Xi Meets Ma, Reaches out to Taiwan Youth - New Regulations on Ecological Protection Compensation - Guideline on Community Workers
Here are the key reports and articles that I found noteworthy from the People's Daily’s edition on Thursday, April 11, 2024.
Page 1: The top story on the page is about Xi Jinping’s meeting with Ma Ying-jeou, former Taiwan president and head of the KMT. The report says:
Xi Jinping said that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation is a great nation in the world, which was creed a splendid and unparalleled Chinese civilization with a long history. Every Chinese son and daughter feels a sense of pride and glory about this. The long history of the Chinese nation of more than 5,000 years records that our ancestors moved to Taiwan Province and prospered, and that compatriots on both sides of the strait jointly resisted foreign aggression and regained Taiwan. Throughout the journey, the Chinese nation has written the inseparable history of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and engraved the historical fact that compatriots on both sides are connected by blood. People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are all Chinese. There are no knots that cannot be untied, no issues that cannot be discussed, and no force that can separate us.The distance of the Strait cannot sever the bond of kinship between compatriots from across the Strait. The differences in systems cannot change the objective fact that both sides belong to one country and one nation. External interference cannot block the historical trend of national reunification. Throughout the journey, compatriots from both sides have always been connected by the same bloodline, connected by hearts and hands, watching and helping each other.” 习近平表示,两岸同胞同属中华民族。中华民族是世界上伟大的民族,创造了源远流长、辉煌灿烂、举世无双的中华文明,每一个中华儿女都为之感到骄傲和荣光。中华民族5000多年的漫长历史,记载着历代先民迁居台湾、繁衍生息,记载着两岸同胞共御外侮、光复台湾。中华民族一路走来,书写了海峡两岸不可分割的历史,镌刻着两岸同胞血脉相连的史实。两岸同胞都是中国人,没有什么心结不能化解,没有什么问题不能商量,没有什么势力能把我们分开。海峡的距离,阻隔不断两岸同胞的骨肉亲情。制度的不同,改变不了两岸同属一个国家、一个民族的客观事实。外部的干涉,阻挡不了家国团圆的历史大势。两岸同胞一路走来,始终一脉相承、心手相连、守望相助.
Xi added that the youth are “the hope of the country and the future of the nation” and called for “young people from both sides of the Strait to aspire to become more proud, confident, and assured in their identity as Chinese people, work together for the long-term prosperity of the Chinese nation, and continue to create new glory of the nation. People on both sides of the Strait share the same bloodline, culture and history as well as the same responsibility for the nation and the same aspiration for the future.” He called to grasp “the cross-Strait situation from the perspective of the overall interests and long-term development of the Chinese nation.” 青年是国家的希望、民族的未来。两岸青年好,两岸未来才会好。两岸青年要增强做中国人的志气、骨气、底气,共创中华民族绵长福祉,续写中华民族历史新辉煌。习近平强调,两岸同胞有共同的血脉、共同的文化、共同的历史,更重要的是我们对民族有共同的责任、对未来有共同的期盼。我们要从中华民族整体利益和长远发展来把握两岸关系大局.
After this Xi made four points:
First, firmly protect the common home of the Chinese nation. “A strong and unified country has always been the destiny of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait must resolutely oppose ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist activities and interference by external forces, resolutely protect the common home of the Chinese nation, jointly pursue a bright future of peaceful reunification, and firmly hold the fate of the Chinese nation in the hands of the Chinese themselves.”一个坚强统一的国家始终是包括台湾同胞在内的全体中华儿女的命运所系。两岸同胞要坚决反对“台独”分裂活动和外部势力干涉,坚定守护中华民族共同家园,共同追求和平统一的美好未来,把中华民族的命运牢牢掌握在中国人自己手中。It is a shared aspiration of compatriots across the Strait for a peaceful home and a harmonious family. Therefore, it is imperative to promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. “The key (for this) is to adhere to the ‘1992 Consensus’, which embodies the one-China principle.” The “core” of this, he said, “is a common understanding of the basic fact that both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to the same country and nation.” He added: “as long as the country is not divided and as long as we recognize that both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese and one family, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can sit down together, just like dealing with family matters, initiate contact and communication, enhance understanding, build mutual trust, resolve conflicts, and seek consensus.” 两岸同胞都盼望家园和平安宁、家人和谐相处,为此就必须推动两岸关系和平发展,关键是坚持体现一个中国原则的“九二共识”,核心是对两岸同属一个国家、一个民族的基本事实有共同的认知。只要不分裂国家,只要认同两岸都是中国人、一家人,两岸同胞完全可以坐下来,就家里人的事先接触交流起来,增进了解,累积互信,化解矛盾,寻求共识。
Second, work together for the long-term well-being of the Chinese nation. Xinhua English captures this bit well. “Describing this goal as grand yet simple, Xi said it is to enable compatriots on both sides of the Strait to realize their aspirations for a good life, ensure a better life for all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, and jointly realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. ‘We always bear in mind the well-being of Taiwan compatriots,’ he said, noting that the mainland has made solid efforts to ensure that Taiwan compatriots enjoy more interests, improve their well-being and have a better future.”
Third, firmly build a sense of community for the Chinese nation. Xi said that “compatriots across the Strait have always been members of one family. They should interact frequently and therefore develop closer relationships. We will take more effective measures to actively promote cross-Strait exchanges, interactions, and integration, so that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can connect through exchanges, build trust in exchanges, and promote spiritual harmony. We sincerely invite Taiwan compatriots to visit the mainland more often, and we are also happy to see mainland people visit the motherland's treasured island more often. Chinese culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the Chinese nation and the common spiritual home of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait must strengthen their confidence in Chinese culture, consciously become the guardians, inheritors, and promoters of Chinese culture, enhance the sense of belonging, identity, and honor when it comes to the Chinese nation, and forge a solid sense of community among the Chinese nation.” 两岸同胞从来都是一家人,应该常来常往,越走越近、越走越亲。我们将采取更有力措施积极推动两岸交流交往交融,让两岸同胞在交流中交心,在交往中增信,促进心灵契合。我们热诚邀请广大台湾同胞多来大陆走一走,也乐见大陆民众多去祖国宝岛看一看。中华文化是中华民族的精神命脉,是两岸同胞共同的精神家园。两岸同胞要坚定中华文化自信,自觉做中华文化的守护者、传承者、弘扬者,增强中华民族的归属感、认同感、荣誉感,铸牢中华民族共同体意识.
Fourth, firmly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Talking about this, Xi said that “we have not only realized the blueprint outlined by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, but also achieved many accomplishments far beyond his original vision. The historical wheel of national rejuvenation is rolling forward, driven by the efforts and sweat of compatriots from both sides, requiring joint creation and continued struggle…We welcome young people from Taiwan to come to the mainland to pursue, build, and fulfill their dreams, and we will continue to create better conditions and more opportunities for young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to grow, develop, and succeed…” 经过百年奋斗,我们成功走出了一条中国式现代化道路,迎来了民族复兴的光明前景,不仅实现了孙中山先生当年描绘的蓝图,而且创造了许多远远超出孙中山先生设想的成就。民族复兴的历史车轮滚滚向前,凝结着两岸同胞的奋斗和汗水,需要两岸同胞同心共创、接续奋斗,也终将在两岸同胞的接力奋斗中实现。两岸青年必将大有可为,也必定大有作为。我们欢迎台湾青年来祖国大陆追梦、筑梦、圆梦,持续为两岸青年成长、成才、成功创造更好条件、更多机遇。希望两岸青年互学互鉴、相依相伴、同心同行,跑好历史的接力棒,为实现民族复兴贡献青春力量.
Xi then expressed his condolences over the 7.3-magnitude earthquake that jolted waters off the coast of Hualien on April 3. Ma, meanwhile, said that “upholding the 1992 Consensus and opposing ‘Taiwan independence’ are the common political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. People on both sides of the Strait belong to the same Chinese nation, and they should deepen exchanges and cooperation, jointly carry forward the Chinese culture, improve the well-being of compatriots on both sides, and work together for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”
Next, there’s a report informing that China now has 851 million 5G mobile phone users. There are 3.509 5G base stations in the country, accounting for 30% of all base stations.
Third, there’s a report on the new regulations governing ecological protection compensation. Xinhua informs that the regulations come into effect from June 1, 2024. They comprise 33 items across six chapters, “specifying details including the connotation of ecological protection compensation, the working principle and mechanism, fiscal vertical compensation, horizontal compensation between regions, market-oriented compensation, and strengthening guarantee, supervision and management.”
The key contents are covered in the PD report:
First, ecological conservation compensation refers to the incentive system arrangement that compensates units and individuals engaged in ecological protection according to regulations or agreements through mechanisms such as vertical compensation from the government budget, horizontal compensation between regions, and market-based compensation.
Second, the ecological conservation compensation work adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, insists on the combination of government leadership, social participation, and market regulation, emphasizes both incentives and constraints, promotes overall coordination, and insists on the unity of ecological benefits with economic and social benefits. Governments above the county level shall strengthen organizational leadership, with relevant departments of the State Council assuming responsibility for related tasks in accordance with their respective duties, as outlined in the regulations.
Third, vertical compensation mechanism. Through fiscal transfer payments and other means, the state shall compensate units and individuals that carry out protection of important ecological and environmental elements and carry out ecological protection in areas with important ecological functions. Local governments and relevant departments should provide compensation funds to units and individuals that carry out ecological protection in a timely manner; funds allocated and used by local governments should prioritize natural resource protection and ecological environment governance and restoration.
Fourth, horizontal compensation mechanism. Encourage, guide, and promote the establishment of ecological conservation compensation mechanisms through negotiation and other means between beneficiary areas and protection areas by local governments. For inter-regional horizontal ecological protection compensation in areas with particularly important ecological functions, the central finance and provincial finance can provide guidance and support; if significant results have been achieved in the construction of the compensation mechanism, the development and reform, finance and other departments of the State Council may provide appropriate support in terms of planning, funding, project arrangements, etc.
Fifth, encourage the advancement of market-based compensation mechanisms
Sixth, the government and its pertinent departments must issue and approve the distribution of ecological protection compensation funds in a timely manner. They reserve the right to delay, reduce, stop, or reclaim allocated funds from those who withhold, misuse, misappropriate, fail to pay, or misuse funds contrary to regulations and fail to rectify the situation within the specified timeframe.
Next, there’s a report on Li Qiang and Zhao Leji’s meetings with Micronesia President Wesley W. Simina.
Xinhua’s report on Li’s meeting says:
“China has always supported the FSM in safeguarding sovereignty, independence, national unity and territorial integrity and exploring a development path suited to its own national conditions, Li said, noting that China is ready to enhance synergy of development strategies with the FSM, advance cooperation in infrastructure, agriculture, fisheries, health care and other fields under the framework of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, deepen people-to-people exchanges in education, training, cultural tourism and other fields, and better achieve win-win cooperation. China is willing to work with the FSM to tackle climate change and other global challenges, strengthen coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries, Li added.”
The report on Zhao’s meeting barely says anything.
The joint statement is available on Page 2. It is also available in English. Key excerpts:
Micronesia “speaks highly of the great development achievements the Chinese people made under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, applauds China’s people-centered development philosophy, and believes that the Chinese path to modernization provides a new option and practical approach to fellow developing countries in pursuit of independent development.”
“The two sides reiterated their staunch support for each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests. The Chinese side firmly supports the FSM in upholding its sovereignty and independence. The FSM side firmly adheres to the one-China principle, and recognizes that there is but one China in the world, that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and that the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. The FSM side firmly opposes ‘Taiwan independence’ in all forms, firmly supports China to realize national reunification, and firmly supports China’s position on issues related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Xizang, etc.”
China welcomed Micronesia’s participation in BRI and “expand practical cooperation in areas including fisheries, infrastructure, tropical planting, aviation and maritime transportation, agricultural and aquatic product processing, and green and low-carbon development”. They also “agreed to expand exchanges and cooperation in such areas as education, health, human resources, tourism and media.”
“The FSM side stands ready to actively participate in the Global Development Initiative (GDI) cooperation towards the early implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Both sides will explore possible cooperation under the frameworks of the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) to address the impacts of traditional and non-traditional security challenges as well as further promote humanity’s shared values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom.”
“The two sides agreed to strengthen communication and coordination on international and regional affairs, defend the international system with the U.N. at its core, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, safeguard the WTO-centered multilateral trading system, uphold true multilateralism, oppose hegemonism and power politics, promote an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and advance the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.”
On climate change, “The Chinese side will, within the framework of South-South cooperation, continue to do what it can to provide assistance and support for the FSM through bilateral and multilateral channels to tackle climate change.”
“The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation within the cooperation platforms and frameworks of the China-Pacific Island Countries Reserve of Emergency Supplies, climate change response, poverty alleviation and development, disaster prevention and mitigation, Juncao technology, agriculture and so on. The two sides will work together to build a closer community with a shared future between China and Pacific Island countries and jointly promote peace, development and prosperity of the Pacific Islands region. The two sides reiterated their commitment to firmly upholding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as the cornerstone, and call on relevant countries to fulfill international obligations and prudently handle issues such as the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water and cooperation on nuclear-powered submarines.”
Next, there’s a report on Han Zheng meeting with a delegation of senior officials from the New Ideas Party of El Salvador, led by the leader of the party and Vice President-elect Felix Ulloa. Xinhua reports:
“The Chinese side is willing to work with the El Salvador side to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, consolidate mutual trust, deepen cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative, increase people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and enhance communication and coordination on international and regional affairs, he said. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is willing to build a new type of political party relations with the New Ideas Party of El Salvador and push for steady and long-term bilateral relations, Han said.”
Among other things, Ulloa said that “El Salvador adheres to the one-China principle, and the New Ideas Party is willing to learn from the experience of the CPC in governance and explore a development path suited to the country's national conditions”.
Then, there’s a report on Li Xi meeting with a delegation of the Workers’ Party of Brazil (PT) led by its president Gleisi Hoffmann. Li “introduced General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution as well as views around comprehensive and strict Party governance and anti-corruption work.” 李希还介绍了习近平总书记关于党的自我革命的重要思想以及全面从严治党和反腐败工作情况.
Finally, we have the full guideline on “cultivating high-caliber community workers”. Community workers refer to “full-time staff members engaged in Party building, governance and services in communities.”
The document outlines a five-year-goal. During this time, a professional system for community workers would have been basically established, capacity building would have been continuously strengthened, the management system would have become more scientific, the incentive and guarantee mechanism would have become more complete, and the atmosphere of care and concern for community workers would have become increasingly strong. In addition, the political quality, performance capability and work style of community workers would have been comprehensively strengthened, the team structure would have been continuously optimized, income and benefits would have been reasonably guaranteed, professional identity and pride would have been effectively enhanced, and the spirit of loving the people and entrepreneurship would have been further enhanced. 用5年左右时间实现以下主要目标:社区工作者职业体系基本建立,能力建设不断强化,管理制度更加科学,激励保障机制愈加健全,关心关爱社区工作者氛围日益浓厚;社区工作者政治素质、履职能力、工作作风全面加强,队伍结构持续优化,收入待遇合理保障,职业认同感和自豪感切实增强,为民爱民、干事创业的精气神进一步提升.
Page 2: There’s a report on He Lifeng meeting Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Heng Swee Keat. All that the report says is that the two sides “exchanged in-depth views on the macroeconomic situation, and on financial cooperation between China and Singapore.”
Another report informs that Barbados is backing the one-China principle. The report informs that CIDCA’s Luo Zhaohui visited the country.
Finally, there’s a report on China and Georgia signing a mutual visa exemption agreement.
Page 6: There’s a report on the Ministry of Education’s notice calling on schools and universities to mark the National Security Education Day on April 15.