Xi Talks to Putin - Is a Reverse-Kissinger Possible? - Changes to Private Economy Promotion Law - Wang Yi's Pitch at UNHRC
Here are the reports on articles that I found worth reading in the People’s Daily on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
Page 1: One of the top stories today is on Xi Jinping’s call with Vladimir Putin. Xi told him that:
“Both history and reality tell us that China and Russia are destined to be good neighbors, and our two countries are true friends that share weal and woe, support each other and pursue common development. Our bilateral relationship has a strong internal driving force and unique strategic value. It is neither targeted at any third party nor affected by any third party. Both countries have long-term development strategies and foreign policies. No matter how the international landscape changes, our relationship shall move forward at its own pace, contribute to our countries’ respective development and revitalization, and inject stability and positivity into international relations.”
Then, here’s what Putin told Xi, as per the Chinese readout:
“Russia attaches great importance to its relations with China. In the year ahead, the Russian side looks forward to maintaining high-level exchanges with China, deepening practical cooperation, jointly commemorating the 80th anniversary of victory in the world’s anti-fascist war and in the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japanese aggression. Developing relations with China is a strategic choice made by Russia with a view to the long term; it is not an act of expediency, not affected by any temporary incidents, and not subject to interference by external factors. Under the current situation, close communication between Russia and China is in keeping with the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era, and will send a positive message that Russia and China play a stabilizing role in international affairs.”
The readout adds:
“President Putin provided an update on the latest interactions between Russia and the United States, and on Russia’s principled position on the Ukraine crisis. He said that Russia is committed to removing the root causes of the conflict and reaching a sustainable and long-term peace plan.”
Xi said that “China welcomes positive efforts made by Russia and relevant parties to resolve the crisis.”
My Note: I have had this conversation with a few people over the past few weeks. To me, the idea of pulling a reverse Kissinger is fanciful. Indeed, there are differences between Moscow and Beijing, but as the two leaders have repeatedly told us, there is an inherent and internal logic to the relationship. Moreover, there is increasing depth in terms of trade, technology and energy. In addition, the argument from Washington about de-linking the European and Indo-Pacific theatres works only if Moscow and Beijing play ball too. They have a say in this. And if you read between the lines of what Wang Yi and Sergei Lavrov have been saying over the past week, both China and Russia are cognisant that such de-linking is strategically disadvantageous to them. In fact, over the past few years, through joint drills and diplomatic support for each other, they have systematically built linkages between the two theatres.
If one were to think from their perspective — go back to Xi’s remark to Putin about the two of them driving the once-in-a-century changes — the current moment is ripe with opportunities that sustain only when they work together. From Moscow’s perspective, there is no certainty that the current trajectory of American policies will sustain. Just like American allies and partners have worried about unpredictability from Washington over the past decade, so will Moscow. What strategic sense does it then make to abandon your largest neighbour, most important economic partner, and a strategic comrade?
Back to PD, there’s a report on the first plenary meeting of the 14th session of the 14th NPCSC. Zhao Leji chaired this meeting. The report informs that the meeting heard a report on the revision of the draft Private Economy Promotion Law by Xin Chunying, Chairman of the Constitution and Law Committee of the NPC. The second draft of the law:
further reflects the requirements of the Party Central Committee on building a high-level socialist market economy system and optimiSing the development environment of the private economy
adds provisions that the State Council and local people's governments at or above the county level regularly report to the Standing Committee of the People's Congresses at the same level on the promotion of the development of the private economy;
further enriches and improves the relevant areas of legal protection;
adds relevant provisions to leverage the role of industry associations and chambers of commerce in promoting the development of the private economy
A separate Xinhua report informs that:
According to the provisions of the Legislative Law, laws, regulations, rules and other normative documents that are closely related to the production and operation activities of business entities are interpretations of the specific application of laws in trial and prosecution work and do not have retroactive effect, except for special provisions made to better protect the rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations. 对此草案二审稿中增加规定:一是,根据立法法的规定,与经营主体生产经营活动密切相关的法律、法规、规章和其他规范性文件,属于审判、检察工作中具体应用法律的解释,不溯及既往,但为了更好地保护公民、法人和其他组织的权利和利益而作的特别规定除外.
In cases where there are multiple inspection items targeting the same subject of inspection, they should be combined as much as possible or incorporated into the scope of cross-departmental joint inspections. 二是,针对同一检查对象的多个检查事项,应当尽可能合并或者纳入跨部门联合检查范围.
No unit may collect fees from private economic organizations in violation of laws and regulations, may not implement fines without basis in laws and regulations, and may not apportion property to private economic organizations. 三是,任何单位不得违反法律、法规向民营经济组织收取费用,不得实施没有法律、法规依据的罚款,不得向民营经济组织摊派财物.
Relevant industry associations and chambers of commerce shall, in accordance with laws, regulations and their charters, play a coordinating and self-regulatory role, promptly reflect industry demands, and provide private economic organizations and their operators with services in information consultation, publicity and training, market expansion, rights protection, dispute resolution and other aspects. 有关行业协会商会依照法律、法规和章程,发挥协调和自律作用,及时反映行业诉求,为民营经济组织及其经营者提供信息咨询、宣传培训、市场拓展、权益保护、纠纷处理等方面的服务.
Back to PD, the report adds that the State Council has proposed a motion to submit a draft revision to the Civil Aviation Law for deliberation. The aim of this is to “safeguard the country’s airspace sovereignty and civil aviation rights, ensure the safety and orderly conduct of civil aviation activities, protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties involved in civil aviation activities, and promote the high-quality development of civil aviation.” The report adds that Minister of Transport Liu Wei provided an explanation in this regard.
The meeting reviewed the draft report of the NPCSC, which will be presented at the Two Sessions. It reviewed the proposals of the Chairman’s Meeting to submit for review the draft agenda of the Third Session of the 14th National People's Congress, the draft list of the Presidium and the Secretary-General, and the draft list of attendees. The meeting listened to the report on the qualifications of individual representatives made by Yang Xiaochao, Chairman of the Qualifications Review Committee of the NPCSC.
Next, today’s report based on netizen’s questions discusses the goods trade-in policy. The piece tells us that:
Data released by the Ministry of Commerce show that in 2024, more than 6.8 million cars were replaced by new ones nationwide, more than 36 million consumers purchased more than 56 million new products in 8 categories of home appliances, approximately 60 million home renovation and kitchen and bathroom ‘renewal’ subsidised products were sold, and more than 1.38 million electric bicycles were replaced through the policy. 商务部发布的数据显示:2024年,全国汽车以旧换新超过680万辆,超3600万名消费者购买8大类家电以旧换新产品超过5600万台,家装厨卫“焕新”补贴产品约6000万件,电动自行车以旧换新超过138万辆.
It says that the trade-in policy “is benefiting an increasing number of consumers, turning people's aspirations for a better life into reality.” It adds that “regarding concerns raised by netizens about merchants engaging in ‘raising prices before offering discounts’, relevant departments have long clarified that consumer complaint and reporting channels remain open. Any business entity that fails to honor its pricing commitments, engages in ‘raising prices before offering discounts’, or fraudulently obtains subsidy funds will be immediately disqualified from participating in the program, and any state subsidy funds received will be recovered.” 积少成多,聚沙成塔,以旧换新惠及越来越多消费者,让人们对美好生活的向往变为现实。关于网友提到的担心商家“先涨价后打折”问题,相关部门早已明确,畅通消费者举报投诉渠道。对不履行价格承诺、“先涨价后打折”、套取补贴资金的经营主体,会第一时间取消其参与活动资格,并追缴国家补贴资金.
Then the piece talks about the policy’s broader benefit to the Chinese economy. It makes the following points:
First, the program is leading to the sale of more high-tech and high-efficiency products. In 2024, more than 60% of vehicles replaced through the program were upgraded to new energy vehicles, with over 6.6 million old cars replaced by either new energy vehicles or energy-efficient automobiles. 消费品以旧换新中,高技术、高能效产品备受青睐。2024年,汽车以旧换新中,换购新能源车的比例超过60%,超过660万辆老旧汽车更新为新能源汽车或者节能型汽车. Taking the trade-in of home appliances as an example, the sales of first-class energy-efficient products accounted for more than 90%, driving the retail sales of high-efficiency and smart home appliances to grow by double digits for four consecutive months; in the trade-in of home furnishing kitchen and bathroom, nearly 10 million smart home products, such as intelligent toilets, robot vacuums, and smart door locks, were purchased. 再以家电以旧换新为例,一级能效产品销售额占比超过90%,带动高能效等级和智能家电零售额连续4个月超两位数增长;家装厨卫以旧换新中,智能坐便器、扫地机器人、智能门锁等智能家居产品换新近1000万件. The program is pushing different industries to the track of high-end, intelligent and green development. 需求端的爆发,带动相关产业在高端化、智能化、绿色化的“新赛道”上加速前行.
Second, the program is benefiting foreign and domestic brands both, as it adheres to the principle of openness and equal treatment. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, foreign brands accounted for approximately 35% of new car sales under the program, driving a significant recovery in sales for foreign car manufacturers. In the home appliance trade-in sector, foreign brands accounted for over 16% of sales across the eight major appliance categories. 值得一提的是,以旧换新坚持内外一致、高度开放,外商投资企业积极参与、同等受益。商务部数据显示,汽车以旧换新销量中,外资品牌新车占比约35%。受此带动,外资车企销量显著回升。家电以旧换新销售额中,8大类家电产品外资品牌占比超过16%.
If consumption is the lifeblood of the economy, then the old-for-new trade-in program serves as a valve that unleashes economic vitality. In 2024, the trade-in program for consumer goods drove over 1.3 trillion yuan in related product sales, significantly boosting consumption. 如果把消费比作经济的活水,以旧换新就像是开闸的阀门,让经济发展更加充满活力和生机。2024年,消费品以旧换新带动相关产品销售额超过1.3万亿元,拉动消费成效显著.
Finally, there’s a report on the expansion of China’s marine economy. Xinhua reports:
“China’s marine economy achieved a significant milestone in 2024, with its gross ocean product (GOP) exceeding 10 trillion yuan ($1.4 trillion) for the first time, according to data released on Monday by the Ministry of Natural Resources. An annual report by the ministry shows that the GOP had reached 10.54 trillion yuan in 2024, marking an increase of 5.9 percent from the previous year, while demonstrating robust growth across multiple sectors. Marine manufacturing emerged as a key driver, accounting for over 30 percent of the total GOP. Notably, the service sector was the largest contributor to the marine economy in 2024, contributing 59.6 percent of the total GOP. Tourism showed strong recovery signals, with cruise travel experiencing a significant uptick in popularity. Offshore wind power entered a new phase of scaled development, as annual power generation grew by nearly 30 percent year-on-year. The report also highlighted significant growth in marine development projects last year. In 2024, authorities approved 4,123 new sea and island utilization projects covering 263,000 hectares -- with total investments of 1.07 trillion yuan. These figures represent year-on-year increases of 70 percent, 6.9 percent and 12.3 percent, respectively, supporting major offshore oil, gas and wind power projects”.
Page 2: There’s a report on a symposium that was held in Beijing to discuss the publication of a new book compiling Xi Jinping’s thoughts on party-building. The report says that:
“The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to take the opportunity of learning and using the book well to further understand, grasp and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on Party building, deeply understand its scientific system, theoretical quality and practical orientation, and more deeply understand the decisive significance of Two Establishments, enhance the four consciousnesses and four self-confidences, and achieve the Two Safeguards. We must continuously deepen systematic research and scholarly interpretation, profoundly grasp the deep principles, thorough academic theories, and profound philosophical principles contained in this important thought. We must persist in using this important thought to arm our minds, guide practice, and drive our work, transform learning outcomes into work effectiveness, promote high-quality development of Party-building research, and advance high-quality development of Party-building and organisational work with new research achievements, so as to provide strong organisational guarantees for comprehensively advancing the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernisation.” 会议指出,要以学好用好《概论》为契机,进一步把习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想领会深、把握准、落到位,深刻领会其科学体系、理论品质和实践指向,更加深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”。要不断深化体系化研究、学理化阐释,深刻把握这一重要思想蕴含的深刻道理、透彻学理、深邃哲理。要坚持用这一重要思想武装头脑、指导实践、推动工作,把学习成果转化为工作实效,推进党建研究高质量发展,以党建研究新成果推进党的建设和组织工作高质量发展,为以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业提供坚强组织保证.
Page 3: A couple of reports to note. First, ILD chief Liu Jianchao met with Sardor Umurzakov, the advisor on special assignments to the Uzbekistan president, in Beijing. All that the report says is that “they exchanged views on implementing the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, strengthening inter-party exchanges, deepening the sharing of experience in governance, and promoting the high-quality development of China-Uzbekistan relations.”
Second, there’s a report on Wang Yi’s remarks at the high-level meeting of the 58th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The full remarks in English are available on MoFA’s website. Wang said:
“President Xi Jinping has made a call for the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and put forward the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative, proposing China’s solution for the world. President Xi also points out that promoting and protecting human rights is a common cause for all humanity, and necessitates wide consultation and joint efforts. China stands ready to work with all countries to keep to the right approach to human rights and push for the reform and improvement of global human rights governance.
Firstly, we should stay committed to our original aspiration and founding mission, and clarify the true essence of the human rights cause. Democracy and freedom are not a decoration for display. The most important yardstick for a country’s human rights situation is whether the interests of its people are effectively protected and their sense of fulfillment, happiness and security improved. Therefore, we need to uphold a people-centered approach, make people’s interests the fundamental starting point and ultimate goal, and keep addressing the pressing and practical issues that people care the most. We need to ensure that development is for the people and by the people, its fruits are shared among the people, and its purpose is to deliver happiness to the people. We must say no to any words and deeds that use human rights as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries in disregard of national sovereignty and security and the safety of people’s lives.
Secondly, we should uphold fairness and justice and clarify the goal of the human rights cause. As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. The two International Covenants on Human Rights clearly stipulate that in no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence. Human rights should be an entitlement of all, not a prerogative of a few. The situation of the strong staying strong and the weak staying weak must not be allowed to continue, and the practice of pitting individual human rights against collective human rights must be redressed. To this end, the rights to subsistence and development should be taken as the fundamental human rights of primary importance. On the premise of safeguarding national sovereignty, security and dignity, we need to take a balanced approach to individual and collective rights, to advance political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, educational and other rights in tandem, and to further ensure equality and special protection for specific groups including women, children, the elderly, and people with disability. This is the way to ensure that all types of rights complement and reinforce each other. We must say no to any words and deeds that apply double or even multiple standards on human rights issues.
Thirdly, we should stay committed to engagement and mutual learning and clarify the path to promoting human rights. There is no one-size-fits-all model for human rights. Countries choose their own path to human rights progress according to their national conditions. No path is superior to others, and each has its own distinctive features. Human rights governance should be built by all, the benefits of human rights development should be shared by all, and its path and philosophy should be explored through engagement and mutual learning among all countries. In this regard, it is important for us to uphold true multilateralism, to adhere to the principles of impartiality, objectivity, non-selectivity and non-politicization, to conduct constructive dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual respect, to effectively increase the representation and voice of Global South countries, and to build a just, equitable and inclusive global human rights governance system. We must say no to any words and deeds that impose one’s own model or will upon others, that politicize, instrumentalize or weaponize human rights.
Finally, there’s a report on an event held in Oman by the State Council Information Office, discussing Chinese policies in Xinjiang. The report says that the delegation “introduced China’s policies, systems and practical experience in governing Xinjiang, systematically explained the achievements made in various aspects of Xinjiang’s economy and society, and emphasized that the Chinese government attaches great importance to Xinjiang’s development and ethnic unity, and people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are also working together to promote high-quality economic and social development in the local area.” 在宣介会上,交流团成员介绍了中国治理新疆的政策制度和实践经验,系统讲解了新疆经济社会各方面取得的成就,并强调中国政府高度重视新疆的发展和民族团结,新疆各族群众也正在同心协力推动当地经济社会高质量发展.
Lyu Jian, China’s ambassador to Oman, said that “the right to development is a fundamental human right, and religious inclusiveness is the cornerstone of civilisational progress. He opposed interference in other countries’ internal affairs under the pretext of human rights and religion and the application of double standards. China and Oman share similar civilisational values and should strengthen exchanges and cooperation.” 中国驻阿曼大使吕健表示,发展权是基本人权,宗教包容是文明进步的基石,反对以人权、宗教为由干涉他国内政,搞双重标准。中阿文明理念相近,应加强交流合作.
Page 7: Two reports of expulsions from the Party. First, Xinhua reports:
“Cao Xingxin, a former deputy general manager of telecom giant China Unicom, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and removed from public office, an official statement stated on Monday. The decision was made following the conclusion of an investigation into Cao for serious violations of Party discipline and laws, according to the statement from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision. Cao, also a former member of the leading Party members group of China Unicom, was found to have resisted investigations into his problems, traded power and money for sex, and intervened in law enforcement activities in violation of the regulations, the statement said. He was also found to have taken advantage of his positions to seek benefits for others in project contracting, work arrangement and job promotion, accepting huge amounts of money and property in return. Based on the investigation, Cao's actions constitute serious duty-related violations, and he is suspected of receiving bribes. A decision has been made to confiscate his illegal gains, and the case will be transferred to procuratorial authorities for review and prosecution, the statement added.”
Second, Xinhua reports that
“Tan Ruisong, former board chairman of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd., has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) over serious violations of Party discipline and laws, the country’s top anti-graft body said on Monday. The decision came following an investigation by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision upon the approval of the CPC Central Committee, according to a statement released by the anti-graft agency. Tan also formerly served as secretary of the corporation’s leading Party members group. The alleged offenses include obstructing the investigation, engaging in superstitious activities, trading power for sex, and embezzling large amounts of public funds and property, according to the statement. By taking advantage of his various positions, Tan was also found to have sought benefits for others in enterprise restructuring, mergers and acquisition, project contracting, and employment, and accepted large sums of money and valuables in return, the statement read. Based on the investigation, Tan's alleged actions constitute serious duty-related violations, embezzlement and bribery. A decision has been made to confiscate his illegal gains, and the case will be transferred to procuratorial authorities for review and prosecution, the statement added.
thank you very much for your work