green development is a profound revolution in the concept of development
Adhere to the overall management of mountains, forests, farmlands, lakes, grass and sand systems
Adhere to the strictest system and the strictest rule of law to protect the ecological environment
Persist in building a beautiful China, translate it into the conscious action of all people
Adhere to the path of co-construction in order to build a global ecological civilisation
Second, a report on Li Zhanshu presiding over a meeting of the Council of Chairpersons of the NPCSC. The meeting heard reports on changes made to a draft revision of the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, a draft law on the protection of the Yellow River, and a draft revision of the Animal Husbandry Law.
Third, a report with details from the China National Intellectual Property Administration. It says that in the first half of the year, the National Intellectual Property Protection Centre completed a total of about 16,000 cases related to IPR protection and accepted 64,000 patent pre-trial cases. It adds that so far, the CNIPA has approved the construction of 60 intellectual property protection centres in 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). The CNIPA’s latest survey shows that social satisfaction with the country's IP protection last year was at a report high of 80.61 out of 100 points.
Page 3: First, while we talk about GSI and GDI, BRI is not to be forgotten.
Today is the first of a new series of articles on the joint construction of BRI. The big point being conveyed in the piece is that BRI is not just about projects that China wants to implement; rather, the projects and initiatives under BRI are a product of joint consultation.
It talks about this principle of all business/work being managed through consultation 大家的事大家商量着办 and says that this is what distinguishes China’s approach from “some countries that always talk about ‘leading the world’ and always want to deal with others ‘from the position of strength’. It adds that “China fully understands the importance of mutual respect and equal consultation, and always insists that all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community, and has always advocated for the democratisation of international relations and that international affairs should be handled through joint consultation and discussion. “大家的事大家商量着办”充分彰显中国外交一以贯之的理念和原则。与个别国家总是将所谓“领导世界”挂在嘴边,动辄要“从实力地位出发”与他国打交道不同,中国充分理解相互尊重、平等协商的重要性,始终坚持国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是国际社会平等一员,始终主张国际关系应当实现民主化,国际上的事应该由大家共同商量着办.
The article says that “at a time when the world economic recovery is fragile and weak, the joint construction of BRI will light up the development dreams of countries along the route and inject valuable impetus into global development.” The piece says that there are 149 countries and 32 international organisations who are BRI partners.
Next, the Foreign Ministry’s new spokesperson Mao Ning’s comments condemning the “cyber attacks launched by the United States on China's Northwestern Polytechnical University.” Xinhua reports:
“It was reported that China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) and cybersecurity company 360 on Monday respectively released investigation reports on the attacks on Northwestern Polytechnical University from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), which showed that the NSA-affiliated TAO mounted hundreds of thousands malicious cyber attacks targeting Chinese objectives. In response, Mao told a daily news briefing that the investigative reports point to another example of the U.S. government's cyber attacks on China. She said that based on the analysis and tracing done by the joint team of CVERC and 360, the NSA's cyber attacks and data theft against China are supported by a clear and complete chain of evidence, which involves 13 personnel in the United States who directly launched cyber attacks against China, and more than 60 contracts and more than 170 digital documents with U.S. telecom operators to build an environment for cyber attacks. The reports showed that the United States used 41 specialized cyber weapons to launch cyber theft operations for over 1,000 times against Northwestern Polytechnical University and stole core technical data. The United States has also long carried out indiscriminate audio surveillance against Chinese cell-phone users, illegally stole text messages from them and conducted wireless positioning of them, she said, adding that the U.S. behavior poses a serious danger to China's national security and citizens' personal information security. "China strongly condemns this and asks the U.S. side to offer an explanation and immediately stop its unlawful moves," Mao said. "I want to stress that security of the cyber space is a common issue facing all countries in the world. As the country that possesses the most powerful cyber technologies and capabilities, the United States should immediately stop using its prowess as an advantage to conduct theft and attacks against other countries, responsibly participate in global cyber space governance and play a constructive role in defending cyber security," Mao said.”
Third, there’s a Zhong Sheng commentary criticising the US’ “long-arm jurisdiction.” It says that US sanctions impact “normal economic and trade cooperation between China and relevant countries.”
It adds that “the recovery of the world economy is fragile and weak, and the international community urgently needs solidarity and cooperation. The indiscriminate unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States have damaged the legitimate rights and interests of all parties concerned, undermined the normal exchanges between countries, hindered the communication and coordination of international macroeconomic policies, threatened the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and weakened the international community ability to jointly address global energy, food and financial security challenges, which will only drag the world into a greater crisis, with the US too being unable to avoid the repercussions. The unilateral sanctions imposed by the US have pushed up prices in the US and imposed heavy burdens on its people, leading to its own ‘sanctions predicament’.” 世界经济复苏脆弱乏力,国际社会迫切需要团结合作。美国滥施单边制裁,损害了相关各方的正当权益,破坏了国与国之间正常交往,妨碍了国际宏观经济政策沟通协调,威胁全球产业链供应链稳定,削弱国际社会共同应对全球能源、粮食和金融安全挑战的能力,只会将世界拖入更大危机,美国自身也难以避免反噬。美国单边制裁推高美国国内物价,让本国民众承受巨大负担,导致自己陷入“制裁困境”。
Page 4: There’s a report on the earthquake relief work in Sichuan and then one on changes at the State Council.
Zhang Qingsong was appointed vice governor of the People's Bank of China
Mao Shengyong was appointed deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics
Zhao Cheng was appointed vice president of Xinhua News Agency, replacing Zhang Sutang
Li Junjie was named deputy head of the National Immigration Administration
There’s also a report and a feature story on the announcement of national teaching role models, with 12 people being honoured.
Page 9: On the theory page, the lead article is by the Central Party School on the fourth volume of Xi’s governance of China books. The piece says that:
“The primary task in studying the fourth volume of ‘Xi Jinping: The Governance of China’ is to deeply understand the decisive significance of the Two Establishments, and to further understand and grasp the great significance and practical requirements of the Two Establishments from a political perspective.” 学习《习近平谈治国理政》第四卷,首要任务就是要深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,进一步从政治高度理解和把握“两个确立”的重大意义和实践要求.
The first section says that the “science of the ‘Two Establishments’ reveals the most fundamental political principles of Marxist political parties.” That’s because “establishing and maintaining a strong leadership core and establishing and developing a scientific guiding ideology are the major principles of the Marxist theory of party building and an important symbol of the maturity of the proletarian party.” 确立和维护坚强的领导核心,创立和发展科学的指导思想,是马克思主义建党学说的重大原则,也是无产阶级政党走向成熟的重要标志.
The second section says that the Two Establishments constitute the “most valuable political experience” that the Party has drawn from summarising its century of struggle. This basically focuses on the idea of the core. Mao and Deng are described as having been core leaders. The piece talks about how the Party created Deng Xiaoping Theory too, which was “a new theoretical achievement in the sinicization of Marxism and which scientifically answered a series of basic questions about building socialism with Chinese characteristics and provided a scientific ideological guidance for the whole Party.”
Jiang and Hu do not get referred to as core. Hu had never been referred to as the core; Jiang once used to be the core, but did not get mentioned as the core during his era in the third history resolution. In fact, even Deng did not get referred to as the core leader of his time in the history resolution, if I recall correctly. So I guess, this is different in that sense. Here’s the relevant section, if you are interested.
“ 党的十一届三中全会后,邓小平同志成为党的中央领导集体的核心,领导全党全国人民成功实现党和国家工作中心战略转移,开启了改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期,成功开创了中国特色社会主义。邓小平同志精辟地指出:“任何一个领导集体都要有一个核心,没有核心的领导是靠不住的……要有意识地维护一个核心”。在这一过程中,我们党创立了马克思主义中国化新的理论成果——邓小平理论,科学回答了建设中国特色社会主义的一系列基本问题,为全党提供了科学思想指南。此后,以江泽民同志、胡锦涛同志为主要代表的中国共产党人,与时俱进推进党的理论和实践创新,分别形成了“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观,成功捍卫、坚持和发展了中国特色社会主义,引领中国发展取得举世瞩目的伟大成就.”
Of course, the section ends with praising Xi Jinping for his “extraordinary theoretical courage, outstanding political wisdom, superb leadership ability, and strong sense of mission.” It says that Xi is deserving of the core position and argues that his position as the core has been established “in the course of long-term practice, in the course of the great new struggle, and on the basis of close connection with the people; it is the call of the times, the choice of history, and the aspiration and forging of the people.” 党的十八大以来,习近平总书记以非凡的理论勇气、卓越的政治智慧、高超的领导能力、强烈的使命担当,团结带领全党全国人民开创了中国特色社会主义新时代,赢得了全党全国人民衷心拥护,当之无愧地成为党中央的核心、全党的核心。习近平总书记的核心地位,是在长期实践中、在新的伟大斗争中、在与人民群众的密切联系中形成的,是时代的呼唤、历史的选择、人民的期盼和实践的锻造.
The third section argues that “since the beginning of the new era, the reason why the cause of the Party and the country has been able to achieve historic achievements and undergo historic changes lies in the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The Two Establishments are the choice of history, the call of the times, and the voice of the people, and are the most important political achievement since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.” 新时代以来,党和国家事业之所以能够取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革,最根本的就在于以习近平同志为核心的党中央的坚强领导,在于习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的科学指引。“两个确立”是历史的选择、时代的呼唤、人民的心声,是党的十八大以来最重要的政治成果.
The section adds that the Two Establishments have been critical for:
Establishing and demonstrating China’s political advantages: “It is precisely because of General Secretary Xi Jinping's foresight and strategic planning, and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, that China in the new era has been able to overcome a series of major risks and challenges, address many long-standing unresolved problems, accomplish many major achievements of long-term significance, and ensure historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and country.” 正是有习近平总书记高瞻远瞩、运筹帷幄,有习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引,新时代中国才得以战胜一系列重大风险挑战,攻克了许多长期没有解决的难题,办成了许多事关长远的大事要事,推动党和国家事业取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。It adds that the “two establishments’ and ‘two safeguards’ are the fundamental requirements for realising the Party’s overall leadership” and to unite the Party. “两个确立”和“两个维护”是实现党的全面领导的根本要求,自觉拥护“两个确立”和做到“两个维护”,有利于彰显党的领导的最大制度优势、发挥党的领导的最大制度效能,更好保证全党全国人民同心同德,全国一盘棋,集中力量办大事办好事。
Calibrating political direction: In this, the authors discuss the strengthening of ideals and beliefs and the work to address weaknesses in the ideological domain since the 18th Party Congress. It says that there has been a “fundamental change of the situation in the ideological field.” The article adds that “the Two Establishments set the fundamental guidelines for all comrades in the party to align with the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping, and point out the right direction for the whole Party to work together and strive in unity.” “两个确立”为全党同志向党中央和习近平总书记对标看齐树立了根本指针,为全党上下勠力同心、团结奋斗指明了正确方向.
Enabled maintaining political security: It is precisely because of the resolute struggle of General Secretary Xi Jinping to turn the tide and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era that the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party has been further advanced, the previous situation of lax and weak party management has been fundamentally reversed, and the anti-corruption struggle has achieved an overwhelming victory, with the Party blazing a new path of self-revolution to break through the dynastic cycle of rise and fall. The Party has become stronger in the revolutionary forging, the cohesion and centripetal force of the whole society has been greatly enhanced, and China’s international status and international reputation have been continuously improved, providing a solid political foundation for the long-term stability of the party and the country. 正是有习近平总书记坚决斗争、力挽狂澜,有习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引,全面从严治党深入推进,管党治党宽松软状况得到根本扭转,反腐败斗争取得压倒性胜利并全面巩固,我们党成功走出了一条以自我革命跳出历史周期率的新路,党在革命性锻造中更加坚强,全社会凝聚力和向心力极大增强,中国国际地位和国际声誉不断提升,为党和国家长治久安提供了坚实政治基础。
It provides a political guarantee: This basically argues that in a world with growing instability and uncertainty, the Two Establishments provide China with a “helmsman and compass.” “中国号”巨轮就有了掌舵人和指南针.
The final section has a call to action for the future, arguing that the Two Establishments are the “most basic political principles” that must be followed amid the “Long March in the new era.”
Everyone must consciously strengthen theoretical arming, i.e., study Xi’s thought and imbibe it
Everyone must resolutely achieve the two safeguards
Everyone must effectively improve political capacity, i.e., support for the Two Establishments and work to achieve the two safeguards “must be reflected in the actions to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and in the performance of duties and the effectiveness of one’s own work.”
Other Stories:
There are some interesting reports to note outside of PD.
Xinhua reports that “China’s major state-owned banks stepped up lending to support the real economy in the first half of 2022 (H1), with more new loans flowing to infrastructure development, manufacturing, and other key economic drivers. The latest semi-annual reports of the six largest state-owned commercial banks showed that four of them issued more than 1 trillion yuan (about 144.73 billion U.S. dollars) of new loans in H1. New domestic yuan loans of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China's biggest commercial lender, reached 1.61 trillion yuan during the first six months, while that of the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), Bank of China (BOC) and China Construction Bank (CCB) stood at 1.6 trillion yuan, 1.02 trillion yuan and 1.54 trillion yuan, respectively.”
Guo Shougang, an official with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, told the press yesterday that China’s industrial robots output hit 366,000 units in 2021, a 10-fold increase from 2015. The industrial robot application covers 60 industrial categories of the national economy. In 2021, the density of manufacturing robots exceeded 300 units per 10,000 people, about 13 times more than in 2012. Service robots are widely used in fields such as catering, education, medical care and logistics. Currently, there are over 439,000 service robot-related enterprises in China, among which more than 79,000 were newly registered from January to August this year, according to the corporate information provider Tianyancha. An earlier report from Global Times has more details on the sector.