Xi's Party School Speech - Wang Yi Talks to Ukraine's Kuleba - Spiritual Civilisation - Horn of Africa Peace Conference - Zhong Sheng on Rebalancing China-US Ties - Xu Qin Backs Two Establishments
Here are the stories and pieces that I found noteworthy from the Wednesday, March 02, 2022, edition of the People’s Daily.
Page 1: Much of the page is dedicated to Xi Jinping’s speech at the opening ceremony of a training program for young and middle-aged officials at the Central Party School.
The report says:
“Xi Jinping emphasised that ideals and beliefs are the foundation of building the Party and for it to prosper, and also the foundation for Party members and cadres to settle down and move ahead with one’s pursuit in life (安身立命).” He said that the “most important thing for young cadres to ensure was that they “adhere to Marxist beliefs and strive for the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Party members and cadres can lead noble and fulfilling lives only when they keep the world in mind, aim high, remain true to their original mission, integrate their ideals into the cause of the Party and the people, and make it their greatest happiness to strive for the happiness of the people. If you are firm in your ideals and beliefs, you must profess them before you believe them, and believe them before you act. Strengthening ideals and beliefs is not a momentary process. Rather, it is a matter of one’s lifetime. We should practice constantly, learn constantly and make progress constantly, be steadfast in good times and bad times, and stand the test of big waves.” 习近平强调,理想信念是立党兴党之基,也是党员干部安身立命之本。年轻干部接好班,最重要的是接好坚持马克思主义信仰、为共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想而奋斗的班。党员干部只有胸怀天下、志存高远,不忘初心使命,把人生理想融入党和人民事业之中,把为人民幸福而奋斗作为自己最大的幸福,才能拥有高尚的、充实的人生。坚定理想信念,必先知之而后信之,信之而后行之。坚定理想信念不是一阵子而是一辈子的事,要常修常炼、常悟常进,无论顺境逆境都坚贞不渝,经得起大浪淘沙的考验.
“Young members and cadres must keep in mind that integrity is a blessing and greed is a curse. They should always keep in mind the Party’s theory, line, principles and policies, the Party constitution, rules and discipline, and their original mission to see clearly whether certain things should be done and whether they can be done; always be self-conscious, and strictly observe the rules and regulations. In order to keep the defensive line against corruption and degeneration, it is of utmost importance to maintain one’s inner being (内心). Starting from the smallest of matters, be upright and clear-minded, cherish morality and self-respect, brush off ‘ideological dust’ frequently, think about ‘the harms of greed’, frequently break through/surmount ‘the evil within’, and ensure that there is no rashness in thoughts or deeds.” –习近平指出,年轻干部必须牢记清廉是福、贪欲是祸的道理,经常对照党的理论和路线方针政策、对照党章党规党纪、对照初心使命,看清一些事情该不该做、能不能干,时刻自重自省,严守纪法规矩。守住拒腐防变防线,最紧要的是守住内心,从小事小节上守起,正心明道、怀德自重,勤掸“思想尘”、多思“贪欲害”、常破“心中贼”,以内无妄思保证外无妄动。--- Quick thought: It’s really difficult to convey the emotive connotation of all this in English. It’s much easier to do so in Hindi.
Xi Jinping emphasised that officials should guard against corruption and degeneration at every level and everywhere. To maintain the political barrier, we must remain firm on the political front, always state our political position clearly, be extremely clear-headed and firm when it comes to political principles in the face of major rights and wrongs, do not engage in double-dealing, never be a two-faced person and never compromise the Party’s principles. Always maintain a sense of reverence for power, and adhere to the fair use of power, the use of power in accordance with the law, the use of power for the people and with integrity. In maintaining relationships, one must adhere to principles and rules of communication, and constantly purify one’s social circle, circle of livelihood, and circle of friends. We must guard close family ties and strictly regulate family practices. We must not only set an example by ourselves, but also watch our relatives and children more closely and manage them more frequently. It is necessary to guard the gate of one’s livelihood/life, cultivate healthy tastes, advocate simple living, and maintain the true character of the Communists. It is necessary to guard the gate of one’s family and strictly regulate family practices. We should not only set an example by ourselves, but also pay close attention to the relatives and children more closely and manage them more frequently. 习近平强调,干部守住守牢拒腐防变防线,要层层设防、处处设防。要守住政治关,时刻绷紧旗帜鲜明讲政治这根弦,在大是大非面前、在政治原则问题上做到头脑特别清醒、立场特别坚定,决不当两面派、做两面人,决不拿党的原则做交易。要守住权力关,始终保持对权力的敬畏感,坚持公正用权、依法用权、为民用权、廉洁用权。要守住交往关,交往必须有原则、有规矩,不断净化社交圈、生活圈、朋友圈。要守住生活关,培养健康情趣,崇尚简朴生活,保持共产党人本色。要守住亲情关,严格家教家风,既要自己以身作则,又要对亲属子女看得紧一点、管得勤一点.
The next paragraph says that Xi Jinping pointed out that “Party spirit plays a decisive role in establishing and practising a correct view of political achievements. Only by being strong in Party spirit and abandoning selfish distractions can we ensure that there is no deviation in the view of political achievements. Communists must bear in mind that serving the people is the greatest achievement.” 习近平指出,树立和践行正确政绩观,起决定性作用的是党性。只有党性坚强、摒弃私心杂念,才能保证政绩观不出偏差。共产党人必须牢记,为民造福是最大政绩.
Xinhua English has a decent summary of the rest of what he said in the paragraph:
“He said that, when making and implementing plans, they must remain committed to the Party’s fundamental purpose of wholeheartedly serving the people, and to the principle that development is for the people, reliant on the people, and that its fruits are shared by the people. ‘What are concrete services to the satisfaction of the people should be determined by the needs of the people,’ Xi continued. ‘Whether officials are doing a good job depends on how the people feel and is judged by the people.’ In delivering real, substantial benefits to the people, Xi said, officials should avoid only addressing the immediate concerns of the people and also ensure that no undesired consequences are created.”
He then said that in achieving the second centennial goal, it is important to “adhere to the Party’s basic line and take economic development as the central task. However, under the new situation, we should not wear new shoes and follow the old road, but we must fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, speed up the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development. Faced with this new situation and new tasks, Party members and cadres must work hard, be pragmatic, take practical steps, seek practical results, do well, and resolutely put an end to the practice of rhetorical-, declaratory- and package-style implementation. When it comes to high priority tasks, we must act swiftly and resolutely, rather than be slow and procrastinate. For long-term tasks, we should maintain strategic resolve and patience, stick to a blueprint, and ensure great achievements for a long time. It is necessary to strengthen precise thinking, take the overall situation into account when planning, and be meticulous and precise in operation…” 习近平强调,实现第二个百年奋斗目标,我们要坚持党的基本路线,坚持以经济建设为中心,但在新形势下发展不能穿新鞋走老路,必须完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,加快构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展。业绩都是干出来的,真干才能真出业绩、出真业绩。面对新形势新任务,党员干部一定要真抓实干,务实功、出实招、求实效,善作善成,坚决杜绝口号式、表态式、包装式落实的做法。对当务之急,要立说立行、紧抓快办,不能慢慢吞吞、拖拖拉拉。对长期任务,要保持战略定力和耐心,坚持一张蓝图绘到底,滴水穿石,久久为功。要强化精准思维,做到谋划时统揽大局、操作中细致精当,以绣花功夫把工作做扎实、做到位.
In the next paragraph, Xi tells cadres to “integrate theory with practice, focus on learning true knowledge and understanding the true meaning through practice, strengthen training and enhance their ability.” He also calls on them to be “modest and attentive” and be like a “primary school student,” asking questions when they do not know something, rather than pretending that they know it all. The next paragraph focuses on the call to struggle. Xi talks about the need to be fearless and selfless. He says: “Those who are unselfish are fearless, and those who are fearless can take on responsibility and be able to struggle.” 无私者无畏,无畏者才能担当、能斗争.
Xinhua English summarises the next bit well: “Xi urged Party officials, especially those in leading positions, to take the initiative instead of hesitating to seize opportunities, and rise to the difficulties and risks instead of evading their responsibilities. Noting that all work must be built on the CPC Central Committee’s decisions and plans, Xi stressed that partial and local interests should not be pursued at the expense of overall interests, and short-term advantage should not be put above fundamental or long-term interests.”
Also: “Xi Jinping pointed out that in recent years, we have stressed that we must be prepared for a great struggle with many new historical characteristics. It is only with such ideological preparation that we can calmly cope with a series of risks and tests. Numerous facts tell us that only by fighting bravely and proficiently can we win dignity and initiative and earnestly safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests. Young cadres must stand tall, charge ahead, and brave the world through the wind and rain in their struggle.” 习近平指出,这些年,我们强调必须准备进行具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争,正是有了这样的思想准备,我们才能从容应对一系列风险考验。无数事实告诉我们,唯有以狭路相逢勇者胜的气概,敢于斗争、善于斗争,我们才能赢得尊严、赢得主动,切实维护国家主权、安全、发展利益。年轻干部一定要挺起脊梁、冲锋在前,在斗争中经风雨、见世面.
The final paragraph about Xi’s comments discusses the Party’s mass work. In it, he talks about the importance of using means like letters and visits to understand the needs of the masses. He also calls on leading cadres to “learn, understand and use the Internet” for this purpose. Finally, Chen Xi presided over the session. Wang Huning, Ding Xuexiang, and Huang Kunming were in attendance as per the report.
Quick thought: When thinking about the message Xi is sending to cadres about policy design and implementation, I think it’s useful to consider the report in its totality. As a young Party official, this speech only tells you that it’s only going to get tougher to balance the different priorities that one has to address. Xi Jinping wants growth, but he wants it to be of the high-quality variety. At the same time, he doesn’t want unintended consequences, as officials try to address short-term needs and balance them with long-term policy objectives. So what’s the flexibility that officials have in maintaining this balance? Very little, it seems. Yes, there are points where Xi Jinping is saying things like he wants cadres to take the initiative, seize opportunities, rise to challenges, do practical things, and respond to the calls and needs of the people, etc. But he’s also emphasising that “all work must be built on the CPC Central Committee’s decisions and plans.” In that sense, this is not a speech about encouraging policy innovation and flexibility, rather it is about the implementation of top-level design. What’s challenging about this is that deviations from top-level design to meet local needs has the potential to land you in a disciplinary problem.
Next, there’s the third piece in the series “Endeavour to build a strong country: General Secretary leads Chinese-style modernization in this way.” This article talks about spiritual civilisation and socialist core values. I am summarising in brief here.
The piece offers a bunch of quotes from Xi about the dialectical relationship between material civilization and spiritual civilization. The argument is that a rising nation does not simply need to cultivate material power but also spiritual power. The four self-confidences are a part of this spiritual power. For instance, ideas and beliefs are the calcium of the Communists; if there is faith in the heart, there is strength in the feet, etc. The piece talks about model cadres, winners of national medals and national honorary titles and the significance of their deeds.
Later the piece argues that “Fundamentally, the cultural soft power of a country depends on the vitality, cohesion and appeal of its core values.” 一个国家的文化软实力,从根本上说,取决于其核心价值观的生命力、凝聚力、感召力.
An excerpt to make this point about values:
“On February 24, 2014, when presiding over the 13th collective study of the Politburo of the 18th Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must consolidate the common ideological foundation of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the united struggle, and consolidate the Party’s ruling status. We will continue to strengthen the construction of the socialist core values system, and regard the cultivation and promotion of socialist core values as a fundamental project to gather energy and strengthen the foundation…” 2014年2月24日,习近平总书记主持十八届中共中央政治局第十三次集体学习时指出:“我们要从巩固全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础、巩固党的执政地位的战略高度,持续加强社会主义核心价值体系建设,把培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观作为凝魂聚气、强基固本的基础工程,作为一项根本任务,切实抓紧抓好.”
“Among the core socialist values, the deepest, most fundamental and most eternal is patriotism.” 在社会主义核心价值观中,最深层、最根本、最永恒的是爱国主义. In the discussion on patriotism, the piece also talks about the importance of patriotic entrepreneurs. There’s a quote from Liu Qingfeng, who is an NPC deputy and the president of iFLYTEK. Liu says:
“General Secretary Xi Jinping’s ardent expectation for entrepreneurs is a great encouragement and spurs us. Private entrepreneurs must seek to emulate the virtuous/wisdom of the past, enhance their feelings for the country and their sense of social responsibilities, give full play to the role in ensuring that those who become rich first should lead and assist those who are not yet rich, and actively participate in and set up social welfare undertakings. We are always mindful of our social responsibility to promote the wide application of AI technology in education, employment and entrepreneurship, primary-level medical care, family care and enterprise development.” — “习近平总书记对企业家的殷切期望,是对我们的极大激励与鞭策。”全国人大代表、科大讯飞董事长刘庆峰说,“民营企业家要见贤思齐,增强家国情怀、担当社会责任,发挥先富帮后富的作用,积极参与和兴办社会公益事业。我们时刻不忘担当社会责任,推动人工智能技术在教育均衡、就业创业、基层医疗、家庭养老、企业发展等方面广泛应用."
After this, there’s a bit about respecting he elderly. There’s an example of Xi offering a seat to two older cadres during an event at the Great Hall in November 2017. After this, he told cadres that giving up one’s seat to older model workers/role models is representative of respecting the elderly or those who have paved the way for the current lot. This is followed by talk about China’s 5000-year-old civilisation and then the significance of Red as the brightest background colour of the Party and China, etc.
Also on the page, there’s a long piece about the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core caring about the cause of the disabled. I am not running through this, but I guess this is linked to the Beijing Winter Paralympics.
Finally, a report about the CPPCC Standing Committee meeting in Beijing to prepare for the body’s annual session later this week. Wang Yang presided over the session. Xinhua English reports that the session heard explanations on the drafting of the work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and a report on how the Standing Committee has handled proposals put forward by political advisors, among others. It also heard reports on the work of the special committees of the CPPCC National Committee and reports on the political advisory body's personnel issues.
Page 3: Quite a few pieces to note on the page. First, we have a report about Wang Yi’s call with Ukranian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. Xinhua English says:
‘Kuleba briefed Wang about the first round of Ukraine-Russia talks, saying that the end of the fighting is the top priority for Ukraine. Ukraine stays open to a negotiated settlement to the current issue and treats the talks with Russia with positive sincerity, said Kuleba, adding that despite current difficulties, the Ukrainian side remains calm and willing to push forward the talks. China has played a constructive role in the Ukrainian issue, said Kuleba, mentioning that Ukraine stands ready to strengthen communication with the Chinese side and looks forward to China's mediation in achieving a ceasefire.” – I thought it was interesting that Beijing put this out like this.
From Wang Yi’s viewpoint, the piece says:
“Wang said that the situation in Ukraine has changed rapidly, and that China laments the outbreak of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and is extremely concerned with the harm to civilians. China's basic position on the Ukrainian issue is open, transparent and consistent, said Wang, noting that China always stands for respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. Regarding the current crisis, China calls on Ukraine and Russia to find a solution to the issue through negotiations, and supports all constructive international efforts conducive to a political settlement, said Wang. China always believes that one country's security cannot be at the expense of others' security, and security of one region cannot be achieved by expanding military blocs, Wang stressed. As the fighting continues to expand, the top priority is to ease the situation as much as possible to prevent the conflict from escalating or even getting out of control, especially to prevent harm to civilians as well as a humanitarian crisis, and to ensure the safe and timely access of humanitarian aid, he said.
— Quick thought: I simply do not see this as a significant shift in Beijing’s position. In fact, I agree with Wang Yi: “China's basic position on the Ukrainian issue is open, transparent and consistent.” China is worried about civilian casualties, of course. Part of this is because there are still many Chinese nationals in Ukraine, and there have been some reports about them getting caught in the violence. Also, mounting civilian deaths will only make it more difficult for Beijing to maintain this balance, which is essentially an uneven balance favouring Moscow. But it is worth noting that Beijing calls the current situation a “conflict between Ukraine and Russia.” I am sorry, but this is not a conflict between the two countries. This is an act of aggression by Russia on Ukraine. Instead of acknowledging this, Wang, it seems, spent time lecturing Kuleba about NATO. I also find it fascinating that Beijing says that its position is based on the “merits of the Ukraine issue itself.” What does this really mean? Does Beijing see merit in Russian bombing of a sovereign state because it feels insecure with the possible choices that a legitimately elected government in that country may make?
The other aspect of the Chinese readout says:
“Wang elaborated on China's position with regard to ensuring the safety of Chinese nationals in Ukraine and urged the Ukrainian side to assume corresponding international responsibilities. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the safety of Chinese nationals in Ukraine and cares about their safety every moment, Wang noted, adding that all Chinese nationals in Ukraine are envoys of China-Ukraine friendship and friends of the Ukrainian people. The process of evacuating overseas Chinese and students from Ukraine is underway, Wang said, expressing gratitude to the Ukrainian side for support, cooperation and help from the Ukrainian government and society. China appreciates Ukraine's launch of special evacuation trains for foreign nationals, which is in line with the international humanitarian spirit, Wang said. Wang said he hopes the Ukrainian side will take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals in Ukraine and continue to provide guarantee and facilitation for their evacuation. Kuleba said that it is an important duty for Ukraine to ensure the safety of foreign nationals, and that Ukraine pays great attention to China's concerns and is assisting Chinese students and nationals to evacuate smoothly. Ukraine will continue to ensure the safe evacuation of foreign nationals responsibly, Kuleba added.”
Also, on the page today, we have the details from the MoFA presser yesterday.
CCTV: It is reported that the Russian and Ukrainian delegations held negotiations in the Belarusian city of Gomel at the Belarus-Ukraine border on February 28. China has been saying that it hopes the two sides can seek a political settlement to the Ukraine issue through peaceful negotiations. Do you have any comment on the current negotiation situation?
Wang Wenbin: China always supports and encourages all diplomatic efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis and welcomes the launch of the peaceful negotiations by Russia and Ukraine. We have noted that the two sides have agreed to conduct a new round of negotiations shortly. We hope they can keep up the dialogue and negotiation process to seek a political settlement that accommodates both sides’ legitimate security concerns, achieves common security in Europe and promotes Europe’s lasting peace and stability. — Well at least, they now see that both sides have legitimate security concerns.
Some other questions on Ukraine from the presser.
Reuters: You said yesterday that one country’s security cannot be at the expense of others’ security; still less should one country flagrantly undermine others’ sovereignty and security for its own absolute military advantage and absolute security. We would like to clarify, do you mean Russia or some other country?
Wang Wenbin: I can give you a clear explanation. As noted by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, China advocates common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. China believes that the security of one country should not come at the expense of the security of other countries, still less should regional security be guaranteed by strengthening or even expanding military blocs. The Cold War mentality should be discarded completely. The legitimate security concerns of all countries should be respected. Given NATO’s five consecutive rounds of eastward expansion, Russia's legitimate security demands ought to be taken seriously and properly addressed. I hope I’ve made it clear enough.
Bloomberg: The New York Times has reported that some 500,000 people have fled Ukraine, and as yet, China hasn’t described this as an invasion. How would you like to characterize Russia’s activities in the Ukraine?
Wang Wenbin: We have answered this question many times. You may refer to that. I want to stress that China’s position on the Ukraine issue is consistent. We have no selfish interests on the Ukraine issue. China always decides its position based on the merits of the Ukraine issue itself.
Reuters: Will the crisis boost Russian demand for Chinese goods as it shifts away from imports from Europe and also envisages a bigger role of Yuan in bilateral trade with Russia?
Wang Wenbin: As we have repeatedly said, we believe that sanctions are not an effective solution to solve problems. It is China’s consistent position that we oppose all illegal unilateral sanctions. China and Russia will continue to carry out normal trade cooperation following the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.
Moving on, a report on Wang Yi’s call with his Somali counterpart Abdisaid Muse Ali. Xinhua reports:
Stressing that China attaches great importance to bilateral relations and firmly supports the Somali side in safeguarding its national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, Wang said that China is willing to take the Belt and Road cooperation and implementation of the outcomes of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) as an opportunity to elevate bilateral relations to a higher level. China will continue to provide assistance for the reconstruction and development of Somalia, hold consultations with the Somali side on the implementation of the "nine programs" of the FOCAC, draw up the list of priorities for cooperation and provide much-needed humanitarian aid. China will also discuss with Somalia the implementation of projects to improve people's livelihood in areas with relatively good security situation, and strengthen practical cooperation in agriculture, fishery, health and other fields, said Wang. China will provide Somalia with a batch of emergency food aid and more vaccines to help the country cope with drought and fight the pandemic…
“China will continue to adhere to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs and help the countries in the Horn of Africa better meet the triple challenges of security, development and governance, said Wang. The special envoy for the Horn of Africa affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Xue Bing has assumed office and will soon go to work in the region, said Wang. China looks forward to the convening at an early date of the Horn of Africa peace conference by countries in the region through consultation, he added.
Ali expressed “firm opposition to Taiwan's collusion with Somalia's northern region of Somaliland, which infringed upon Somalia's sovereignty.”
Next, there’s a Zhong Sheng commentary on China-US ties. It says that “at present, China-US relations are facing a new historic choice. The two countries should learn from historical experience, strengthen communication and cooperation, and grasp the direction of bilateral relations keeping in mind the trend of the times, so as to play their due roles for the cause of mankind’s peace and development.”
The next paragraph talks about the evolution of China-US ties over the past 50 years, since the signing of the Shanghai Communique. Basically, it paints a picture of positive growth in bilateral ties and cooperation on international issues.
“Today, China and the United States are the world’s largest developing and developed countries, respectively. The global influence of Sino-US relations has further increased, and cooperation between the two sides can bring more benefits to the world. However, because of a wrong understanding of China, the United States has positioned China as its main strategic competitor and sought to contain and suppress China. This has led to rare severe challenges in Sino-US relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties. This situation not only severely limits the ability of China and the United States to lead international cooperation, but has also led to serious concerns within the international community that the world will fall back into division. The international community generally hopes that China and the United States will adhere to the responsibility of major powers and play an active role in coping with increasing global challenges through cooperation.” 今天,中美分别是最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美关系的全球影响进一步上升,双方合作可以给世界带来更多福祉。然而,美国出于错误的对华认知,将中国作为主要战略竞争对手,对中国进行遏制打压,导致中美关系面临建交以来少有的严峻挑战。这不仅严重限制了中美引领国际合作的能力,也引起了国际社会对世界重陷分裂的严重担忧。国际社会普遍希望中美坚持大国责任,为合作应对日益增多的全球性挑战发挥积极作用.
The next paragraph is even more interesting.
“Looking back on the ‘week that changed the world’ 50 years ago, an important revelation is that we must grasp the historical trend when it comes to Sino-US relations. At that time, Chairman Mao Zedong talked about international relations and discussed ‘philosophical issues’ when meeting with President Nixon. Former US Secretary of State Kissinger recalled that Nixon's dialogue with Chinese leaders mainly focused on the macro world order, rather than specific issues, thereby avoiding the immediate differences from hindering the overall improvement of bilateral relations. If China and the United States want to find a way for the two countries to get along correctly in the new era, they too must keep in mind the big picture and be broad-minded, while adhering to the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. Some American politicians should realize that advocating the so-called ‘political correctness’ of being tough on China and suppressing China is actually a manifestation of lack of strategic vision and responsibility, and a complete abandonment of the responsibility of a major country. In the long run, this kind of practice is bound to add great risks to the world, which is actually the biggest case of political incorrectness.” 回望50年前那“改变世界的一周”,一条重要启示就是必须在历史大势中把握中美关系。当年,毛泽东主席在会见尼克松总统时畅谈国际关系,探讨“哲学问题”。美国前国务卿基辛格回忆指出,尼克松同中国领导人的对话主要聚焦宏观世界秩序,而非具体问题,从而避免了让眼前的分歧阻碍两国关系总体改善。中美双方要找到新时期两国正确相处之道,也必须展现大格局、大胸怀,坚持相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢三原则。美国一些政客应认识到,鼓吹所谓对华强硬、打压中国的“政治正确”,实际上是缺乏战略眼光和担当精神的体现,是对大国责任的彻底背弃。从长远看,这种做法势必给世界增添巨大风险,恰恰是最大的政治不正确。
The next paragraph talks up the immense possibilities for cooperation between the two sides. In this, it adds:
“The Asia-Pacific is a region where the interests of China and the US are most intertwined and where the two countries interact most frequently. It should serve as a demonstration zone for building mutual trust and cooperation, rather than a backyard where one side seeks spheres of influence, still less an arena for confrontation and conflict between the two countries.” 亚太是中美利益交融最集中的地区,也是两国互动最频密的地区,理应成为双方构建互信合作的示范田,而非一方谋求势力范围的后花园,更不是两国对立冲突的角斗场.
The last bit reiterates Wang Yi’s comments that Since the door of China-U.S. relations has been opened, it should not be closed again. Since the world has emerged from the Cold War, it should not see the descending of another iron curtain. It calls on the US to revisit the original intention of breaking the ice in the past, inherit and carry forward that historical experience, conform to the expectations of the international community and return to a rational and pragmatic China policy.”
Quick Thought: This article along with Wang Yi’s comments at the 50th anniversary of the Shanghai Communique represent an effort at outreach by Beijing. This is fascinating timing. It’s clear that China desires some sort of a rebalancing of the American view of the bilateral relationship along with an accommodation of China’s ambitions in the Indo-Pacific. But how likely is this going to be, when:
first, trust levels are reportedly so low that Beijing ignored every warning and even the intel shared about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In fact, it not only ignored but actively sought to undermine it publicly.
second, the US administration is increasingly viewing the world from the prism of democracy vs autocracy. I think this is a framework that is not simply about foreign policy but is interconnected with US domestic policy following the events of January 6, 2021. So if this is the prism, then can a strategic rebalance be possible and even sustainable?
finally, what is Beijing willing to give as part of this outreach?
The last piece on the page that I’d like to highlight is this session at the sidelines of the UNHRC organised by the Chinese side. It says: “The international community should properly handle the relationship between the universality of human rights and cultural diversity, and strive to build a mode of consultation and exchange based on equality, freedom and voluntary dialogue”
Page 4: A report about Guo Shengkun presiding over a meeting of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Committee. He talks about the two establishments and the 4-4-2 formulation. He talks about studying Xi’s recent speech on human rights to the Politburo and ensuring good work related to the security around the NPC and the Winter Paralympics.
Page 9: On the theory page, the piece is by Xu Qin, the Party Secretary of Heilongjiang Province. He makes a bid to please the big boss by arguing that “We must deeply understand the decisive significance of the ‘two establishments’, internalise the ‘two establishments’ in our hearts and put them into practice, increase historical self-confidence, enhance unity, and strengthen the spirit of struggle, so as to forge ahead in a new journey and make contributions with the new era with a more high-spirited attitude.”
Xu argues:
“Since the 18th Party Congress, the most fundamental reason for the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country lies in the fact that General Secretary Xi Jinping has been at the helm as the core of the CPC Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, and in the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Practice has fully proved that General Secretary Xi Jinping is the well-deserved core of the Party, the people’s leader and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is contemporary Chinese Marxism and 21st century Marxism, which is the essence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, and has achieved a new leap in the sinicization of Marxism. The ‘Two Establishments’ are not only the result of historical development, the crystallisation of historical struggle, but also the enlightenment of historical experience and the revelation of historical laws, fully demonstrating our Party’s high historical consciousness and self-confidence.” 党的十八大以来,党和国家事业之所以能够取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革,最根本的原因在于有习近平总书记作为党中央的核心、全党的核心掌舵领航,在于有习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引。实践充分证明,习近平总书记是众望所归、当之无愧的党的核心、人民领袖、军队统帅,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是当代中国马克思主义、二十一世纪马克思主义,是中华文化和中国精神的时代精华,实现了马克思主义中国化新的飞跃。“两个确立”既是历史发展的结果、历史奋斗的结晶,也是历史经验的启迪、历史规律的昭示,充分彰显了我们党高度的历史自觉和历史自信.
He then says: “Resolutely defending the ‘Two Establishments’ must be reflected in the practical actions of resolutely achieving the ‘two safeguards’. We must work from the strategic height of thinking about the future and destiny of the Party and the country, resolutely safeguard General Secretary Xi Jinping’s position as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party and unswervingly implement Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and unswervingly move forward in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping.” 坚决捍卫“两个确立”,要体现到坚决做到“两个维护”的实际行动上。要从事关党和国家前途命运的战略高度,坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,坚定不移贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,坚定不移沿着习近平总书记指引的方向勇毅前行.
To do so, one must:
Enhance theoretical understanding of Xi thought and the 10 Clears
Speak clearly when it comes to politics, and translate the understanding of the decisive significance of the ‘two establishments” their ideological, political and action consciousness. Also, “constantly improve the political judgement, political understanding and political execution, be loyal to the core, support the core, safeguard the core and defend the core.”
Resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee
In the next three sections, he talks about the importance of integrating the Two Establishments from the perspective of development and revitalization, common prosperity and Party building.