What's Xi's Message to Private Entrepreneurs? - Wang Yi Visits Ireland - Plan for New-energy Storage Manufacturing Industry
Here are the reports on articles that I found worth reading in the People’s Daily on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Page 1: The lead story today is about the meeting that Xi Jinping chaired with private entrepreneurs and tech leaders. The report says:
“He emphasised that the basic policies and guidelines of the Party and the state for the development of the private economy have been incorporated into the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and will be adhered to and implemented consistently. They cannot and will not change. The development prospects of the private economy in the new era and new journey are broad and promising, and it is time for private enterprises and private entrepreneurs to show their talents. It is necessary to unify thinking, strengthen confidence, and promote the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy. It is hoped that the vast number of private enterprises and private entrepreneurs will uphold the aspiration to serve the country, focus wholeheartedly on development, operate legally and in good faith, and take the lead in promoting common prosperity after becoming prosperous, making new and greater contributions to advancing Chinese-style modernization. 他强调,党和国家对民营经济发展的基本方针政策,已经纳入中国特色社会主义制度体系,将一以贯之坚持和落实,不能变,也不会变。新时代新征程民营经济发展前景广阔、大有可为,广大民营企业和民营企业家大显身手正当其时。要统一思想、坚定信心,促进民营经济健康发展、高质量发展。希望广大民营企业和民营企业家胸怀报国志、一心谋发展、守法善经营、先富促共富,为推进中国式现代化作出新的更大的贡献.
Li Qiang, Wang Huning and Ding Xuexiang were in attendance with Xi. Six private entrepreneurs spoke at the meeting. Also present were Shi Taifeng, Li Shulei, He Lifeng, Wu Zhenglong, and Mu Hong.
Ren Zhengfei, CEO of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Wang Chuanfu, Chairman of BYD Co., Ltd.
Liu Yonghao, Chairman of New Hope Holdings Group Co., Ltd (Agribusiness enterprise)
Yu Renrong, Chairman of Shanghai Will Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
Wang Xingxing, CEO of Hangzhou Yushu Technology Co., Ltd (Unitree Robotics)
Lei Jun, Chairman of Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.
Xi then spoke. He said that:
Private enterprises have flourished along with the great process of reform and opening-up. For decades, regarding the understanding of the position and role of the private economy in the cause of reform and opening-up and socialist modernization, and the policies and guidelines of the Party and the state for developing the private economy, our Party’s theory and practice have been consistent and have kept pace with the times. The Party and the state adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, unswervingly consolidate and develop the public ownership economy, and unswervingly encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public ownership economy; the Party and the state ensure that all types of ownership economies can use production factors equally according to the law, participate fairly in market competition, and receive equal protection under the law, promoting the complementary advantages and common development of various ownership economies, and promoting the healthy development of the non-public ownership economy and the healthy growth of people in the non-public ownership economy. 在听取大家发言后,习近平发表重要讲话。他表示,民营企业是伴随改革开放伟大历程蓬勃发展起来的。几十年来,关于对民营经济在改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业中地位和作用的认识、党和国家对民营经济发展的方针政策,我们党理论和实践是一脉相承、与时俱进的。党和国家坚持和完善社会主义基本经济制度,毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济,毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展;党和国家保证各种所有制经济依法平等使用生产要素、公平参与市场竞争、同等受到法律保护,促进各种所有制经济优势互补、共同发展,促进非公有制经济健康发展和非公有制经济人士健康成长.
Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, China’s private economy has achieved considerable scale and holds a very heavy weight, and promoting high-quality development of the private economy has a solid foundation. In the new era and on the new journey, China’s social productivity will continue to rise, people’s living standards will steadily improve, reform and opening up will be further deepened comprehensively. In particular, the rapid development of education and technology, a vast and high-quality talent pool and labor force, a well-supported industrial system and infrastructure system, and the enormous market potential of over 1.4 billion people will bring many new opportunities and provide greater development space for the private economy. The socialist system with Chinese characteristics has many significant advantages, and the socialist market economic system and the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics are continuously being improved and perfected, which will provide stronger guarantees for the development of the private economy. 习近平指出,现在我国民营经济已经形成相当的规模、占有很重的分量,推动民营经济高质量发展具备坚实基础。新时代新征程,我国社会生产力将不断跃升,人民生活水平将稳步提高,改革开放将进一步全面深化,特别是教育科技事业快速发展,人才队伍和劳动力资源数量庞大、素质优良,产业体系和基础设施体系配套完善,14亿多人口的超大规模市场潜力巨大,给民营经济发展带来很多新的机遇、提供更大发展空间。中国特色社会主义制度具有多方面显著优势,社会主义市场经济体制、中国特色社会主义法治体系不断健全和完善,将为民营经济发展提供更为坚强的保障.
Xi Jinping emphasised that some difficulties and challenges currently facing the development of the private economy are generally occurring in the process of reform and development, industrial transformation and upgrading. They are local rather than universal, temporary rather than long-term, and surmountable rather than being unsolvable. It is necessary to align thoughts and actions with the Party Central Committee’s assessment of the domestic and international situation, and with the Party Central Committee’s decisions and arrangements for economic work. In difficulties and challenges, one must see prospects, see brightness, and see the future, maintain strategic resolve in development, strengthen confidence in development, and uphold the fighting spirit of striving and winning. 习近平强调,当前民营经济发展面临的一些困难和挑战,总体上是在改革发展、产业转型升级过程中出现的,是局部的而不是整体的,是暂时的而不是长期的,是能够克服的而不是无解的。要把思想和行动统一到党中央对国内外形势的判断上来,统一到党中央对经济工作的决策部署上来,在困难和挑战中看到前途、看到光明、看到未来,保持发展定力、增强发展信心,保持爱拼会赢的精气神.
Xi Jinping pointed out that the solid implementation of policies and measures to promote the development of the private economy is the current focus of the work to promote the development of the private economy. All decisions made by the Party Central Committee must be resolutely implemented without compromise. It is necessary to resolutely eliminate various obstacles to the equal use of production factors and fair participation in market competition in accordance with the law, continuously promote the fair opening of competitive sectors in infrastructure to all types of business entities, and continue making great efforts to resolve the issue of difficult and expensive financing for private enterprises. It is necessary to focus on solving the problem of arrears of accounts owed to private enterprises. It is necessary to strengthen law enforcement supervision, focus on rectifying arbitrary charges, fines, inspections, and seizures, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises and private entrepreneurs in accordance with the law. At the same time, it must be recognised that China is a socialist country governed by the rule of law, and enterprises of all types of ownership cannot evade investigation and punishment for illegal activities. All relief policies should be earnestly implemented, policy precision should be improved, and a comprehensive approach should be adopted to ensure equal treatment for all businesses. It is essential to further build a close and clean relationship between government and business. Party committees and governments at all levels must proceed from reality and effectively ensure the implementation of policies and measures that promote the development of the private economy. 习近平指出,扎扎实实落实促进民营经济发展的政策措施,是当前促进民营经济发展的工作重点。凡是党中央定了的就要坚决执行,不能打折扣。要坚决破除依法平等使用生产要素、公平参与市场竞争的各种障碍,持续推进基础设施竞争性领域向各类经营主体公平开放,继续下大气力解决民营企业融资难融资贵问题。要着力解决拖欠民营企业账款问题。要强化执法监督,集中整治乱收费、乱罚款、乱检查、乱查封,切实依法保护民营企业和民营企业家合法权益。同时要认识到,我国是社会主义法治国家,各类所有制企业的违法行为,都不能规避查处。要认真落实各项纾困政策,提高政策精准度,注重综合施策,对企业一视同仁。要进一步构建亲清政商关系。各级党委和政府要立足实际,统筹抓好促进民营经济发展政策措施的落实.
Xi Jinping emphasised that enterprises are the main business entities, and the endogenous driving force for enterprise development is of the first importance. The vast number of private enterprises and entrepreneurs should be full of passion for entrepreneurship and patriotism, continuously enhance their ideals, deeply cultivate a sense of national responsibility, keep in mind their roots and the need for progress after becoming prosperous, carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit, focus on strengthening, optimizing and expanding their enterprises, and firmly become builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics and promoters of Chinese-style modernisation. It is necessary to unswervingly follow the path of high-quality development, adhere to the main business, strengthen the real economy, enhance independent innovation, transform the development mode, continuously improve enterprise quality, efficiency and core competitiveness, and strive to make more contributions to promoting scientific and technological innovation, cultivating new quality productive forces, building a modern industrial system, comprehensively advancing rural revitalisation, promoting coordinated regional development, and guaranteeing and improving people’s livelihoods. It is necessary to improve corporate governance structure according to the requirements of modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, standardize shareholder behaviour, strengthen internal supervision, improve risk prevention mechanisms, continuously perfect the use, management, and protection mechanisms for production factors such as labor, talent, knowledge, technology, capital, and data, and attach importance to the cultivation of enterprise successors. It is essential to adhere to honest and law-abiding business operations, establish correct values and moral outlook, and promote the healthy development of the private economy through practical actions. It is necessary to actively fulfill social responsibilities, actively build harmonious labor relations, do well in ecological and environmental protection, participate in public welfare and charitable causes as much as possible, and contribute more love to society. 习近平强调,企业是经营主体,企业发展内生动力是第一位的。广大民营企业和民营企业家要满怀创业和报国激情,不断提升理想境界,厚植家国情怀,富而思源、富而思进,弘扬企业家精神,专心致志做强做优做大企业,坚定做中国特色社会主义的建设者、中国式现代化的促进者。要坚定不移走高质量发展之路,坚守主业、做强实业,加强自主创新,转变发展方式,不断提高企业质量、效益和核心竞争力,努力为推动科技创新、培育新质生产力、建设现代化产业体系、全面推进乡村振兴、促进区域协调发展、保障和改善民生等多作贡献。要按照中国特色现代企业制度要求完善企业治理结构,规范股东行为、强化内部监督、健全风险防范机制,不断完善劳动、人才、知识、技术、资本、数据等生产要素的使用、管理、保护机制,重视企业接班人培养。要坚持诚信守法经营,树立正确价值观和道德观,以实际行动促进民营经济健康发展。要积极履行社会责任,积极构建和谐劳动关系,抓好生态环境保护,力所能及参与公益慈善事业,多向社会奉献爱心.
Wang Huning then spoke. He said that Xi’s speech had “fully affirmed the major achievements in the development of the private economy and its important contributions to the country's economic and social development, stressed the need to correctly understand the opportunities and challenges facing the development of the private economy, and made comprehensive arrangements for promoting the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy in the current and future period.” He called to “study and understand it carefully and resolutely implement it.” 王沪宁在主持会议时表示,习近平总书记的重要讲话,充分肯定民营经济发展取得的重大成就和为国家经济社会发展作出的重要贡献,强调要正确认识民营经济发展面临的机遇和挑战,对当前和今后一个时期促进民营经济健康发展、高质量发展作了全面部署。讲话立意高远、思想深邃、论述精辟、内涵丰富,我们要认真学习领会、坚决贯彻落实.
My Take: This meeting comes at an interesting time, just ahead of the annual NPC session and amid all the talk of the challenges facing the Chinese economy. However, I don’t see any particular policy re-evaluation that Xi has offered to China’s private sector. First, the choice of speakers is indicative of the emphasis on hard technology and industrial technology focus as opposed to consumer technology. Second, I read his remarks as an acknowledgement of some of the challenges facing the private sector, in terms of access to finance, regulatory hurdles and arbitrary costs. He also seemed to suggest that the private sector promotion law will provide stronger guarantees for the sector’s development. These are not new complaints or commitments. More importantly, Xi’s fundamental point was that the role of private entrepreneurs is not to simply generate profits and wealth but to be patriotic and serve national goals. To do so, they must advance through “high-quality development”. And the key in this regard is for private businesses to grow and expand to “strengthen the real economy”, “enhance independent innovation”, and help “transform the development mode”. He further underscores this by calling on private entrepreneurs to “establish correct values and moral outlook”. I read this with the concept of common prosperity, which Xi underscores, adding that private entrepreneurs must “keep in mind their roots and the need for progress after becoming prosperous.”
Next, there’s a report on the publication of the French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic editions of Understanding Xi Jinping’s Educational Philosophy.
Finally, there’s a report on a meeting of the Council of Chairpersons of the NPC Standing Committee, which was presided over by Zhao Leji. A key decision from this meeting was that the NPCSC will hold its 14th session in Beijing on February 24 and 25. Also, an important task at the upcoming NPC Standing Committee session will be to prepare for the third session of the 14th NPC. Xinhua adds:
“Lawmakers at the late-February session will deliberate a report on the work of the NPC Standing Committee, a draft agenda for the third session of the 14th NPC, a draft name list of people being considered for the presidium and the role of secretary-general, and a draft name list of non-voting delegates. Lawmakers at the upcoming session will also review the draft private economy promotion law, a proposal submitted by the State Council on reviewing a revised draft of the civil aviation law, a report on the qualifications of some NPC deputies, as well as personnel-related bills. Also reviewed at Monday's meeting were draft measures for the recording and review of fiscal budget matters, and a report on the handling public complaints by the administrative bodies of the NPC in 2024.”
Page 2: There’s a report on Liu Guozhong’s visit to Shandong. Xinhua reports:
“During the trip, Liu inspected the growth of winter wheat, and learned about crop yield improvement, the development of high-standard farmland, and meteorological services for agriculture. Liu underscored the importance of caring for wheat fields, offering technical guidance for farmland management, managing water and fertilizer scientifically, guarding against plant diseases and insect pests, and properly dealing with unfavorable weather, as spring farming is essential to the harvest of summer grain crops. Given that the spring ploughing and sowing is soon to start across the country, he stressed the need to implement support policies, ensure the supply of agricultural materials including seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, and promote the use of advanced agricultural machinery. Liu also stressed improving farmland irrigation and water conservancy, constructing high-standard farmland, increasing grain and edible oil crop yields, and coordinating the production of vegetables, meat, eggs, milk and aquatic products.”
Another report informs that as per data from China National Offshore Oil Corporation, the total number of offshore oil and gas drilling rigs has expanded to more than 1000 in 2024.
Also, there’s a report discussing automobile sector development in January. It says:
In January, automobile production reached 2.45 million units, up 1.7% year-on-year; automobile sales reached 2.423 million units, down 0.6% year-on-year.
Passenger car production and sales reached 2.151 million units and 2.133 million units, up 3.3% and 0.8% year-on-year respectively.
The production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 1.015 million and 944,000 units, respectively, up 29% and 29.4% year-on-year, respectively.
The sales of new energy vehicles reached 38.9% of the total new car sales.
In January, 470,000 vehicles were exported, up 6.1% year-on-year. 150,000 new energy vehicles were exported, up 12.6% month-on-month and 49.6% year-on-year.
Finally, there’s a report on the new action plan to boost full-chain development of the new-energy storage manufacturing industry. This was issued jointly put together by 8 departments. The plan proposes that by 2027, China’s new energy storage manufacturing industry will become increasingly internationally competitive across the entire chain, with leading enterprises further expanding. Its industry’s innovation capacity and comprehensive competitiveness will significantly improve, achieving high-end, intelligent, and green development.
The plan puts forward six special actions, including the innovation of new energy storage technology and the promotion of coordinated industrial development; it explicitly encourages the development of diversified new energy storage technologies, supports breakthroughs in efficient integration and intelligent control technologies, focuses on multi-dimensional safety technologies throughout the life cycle, encourages new energy storage to participate in the electricity market as an independent energy storage entity, and accelerates the establishment of a new energy storage battery safety risk assessment system. 行动方案提出新型储能技术创新、产业协同发展推进等六大专项行动,明确鼓励发展多元化新型储能本体技术,支持突破高效集成和智慧调控技术,重点攻关全生命周期多维度安全技术,鼓励新型储能以独立储能主体参与电力市场,加快建立新型储能电池安全风险评估体系.
The report adds that the action plan proposes that by 2027:
“The industrial system will be improved rapidly. The scale of the new energy storage manufacturing industry will basically match the downstream demand, and three to five ecological leading enterprises will be cultivated. The industrial entity concentration and regional agglomeration pattern will be basically formed, and the industrial cluster and ecological system will be continuously improved.
Product performance will be significantly enhanced. The supply capacity of new energy storage products and technologies with high safety, high reliability, high energy efficiency, long life and economic feasibility would have continued to increase, and the energy conversion efficiency of new energy storage systems would have been significantly improved.
Application scenarios will continue to expand. The level of diversification of new energy storage products and technologies would have been further improved to better meet the application needs of several fields.
Page 3: There are two reports to note. First, there’s a report on Wang Yi’s meeting with Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland Simon Harris. Xinhua says:
Wang said that “China is willing to work with Ireland to implement the consensus reached by their leaders and to be partners based on mutual trust, respect and support. As this year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the European Union (EU), Wang said China and Ireland should cherish and build on the successful experience of China-EU relations over the past decades. He stressed the importance of maintaining a partnership, properly managing differences, and working together to promote the sustained and healthy development of China-EU ties. Amid growing global uncertainties and instabilities, Wang highlighted China’s call for building an equal and orderly multipolar world, which he said represents the broadest consensus of the international community. The top Chinese diplomat underscored that China and the EU are key forces in a multipolar world and reiterated China’s readiness to collaborate with all parties, including the EU, to uphold the authority of the United Nations, adhere to fundamental norms governing international relations, oppose unilateralism, and reject the resurgence of ‘the law of the jungle’.”
Among other things, Harris reportedly said that “Ireland values its relationship with China, adheres to the one-China policy, and is committed to strengthening a positive and constructive partnership…He welcomed China’s visa-free policy for Irish citizens and expressed support for launching more direct flights to facilitate people-to-people exchanges. He added that Ireland upholds multilateralism and free trade, opposes ‘decoupling’, and supports deeper cooperation between China and the EU in addressing global challenges.”
On Ukraine, Wang “reaffirmed China’s support for all efforts toward achieving peace and support for a fair, lasting, and binding peace formula acceptable to all parties. He also stressed China’s support for Europe’s role in the peace process, particularly in shaping a new security framework for the region. Both sides also exchanged views on easing tensions in Gaza and advancing efforts for a return to the ‘two-state solution’.”
Separately, Wang also met with Irish Taoiseach Micheal Martin. Wang told him that China is ready to work with Ireland to enhance their mutually beneficial cooperation, making it bigger, stronger, deeper and more concrete, in order to achieve shared development and prosperity. Xinhua reports:
Wang said that “at present, China is committed to promoting broader and deeper reform across the board, advancing Chinese modernization, and building a higher-standard open economy, which will bring new opportunities to all countries, including Ireland…China appreciates Ireland’s positive, pragmatic, and friendly policy towards China and stands ready to work with Ireland to implement the consensus reached by leaders of the two countries, consolidate high-level mutual trust, and expand high-level cooperation, he said. Wang stated that both China and Ireland are strong advocates of multilateralism and free trade. Under the current situation, China is ready to work with Ireland and the European Union (EU) in the spirit of equality and mutual respect, upholding the principles of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation, he noted. China seeks to strengthen dialogue, enhance mutual trust, and properly manage differences with Ireland, Wang said, adding that both sides can serve as a constructive force in the process of global multi-polarization, making joint efforts to safeguard global peace, stability, and development.”
Among other things, Martin reportedly said that Ireland will continue “to adhere to the one-China policy”. “At a time when unilateralism and protectionism are on the rise, Ireland is willing to work with China to uphold multilateralism, support free trade, safeguard the stability of industrial and supply chains, and commit to resolving differences and disputes through dialogue…He noted that Ireland is willing to play a constructive role in promoting dialogue and cooperation between the EU and China.”
Also on the page is a commentary calling for closer China-Europe cooperation. It says that:
China has always viewed China-EU relations from a strategic height and long-term perspective, and has always regarded the development of China-EU relations as a priority direction of China’s diplomacy. China and the EU share broad common interests, with cooperation outweighing competition and consensus exceeding differences. The key to developing China-EU relations is to respect the social system and development path chosen by the respective peoples, and respect each other’s core interests and major concerns. The more severe and complex the international situation is, the more China and Europe must uphold the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, strengthen strategic communication, enhance strategic mutual trust, and adhere to the positioning of partnership. 中方始终从战略高度和长远角度看待中欧关系,一直把发展中欧关系视为中国外交优先方向。中欧有着广泛共同利益,合作大于竞争,共识多于分歧。发展中欧关系,关键是尊重各自人民选择的社会制度和发展道路,尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切。国际形势越是严峻复杂,中欧越要秉持建交初心,加强战略沟通,增进战略互信,坚持伙伴关系定位.
China and Europe have no fundamental conflicts of interest or geopolitical contradictions, and are partners who achieve mutual success. As co-defenders of the multilateral trading system, China and Europe have formed a strong and symbiotic economic relationship. While promoting their respective development, they have also made important contributions to world peace and prosperity. China and Europe are each other’s major trading partners and investment destinations. In 2024, China-EU trade volume was $785.8 billion, and the stock of two-way investment reached $260 billion. China adheres to high-quality development, expands high-level opening up, firmly shares development opportunities with all countries, and is willing to promote the connection between the BRI and the EU’s ‘Global Gateway’ plan in order to empower each other and the world. China and the EU must fully recognize the complementary, mutually beneficial, and win-win nature of their economic and trade cooperation and work together to advance inclusive and beneficial economic globalization. When facing contradictions, differences, or even frictions in trade and economic cooperation, both sides should move toward each other, handle issues properly, and safeguard the overall China-EU economic and trade cooperation. 中欧没有根本利害冲突,也没有地缘政治矛盾,是相互成就的伙伴。作为多边贸易体制的共同维护者,中欧已经形成强大的经济共生关系,在助力各自发展的同时,也为世界和平和繁荣作出重要贡献。中欧互为主要贸易伙伴和投资对象。2024年,中欧贸易额为7858亿美元,双向投资存量达2600亿美元。中国坚持高质量发展,扩大高水平对外开放,坚定同各国共享发展机遇,愿推动共建“一带一路”同欧盟“全球门户”计划对接,赋能彼此与世界。中欧要充分认识双方经贸合作优势互补、互利共赢的本质,携手推动普惠包容的经济全球化。面对经贸合作中存在的一些矛盾分歧甚至摩擦,双方应相向而行,妥善处理,维护中欧经贸合作大局.
China-EU relations concern the prosperity of the Eurasian continent and the stability of the global order and require both sides to jointly maintain and develop them well. China is a factor of certainty in a multipolar system, and is firmly committed to being a constructive force in a changing world. China has always believed that Europe is an important pole in a multipolar world and supports European integration and the EU’s strategic autonomy. Both China and Europe respect the purposes of the UN Charter, adhere to multilateralism, safeguard free trade, and oppose camp confrontation. The two sides should cooperate rather than compete. 中欧关系关乎亚欧大陆繁荣和世界格局稳定,需要双方共同维护好、发展好。中国是多极体系中的确定性因素,坚定做变革世界中的建设性力量。中方始终认为欧洲是多极世界中的重要一极,支持欧洲一体化和欧盟战略自主。中欧都尊重联合国宪章宗旨、坚持多边主义、维护自由贸易,反对阵营对抗,双方应当合作而不是竞争.
In the face of rising unilateralism and protectionism, China and Europe need to more firmly safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order based on international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. The world’s move toward multipolarity is an inevitable historical trend, but multipolarity does not mean chaos and disorder, conflict and confrontation, nor does it mean great power dominance or survival of the fittest. China and the EU should work together to promote an equal and orderly multipolar world, ensuring that equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal rules become the fundamental principles of building a multipolar world, allowing every country to find its place and play its role within the multipolar framework. 面对不断抬头的单边主义和保护主义,中欧需要更加坚定地维护以联合国为核心的国际体系、以国际法为基础的国际秩序、以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则。世界走向多极化是历史的必然,但多极化不意味着动荡失序、冲突对抗,更不意味着大国主导、弱肉强食。中欧应携手推动平等有序的世界多极化,让权利平等、机会平等、规则平等成为建设多极世界的基本原则,让每一个国家都可在多极格局中找到自身的位置、发挥自己的作用.
The development of China-EU relations has shown that as long as both sides respect each other, treat each other as equals, and engage in candid dialogue, they can promote cooperation and achieve great things. In the face of an unstable international situation and emerging global challenges, China and the EU should firmly stand on the right side of history and the side of human civilisation and progress, courageously taking on historical responsibility. Both sides should stay anchored in their partnership, uphold dialogue and cooperation as the dominant approach, maintain the fundamental tone of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and continue to be strategic partners who respect, trust, and maintain long-term stability with each other, working hand in hand to steer the world toward a bright future of peace, security, prosperity, and progress. 中欧关系发展历程表明,只要双方相互尊重、平等相待、坦诚对话,就能推动合作、办成大事。面对动荡不安的国际局势和层出不穷的全球性挑战,中欧应坚定站在历史正确的一边、人类文明进步的一边,勇担历史责任。双方要锚定伙伴关系定位,坚持对话合作的主导面,把稳互利共赢的主基调,继续做彼此尊重、相互信任、长期稳定的战略伙伴,携手推动世界走向和平、安全、繁荣、进步的光明前景.
Next, there’s a report on He Lifeng meeting with a Japanese business delegation visiting China. Xinhua reports:
“Noting that China and Japan boast deeply integrated economies and extensive common interests and space for cooperation, He expressed the hope that the Japanese business community would play a positive role in the win-win cooperation between the two countries. He welcomed companies from Japan and other countries to continue to invest in China and share development opportunities.”
Finally, there’s a report about China providing a fresh batch of “emergency humanitarian aid” to the Gaza Strip. Li Xin, deputy head of the Office of the People’s Republic of China to the State of Palestine, said that this batch of aid is an important part of China’s implementation of aid measures for Palestine announced in 2024. China will cooperate with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation to provide food packages to 60,000 families in Gaza. 中方将同约旦哈希姆慈善组织合作,向加沙6万个家庭提供食品包.
Page 10: There’s a report informing that as of the end of Q4 2024, the number of technology-based SMEs receiving loan support reached 262,500, with a loan acquisition rate (the ratio of loan-receiving enterprises to the total number of listed enterprises) of 46.9%, an increase of 2.1 percentage points compared to the same period last year. The RMB and foreign currency loan balance for technology-based SMEs stood at 3.27 trillion yuan, marking a year-on-year growth of 21.2%, with a growth rate 14 percentage points higher than that of total loans. 中国人民银行发布的2024年四季度金融机构贷款投向统计报告显示,截至2024年四季度末,获得贷款支持的科技型中小企业达26.25万家,获贷率(获贷企业户数与名录内企业总户数之比)为46.9%,比上年同期高2.1个百分点。科技型中小企业本外币贷款余额3.27万亿元,同比增长21.2%,增速比各项贷款高14个百分点。
The number of high-tech enterprises receiving loan support reached 258,100, with a loan acquisition rate of 55.7%, an increase of 1.9 percentage points compared to the same period last year. The RMB and foreign currency loan balance for high-tech enterprises stood at 15.63 trillion yuan, marking a year-on-year growth of 7.5%, with a growth rate 0.3 percentage points higher than that of total loans. 获得贷款支持的高新技术企业25.81万家,获贷率为55.7%,比上年同期高1.9个百分点。高新技术企业本外币贷款余额15.63万亿元,同比增长7.5%,增速比各项贷款高0.3个百分点。
Page 17: The lead story on the international page is about the Munich Security Conference. This is a straight-forward report, covering what was the biggest development, i.e., the schism between the transatlantic allies.
Finally, although it is outside the paper, latest data says that as of 2024, China now is home to 27 cities with GDP greater than RMB 1 trillion ($137.87 billion). The list includes Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Ningbo, Tianjin, Qingdao, Wuxi, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou, Jinan, Hefei, Foshan, Xi’an, Quanzhou, Nantong, Dongguan, Changzhou, Yantai and Tangshan.