Xi on Development of Central Region - Wang Yi: China-Aus Ties 'Have Achieved Second Important Transformation' - Ethnic Affairs Legal Work - China's Democracy Forum - Fujian-Taiwan Integration
Here are the key reports and articles that I found noteworthy from the People's Daily’s edition on Thursday, March 21, 2024.
Page 1: The top story today is about Xi Jinping chairing a symposium on the development of the central region, during his visit to Changsha, Hunan Province. The report says that Li Qiang, Cai Qi and Ding Xuexiang attended the meeting. Also there were Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, Wu Zhenglong, and Mu Hong.
Xi said that “the central region is an important grain production base, energy and raw materials base, modern equipment manufacturing and high-tech industry base, and comprehensive transportation hub in our country, occupying a pivotal position nationwide.” 他强调,中部地区是我国重要粮食生产基地、能源原材料基地、现代装备制造及高技术产业基地和综合交通运输枢纽,在全国具有举足轻重的地位. He called for “synergy in promoting high-quality development and writing new chapters of energizing the central region in the process of advancing Chinese modernization.”
At the symposium, NDRC Director Zheng Shanjie, Shanxi Party Secretary Tang Dengjie, Anhui Party Secretary Han Jun, Jiangxi Party Secretary Yin Hong, Henan Party Secretary Lou Yangsheng, Hubei Party Secretary Wang Menghui, and Hunan Party Secretary Shen Xiaoming delivered speeches. After listening to them, Xi spoke:
He said that despite the region’s advancement over the past five years, it still faces many difficulties and challenges that require practical research to solve them.
“Xi Jinping emphasized the need for scientific and technological innovation to lead industrial innovation, and to actively cultivate and develop new quality productive forces. Based on the foundation of the real economy, we need to expand and strengthen advanced manufacturing, actively promote new industrialization, transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, proactively layout and construct future industries, and accelerate the establishment of a modern industrial system supported by advanced manufacturing. Pay more attention to the in-depth integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, strengthen major scientific and technological research, and enhance technical support capabilities for industrial innovation and development. Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in innovation, build innovation consortia with close cooperation between upstream and downstream sectors, promote the integration of industry, academia, and research in innovation, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces. We should ensure in-depth implementation of major technological transformation and upgrading and large-scale equipment updating projects in the manufacturing industry, promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry, and rejuvenate traditional industries with new vitality.” 习近平强调,要以科技创新引领产业创新,积极培育和发展新质生产力。立足实体经济这个根基,做大做强先进制造业,积极推进新型工业化,改造提升传统产业,培育壮大新兴产业,超前布局建设未来产业,加快构建以先进制造业为支撑的现代化产业体系。更加重视科技创新和产业创新的深度融合,加强重大科技攻关,增强产业创新发展的技术支撑能力。强化企业创新主体地位,构建上下游紧密合作的创新联合体,促进产学研融通创新,加快科技成果向现实生产力转化。深入实施制造业重大技术改造升级和大规模设备更新工程,推动制造业高端化、智能化、绿色化发展,让传统产业焕发新的生机活力。
Xi then said that it is necessary to strengthen the connection with other major development strategies and better integrate into and support the new development pattern. A key point in this regard was to “strengthen the construction of modern transportation infrastructure systems and strengthen the major corridor pattern in the central region, and establish and improve inter-provincial cooperation mechanisms within the region to enhance regional coordinated development.”
Xi urged the region to promote deep reforms and high-level opening up in a coordinated manner in its efforts to grow into a more competitive inland pacesetter for opening up. Deepen the market-oriented reform of factors, improve the basic system of the market economy, comprehensively clean up and correct local protection behaviors, promote the reasonable flow and optimal allocation of various productivity factors across regions, and better participate in the construction of a unified national market. Steadily expand institutional-based openness, deeply integrate into the joint construction of BRI, proactively connect with the New Eurasian Land Bridge and the New Western Land-Sea Corridor, construct high-standard free trade pilot zones, create more high-level platforms for opening up and cooperation, and play a greater role in connecting domestic and international dual circulation. Strengthen the construction of a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment, enhancing attractiveness to domestic and foreign resources. Adhere to the principle of the ‘two unswervings’, supporting state-owned enterprises to become stronger, more competitive, and larger, while further optimizing the development environment for private enterprises. 习近平强调,要统筹推进深层次改革和高水平开放,持续打造更具竞争力的内陆开放高地。深化要素市场化改革,完善市场经济基础制度,全面清理纠正地方保护行为,推动各种生产力要素跨区域合理流动和优化配置,更好参与全国统一大市场建设。稳步扩大制度型开放,深度融入共建“一带一路”,主动对接新亚欧大陆桥、西部陆海新通道,高标准建设自由贸易试验区,打造更多高能级对外开放合作平台,在联通国内国际双循环方面发挥更大作用。加强市场化法治化国际化营商环境建设,增强对国内外要素资源的吸引力。坚持“两个毫不动摇”,支持国有企业做强做优做大,进一步优化民营企业发展环境.
The next paragraph deals with promoting green and low-carbon development.
We will continue to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control, strengthen the institutional governance, comprehensive governance, and collaborative governance of ecological environment systems related to major rivers and lakes, and speed up the filling of shortcomings in urban domestic sewage collection and treatment facilities. Promote the green and low-carbon transformation of industry, energy and transportation structure, accelerate the cultivation and growth of green and low-carbon industries, and strengthen resource conservation and intensive recycling. We will improve the cross-basin ecological protection compensation mechanism and the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products, and promote industrial ecology and ecological industrialization. 持续深入打好污染防治攻坚战,加强大江大河和重要湖泊生态环境系统治理、综合治理、协同治理,加快补齐城镇生活污水收集和处理设施短板。推进产业、能源、交通运输结构绿色低碳转型,加快培育壮大绿色低碳产业,加强资源节约集约循环利用。完善流域横向生态保护补偿机制和生态产品价值实现机制,推进产业生态化和生态产业化.
The next bit discusses the integrated development of urban and rural areas and the need to solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. In this, Xi talked about the need to “promote the balanced allocation of public resources and the free flow of production factors between urban and rural areas, and promote the extension of urban infrastructure and public services to rural areas.” 推进以县城为重要载体的新型城镇化建设,推动城乡之间公共资源均衡配置和生产要素自由流动,推动城市基础设施和公共服务向农村延伸. He also talked about support for agriculture, revitalization and development of old revolutionary base areas and underdeveloped counties, improving the mechanism for monitoring and supporting people to prevent their relapse into poverty, etc. He also said:
“Improve the grassroots governance system, combining autonomy, rule by law and rule by virtue under the leadership of Party organizations; adhere to and develop the ‘Fengqiao Experience’ in the new era, while realizing the normalization of the crackdown on criminal gangs and evil…” 健全党组织领导的自治、法治、德治相结合的基层治理体系,坚持和发展新时代“枫桥经验”,实现扫黑除恶常态化,营造积极健康的社会生态.
The next paragraph is important to note:
“Xi Jinping pointed out that we must adhere to the mutual promotion of high-quality development and high-level security, and strive to improve our ability to ensure the security of food, energy and resources. Promote the construction of functional areas for grain production, protection zones for important agricultural products, and advantageous areas for characteristic agricultural products at a high quality level. We will establish a number of green agricultural product production, processing, and supply bases to ensure stable and secure supply of grain and other important agricultural products. Further enhance the level of development and utilization of resources such as coal and rare earths, enhance the ability to provide basic guarantees for coal and other fossil energy, accelerate the construction of a new energy system, and focus on the complementary and deep integration of traditional energy and new energy.” 习近平指出,要坚持高质量发展和高水平安全相互促进,努力提升粮食能源资源安全保障能力。高质量推进粮食生产功能区、重要农产品生产保护区和特色农产品优势区建设,打造一批绿色农产品生产加工供应基地,确保粮食等重要农产品稳定安全供给。进一步提升煤炭、稀土等资源开发利用水平,增强煤炭等化石能源兜底保障能力,加快建设新型能源体系,注重传统能源与新能源多能互补、深度融合.
Finally, Xi called on the “Central Leading Group for Regional Coordinated Development to strengthen overall coordination, supervision and guidance, while relevant central departments should study and propose policy measures to promote the growth of the central region in the new era. Local Party committees and governments must shoulder their main responsibilities, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and promote the implementation of key tasks and major reform matters. It is necessary to consolidate and expand the results of the thematic education campaign, strive to create a team of high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, establish and improve an assessment and incentive system, and encourage cadres to boldly explore and take on their responsibilities.”习近平最后强调,中央区域协调发展领导小组要加强统筹协调和督促指导,中央有关部门要加大支持力度,研究提出新时代推动中部地区崛起的政策举措。地方党委和政府要扛起主体责任,坚决贯彻党中央决策部署,推动重点工作任务、重大改革事项落实落地。要巩固拓展主题教育成果,着力打造忠诚干净担当的高素质专业化干部队伍,建立健全考核激励制度,激励干部大胆开拓、担当作为。 — (Comment: This one paragraph is instructive in terms of the top-level design model that Xi Jinping has implemented. There is no call for innovative solutions or ideas from the grassroots communities. Their jobs are to implement and be bold in implementing the policy recommendations of central actors.)
The report ends by offering a brief paragraph on the comments by Li and Ding, which reiterate the points Xi made.
Prior to visiting Changsha, Li Qiang was in Fujian and Jiangxi. In Fujian, he visited the Fuzhou West Lake Park. He said that a “good ecological environment is the most inclusive contributor to people’s wellbeing.” 他强调,良好生态环境是最普惠的民生福祉,西湖治理成果来之不易,要倍加珍惜、接续努力,让水更清、景更美. Visiting an elderly community, Li “underlined the importance of providing better care for the elderly and children”. He also visited a housing community, where he “called for continuous improvement of the housing system in order to promote both rental and purchase of properties according to the needs of different groups.” He visited an innovation lab and also the Fuzhou Gaoyi Group. Li “was pleased to see that the company had taken root in China and achieved rapid growth in performance. He urged relevant parties to focus on optimizing the business environment and support foreign-funded enterprises in China to continue deepening their roots and better development.” 在福州高意集团,李强听取企业情况介绍,为企业扎根中国、业绩快速增长感到高兴,叮嘱有关方面着力优化营商环境,支持外资企业在中国持续深耕、更好发展.
In Jiangxi, Li traveled to Nanchang. He stressed the importance of better employment services. He visited a local college of vocational and technical education to discuss vocational education. Li said that it “is crucial to prioritize the development of vocational education, deepen the integration of industry and education, and cultivate a greater number of high-quality technical and skilled talents.” 他说,三百六十行,行行出状元,要高度重视发展职业教育,深化产教融合,培养更多高素质技术技能人才.
Li also visited a community health service center, and then the Jiangxi Green Energy Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. There he received a briefing on seedling cultivation technology and toured the greenhouses and seedling fields to observe the growth of the seedlings. He added that it is necessary to strengthen technical guidance, ensure the supply of agricultural materials, and take multiple measures to ensure a good harvest. 在江西省绿能农业发展有限公司,李强听取育秧技术汇报,走进大棚、秧田察看秧苗长势.他指出,当前是春耕备耕关键时期,农时不等人,要加强技术指导,抓好农资保供,多措并举确保有好收成.
Finally, there is a report on Vice President Han Zheng meeting with Michael Mainelli, Lord Mayor of the City of London. Han’s message, as per Xinhua was: “We are willing to work with British financial institutions to expand areas of cooperation, promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges and foster stable and mutually beneficial China-Britain relations.”
Page 3: Let’s look at reports about Wang Yi’s visit to Australia.
First, Wang and Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong chaired the seventh China-Australia Foreign and Strategic Dialogue. As per the Chinese readout, Wang highlighted visits by PM Anthony Albanese and Wong to say that “thanks to the joint efforts of both sides, China-Australia relations have broken the ice and set sail again, and exchanges and cooperation in various fields have gradually resumed.”
“Wang Yi said that this is their sixth meeting. Each time they meet, the mutual trust between the two sides will increase and China-Australia relations will move forward. This is the value of enhancing communication and the positive process of continuously increasing trust and dispelling misgivings. Wang Yi said that his visit to Australia coincides with the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s successful state visit to Australia and the establishment of the China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership. It is an important year for the two sides to build on what has been achieved and chart the way forward. The two sides should build on the sound momentum of bilateral relations so far, ‘work together for the future’, and take a more active attitude to jointly build a more mature, stable and fruitful comprehensive strategic partnership. Wang Yi said that the ups and downs of China-Australia relations in the past decade have not only left both sides with lessons to learn from, but also accumulated experience worth cherishing. The most fundamental thing is to uphold mutual respect. The most crucial thing is to stay committed to seeking common ground while shelving differences. The most important thing is to pursue mutual benefit and win-win results. The most precious thing is to remain independent. Since China-Australia relations are on the right track, both sides should have no hesitation, no yawing and no backward steps. Since the course forward has been charted, both sides should strive to make steady, good and sustained progress. This serves the common interests of the two peoples and also meets the common expectation of countries in the region.”
“Wang Yi said, China is ready to work with Australia to further prepare for high-level exchanges between the two countries, fully restart and make good use of the consultation and dialogue mechanisms established in various fields, fully leverage complementary advantages, and further tap the potential of cooperation in such fields as new energy, digital economy, green development and climate response on the basis of consolidating and developing cooperation in traditional areas of strength such as energy, mining and agricultural products, so as to constantly make the pie of common interests bigger. Wang Yi expressed the hope that the Australian side will take concrete measures to uphold the principles of market economy and the rules of fair competition, and provide a fair, just, transparent and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and operate in Australia. The two sides should continue to promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges in education, culture, tourism, and youth and at the sub-national level, actively take measures to facilitate personnel exchanges, and consolidate public support for China-Australia relations.”
“China is ready to enhance communication and understanding with Australia in international and regional affairs and make more contributions to world peace and development. Wang Yi elaborated on China’s principled position on the Taiwan question and issues related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Xizang and the South China Sea, stressing that there is no entanglement of historical problems or conflict of fundamental interests between China and Australia, and their common interests far outweigh the differences. The two sides should practice the basic principles of international law of respecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and promote the sustained, steady and sound development of bilateral relations.”
In terms of outcomes, the two sides “agreed to resume and establish dialogue in various fields and make it play a practical role, promote more cooperation between the two countries' competent authorities of foreign affairs, economy and trade, science and technology, education and law enforcement, among others and actively consider launching a dialogue on maritime affairs. The two sides agreed to take further measures to facilitate personnel exchanges between the two countries.”
Another readout informs that Wang met with members of Australian business and strategic communities and other sectors in Canberra during a discussion organized by the Australia China Business Council. The big message was:
“Wang Yi said that China's development strengthens the world's forces for peace. As a permanent member of the United Nations (UN) Security Council and the second largest contributor to the UN membership fee, China has all along devoted its efforts to realizing peace, vigorously promoted talks for peace and made positive contributions to international and regional peace and stability. China's development enhances stability in the world. China has always advocated and acted upon multilateralism, stood for greater democracy in international relations, opposed unilateralism and bullying acts, and worked actively to make the international order more just and equitable. China’s development brings more development opportunities. Following the mutually beneficial strategy of opening up, China will open its door wider to the rest of the world, continue to foster a business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standards, actively participate in international cooperation on climate change response, and continue to provide the world with new opportunities through its new development.”
“Wang Yi said that China-Australia relations are comprehensive and multi-ranging, and the common interests of both sides far outweigh their differences, so the two countries should be partners rather than rivals. Now that China-Australia relations are on the track of improvement, the two countries should make great strides forward to build a more stable, mature and fruitful China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership for the great benefit of the two peoples and countries in the region…”
Next, there’s the readout of Wang’s meeting with PM Albanese.
“The Australian side speaks highly of China's achievements in development and poverty alleviation, and is willing to keep close high-level exchanges with China and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields. Australia-China relations should not be defined by differences and disagreements, and the two sides should seek common interests whenever possible. Noting that the Australian Labor Party once made historic contributions to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and China, he said the current Labor Party government will continue to make efforts to promote the constructive development of Australia-China relations. Albanese stressed that Australia has always pursued the one-China policy. It is the consensus of the two parties of Australia, and they will continue to adhere to it.”
Wang said that “under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the obstacles encountered in China-Australia relations have been overcome one by one and outstanding issues are being properly resolved, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples and injecting new impetus into the China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership. Since the current Australian Labor Party government came to power, China-Australia relations have achieved the second important transformation, which is fully in line with the fundamental and long-term interests of Australia and its people as well as the development trend of the current times. History will prove this decision to be correct. Wang Yi said that since China-Australia relations have returned to the right track and clarified the direction forward, the two sides should move forward firmly, without hesitation, wavering or backpedaling, and work together to create a brighter future for bilateral relations.”
During this visit, Wang also met with members of the Australia-China Parliamentary Friendship Group. He “praised” them for “their longstanding concern and support for the development of China-Australia relations.” He added that “the history since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries shows that China and Australia are partners, not rivals. China’s development is an opportunity, not a threat, to Australia. China is willing to work with Australia to enhance trust, reduce misunderstandings, and eliminate interference…Regarding the differences between the two sides, dialogue and communication should be strengthened on the basis of mutual respect and properly handled. Members of the Australia-China Parliamentary Group are welcomed to visit China more often.” 两国建交以来的历程表明,中澳是伙伴,不是对手。中国发展对澳是机遇,不是威胁。中方愿同澳方增进信任,减少误解,排除干扰,以习近平主席对澳进行成功国事访问和两国建立全面战略伙伴关系10周年为契机,加强各层级交往,推动各领域合作迈上新台阶,构建更加成熟稳定、更加富有成果的中澳全面战略伙伴关系。对于双方存在的分歧,应在相互尊重的基础上加强对话沟通,妥善加以处理。欢迎澳中议会小组成员多到中国走一走、看一看.
He also met with Australian Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton and Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Simon Birmingham. To them, Wang said that “the development of China-Australia relations is the result of the joint efforts of all political parties in Australia. China is willing to maintain communication and cooperation with friends from all walks of life in Australia, and work together to build a more mature, stable and fruitful comprehensive strategic partnership. Peter Dutton and Simon Birmingham welcomed Wang Yi's visit to Australia, saying that Australia-China relations are very important and robust, benefiting both sides. The Australian Opposition is willing to strengthen communication with the Chinese side, enhance understanding, properly handle differences, deepen cooperation and push for further development of Australia-China relations.”
Finally, Wang met with Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating. Wang told Keating that: “Australia is an ally of the US, as well as a partner of China, and above all, a sovereign state. We welcome Australia to independently formulate policies based on its own fundamental interests. China is willing to work with Australia to promote a more mature, stable, and fruitful comprehensive strategic partnership, benefiting the people of both countries and the entire region.” 澳大利亚是美国的盟友,也是中国的伙伴,更是一个主权国家。欢迎澳方从自身根本利益出发,独立自主地制定政策。中方愿同澳方一道,推动中澳全面战略伙伴关系更加成熟稳定,更加富有成果,更好造福两国人民和整个地区.
Next, there is a brief report informing that Huang Xiaowei from the All China Women’s Federation led a delegation to Trinidad and Tobago. Another report informs that “China Railway Construction Engineering Group on Tuesday signed an agreement with the Tanzanian Ministry of Culture, Arts and Sports to construct a 30,000-seat football stadium stadium in Tanzania's northern city of Arusha for the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations finals.
Page 4: There is a report on the third ‘International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values’ being held Wednesday in Beijing. Li Shulei addressed the gathering. Xinhua reports:
“Over 200 guests from various countries, regions and international organizations engaged in discussions on topics including ‘Democracy and Modern Governance’, ‘Democracy and the Rule of Law in the Digital Times’, ‘AI and the Future of Democracy’ and ‘Democracy and Global Governance in a Multipolar World’. They agreed that democracy is a significant sign of the progress of human civilization, and is what the CPC and the Chinese people have consistently been pursuing. After long exploration, China has carved out a democratic development path with Chinese characteristics, which has safeguarded the democratic rights of over 1.4 billion Chinese people, and provided strong support for advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization…”
“Guests at the meeting believed that democracy is a common value for all mankind and its purpose is to protect and enhance the well-being of all mankind. It is necessary to fully respect the exploration of democracy, the pursuit of democracy, and the realization of democracy by the vast developing countries, respect the right of people in all countries to independently choose their development paths, and oppose using the pretext of democracy to trigger division, spread prejudice and undermine peace in the international community. It is necessary to promote the establishment of a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation, and to build a community with a shared future for mankind…” 与会嘉宾认为,民主是全人类共同价值,目的是保障和增进全人类福祉。要充分尊重广大发展中国家追求民主、发展民主、实现民主的探索,尊重各国人民自主选择发展道路的权利,反对以民主之名在国际社会制造分裂、传播偏见、破坏和平。要推动构建相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,建设关乎人类美好未来的人类命运共同体.
If you are interested, here is a Xinhua English report with comments from some attendees.
Next, there’s a report on Li Hongzhong’s visit to Xinjiang. Li stressed “the need to focus on the main theme of fostering the common consciousness of the Chinese nation, improve the legal system for ethnic work, and better leverage the role of the rule of law in consolidating the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and ensuring long-term benefits.” 他强调,要坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入学习贯彻习近平法治思想、习近平总书记关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想,围绕铸牢中华民族共同体意识这一主线,健全民族工作法律法规体系,更好发挥法治固根本、稳预期、利长远的作用.
Li visited Kashi University, where he examined “the ideological and political courses on forging the consciousness of the Chinese national community, inspected the progress of national common language education in rural primary schools, and communicated with religious figures on promoting religious harmony.” 到喀什大学调研铸牢中华民族共同体意识思政课程,在农村中心小学考察推进国家通用语言文字教育进展,与宗教人士就促进宗教和谐进行交流。
He also said that since the 18th Party Congress, Xi Jinping has put forward the Party’s strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era. “Xinjiang's unprecedented achievements in economic and social development and ethnic unity and progress are fundamentally due to the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the helm and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” 李鸿忠指出,党的十八大以来,习近平总书记从党和国家事业全局的高度,提出新时代党的治疆方略,新疆经济社会发展、民族团结进步各项事业取得前所未有的成就,根本在于习近平总书记掌舵领航,在于习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引.
In Urumqi, he attended a symposium to listen to opinions and suggestions on legal research on ethnic affairs. He emphasized that “General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on strengthening and improving ethnic work are major theoretical and practical achievements achieved by adhering to the use of ‘two integrations’, consolidating and expanding the correct path to address ethnic affairs issues with Chinese characteristics. This has opened up a new realm for adapting Marxist ethnic theory to China in the new era. It is necessary to deeply understand the decisive significance of the Two Establishments, resolutely achieve the Two Safeguards, thoroughly implement the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping, continuously enhance political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and persist in governing ethnic affairs in accordance with the law, thereby promoting the high-quality development of the Party’s ethnic affairs work. Under the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, it is necessary to solidly promote the construction of a legal system related to ethnic affairs, take strengthening the commonality of the Chinese nation and enhancing the common consciousness of the Chinese nation as the primary consideration, demonstrate the national will and the will of the people in safeguarding ethnic unity, and provide a solid guarantee for all ethnic groups to work together to promote Chinese-style modernization.” 李鸿忠在乌鲁木齐出席座谈会,就有关民族事务法律研究工作听取意见建议。他强调,习近平总书记关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想是坚持运用“两个结合”巩固和拓展中国特色解决民族问题正确道路取得的重大理论成果、实践成果,开辟了马克思主义民族理论中国化时代化新境界。要深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,坚决做到“两个维护”,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记的重要思想,不断增强政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力,坚持依法治理民族事务,推动党的民族工作高质量发展。要在党中央集中统一领导下,扎实推进涉民族事务法律法规体系建设,把强化中华民族的共同性、增强中华民族共同体意识作为首要考虑,彰显维护民族团结的国家意志、人民意志,为各民族共同团结奋斗推进中国式现代化提供坚实保障. (Comment: This space is worth watching in terms of what new laws and regulations come up.)
Page 11: There’s a report on the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the NDRC holding a symposium on deepening cross-strait integrated development. This was held in Fuzhou, Fujian. The report refers to Xi Jinping’s comments during the NPC on Taiwan.
It then says that the next step is to “support Fujian Province in creating a world-class business environment, formulate opinions on special measures to promote the integration of Fujian and Taiwan and relax market access, and promote the deepening of industrial cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan. Fujian Province should focus on building ‘three major demonstration models’ 三大示范样板 of cross-strait social integration, economic integration, and emotional integration, and actively construct a new pattern of comprehensive integration across the entire region.” 下一步将支持福建省打造国际一流营商环境,制定促进闽台融合放宽市场准入特别措施的意见,推动闽台产业合作走实走深。福建省要着力打造两岸社会融合、经济融合、情感融合“三大示范样板”,积极构建全域融合新格局.
Meanwhile, do check out this: “The Taiwan Ministry of National Defence (MND) monitored 32 Chinese military aircraft and five People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessels from 6 a.m. on Wednesday (March 20) to the same time on Thursday (March 21). Out of these 32 People's Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft, 20 crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's southwestern, southeastern, and eastern air defence identification zone (ADIZ).”