Xi Leads Chinese-style Modernisation - Two Sessions Preview - Sky Net 2022 - Lei Feng - Ukraine War
Hi folks,
Before we get to the paper today, I’d like to share two of my recent pieces, which discuss different aspects related to the war in Ukraine.
Economic coercion to military force: Russia and China's differing approaches to shaping world order
India's diplomatic tightrope around Russia’s Ukraine invasion | Explained - This is co-authored with my colleague Shrey Khanna and draws upon the findings of Takshashila’s first-ever survey on Indian foreign policy perceptions, called the Global Outlook Survey. You can find our full report on the survey here.
Here are the stories and pieces that I found noteworthy from the Friday, March 04, 2022, edition of the People’s Daily.
Page 1: The lead story on the page begins with this highlighted quote from Xi Jinping.
“China’s modernization is a modernization of peaceful development. Some old capitalist countries followed the path of violently plundering colonies, which is modernization at the expense of the backwardness of other countries. China's modernization emphasises mutual benefit and win-win cooperation with other countries in the world, promotes the construction of a community of shared future for mankind, and strives to contribute to the peace and development of mankind.” 我国现代化是走和平发展道路的现代化。一些老牌资本主义国家走的是暴力掠夺殖民地的道路,是以其他国家落后为代价的现代化。我国现代化强调同世界各国互利共赢,推动构建人类命运共同体,努力为人类和平与发展作出贡献.
The article adds:
“Since the 18th Party Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has coordinated the overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the profound changes unseen in a century, firmly stood on the side of historical correctness and human progress, and unswervingly followed the path of peaceful, open, cooperative and common, harmoniously integrating China’s development with that of the world. Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have successfully embarked on a Chinese-style path of modernization, created a new form of human civilization, expanded the path for developing countries to pursue modernization, and have provided a new choice for countries and nations that want to speed up development while maintaining their independence.” 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央统筹中华民族伟大复兴战略全局和世界百年未有之大变局,坚定站在历史正确的一边、站在人类进步的一边,坚定不移走和平发展、开放发展、合作发展、共同发展道路,奏响了中国与世界交融发展的新乐章。中国共产党领导人民成功走出中国式现代化道路,创造了人类文明新形态,拓展了发展中国家走向现代化的途径,给世界上那些既希望加快发展又希望保持自身独立性的国家和民族提供了全新选择.
After this, there’s a recap of a couple of international events where Xi has spoken in the past outlining this vision of China’s development and the world’s development. Pandemic cooperation is highlighted as an example of this. Also, here’s a bit on how Chinese diplomacy at the UN helps the narrative at home.
In November 2021, the ‘community of shared future for mankind’ was written into the resolution on No First Placement of Arms in Outer Space at the Disarmament and International Security Committee of the 76th UN General Assembly. This is the fifth year in a row that the concept has made it into a UNGA resolution. 2021年11月,“人类命运共同体”写入第七十六届联合国大会裁军与国际安全委员会“不首先在外空部署武器”决议。这是联大决议连续5年写入“人类命运共同体”理念.
The piece then talks about how harmony is in the blood of the Chinese nation and the DNA of the Chinese people. “和合”,融入了中华民族的血脉中,刻进了中国人民的基因里. Also, “one cannot enter the 21st century physically but remain stuck in the old era of cold War mentality and zero-sum games.” “要跟上时代前进步伐,就不能身体已进入21世纪,而脑袋还停留在冷战思维、零和博弈的旧时代.”
General Secretary Xi Jinping has profoundly pointed out: ‘To promote the construction of Community of Shared Future for Mankind is not to replace a system with another system, or to replace a civilization with another civilization, but to form the greatest common denominator of building a beautiful world by sharing interests, rights and responsibilities among countries with different social systems, different ideologies, different historical cultures and different levels of development.” 习近平总书记深刻指出:“推动构建人类命运共同体,不是以一种制度代替另一种制度,不是以一种文明代替另一种文明,而是不同社会制度、不同意识形态、不同历史文化、不同发展水平的国家在国际事务中利益共生、权利共享、责任共担,形成共建美好世界的最大公约数.”
After this, there’s a chunk on BRI, which includes the following from Xi’s 2017 BRI forum speech:
“China will enhance friendship and cooperation with all countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. We are ready to share practices of development with other countries, but we have no intention to interfere in other countries' internal affairs, export our own social system and model of development, or impose our own will on others. In pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, we will not resort to outdated geopolitical maneuvering. What we hope to achieve is a new model of win-win cooperation. We have no intention to form a small group detrimental to stability, what we hope to create is a big family of harmonious coexistence.”
And then some positives of BRI: “Thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative, African farmers who grow Chinese hybrid rice have enjoyed bumper harvests and realized their dream of having enough to eat. Cherries from Chile and blueberries from Peru have made their way into ordinary Chinese homes. People in more places have access to clean water, safe electricity, modern means of transport…” 因为共建“一带一路”,种植中国杂交水稻的非洲农民喜获丰收,实现了吃饱饭、吃好饭的梦想;智利车厘子、秘鲁青提“飞入”中国寻常百姓家;更多地方的人们喝上了干净的水、用上了安全的电、乘上了现代交通工具… So far, China has signed more than 200 cooperation documents related to BRI with 147 countries and 32 international organisations, the piece reminds us.
The next chunk is about opening up and multilateralism. Here, we get quotes from Xi’s speeches at Davos and the CIIE. The article talks about China remaining committed to opening up, its signing of RCEP and interest in the CPTPP.
Next, there’s a commentary based on Xi’s speech at the Party school. This focuses on the bit where Xi talked about having the correct view of the Party’s political achievements. The commentary says that Party spirit plays a decisive role in establishing and practising this correct view. There’s a fair amount of repetition of Xi’s comments. Then it gets to the point that:
“In the past 100 years, the Party has delivered an excellent answer to the people and to history. Now, the Party has united and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups on a new road to achieve the second centenary goal. To achieve the second centenary goal, we must adhere to the Party's basic line and take economic development as the central task. However, in pursuing development under the new circumstances, we cannot afford to follow an old path while wearing new shoes. We must fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new vision of development, accelerate the building of a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development…Faced with this new situation and new tasks, Party members and cadres must work hard, be pragmatic, take practical steps, seek practical results, do well, and resolutely put an end to the practice of rhetorical-, declaratory- and package-style implementation. When it comes to high priority tasks, we must act swiftly and resolutely, rather than be slow and procrastinate. For long-term tasks, we should maintain strategic resolve and patience, stick to a blueprint, and ensure great achievements for a long time. It is necessary to strengthen precise thinking, take the overall situation into account when planning, and be meticulous and precise in operation…”
After this, there are two front-page editorials. One of these is around the Paralympic Games, which will open tonight. The other one is about the start of the CPPCC session in Beijing today. It says:
“In the past year, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the CPPCC has thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, conscientiously implemented the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, adhered to the two themes of unity and democracy, adhered to the nature and orientation of the CPPCC, promoted the development of special consultative bodies, strengthened ideological and political guidance, earnestly carried out the ‘four histories’ education work, focusing on the history of the Communist Party of China, conducted in-depth consultation and democratic supervision to ensure the realisation of the good start of the 14th Five-Year Plan, actively reflected social conditions and public opinions, innovated the way it performs its duties, and held commemorative events marking the 110th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, making new contributions to the cause of the Party and the country.” 过去的一年,在党中央坚强领导下,人民政协深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,认真贯彻落实党中央决策部署,坚持团结和民主两大主题,坚持人民政协性质定位,推进专门协商机构各项建设,加强思想政治引领,认真开展以中共党史为重点的“四史”教育,围绕实现“十四五”良好开局深入协商议政和民主监督,积极反映社情民意,创新履职形式,举办辛亥革命110周年纪念活动,为党和国家事业发展作出了新的贡献.
The paragraph after this focuses on the importance of unity. It says: “Practice has fully proved that the united front is an important magic weapon for the party to overcome the enemy and win, and it is also an important magic weapon for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country. The CPPCC should strengthen its responsibility to carry out the united front work and unite more people around the party.” 实践充分证明,统一战线是党克敌制胜的重要法宝,也是党执政兴国的重要法宝。人民政协要增强开展统一战线工作的责任担当,把更多的人团结在党的周围.
The final paragraph says:
“The year 2022 is an important year for us as we embark on a new journey towards building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and marching towards the second centenary goal. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held in the second half of the year, which is a major event in the political life of the party and the country. We must unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply understand the decisive significance of the ‘Two Establishments’, strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’ and ‘four self-confidences’ and achieve the ‘two safeguards,’ do solid job in various tasks, and take practical actions to successfully greet the 20th Party Congress.” 2022年是进入全面建设社会主义现代化国家、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军新征程的重要一年,下半年将召开党的二十大,这是党和国家政治生活中的一件大事。我们要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深刻领会“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,扎扎实实做好各项工作,以实际行动迎接党的二十大胜利召开.
Next, there’s a curtain raiser to the NPC session, which begins tomorrow. It says that the year 2021 was a significant year for the people’s congress system. In October 2021, the Party held the first-ever Central Conference on Work Related to the People’s Congresses. Also last year, 17 new laws were formulated, 26 laws were amended, 24 reports were reviewed, implementation of six laws was inspected and there were two special inquiries conducted.
There’s a whole chunk on Xi Jinping’s speech at the conference on work related to people’s congresses, and the work done to study the speech and identify implementation measures based on this study. This is followed by details of the NPC Standing Committee’s work on studying and publicizing Party history.
“Focusing on the study and education of Party history is a major decision made by the CPC Central Committee and a major event in the political life of the Party. Since the end of February last year, the party group of the Standing Committee of the NPC has earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the mobilization meeting of Party history study and education campaign, continued to carry out Party history study and education in depth, drawn rich nourishment and great strength from the Party’s 100 years of struggle, and has been persistently guided by the Party’s innovative theory to strengthen and improve the work of people's congresses in the new era. Through the study and education of Party history, the Party has further received a profound political education, ideological tempering and spiritual baptism, deeply understood the decisive significance of the ‘Two Establishments’, constantly improved the political consciousness of ‘two safeguards’, and turned the results of study and education into a strong driving force for the work of the people’s congresses in the new era.” 集中开展党史学习教育,是党中央作出的重大决策部署,是党的政治生活中的一件大事。去年2月底以来,中共全国人大常委会党组认真学习贯彻落实习近平总书记在党史学习教育动员大会上的重要讲话精神,持续深入开展党史学习教育,从党的百年奋斗历程中汲取丰厚滋养和磅礴伟力,坚持不懈用党的创新理论指导加强和改进新时代人大工作。通过党史学习教育,进一步受到深刻的政治教育、思想淬炼、精神洗礼,深刻领会“两个确立”的决定性意义,不断提高做到“两个维护”的政治自觉,把学习教育成果转化为做好新时代人大工作的强大动力。
After this, we get some useful pointers about laws and categories of laws that were cleared last year. For instance, in 2021, the NPC Standing Committee deliberated 71 draft laws and adopted 54 of them. The categories of legislation that are mentioned are:
improving the functioning of state institutions and strengthening the development of state power;
improving the market economy to promote high-quality economic and social development;
people’s livelihood, social sectors, people's rights and interests, and welfare;
ecological environment;
improving the legal system for national security and safeguarding China’s sovereignty, security and development interests.
I am elaborating below the content in the paragraph on legislation related to security and development interests. It talks about the laws revised, formulated and discussed in this context in the past year.
From an overall national security concept point of view:
The anti-sanctions law,
Law on Land Borders
Law on Data Security
Draft law on response to and management of emergencies
From a public safety perspective:
The anti-organized crime law,
Revising the work safety law
From a perspective of defense modernisation:
Formulation of the law on the protection of the status and rights and interests of servicemen
The coastguard law
Revising the military service law and the law on the protection of military installations
Page 4: A report on the launch of Sky Net 2022. Here’s Xinhua English’s report on this:
China has launched its manhunt operation in 2022 to capture corrupt officials who fled overseas and to recover their illicit assets, according to the central anti-corruption coordination group. The campaign, codenamed Sky Net 2022, was studied, planned, and made public at a recent meeting held by the office in charge of fugitive repatriation and asset recovery under the central anti-corruption coordination group. According to the office, the campaign will be carried out under coordinated efforts by several authorities, with the National Supervisory Commission in charge of duty-related crimes, and the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) initiating targeted operations for hunting fugitive officials that fled overseas. In addition, the People's Bank of China and the MPS will work together to prevent and crack down on illicit money transfers through off-shore entities and underground banks. The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate will jointly launch campaigns for criminal proceed returns involving cases where the criminal suspect or defendant escapes or is dead…In 2021, a total of 1,273 fugitives were returned to China and over 16.74 billion yuan (about 2.66 billion U.S. dollars) of illicit funds were recovered.”
Next, a report informing us that the Propaganda Department has identified the seventh batch of national demonstration sites for learning from Lei Feng and 50 role models for learning from Lei Feng activities. These include units and individuals from enterprises, rural areas, institutions, schools, communities, hospitals and other grassroots units, covering all walks of life. They are dedicated, enterprising, consciously practising the spirit of Lei Feng, making extraordinary achievements and contributions even in ordinary jobs, penning Lei Feng stories in the new era with practical actions. They are vivid practitioners of socialist core values, and play a good exemplary role in promoting a healthy atmosphere and the moral development of citizens in the new era. 此次命名的第七批全国学雷锋活动示范点和岗位学雷锋标兵各50个,都是来自企业、农村、机关、学校、社区、医院等基层一线的单位和个人,覆盖了各行各业、各个领域、各条战线。他们爱岗敬业、积极进取,自觉践行雷锋精神,在平凡的工作岗位作出了不平凡的业绩和贡献,以实际行动书写了新时代的雷锋故事,是社会主义核心价值观的生动践行者,在弘扬新风正气、推动新时代公民道德建设方面发挥了良好的示范带动作用.
The story also has a bit about the propaganda department wanting all departments and units to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, deeply understand the decisive significance of ‘Two Establishments’, strengthen ‘four consciousnesses’ and ‘four self-confidences’ and achieve the ‘two safeguards’.
Pages 5 to 9: These pages are today dedicated to special sections on the Two Sessions. What’s interesting is that each page focuses on a different theme, offering an overview of the work done based on that theme. And each page has a quote from Xi Jinping given special treatment at the beginning. It’s essentially stamping his authority on everything.
While I am not going to break down each page, I thought this bit is worth pointing out amid reports, such as this one in Nikkei Asian Review, which says that:
“‘Collective leadership may be making a comeback due to the Ukraine issue,’ a Chinese source said.” The piece adds that the PSC is essentially divided on the Ukraine issue. It ends by saying this:
“Is there a possibility that an embattled China will fundamentally change its stance? In this regard, the Politburo Standing Committee could play an important role. When the committee's members are split over an issue, they settle the matter by a majority vote. If it came down to a three vs. three tie, the last member would have the deciding vote that would set China's policy. That is the essence of a collective leadership, one that Xi has been trying to dismantle since coming to power. But switching back to a collective leadership is not easy. The biggest problem is that strengthening the Sino-Russo partnership is in line with Xi's stance. Xi prefers top-down decision-making in the name of ‘centralized and unified leadership.’ If the standing committee were to vote to abandon a policy he advocates, it would essentially deal him a political defeat. A foreign and security policy setback could deteriorate Xi's power, making way for other policy changes in economic and other important matters. If such a scenario plays out, it would impact the domestic political battle taking shape in the lead-up to the party's next national congress.”
Also see Lingling Wei’s report: China Declared Its Russia Friendship Had ‘No Limits.’ It’s Having Second Thoughts.
Quick thought: While there are likely to be a range of discussions underway, I am very, very sceptical about any turnaround in Chinese policy as things stand today. The way I see it, Beijing’s decided to stay the course. In fact, Xi Jinping has decided to stay the course. And I do not think that there is likely to be significant elite pushback which will change this direction. Of course, that doesn’t mean that Beijing cannot get engaged in brokering outcomes. But politically, Xi isn’t abandoning Putin or the objectives of pushing back against NATO and what he sees as bloc formation in the Indo-Pacific.
Other Stories:
I thought I’d share some of MoFA’s responses from yesterday to questions on Ukraine. These are not in PD.
Bloomberg: On Wednesday, the UN General Assembly voted to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and demanded it withdraw its forces. China abstained from that vote. Does the foreign ministry have a comment on why China abstained from that vote?
Wang Wenbin: Ambassador Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the UN, already gave an explanation of the vote. China’s basic position on the Ukraine issue is consistent and clear. We always advocate respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and peaceful resolution of international disputes based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. The top priority right now is to ease the situation on the ground as much as possible, and prevent the conflicts from escalating or even getting out of control.
Any action by the UN and the relevant parties should give priority to regional peace and stability and the universal security of all parties. It is important to play a positive role in cooling the situation and facilitating diplomatic resolution. Regrettably, the draft resolution submitted to this emergency special session for vote has not undergone full consultations within the whole membership. Nor did it take into full consideration the history and complexity of the current crisis. It did not highlight the importance of the principle of indivisible security, or the urgency of promoting political settlement and stepping up diplomatic efforts. These are not in line with China’s consistent position. Therefore, China had to abstain in the voting.
We call on the international community to take a responsible attitude, and bring the relevant parties back to the track of political settlement as soon as possible, and rely on dialogue and consultation to seek a comprehensive resolution of the Ukraine issue. China is ready to continue its constructive role in this regard.
Global Times: The New York Times on March 2 citing a Western intelligence report said that senior Chinese officials told senior Russian officials not to invade Ukraine before the end of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. The report indicated that senior Chinese officials had some level of knowledge about Russia’s plans for military actions. What is your comment on this?
Wang Wenbin: The report by the New York Times is pure fake news. Such practice of diverting attention and blameshifting is despicable. The ins and outs of the developments of the Ukraine issue are very clear. The crux of the issue is known to all.
International media lately mentioned many times that George Kennan, former US ambassador to the Soviet Union, suggested to the US government in the 1990s that expanding NATO up to Russia’s borders would be the most fateful error of American policy. Regrettably, the US government turned a deaf ear to this. Thomas Friedman, a famous US expert on international relations, wrote in a recent article that ill-considered decision by the US to expand NATO has undermined the relations with Russia and the US government in early years deserves much of the blame. Tulsi Gabbard, former member of the US House of Representatives, said that the crisis could have been ended and the war easily avoided if President Biden had simply promised not to accept Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO. But they chose not to do so.
Those who created the problem should be the ones to undo it. We hope the culprits of the crisis can reflect upon their roles in the Ukraine crisis. They should earnestly shoulder due responsibilities and take real actions to ease the situation and resolve the problem instead of shifting the blame to others.
Useful Threads:
Given that the paper was somewhat limited today, I thought I’d share some interesting Twitter threads around the war in Ukraine:
Quad leaders meeting:

AIIB withdrawing from Russia and Belarus

Great evolving thread from Tom Hancock; go through all the details here.

Excellent thread on the thinking in Europe

Excellent thread on China’s options

Some useful links: