Thank you very much for taking the time to send me these links. I realize your work demands a great deal of time and I am very thankful that your sent me this information. Rich Cartwright

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I have been trying to find commentary on Numbers 6 and 7 in the "10 Clears" series. I am guessing that they appeared on Feb. 19 and 20, 2022. I could not find them in the archive. Are they accessible somewhere else? Your work on this series as well as the other daily material you present has been invaluable in understanding and deciphering what's going on in China. Please advise when convenient.

Rich Cartwright


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Hi Richard, I didn't cover those two pieces because they were published last Saturday and Sunday in the paper. I can share the links if you'd like?

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I would like to read those articles to complete my understanding of the 10 Clears. The links to those pieces would be great. Thank you. Rich Cartwright

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