Xi on Space Power - Flood Preparation - Resolution 2758 - National Security Education Day - Political Security = Regime & System Security - Covid: 'Persistence is Victory' - China-Vietnam FMs Talk
Here are the stories and pieces that I found noteworthy from the Friday, April 15, 2022, edition of the People’s Daily.
Page 1: The lead story (English report) is about Xi Jinping’s visit to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan on day. The report talks about a number of launches that have taken place from the site. These include the launches of the Long March 5 and Long March 7 rockets, the launch of the Tianhe core module of China’s space station, the Chang’e 5 lunar probe, and the Tianwen-1 Mars probe.
“Xi noted that Wenchang is the launch site of China’s new-generation high thrust carrier rockets and the bridgehead of the country’s deep space exploration. The launch site should continue to eye the frontier of global space development and the major strategic needs of China's space industry, and comprehensively improve its modern space launch capabilities, said Xi. China is scheduled to complete the construction of its space station this year. Tianzhou-4 and Tianzhou-5 cargo crafts, as well as Wentian and Mengtian lab modules will be launched from Wenchang. Xi said the launch site should make meticulous efforts to ensure the missions’ full success.”
Next, there’s a report about Li Keqiang and Wang Yong’s comments at a conference on flood control and drought relief. Both of them talked about the importance of preparedness in the context of the 20th Party Congress later this year.
Li said that China had “entered the flood season, and we must not slacken in our efforts of flood control and drought relief.” He also stressed on adherence to the principle of “putting people first and life first.”
“Flood control and drought relief work is closely related to the overall situation of economic and social development, as well as security and stability, especially under the complex and severe domestic and external conditions of this year, said Li. All localities and departments should give priority to disaster prevention and combine disaster prevention, disaster response and disaster relief, he said. Efforts should be made to optimize disaster prevention and control plans, strengthen risk monitoring and early warning, and ensure that emergency materials are sufficient and in place, said the premier. He stressed that, when necessary, people should be transferred to avoid danger, in dealing with natural disasters such as urban flooding, mountain flooding and typhoons.”
Wang Yong, who heads the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, also spoke at the meeting. He said that it was necessary to “thoroughly investigate and rectify all kinds of hidden dangers, pay close attention to improving emergency plans, step-up real combat drills, promptly and decisively evacuate people at risk, and do our utmost to prevent casualties and disaster losses.” 要强化各类灾害性天气监测预警和会商研判,紧盯江河洪水、城市内涝和山洪、台风等重大风险,深入排查整治各类隐患,抓紧完善应急预案,加强实战化演练,及时果断转移受威胁群众,尽最大努力防范人员伤亡和灾害损失.
Third, there’s a report saying that the Party is soliciting public opinions ahead of the 20th Party Congress. It says that doing so “fully demonstrates the excellent work style of the Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, of promoting democracy and pooling ideas, which is an important manifestation of the Party's adherence to the people as the center, respecting the main position of the people and taking the mass line, and is an important manifestation of giving full play to the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promoting the whole process people's democracy…”开展党的二十大相关工作网络征求意见,充分彰显了以习近平同志为核心的党中央发扬民主、集思广益的优良作风,是我们党坚持以人民为中心、尊重人民主体地位、走好群众路线的重要体现,是发挥中国特色社会主义制度优势、推进全过程人民民主的生动实践...
Opinions and suggestions can be made via online platforms, including the websites and mobile apps of People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and China Media Group, from April 15 to May 16. There are 8 broad themes under which opinions are sought:
upholding and strengthening the overall leadership of the party, and promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the party;
grasping the new development stage, implementing new development concepts, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development;
comprehensively deepening reform and opening up;
actively developing whole process people’s democracy
promoting comprehensive rule of law;
building a socialist cultural power;
safeguarding and improving people’s livelihood, and
strengthening the construction of ecological civilisation
Next, there’s a long feature story about Xi Jinping’s visit to Hainan. This has a lot more colour for those interested. It offers some more details about things that Xi Jinping did and said during the visit. For instance, and I find this fascinating, the piece talks about seeds being to agriculture what “chips” are to technological development. 种子是我国粮食安全的关键,也是农业的“芯片”.
The piece also talks about his old connection with Hainan. For example, it says that he visited the province in 1979 while he was studying at Tsinghua.
Also, discussing his visit to the Sanya Institute of Oceanography, the piece informs that Xi said that he has always been concerned about the maritime domain. In Fuzhou, Comrade Xi Jinping proposed the strategic concept of building a “Maritime Fuzhou” 海上福州, and in Fujian province, he proposed the strategy of building a “strong maritime province.” Later, while working for the central government, he called for building China into a maritime power. General Secretary Xi Jinping has thought deeply: ‘What is a modern country? It is not only a land power, but also a maritime power, a modern power that combines land and sea’.” “海洋,我历来是关心的”。在福州,习近平同志提出建设“海上福州”战略构想,到福建省后提出了“海洋强省”战略。再后来到中央工作以后,提出建设海洋强国。习近平总书记思虑深远:“现代化的国家是什么样的,不仅是一个陆地强国,也是一个海洋强国,一个陆海兼修的现代化强国.”
Finally, there’s a commentary titled “Persistence is victory.” This doubles down on adhering to the zero-COVID policy. It says that in many areas the COVID-19 situation is “severe and complex” and at such a time, it is necessary to adhere to the general policy of ‘dynamic zero-COVID’ without hesitation.” It calls the policy the “inevitable choice” for China, given that there are large numbers of people classified as vulnerable and a rapid spread of infections would adversely affect them and lead to a run on the healthcare system.
The commentary adds:
Epidemic prevention and control has a bearing on everyone’s life and health. No one is a bystander and everyone is responsible. It should be understood that epidemic prevention and control is a difficult and arduous work that requires persistence. This means hard work, holding on despite being fatigued and gritting one’s teeth and persevering, especially in regions where the epidemic situation is severe and measures such as closure and control have been implemented. These have led to inconveniencing people, but these are measures of last resort that the virus has forced us to adopt and they are also the most proven effective response strategy based on our experience. In the long run, this temporary inconvenience will serve a long-term convenience; perseverance at local levels supports the normal production and life of a larger and wider range of people. By supporting and cooperating with the epidemic prevention and control work in accordance with the law, we are protecting ourselves and others, reducing the risk of cross-infection and contributing to the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control. 疫情防控关系每个人的生命安全和身体健康,没有人是旁观者,每个人都是责任人。应当看到,常态化疫情防控是一项艰巨繁重又需要持久坚持的工作。坚持意味着十分艰辛的付出、极度疲累的坚守、咬紧牙关的挺住,特别是疫情形势严峻的地方采取有关封控、管控等举措,给人们的工作、学习和生活带来一些不便,但这是病毒逼迫我们作出的不得已的应对之举,也是实践证明行之有效的应对之策。从长远看,一时的不便,是为了更长久的方便;局部的坚守,是为了更大范围、更广泛的百姓正常生产生活。依法支持和配合疫情防控工作,既是在保护自己,也是在保护他人,既能减少交叉感染风险,也是在为疫情防控大局做贡献.
The next paragraph says that the essence of the dynamic zero-COVID policy is to be fast and accurate. Essentially, this is about acting quickly and with precise measures so as to out-run the virus. It further adds:
It is necessary to ensure people’s normal work and life is smooth and orderly, ensure the production and supply of daily necessities, and ensure people's demand for medical treatment. All regions, all departments, and all sectors of society should firmly align their thinking and actions with the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee, and the Party and government should both assume the same responsibilities and work together...In places where the epidemic is more serious, leading party and government officials and officials at all levels should give top priority to epidemic prevention and fight with all their might, and win decisive battles. Party organisations at all levels and Party members and officials should continue to play an active role, go to the frontline of prevention and control, reach out to the people, and help them overcome their worries and difficulties. “动态清零”的精髓,一是快速,二是精准。要比病毒跑得更快,以快制快,真正把防控措施落细、落小、落实。要针对病毒变异的新特点,提高科学精准防控本领,完善各种应急预案,严格落实常态化防控措施。要保持群众正常生产生活平稳有序,做好生活必需品生产供应,保障好群众就医需求。各地区各部门各方面要坚决把思想和行动统一到党中央决策部署上来,党政同责,齐抓共管,做到守土有责、守土尽责。疫情较为严重的地方,党政主要领导和各级领导干部要坚持把防疫工作放在第一位,尽锐出战,决战决胜。各级党组织和广大党员、干部要继续积极发挥作用,坚持深入防控一线,深入群众,用心用情用力帮助群众排忧解难.
The final paragraph says that after 45 days, Jilin Province has achieved the goal of COVID clearance in its communities. This is an example of victory lying in persistence. Anyway, just to add to what it means to achieve clearance as explained in the Global Times:
“This means all the cities and prefectures in the province have achieved the goal of zero new cases in communities. The new cases reported in Baicheng, Liaoyuan and Meihekou were all under quarantine and controlled personnel, while Siping has had no new cases for several consecutive days.”
Let me also share some additional reports of the challenges related to China’s zero-COVID approach. First, this WSJ report says:
Chinese health authorities on Thursday reported more than 29,000 new infections, the highest daily tally since the pandemic began in the central city of Wuhan more than two years ago. Strict measures appear to be working in China’s far northeast, where local officials are declaring victory following an extended lockdown. Yet localized lockdowns are being newly imposed, expanded or extended elsewhere in the country, including in parts of the southern megacities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen and the eastern city of Suzhou. Forty-five Chinese cities with a combined 373 million people had implemented either full or partial lockdowns as of Monday, a sharp increase from 23 cities and 193 million people a week earlier, according to a survey by Nomura. The 45 cities account for more than one quarter of China’s population and roughly 40% of the country’s total economic output. Cities subject to full lockdowns together accounted for more than 5% of Chinese gross domestic product, according to China-focused research firm Gavekal Dragonomics.

Also check out these Bloomberg reports:
Page 2: A couple of pieces to note. First, there’s a report about the development of the BeiDou-2 navigation system. Global Times has the English report on this.
“Fifteen years ago on April 14, 2007, China successfully launched the first BeiDou-2 navigation satellite, officially kicking off the nation's independent building of a satellite navigation system. Over the years, the BeiDou-2 navigation system managed to provide services to the Asia-Pacific region, followed by the completion of the more comprehensive BeiDou-3 navigation system, indicating the country's capability to build an all-round, multifunctional satellite navigation system. Chen Gucang, deputy director of the China Satellite Navigation Office, said at the conference that since the BeiDou-3 system opened for service, it has been operating stably, with a steady increase in performance. ‘The accuracy in worldwide positioning is better than 4.4 meters, which is comparable to that of the US' GPS, and the performance of BeiDou in the Asia-Pacific region is even better. It provides high-quality and reliable positioning and navigation facilities for users worldwide,’ Chen said. Now, the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has been fully deployed in transportation, public security, disaster relief and mitigation, agriculture, forestry and other industries, and it is accelerating integration into electric power, finance, communications and other infrastructure…”
PD informs that the 13th China Satellite Navigation Annual Conference will be held in Beijing from May 25 to 27.
Next, there’s a commentary bylined 仲音, talking about today being China’s National Security Education Day. This year’s theme is “Building a firm overall national security concept, comprehending the achievements of national security in the new era, and creating a good atmosphere for the victory of the Party's 20th National Congress.” The piece says that:
“Since the 18th Party Congress, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has adhered to the overall national security concept, and has integrated national security into all aspects of the work of the Party and the country, and has made great efforts to build a general security pattern. In terms of institutional design, the Central National Security Committee has been established to improve the national security legal system, strategic system and policy system; in terms of economic and social development, efforts have been made to achieve a positive interaction between high-quality development and high-level security and focus on preventing and defusing major risk factors that affect China’s modernization process; in response to external shocks and challenges, steps have been taken to strictly prevent and severely crack down on the infiltration, sabotage, subversion, and separatist activities from hostile forces, withstand and counterattack extreme suppression and containment from external forces...A series of major decisions and deployments have promoted the historic development of national security work in the new era. Through historic changes and achievements national security has been comprehensively strengthened, and it has withstood the tests of risks and challenges originating from politics, economy, ideology, nature, etc., providing a strong guarantee for the prosperity and long-term stability of the Party and the country.” 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚持总体国家安全观,把国家安全贯穿到党和国家工作各方面全过程,着力构建大安全格局。在制度设计上,设立中央国家安全委员会,完善国家安全法治体系、战略体系和政策体系;在经济社会发展中,实现高质量发展和高水平安全的良性互动,注重防范化解影响我国现代化进程的重大风险;在应对外部冲击挑战上,严密防范和严厉打击敌对势力渗透、破坏、颠覆、分裂活动,顶住和反击外部极端打压遏制……一系列重大决策部署,推动新时代国家安全工作发生历史性变革、取得历史性成就,国家安全得到全面加强,经受住了来自政治、经济、意识形态、自然界等方面的风险挑战考验,为党和国家兴旺发达、长治久安提供了有力保证.
The next paragraph says that:
General Secretary Xi Jinping has profoundly grasped the issue of national security through strategic thinking while keeping in mind the overall situation and having a broad global vision. He has adhered to bottom-line thinking, preparedness for danger and rainy days and adhered to the supremacy of national interests. He has taken people’s security as the purpose, political security as the root, economic security as the foundation, military, scientific, technological, cultural and social security as the guarantee, and the promotion of international security as the support. He has integrated development and security, openness and security, traditional security and non-traditional security, self-security and common security, and national security maintenance and national security shaping, thereby putting forward the concept of overall national security. The overall national security concept covers politics, military, homeland, economy, culture, society, science and technology, network, ecology, resources, nuclear, overseas interests, space, deep sea, polar regions, biology and many other fields. It embodies General Secretary Xi Jinping’s profound insights with regard to the national security situation, deepens and expands our Party’s theoretical vision and practical understanding of national security issues, and points out the way forward and provides fundamental guidelines for national security work in the new era. 习近平总书记以统揽全局的战略思维和宽广的世界眼光深刻把握国家安全问题,坚持底线思维、居安思危、未雨绸缪,坚持国家利益至上,以人民安全为宗旨,以政治安全为根本,以经济安全为基础,以军事、科技、文化、社会安全为保障,以促进国际安全为依托,统筹发展和安全,统筹开放和安全,统筹传统安全和非传统安全,统筹自身安全和共同安全,统筹维护国家安全和塑造国家安全,提出了总体国家安全观。总体国家安全观涵盖政治、军事、国土、经济、文化、社会、科技、网络、生态、资源、核、海外利益、太空、深海、极地、生物等诸多领域,集中体现了习近平总书记对国家安全形势的深刻洞察,深化和拓展了我们党关于国家安全问题的理论视野和实践领域,为新时代做好国家安全工作指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。
The next paragraph talks about the profound changes taking place in the international landscape.
“Economic globalisation is facing countercurrents; the game between major countries is becoming increasingly fierce; and the world has entered a new period of turbulent change. The tasks of reform, development and stability at home are arduous. The risks we face include not only domestic economic, political, ideological, social and natural risks, but also international economic, political and military risks. The important position of national security in the overall work of the Party and the country is determined by the historical position of China’s development and the situation and tasks facing national security. On this great new journey, we must adopt an overall approach to national security, adhere to the path of national security with Chinese characteristics, build a security architecture that integrates security construction in all areas and throughout the whole process of China's development, guard against and defuse all risks that affect China's modernisation drive, and provide a strong guarantee for building a modern socialist country. Safeguarding national security is everyone’s responsibility, and everyone has a role to play. It is important to insist that national security is for the people and to rely on the people, mobilise the whole party and the whole society to work together…” 当前,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂变化,百年变局和世纪疫情相互交织,经济全球化遭遇逆流,大国博弈日趋激烈,世界进入新的动荡变革期,国内改革发展稳定任务艰巨繁重。我们面临的风险既包括国内的经济、政治、意识形态、社会风险以及来自自然界的风险,也包括国际经济、政治、军事风险等。我国发展所处的历史方位、国家安全所面临的形势任务,决定了国家安全在党和国家工作大局中的重要地位。新的伟大征程上,要贯彻总体国家安全观,坚持中国特色国家安全道路,构建大安全格局,把安全发展贯穿国家发展各领域和全过程,防范和化解影响我国现代化进程的各种风险,为建设社会主义现代化国家提供坚强保障。维护国家安全,人人有责、人人可为,要坚持国家安全一切为了人民、一切依靠人民,动员全党全社会共同努力,汇聚起维护国家安全的强大力量,夯实国家安全的社会基础,不断提高人民群众的安全感、幸福感.
Page 3: First, there’s a report about Wang Yi’s meeting with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son. Xinhua reports:
“China and Vietnam are close neighbors and both of them are pursuing a socialist path, Wang noted. In a time of unprecedented global changes, a once-in-a-century pandemic and the Ukraine crisis, the two countries need to give full play to the political advantages of the two parties and two countries, and carry forward their traditional friendship of "comrades and brothers," said Wang. The two countries need to run their own things well while maintaining the momentum for development and the revitalization, Wang said, adding they also need to strengthen strategic communication and make new contribution to safeguarding regional peace and stability.”
Also this:
“Wang called for efforts from both sides to strengthen joint prevention and control efforts in border port areas to ensure the safety of people at border ports and goods exported to China. Wang also expressed hope that the two countries launch more cross-border railway services, promote connections with the new western land-sea corridor, and build a "green passage" with smoother logistics for high-quality Vietnamese agricultural products exported to China.
At present, the situation in the South China Sea has remained generally stable with the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, Wang said, adding that it is precisely some forces outside the region with ulterior motives who are anxious that the South China Sea will not be chaotic. It serves the common interests of China and Vietnam to maintain peace in the South China Sea, Wang said, noting that it is necessary to give full play to the role of the land boundary negotiations and the three maritime working groups, push for substantive progress in demarcating the waters outside the mouth of the Beibu Gulf and joint development in the South China Sea, and avoid unilateral actions that may complicate the situation. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, Wang said, calling for relevant parties to take this opportunity to reach an early agreement on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, so as to provide a more solid guarantee for the long-term stability of the South China Sea.”
The report says that the Vietnamese foreign minister said: “Against the backdrop of complex international and regional changes, Vietnam is ready to work with China to implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, reach a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the South China Sea at an early date and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea. He expressed the hope that substantive progress will be made in the consultations of the three maritime working groups of the two sides, with the demarcation of the waters outside the mouth of the Beibu Gulf to be promoted as a priority.”
The two also talked about the Ukraine war
“The two sides also exchanged views on the Ukraine issue. Wang said the Ukraine issue has once again made Asian countries realize that maintaining peace and stability is precious and indulging in group confrontation will lead to endless risks. The United States tries to create regional tension and provoke confrontation by pushing the "Indo-Pacific Strategy," which will seriously damage the hard-won peaceful development in the region and seriously erode the regional cooperation structure centered on ASEAN, he said. We cannot let the Cold War mentality return to the region and the tragedy of Ukraine be repeated around us, Wang said.” –
Quick thought: Let’s think through what exactly Wang is saying here. There’s obviously a sense of concern and anxiety in this, and I find it difficult to distinguish between whether Beijing genuinely believes that an Asian NATO is on the cards or whether it’s leveraging the opportunity that the current moment presents to intensify warnings and thinly veiled threats, as in this case, to countries in the neighbourhood in order to ensure that they fall in line with China’s priorities and interests. If it is the former, then it is a reflection of the complete lack of understanding of the actual reactions of countries in Asia to the Ukraine war and their demonstrated agency in making decisions. It underscores how the focus on competition with and the threat from the US is blinding Chinese strategists. But how likely is this? Because while talking about the threat of an Asian NATO, Beijing has also been telling us repeatedly that the West is declining and the East is rising and that most countries have actually not taken sides amid the Ukraine war. It clearly cannot be the case that an Asian NATO is on the horizon but at the same time countries have chosen not to take sides between NATO and Russia. So I guess this is more of the latter.
Anyway Xinhua adds:
“Noting that both China and Vietnam are socialist countries, he said that China is willing to strengthen unity and cooperation with Vietnam, resist external risks, cope with the spillover impact of the Ukraine crisis on the region, and play an active role in maintaining regional peace and stability. Son said that Vietnam welcomes China's contribution to promoting peace talks, ending conflicts and preventing humanitarian crises. Vietnam maintains that all relevant parties should abide by the UN Charter and international law, and seek a long-term solution to differences on the basis of respecting the lawful rights and interests and interests of all parties. Vietnam shares many similarities with China in its position and hopes to continue communication with China on the Ukrainian issue, Son said.”
Next, a report informing us that Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chair of the NPCSC and Chairperson of the SCO Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation Committee met with SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming in Beijing. Third, a report about the third China-Central Asia political parties forum meeting. Leaders of 20 political parties from the five Central Asian countries attended the meeting. Xinjiang was a key part of the conversation.
Finally, there’s a piece based on an interview with Nepal’s President Bidhya Devi Bhandari. In the interview, she calls Xi Jinping “a sincere friend.” She talks about Xi’s visit to Nepal in 2019. Bhandari says that she along with her daughter and nearly all senior officials of the Nepalese government went to the airport to greet Xi then. It was her daughter that presented Xi with flowers. He was greeted as a “family member.” The report notes that on Bhandari’s bookshelf are volumes I and II of the Nepali edition of ‘Xi Jinping: The Governance of China.’
Bhandari later is quoted as saying that Xi Jinping is “one of the most influential leaders in the world. Under his leadership, China has made extraordinary achievements in various fields and its international influence has grown increasingly.” She further adds:
“The Nepali side thanks China for its strong support and assistance over the years, and will firmly adhere to the one-China policy, firmly support China in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will never allow any forces to use Nepalese territory to engage in any anti-China activities. Nepal supports the joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative, and looks forward to accelerating the construction of a Trans-Himalayan Multi-dimensional Connectivity Network with China, which is an opportunity to improve the face of Nepal’s infrastructure.”
Page 6: There’s a report on comments by Zang Tiewei, a spokesperson for the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee. This is regarding the NPCSC session to be held from April 18 to 20. He said that five bills are now with the NPCSC for further deliberation. These include the Futures and Derivatives Law, draft revision to the Vocational Education Law, draft revision to the Sports Law, draft Black Soil Protection Law, and draft revision to the Women’s Rights and Interests Protection Law. Zhang basically talks about opinions received from society and netizens for each of these bills. For instance, a total of 85,221 netizens put forward 423,719 comments related to the Women’s Rights and Interests Protection Law, he said. In addition, nearly 300 letters from the masses were received.
If you are interested in this, do check out NPC Observer’s website.
Page 7: The page carries reports related to the National Security Education Day. So, there’s a report about the PLA and PAP carrying out national security education activities over the past few days. It talks about lectures being delivered and themed photo exhibitions and other activities for soldiers to “relive the struggle of revolutionary martyrs.” It talks about the Navy Aviation University holding activities, which involved legal education through videos, posters, etc. It says that the Gansu Armed Police Corps organized combat readiness and anti-terrorism drills, combining military training with security education.
Another report talks about the Ministry of Justice and the National Law Popularization Office launching a ‘National Security Education Day Award Contest’ on WeChat from April 1st. This focused on the National Security Law, Nuclear Security Law, Anti-terrorism Law, Anti-espionage Law, Cyber Security Law, Biosecurity Law and Data Security Law. Around 110 million people have participated in this activity.
Page 10: A couple of stories to note on the page. First, a report based on the PBOC saying that it will use multiple monetary tools to step up support for the real economy and reduce corporate financing costs. This was part of the press conference sharing Q1 data. PBOC informed that in the first quarter of this year, RMB loans rose to a record of 8.34 trillion yuan, an increase of 663.6 billion yuan year-on-year.
At the end of March, the balance of medium-and long-term loans in the manufacturing sector increased by 29.5%, 18.1 percentage points higher than the growth rate of other loans. Among these, the balance of medium-and long-term loans for the high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 31.9%. At the end of March, industrial medium-and long-term loans increased by 20.7%. Medium-and long-term loans for export-related industries grew rapidly. At the end of March, the growth rate of medium-and long-term loans for the export-related sectors was 31.8%, up 0.6 percentage point from the end of last month.
Also, the bank said that in March this year, the interest rate of newly issued corporate loans was 4.37%, which was 8 basis points lower than that of December last year. The cumulative increase in the scale of social financing in my country at the end of the first quarter was 12.06 trillion yuan, 1.77 trillion yuan more than the same period last year.
Zou Lan, Director of the Financial Market Department of the PBOC, said that the balance of inclusive small and micro loans in China was 20.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.6%, and continued to maintain a high growth rate; 50.39 million small and micro business entities were supported, a year-on-year increase. 42.9%. He added that going forward the bank would continue to “do a solid job with regard to the ‘six stabilities’ and ‘six guarantees’, fully support the bail-out and development of industries that are facing difficulties and small and micro enterprises, continue to make good use of inclusive micro-loans, refinancing and rediscounting policies, guide financial institutions to reasonably provide loan extensions or renewal arrangements in accordance with the principle of marketization, actively tap new financing needs, expand inclusive small and micro loans, and increase the proportion of credit loans and first-time lenders.
Sun Guofeng, head of the PBOC's monetary policy department, talked about setting up scientific and technological innovation refinancing and special refinancing for inclusive pensions, along with providing lending support for agriculture, clean coal and addressing carbon emissions.
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Next, three new books have been published to enhance understanding of the overall national security concept. These cover cultural, financial and ecological security, respectively.
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The lead article on the theory page is also around the overall national security concept. It is bylined “Overall National Security Concept Research Center.” Some useful excerpts:
“In our country, the national interests are intrinsically consistent with people's security and political security. National security takes people's safety as its aim, political security as its foundation, and national interests as its criterion, so as to ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment, ensure the Party’s long-term rule/governance and ensure the long-term peace and stability for the country…Political security concerns the stability of state sovereignty, political power, system and ideology. It is the most fundamental demand of a country and the basic condition for the survival and development of all countries. It is impossible for a country to safeguard its own interests and achieve long-term development if it is not independent externally and if its internal politics are turbulent. The core of political security is regime security and system security. China is a socialist country led by the Communist Party of China. The most fundamental aspect to maintain political security is to maintain the Communist Party of China’s leadership and ruling position and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Maintaining political security is in the fundamental interest of the people of all ethnic groups in China. Only by unswervingly maintaining political security can the national interests be better protected.”坚持人民安全、政治安全、国家利益至上有机统一。在我国,国家利益与人民安全、政治安全具有内在一致性。国家安全以人民安全为宗旨,以政治安全为根本,以国家利益至上为准则,实现人民安居乐业、党的长期执政、国家长治久安。我们党始终把为中国人民谋幸福、为中华民族谋复兴作为初心和使命,以人民安全为宗旨,把保持社会平安稳定作为治国理政的重大任务。政治安全涉及国家主权、政权、制度和意识形态的稳固,是一个国家最根本的需求,是一切国家生存和发展的基础条件。一个国家对外不能独立自主,内部政治动荡,就不可能维护自身利益,就不可能实现长远发展。政治安全的核心是政权安全和制度安全。我国是中国共产党领导的社会主义国家,维护政治安全最根本的就是维护中国共产党的领导和执政地位、维护中国特色社会主义制度。维护政治安全是全国各族人民根本利益所在,只有坚定不移地维护政治安全,才能更好地保障国家利益.
Also this: “Establish a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable global security concept, and adhere to the path of peaceful development. The new features and trends of today's world security situation dictate that global challenges require the concerted efforts of all countries…China adheres to the path of peaceful development. Only by adhering to the concept of peaceful development can China have a solid foundation and real and lasting security. China maintains that no country can and should not be separated from world security and achieve its own security at the expense of other countries' security, and will always be a staunch force in maintaining world peace.”
It adds that “as China is increasingly approaching the center of the world stage, its international influence, appeal and ability to shape rules and discourse (this is captured in the concept 塑造力 - Sùzào lì) have significantly enhanced, and we are closer than ever to realising the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the same time, our country also faces more complex serious national security situation, and various risks and challenges are constantly emerging, including domestic and international risks, and risks in political, economic, cultural, social and other fields as well as those from nature, both traditional and non-traditional; these risks and challenges tend to be interwoven with each other, are increasingly complex and tend to be comprehensive. We must unswervingly follow the path of national security with Chinese characteristics, respond to the call of the times, respond to the needs of the people, solve various developmental challenges, and resolve and defuse risks and challenges from all sides.” 不断增强走中国特色国家安全道路的自觉性坚定性。随着中国日益走近世界舞台中央,国际影响力、感召力、塑造力显著提升,我们前所未有地接近实现中华民族伟大复兴的目标。与此同时,我国也面临更为复杂严峻的国家安全形势,各种风险挑战不断显现,既有国内的也有国际的,既有政治、经济、文化、社会等领域的也有来自自然界的,既有传统的也有非传统的,而且这些风险挑战呈现出交织性、复杂性、综合性等特点。我们必须坚定不移走中国特色国家安全道路,顺应时代呼唤,回应人民需要,破解发展面临的各种难题,化解来自各方面的风险挑战.
In the new era, we should give more consideration to security factors in our development, strive to achieve a dynamic balance between development and security, and comprehensively improve our national security capability and level. According to the characteristics of national security laws, we should make overall plans for traditional security and non-traditional security, promote the modernization of national security systems and capabilities, and make overall plans to meet security risk challenges in various fields.新时代,我们要在发展中更多考虑安全因素,努力实现发展和安全的动态平衡,全面提高国家安全工作能力和水平。根据国家安全规律特点,统筹传统安全和非传统安全,推进国家安全体系和能力现代化,统筹应对各领域安全风险挑战。
We must grasp the general trend of world development, plan based on the background of important strategic opportunities for China's development, maintain strategic determination, self-confidence and patience, and firmly hold the strategic initiative in our own hands. At the same time, we should give full play to the role of being a responsible major country, not take the road of hegemony when the country becomes strong, but unswervingly take the road of peaceful development and promote the coordination between our own security and common security. (Quick thought: Still waiting to see China do this.) We must unswervingly follow the path of national security with Chinese characteristics, contribute Chinese wisdom and solutions to the security problems facing mankind, help maintain the international order, improve global governance and promote world peace and development. 努力为解决人类面临的安全问题贡献中国智慧和中国方案。坚定不移走中国特色国家安全道路,要把握世界发展大势,立足我国发展重要战略机遇期大背景来谋划,保持战略定力、战略自信、战略耐心,把战略主动权牢牢掌握在自己手中。同时充分发挥负责任大国作用,不走国强必霸之路,而是坚定不移走和平发展道路,促进自身安全和共同安全相协调。我们要坚定不移走中国特色国家安全道路,为解决人类面临的安全问题贡献中国智慧和中国方案,助力维护国际秩序、完善全球治理,促进世界和平发展。
On the international page, there’s an article bylined 傅铸. The author argues that “UNGA Resolution 2758 affirms the one-China principle in international law.” The article goes into history before arguing that:
“From the perspective of international practice, the one-China principle has long been recognized as a norm in international relations. Both the United Nations and its specialised agencies follow the one-China principle. The United Nations uses ‘Taiwan, Province of China’ to refer to Taiwan, and has never accepted documents issued by Taiwan authorities such as a ‘Taiwan passport’. The official legal opinion of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs emphasised that ‘the United Nations believes that Taiwan, as a province of China, has no independent status’ and that ‘the Taiwan authorities do not enjoy any form of governmental status.’” 从国际实践看,一个中国原则早已成为公认的国际关系准则。联合国及其专门机构都遵循一个中国原则。联合国对台湾的称谓使用“台湾,中国的省(Taiwan, Province of China)”,从未接受“台湾护照”等台湾当局签发的文件。联合国秘书处法律事务办公室官方法律意见强调,“联合国认为,台湾作为中国的一个省没有独立地位”,“台湾当局不享有任何形式的政府地位”。
“Ignoring historical facts, evading a series of international legal documents such as the Cairo Declaration and misinterpreting UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 are serious violations of international law and challenges to the post-war international order. The so-called fallacies of ‘Taiwan's undecided representation in the United Nations’ and ‘Taiwan's undecided status’ are incompatible with legal principles, facts and the public sentiment of the international community. They must be put to rest.” 罔顾历史事实、回避《开罗宣言》等一系列国际法文件、曲解联大第2758号决议,是对国际法的严重违反,也是对战后国际秩序的挑战。所谓“台在联合国代表权未定”“台地位未定”之类谬论于法理不容,于事实有悖,更不合国际民心,可以休矣.