Xi Inspects Xiong’an New Area - The 'Correct View on Political Achievements' - Qin Gang Warns US on Taiwan - Wang Huning: 'Respect, Care & Benefit Taiwan Compatriots' - Railways FAI up 6.3%
Here are the key reports and articles that I found noteworthy from the People’s Daily’s edition on Thursday, May 11, 2023.
Page 1: The lead story on the page is on Xi Jinping’s inspection tour to the Xiong’an New Area. The report informs that Xi visited the city accompanied by Hebei secretary Ni Yuefeng and governor Wang Zhengpu. Xinhua English has a good summary report on the visit. Some useful background information from the report:
“In April 2017, China announced the plan to set up the Xiong’an New Area, which is situated approximately 100 km southwest of Beijing. The goal, according to authorities, is to develop it to a level comparable to that of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area. Xi has been personally involved in making decisions and plans to develop Xiong'an. In the past six years, he paid two visits to the area.”
He travelled by high-speed train to Xiong'an where he first inspected the Xiong'an Railway Station. While inspecting the station, he called for improving the connectivity of the station with various places. Xi then emphasised the need to develop the zone of Zan’gang, where the railway station is located, into a high-end and high-tech industry cluster area. 当天上午,习近平乘高铁前往雄安新区,抵达后首先考察了雄安站的建设运行情况。雄安站是雄安新区开工建设的第一个重大基础设施项目,具有标志性意义。习近平先后察看站台、候车大厅、站外广场,了解雄安站建设运营和所在的昝岗片区规划建设情况。习近平指出,雄安站是雄安新区的交汇车站,要进一步完善联通雄安站和雄安新区的交通“微细血管”,提升人流物流聚集和疏散的效率。要把昝岗片区建设成为高端高新产业集聚区,让各方来客一到雄安,就能感受到雄安新区扑面而来的现代化新气象.
After this, Xi visited a residential community that is home to 5,000-plus relocated residents. The key point that Xi made here was “promoting equal access to basic public services is crucial in building a ‘people's city’ that is both livable and conducive to doing business.”
The following paragraph talks about Xi’s visit to the house of a resident named Li Jinghe. I presume this is a young fellow, because Xi says here that “building the Xiong'an New Area is a major strategic decision made by the Party's central authorities and everyone had responded to the call of the country, actively cooperated and made contributions to the implementation of the national strategy.” He then called on the youth to “strengthen their confidence, learn their skills, benefit their homeland, and become builders and successors of the cause of socialism in the process of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.” 习近平走进回迁居民李敬和家中看望。李敬和告诉总书记,2021年11月迁入新居,房子宽敞明亮,住得十分舒心,日子越过越红火。习近平强调,建设雄安新区是党中央作出的重大战略决策,大家响应国家号召,积极配合,为国家战略实施作出了贡献。他勉励年轻一代在强国建设、民族复兴的进程中,坚定信心,学好本领,造福桑梓,做社会主义事业的建设者和接班人.
Xi then, I assume, wards off potential critics of his pet project, arguing that great things take time. He said: “The development of the Xiong’an New Area is a national project of millennial significance. We should neither be impatient nor wait for action. We should engage in sustained efforts for a long time.” 建设雄安新区是千年大计、国家大事,既不能心浮气躁,也不能等靠要,要踏实努力,久久为功.
The next few paragraphs cover Xi’s visit to an inter-city railway station and an international trade center. He talked about the importance of building a multifaceted and integrated transportation network and making full use of underground space so as to build a “city of the future” free of urban maladies. He then was briefed about efforts to restore and conserve the eco-environment of Baiyangdian Lake.
After all this, there was a symposium at which Xi spoke. He began by offering a positive appraisal. Xi said that “the construction of Xiongan New Area has achieved significant milestones.” “The top-level design of new district construction and development has been basically completed, major progress has been made in infrastructure construction, the task of relieving Beijing’s non-capital functions has achieved initial results, the ecological environment of Baiyangdian has achieved remarkable results, positive progress has been made in deepening reform and opening up, the conditions for gathering industrial and innovative elements have been gradually improved, and the resettlement work has been promoted in an orderly manner.” 听取大家发言后,习近平发表了重要讲话。他强调,在党中央坚强领导下,在中央有关部门和北京、天津等地大力支持下,河北省积极履行主体责任,雄安新区党工委和管委会认真履行属地责任,扎实推动各项工作,雄安新区建设取得重大阶段性成果,新区建设和发展顶层设计基本完成,基础设施建设取得重大进展,疏解北京非首都功能初见成效,白洋淀生态环境治理成效明显,深化改革开放取得积极进展,产业和创新要素聚集的条件逐步完善,回迁安置工作有序推进.
Xi then said that “the transformation of the Xiong'an New Area from ground zero to an emerging sophisticated modern city within a mere six years is miraculous. These achievements have been made in the face of once-in-a-century, unprecedented changes in the world and three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Practice has proved that the CPC Central Committee's major decision on building the Xiong'an New Area is completely correct, and the work in all aspects has been solid and effective.” 短短6年里,雄安新区从无到有、从蓝图到实景,一座高水平现代化城市正在拔地而起,堪称奇迹。这些成绩是在世界百年未有之大变局、3年新冠疫情的严峻形势下取得的,殊为不易。实践证明,党中央关于建设雄安新区的重大决策是完全正确的,各方面工作是扎实有效的.
He added: “It is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the strategic plan of the CPC Central Committee on building Xong'an New Area, deeply understand the great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance of the CPC Central Committee's decision-making, firmly grasp the functional orientation, mission and principle requirements of the CPC Central Committee on Xiong'an New Area, improve the political position, maintain historical patience, and handle the major relationships between the immediate and medium- and long-term goals, the speed of urban construction and the scale of population gathering, industrial transfer and industrial upgrading, the role of government and market, the relocation of Beijing's non-capital functions and the development of the city itself, urban construction and the revitalisation of surrounding villages.” 习近平强调,要完整、准确、全面贯彻落实党中央关于建设雄安新区的战略部署,深刻领悟党中央决策的重大现实意义和深远历史意义,牢牢把握党中央关于雄安新区的功能定位、使命任务和原则要求,提高政治站位,保持历史耐心,处理好近期目标和中远期目标、城市建设速度和人口聚集规模、产业转移和产业升级、政府和市场、承接北京非首都功能疏解和城市自身发展、城市建设和周边乡村振兴等重大关系,确保雄安新区建设和发展的正确方向.
In the next paragraph, Xi calls “for the solid implementation of tasks related to relieving Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the national capital. He urged the planning of another round of transfers of the headquarters of state-owned enterprises directly under the central government in Beijing as well as their subsidiary companies. The planning of the transfer of financial institutions, research institutes and public institutions should also begin, Xi said.” He also talked about the importance of policy changes related to children's education, medical care, housing, salary, social security, medical insurance, provident fund, etc., essentially offering incentives to those who relocate. 要继续完善疏解激励约束政策体系。对有关疏解人员的子女教育、医疗、住房、薪酬、社保、医保、公积金等政策,要按照老人老办法、新人新办法的原则要求,进一步细化实化政策措施,确保疏解单位和人员享受到实实在在的好处.
Xinhua English summarises much of the next bit well. “He noted that pioneering policies and measures in reform and opening up, as well as forward-looking trial and demonstration innovation projects shall be carried out in the Xiong'an New Area, so that it can become a fertile ground for innovation and business ventures. Xi underlined efforts to build a world-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized and widely apply advanced science and technology, in a bid to make smart, green and innovative development the trademark of the Xiong'an New Area.” Along with this, he talked about the need to “attract and gather domestic and foreign forces and capital to participate in the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area.”
Some of the other points that he made are:
He also called for enhancing policies that guide employment and entrepreneurship, as well as bolstering employment training programs.
He called for narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, advancing integrated urban-rural development, and promoting common prosperity for all.
He emphasised the importance of the Xi thought learning campaign and urged cadres working on the Xiong’an New Area to use it as an opportunity to conduct research and investigation; he also had a warning on corruption.
During this visit, Xi was accompanied by three PBSC members - Li Qiang, Ding Xuexiang and Cai Qi.
Apart from this, there’s a commentary on the front page discussing the importance of having the correct view of political achievements.
“The great achievements over the course of the past century of struggle by our Party have been made possible owing to the Party’s unity and leadership of the people of all ethnic groups in the country. To turn the grand blueprint drawn by the 20th Party Congress into reality, we still have to rely on hard work. We must deeply understand that on the new journey full of glory and dreams and while advancing an unprecedented pioneering cause, we will inevitably encounter a large number of new issues that have never appeared before, encounter all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, and withstand many major tests of high winds, high waves and even turbulent storms. Only by always maintaining the attitude of forging ahead, daring to be the first, and facing up to difficulties, actively taking responsibilities, daring to be good at struggle, and constantly making new achievements and contributions, can we successfully promote the historical cause of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. On the whole, the ability, quality and mindset of Party members and officials are good, but we must be soberly aware that there are still serious problems among the ranks of officials who are unwilling, afraid, and not able to shoulder their responsibilities. Although these problems exist within a few Party members and officials, if they are left unchecked, they will damage the Party's image and hinder the party's cause. Therefore, they must be addressed with seriousness. Carrying out the themating education campaign at the major historical juncture of marching towards the goal of the second century is to urge Party members and officials to forge ahead in a new journey and build a new era with enthusiasm, to perform their duties and responsibilities for the Party and the people with the sense of responsibility…” 我们党百年奋斗的伟大成就都是党团结带领全国各族人民拼出来、干出来的,要把党的二十大描绘的宏伟蓝图变成现实,仍然要靠拼、要靠干。必须深刻认识到,奋进在充满光荣和梦想的新征程上,推进着前无古人的开创性事业,必然会遇到大量从未出现过的全新课题、遭遇各种艰难险阻、经受许多风高浪急甚至惊涛骇浪的重大考验。唯有始终保持锐意进取、敢为人先、迎难而上的奋斗姿态,积极担当作为、敢于善于斗争,不断作出新业绩、新贡献,才能胜利推进强国建设、民族复兴的历史伟业。总体来看,现在广大党员、干部的能力素质和精神状态是好的,但也要清醒看到,干部队伍中不愿担当、不敢担当、不善担当的问题还比较突出。这些问题尽管存在于少数党员、干部身上,但任其发展,就会损害党的形象、贻误党的事业,必须认真加以解决。在向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的重大历史节点上开展主题教育,就是要推动广大党员、干部以满腔热忱奋进新征程、建功新时代,以“时时放心不下”的责任感、积极担当作为的精气神为党和人民履好职、尽好责,依靠顽强斗争打开事业发展新天地.
The next paragraph is even more direct about the behaviour of cadres.
“Party cadres, especially leading cadres, should be soberly aware that the Party places cadres in various positions so that they take charge as administrators, rather than become officials that enjoy the comforts of government employment. In planning and advancing our work, we must adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, adhere to the people-centred development idea, adhere to the principle that development is for the people, development depends on the people, and the fruits of development are shared by the people, in order to achieve good deeds in the hearts of the masses. How many good deeds have been done for the people is an important criterion to test political achievements, but what constitutes a good deed should be determined based on the immediate needs of the masses, and should not be based on one’s subjective assessment, simplifications or unilateral perspectives. Where the people are in need, good things can be done and achievements can be made. Whether the performance is good or not depends on the actual feelings of the people and is judged by the people. Whether something is good or not depends not only on the immediate needs of the masses, but also on whether there will be residual effects/repercussions and whether the actions taken ‘solve one problem and leave behind 10 regrets’. Do not seek vanity, do not seek vain merit, and do not seek false fame, do not engage in image-building projects and political performance projects that waste people's money…focus on solving the people's urgent problems and worries, and constantly improve people's livelihood and well-being…” 党员、干部特别是领导干部要清醒认识到,党把干部放在各个岗位上是要大家担当干事,而不是做官享福。我们谋划推进工作,必须坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享,把好事实事做到群众心坎上。为老百姓做了多少好事实事是检验政绩的重要标准,但什么是好事实事,要从群众切身需要来考量,不能主观臆断,不能简单化、片面化。哪里有人民需要,哪里就能做出好事实事,哪里就能创造业绩。业绩好不好,要看群众实际感受,由群众来评判。有些事情是不是好事实事,不能只看群众眼前的需求,还要看是否会有后遗症,是否会“解决一个问题,留下十个遗憾”。不慕虚荣,不务虚功,不图虚名,不搞劳民伤财的形象工程、政绩工程,做到“民之所好好之,民之所恶恶之”,着力解决人民群众急难愁盼问题,不断增进民生福祉,才能让人民群众获得感、幸福感、安全感更加充实、更有保障、更可持续.
The next paragraph says that “Party spirit plays a decisive role in establishing and practising the correct view on political achievements. Only when Party members and cadres have a strong Party spirit and abandon selfish distractions can they ensure that there are no deviations in their views on political performance. Party members and cadres should persistently use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era to cast souls, transforming this thought into a strong force that strengthens ideals, tempers party spirit, guides practice, and promotes work. They must closely focus on the central task of the Party in the new era and on the new journey, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, work hard, seek practical results, focus on problems and make progress despite the challenges. 树立和践行正确政绩观,起决定性作用的是党性。党员、干部只有党性坚强,摒弃私心杂念,才能保证政绩观不出偏差。广大党员、干部要坚持不懈用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,把这一思想转化为坚定理想、锤炼党性和指导实践、推动工作的强大力量,紧紧围绕新时代新征程党的中心任务,牢牢把握高质量发展这个首要任务,真抓实干、务求实效,聚焦问题、知难而进.
“Leadership teams at all levels should bear in mind the entrustment of the Party and the people and adhere to the blueprint to the end. They must adhere to the existing arrangements and plans, as long as they are scientific, meet the requirements of new practices, and conform to the aspirations of the people, and work on them one after another, in order to prevent the phenomena of political impulsiveness, blind recklessness, and ‘changing course’ or ‘leaving traces, and resolutely put an end to false and grandiose reporting, and engagement in ‘digital achievements’ and ‘false achievements’. We should persist in seeking truth from facts, be pragmatic, plan our undertakings and work based on actual conditions, make sure that our ideas, policies and plans are in line with the actual situation, objective laws and scientific spirit, put an end to the impetuous and impatient mentality of rushing for quick success and immediate results, so as to push forward the Chinese-style modernisation drive in a down-to-earth manner.” 各级领导班子要牢记党和人民嘱托,坚持一张蓝图绘到底,对已有的部署和规划,只要是科学的、切合新的实践要求的、符合人民群众愿望的,就要坚持,一茬接着一茬干,防止出现政绩冲动、盲目蛮干、大干快上以及“换赛道”“留痕迹”等现象,坚决杜绝虚报浮夸,搞“数字政绩”“虚假政绩”。要坚持实事求是、求真务实,从实际出发谋划事业和工作,使提出的点子、政策、方案符合实际情况、符合客观规律、符合科学精神,把急功近利、急于出成绩等浮躁心理、急躁心态都压下来,扎扎实实、踏踏实实地推进中国式现代化建设.
The concluding paragraph calls for establishing the new development concept and not chasing after GDP growth alone, while thinking of success and achievement in a broader sense.
Page 2: There’s a report on Wang Huning’s comments at the 2023 Taiwan Work Conference in Beijing. Wang said that it is necessary to “completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the Party’s overall strategy for solving the Taiwan Province issue in the new era, and firmly grasp the initiative in cross-strait relations.”
He added: “we should adhere to the one-China principle and the ‘1992 Consensus’ and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. We should uphold the concept of ‘one family on both sides of the strait’, respect, care for and deliver benefits to Taiwan Province compatriots, improve the systems and policies for enhancing the well-being of Taiwan Province compatriots, and continue to deepen cross-strait integration and development. We should gradually resume and expand cross-strait exchanges, make friends with people from all walks of life in Taiwan Province, and promote spiritual harmony between compatriots on both sides of the strait. We must resolutely oppose ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist activities and interference from external forces, and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is necessary to strengthen the Party's overall leadership over Taiwan's work, conduct in-depth investigations and studies, and promote the high-quality development of Taiwan's work.” 王沪宁表示,要坚持一个中国原则和“九二共识”,推动两岸关系和平发展。要秉持“两岸一家亲”理念,尊重、关爱、造福台湾同胞,完善增进台湾同胞福祉的制度和政策,持续深化两岸融合发展。要逐步恢复扩大两岸交流,同台湾各阶层人士交朋友,促进两岸同胞心灵契合。要坚决反对“台独”分裂活动和外部势力干涉,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整。要加强党对对台工作的全面领导,深入开展调查研究,推动对台工作高质量发展.
Another report on the page informs that from January to April, China’s fixed-asset investment in railways was 167.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.3%.
Page 3: A few reports on the page that are worth highlighting. First, MoFA’s criticism of US’ view on Syria being admitted into the Arab League again.
Xinhua reports: “According to media reports, a spokesperson of the U.S. State Department said a few days ago that ‘Syria does not merit readmission into the Arab League, and we continue to believe that we will not normalize our relations with the Assad regime and we don't support our allies and partners doing so either.’ In the meanwhile, the United States announced the decision to extend the regime of unilateral sanctions against Syria for one year more, starting from May 11. ‘The Middle East belongs to the people of the Middle East, and its affairs should be decided by the people of the Middle East independently,’ spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily news briefing when answering a relevant query. Wang said that Syria's return to the Arab League meets the aspiration of the Arab people, and is conducive to the strength and unity of Arab states as well as peace and stability in the region. The U.S. needs to respect the aspiration of the people of Middle East countries, stop coercive diplomacy, stop disrupting the dialogue and reconciliation process among Middle East countries, and stop manufacturing tension to divide the Middle East, Wang added.”
Next, a report on Han Zheng’s visit to Portugal, where he met with Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Prime Minister Antonio Costa. Xinhua reports:
“Since the beginning of this year, China's economy and society have returned to normal and its economic growth has picked up, creating greater cooperation opportunities between China and Portugal and other countries, Han said. China is committed to developing friendship and cooperation with other countries, promoting the building of a new type of international relations, and expanding converging interests with other countries, he added. China-Portugal and China-Europe relations should focus on win-win cooperation, Han said, noting that China is willing to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with Portugal and Europe to serve respective economic development and contribute to the stability and recovery of the world economy.”
Han told Antonio Costa that “Portugal is an excellent window for Chinese companies to enter the European market, noting that the close cooperation between enterprises of the two countries has yielded important results, which reflects the high level of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. He also said the Chinese side encourages Chinese companies to invest in Portugal and welcomes companies from other countries, including Portugal, to invest and develop in China, and looks forward to extensive exchanges with the Portuguese government and all social sectors. Han called on the two sides to promote the resumption of face-to-face exchanges and the inter-departmental exchange and dialogue mechanism, and push for more fruitful practical cooperation in trade, investment and other fields.”
The report has Rebelo de Sousa saying that “Portugal has always been committed to building a bilateral relationship featuring friendly mutual trust and positive cooperation. The Portugal side refuses to view its relations with China and Europe-China relations from a simple perspective. The Portuguese president said Portugal is ready to further strengthen high-level exchanges with China, deepen important cooperation in trade, science, technology, culture and people-to-people exchanges, among other fields, and continue to actively promote constructive cooperation between Europe and China.” Meanwhile, Antonio Costa is reported to have said that “Portugal adheres to the one-China policy, and supports the practice of ‘one country, two systems’ in Macao.” In addition, the report says “The two sides also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis. Han reiterated China's stance of facilitating talks for peace, noting that China will continue to work with the international community to play a constructive role in the political settlement of the crisis.”
Next, on his visit to Germany, Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The report informs that “main purpose” of Qin’s visit to Germany “is to prepare for the seventh round of inter-governmental consultation between the two countries.” Xinhua says:
“In the context of world multi-polarization, the equality of all parties should be upheld to jointly safeguard world peace, he said, noting that Germany attaches importance to China's role and influence, and is willing to strengthen communication with China on major issues such as the Ukraine crisis. Qin conveyed cordial greetings from Chinese leaders to Scholz, noting that there is something in common between Chinese President Xi Jinping's strategic judgment of "the world undergoing profound changes unseen in a century" and Chancellor Scholz's "Zeitenwende" ("historic turning point"). Facing a world full of turmoil, the international community should strengthen cooperation and join hands to tackle challenges, he said. Strengthening dialogue and cooperation between China and Germany -- both with important influence and as all-round strategic partners -- will help inject more stability, certainty and positive energy into the world, Qin said. China looks forward to cooperating with Germany to achieve substantial results in the consultation, he added. On the Ukraine issue, Qin said that China's position is to facilitate talks for peace. The conflict should be ended as quickly as possible, for any delay would only bring more misery. A political solution should be achieved through dialogue, and ways be found for the long-term peace and stability in Europe.”
While in Germany, Qin also visited the site of the Potsdam Conference. Qin made some rather interesting remarks here. The readout says:
“The Potsdam Conference held in 1945 played an important role in establishing the post-World War II international order and was of special historical significance to the people of China. The Potsdam Declaration issued after the meeting reiterated the provisions of the Cairo Declaration, including the return of Chinese territories, including Taiwan Province, stolen by the Japanese to China. This was a major achievement of the world anti-fascist war. This was brought about by 35 million China soldiers and civilians with their lives and blood. Today, the United States keeps saying that it wants to maintain the rules-based international order, but it has forgotten the Potsdam Declaration that it drafted, by supporting and condoning separatist activities of ‘Taiwan independence’, undermining the post-war international order, and damaging China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The people of China will never allow this. Qin Gang added we should bear in mind the warnings of history: the post-war international order must be maintained! International fairness and justice must be upheld! Engaging in Taiwan independence separatism, challenging international justice and order and moving against the historical trend are doomed to lead to a dead end. China's national reunification must be realized.” 秦刚表示,刚才我参观了波茨坦会议旧址,历史和现实交错,令人感慨良多。1945 年召开的波茨坦会议对奠定二战后国际秩序发挥了重要作用,对中国人民具有特殊的历史意义。会后发表的《波茨坦公告》重申了《开罗宣言》的规定,包括日本所窃取的包括台湾在内的中国领土应归还中国。这是世界反法西斯战争的重大成果。这是3500万中国军民用生命和鲜血换来的。 今天,美国口口声声要维护以规则为基础的国际秩序,却把自己当年起草的《波茨坦公告》抛在脑后,支持、纵容“台独”分裂活动,破坏战后国际秩序,损害中国主权和领土完整,中国人民决不答应。 秦刚说,我们要牢记历史给我们的警示:战后国际秩序必须得到维护!国际公平正义必须得到伸张!搞“台独”分裂,挑战国际公理和秩序,逆历史潮流而动,注定是绝路一条。中国国家统一必须要实现!
While on the Taiwan issue, do note MoFA’s pushback against the Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement encouraging the World Health Organization (WHO) to invite Taiwan to participate as an observer at this year’s World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting. Xinhua reports:
“China firmly opposes the U.S. statement,’ Wang said. There is only one China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. The Taiwan region's participation in the activities of international organizations, including the WHO, must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle. This is an important principle that was affirmed in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 2758 and the WHA Resolution 25.1, Wang said. With the DPP authorities refusing to recognize the 1992 Consensus that embodies the one-China principle and headstrong on “Taiwan independence”, the political foundation for cross-Strait consultation has been thrown into jeopardy and the political foundation for the Taiwan region to participate in the WHA no longer exists. "The U.S. statement is misguided and misleading," the spokesperson said, noting that it intends to connive with "Taiwan independence" forces and support separatist activities. The Taiwan question is at the heart of China's core interests. It is the most important red line between China and the United States that must not be crossed, Wang said. "We once again urge the United States to adhere to the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiques, observe international law and the basic norms governing international relations, act on the U.S. leader's assurances that the country will not support 'Taiwan independence' and will not support 'two Chinas' or 'one China, one Taiwan,' and cease promoting issues related to Taiwan using the WHA," Wang said. "The one-China principle has the overwhelming support of the international community and represents the global trend. This is not to be denied, nor can it be held back," he noted, adding that any attempt to play the "Taiwan card" or use Taiwan to contain China will be rejected by the international community and will not succeed.”
Page 7: One report to note; there’s a new policy issued by the Beijing government on specialised talents in the field of AI algorithms. There are no details on the policy in the report, but we have some other useful information. Beijing currently has more than 40,000 core technical talents in the field of artificial intelligence. Among the top 100 institutions in the world in terms of the number of patents granted, 30 are headquartered in Beijing. 据悉,目前北京人工智能领域核心技术人才超4万人。在专利授权数量全球排名前100的机构中,北京总部机构30家.